Operation Husky has been well covered over the years. From the Allied side, there are superb official histories by the British, US, and Canadian armies, as well as accounts by the Royal Navy, US Navy, and US Army Air Force. Many of these histories were written in the 1950s and so the vital issue of Allied Ultra signals intelligence was not openly discussed. Fortunately, the superb Hinsley study has a chapter devoted to this subject. Besides the published studies, there are numerous specialized reports and monographs, many unpublished, covering the campaign. From the Axis side, the Italian perspective is covered by an account by Guzzoni’s deputy, Gen. Faldella, as well as Santoni’s more recent official history. The US National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, MD (NARA II) has an extensive collection of captured Italian army documents, including excellent order-of-battle data on Italian dispositions on Sicily. There is no official German account, though there are a variety of accounts contained within the US Army’s Foreign Military Studies series by German commanders. Several of these were collected under the omnibus T-2 study. The most detailed English-language account of the Axis forces on Sicily was prepared under the direction of Magna Bauer to support the US Army’s official “Green Book” history of Husky. The Bauer study consists of 18 separate reports in the R-114 to R-147 series, totaling over a thousand pages. It has not been published but it is available at NARA II. Dozens, if not hundreds, of divisional and other unit histories from formations participating in Operation Husky have appeared in print, but they are not listed here owing to their sheer volume.


Government reports

Bauer, Magna, Axis Tactical Operations in Sicily, JulyAugust 1943 (US Army Office of Chief of Military History: 1959)

Fries, Walter, et al., The Battle of Sicily (US Army Foreign Military Studies T-2: 1950)

Rodt, Eberhardt, Studie über den Feldzug in Sizilien bei der 15. Pz.Gren.Div. MaiAugust 1943 (US Army Foreign Military Studies C-077: 1950)

Westphal, Siegfried, et al., The Italian Campaign April 194311 May 1944 (US Army Foreign Military Studies T-1A: 1950)

Airborne Missions in the Mediterranean 19421945 (USAF Historical Studies No. 74: 1955)

G-2 Estimate of the Enemy Situation (AFHQ: 1943)

Lessons from the Sicilian Campaign (AFHQ: 1943)

Notes on the Planning and Assault Phases of the Sicilian Campaign (Combined Operations Headquarters: 1943)

Participation of the Ninth & Twelfth Air Forces in the Sicilian Campaign (USAAF Historical Studies No. 37: 1945)

The Reduction of Pantelleria and Adjacent Islands 8 May14 June 1943 (USAAF Historical Studies No. 52: 1945)

Report of the Operations of the US Seventh Army in the Sicilian Campaign 10 July17 August 1943 (Seventh Army: 1943)

RAF Mediterranean Review, No. 4 JulySeptember 1943 (HQ RAF: 1943)

The Sicilian Campaign 10 July17 August 1943 (US Office of Naval Intelligence: 1945)



Arena, Nino, L’Italia in guerra 1940–45: Retroscena tecnico della disfatta (Ermanno Albertelli: 1997)

Blackwell, Ian, Battle for Sicily: Stepping Stone to Victory (Pen & Sword: 2008)

Bragadin, Marc, The Italian Navy in World War II (US Naval Institute: 1957)

Breuer, Aiilaim, Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike July 1943 (Presidio: 1943)

Clerici, Carlo, Le difese costiere italiane nelle due guerre mondiali (Storia Militare: 1996)

Craven, W. F. & Cate, J. L., The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume Two, Europe: Torch to Pointblank August 1942 to December 1943 (Office of Air Force History: 1983)

Deakin, F. W., The Brutal Friendship: Mussolini, Hitler and the Fall of Italian Fascism (Harper & Row: 1962)

Donato, Armando, Messina Obiettive Strategico: Organizzazione difensiva ed eventi bellici 1940–1943 (EDAS: 2009)

D’Este, Carlo, Bitter Victory: The Battle for Sicily 1943 (Collins: 1988)

Faldella, Emilio, Lo sbarco e la difesa della Sicilia (L’Ariene: 1956)

Ford, Ken, Assault on Sicily: Monty and Patton at War (Sutton: 2007)

Garland, Albert & Smyth, Howard, Sicily and the Surrender of Italy (US Army Center of Military History: 1965)

Greene, Jack & Massignani, Alessandro, The Naval War in the Mediterranean 1940–43 (Chatham: 2002)

Hinsley, F. H., et al., British Intelligence in the Second World War, Vol. 3, Part 1 (HMSO: 1984)

Marcon, Tullio, Cento anni di Marina: Storia della Base Navale di Augusta e della Piazzaforte Augusta-Siracusa (Ediprint: 1996)

Mitcham, Samuel & von Stauffenberg, Friedrich, The Battle for Sicily: How the Allies Lost their Chance for Total Victory (Orion: 1991)

Molony, C. J. C., et al., History of the Second World War: The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume V (HMSO: 1973)

Morrison, Samuel, History of the US Naval Operations in World War II: Sicily–Salerno–Anzio, Volume 9 (Little, Brown: 1954)

Nicholson, G. W. L., Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, Vol. II, The Canadians in Italy 1943–1945 (Queen’s Printer: 1956)

Roskill, S. W., The War at Sea 1939–1945, Volume III The Offensive, Part 1: 1 June 1943–31 May 1944 (HMSO: 1960)

Santoni, Alberto, Le operazioni in Sicilia e in Calabria Luglio–Settembre 1943 (Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito: 1989)

von Senger und Etterlin, Frido, Neither Fear nor Hope (Macdonald: 1963)

Zuehlke, Mark, Operation Husky: The Canadian Invasion of Sicily July 10–August 7, 1943 (Douglas and McIntyre: 2008)