Dear Reader,
You’ve probably heard the saying that there is a God-shaped hole in your heart that only He can fill. But have you ever considered the opposite is true? There is a void in God’s heart that will only be satisfied by you. Our Father created us to desire relationships with others but more importantly to seek after an everlasting bond with Him. He misses you when you’re too busy to hear His voice. He searches for you when you are lost in the pressures of the day. He hears when you call out in distress and He’s always prepared to meet you where you are.
We live lives that are ten pounds of sugar in a five-pound sack. Eventually our seams will burst from the pressure if we allow the most important relationship of all to suffer. Don’t wait for a crisis that forces you to bend your knee, be still and allow God to take control. Go to Him today with praise for the promise that all things work together for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Until we meet again, let your light shine.