1. The cultural differences between Casey and Barrett might have been a problem in their relationship. Is culture something that can be overcome as long as there is other common ground? Why or why not?
  2. In addition to culture there was also a significant geographic barrier between our two lovebirds. How do people in love overcome distance? How do they overcome the distance between their families?
  3. Casey and Barrett were both Christians, but we do not know if they worshipped in the same denomination. As a relationship develops, when is it appropriate to have that conversation?
  4. When it becomes clear that there are major differences in theology, do you give up on the relationship or pray for change? How would you counsel your sibling, best friend or child in this situation?
  5. Many times couples marry without having the serious discussions identified in our first few questions. Why do you think we avoid topics that will be so critical to the success of a committed relationship?
  6. Casey is a woman I can identify with because of her driven nature. Knowing when it’s time to ease up on the accelerator is a struggle for me just like it was for Casey. Do you think we’ve become a nation of superwomen who equate boundaries with failure? Why or why not?
  7. Learning to accept and live within our limitations and/or boundaries can produce great character growth. Can you think of a time in your life when discovering a limitation actually set you free?
  8. Barrett had spent almost forty years trying to fit into the family’s expectations for his career. Which involves the greater risk: following the road map you’ve been given or striking out to find your dream? Which is more rewarding? Why or why not?
  9. Discuss a time when you went against everyone else’s expectations in order to create your own happiness. What happened as a result?
  10. Casey and Barrett were fortunate to have dear friends in whom they could confide and seek guidance. Why is it so difficult to have that same honesty and trust with family members who are otherwise supportive and loving?
  11. Barrett’s desire for a courtship period was an old-fashioned notion that appealed to Casey. Why do you think our modern world has abandoned a chaste time of personal discovery before marriage?
  12. The anxiety (panic) disorder Casey experienced is the fastest growing mental diagnosis in America. She found healing through prayer. Have you or a loved one suffered from similar symptoms? How did prayer help you through your experiences?