Editor’s Acknowledgements
This anthology would not have been possible without the hard work of Jeremiah Barker and Alex Peterson, who turned a pile of facsimiles of Hutcheson’s 18th-century texts into the manuscript for the book you are about to read. Also making essential contributions were Noah Bradtke-Litwack, Moriah Ellenbogen, Kristin Edwards, and Christina Hambleton. The same goes for Graham Horswell and the staff at Imprint Academic.
I would like to thank Gordon Graham for providing me with the wonderful opportunity to work on this anthology. I would also like to thank Denison University for funding my trip to the February 2012 Center for the Study of Scottish Philosophy conference at which I had the good fortune to meet Gordon.
Lastly, I would like to thank Aaron Garrett for introducing me to the work of the great Francis Hutcheson.