Lyrics from “Le Canot” and “Les Canayens sont Toujours Là” are used with the kind permission of the Centre francoontarien de folklore, Université de Sudbury, Ontario.
Lyrics from “GIANT,” Stan Rogers (SOCAN) © 1977, used with the kind permission of Fogarty’s Cove Music and Ariel Rogers.
The following material found in Chapter 21 is used with the kind permission of Ronald Caplan, editor of Down North: The Book of Cape Breton’s Magazine, published by Doubleday in 1980 and reprinted by Breton Books: the Scots Gaelic poem “An Calluinn” transmitted by Mr. Roderick MacLeod, the Acadian song from Miss Marguerite Gallant (English translation by O.R. Melling), ceann groppi recipe from Mrs. Sadie MacDonald, spruce beer from Mrs. Lillian Williams, and larrigans from Mr. Donald Garrett MacDonald.
References to and dialogue quotes from Tim Severin’s The Brendan Voyage (various publishers) used with kind permission of the author.
References to Sharon Butala and her work used with kind permission of the author and her publisher, HarperCollins Canada.
Lyrics from “Kathy I” (Chapter 25) and “O Siem” (Chapters 41 and 42) used with kind permission of the artist and songwriters: Susan Aglukark, Aglukark Entertainment Inc (SOCAN), Chad Irschick (SOCAN), and Kelita Haverland Music (SOCAN).
Throughout the book there are quotes from other sources such as the Bible, Shakespeare, Farid ud-din Attar’s Parliament of the Birds, Hildegard of Bingen (as translated by Matthew Fox), Hannah Arendt, Scott Peck, Henry David Thoreau, and various poets such as Rainer Maria Rilke, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Samuel Coleridge, William Blake, and Wallace Stevens. These are found in italics.
Most of Grandfather’s statements are teachings of Elders given to me or found on record. His words concerning the land are from the written brief In the Spirit of the Land: Statement of the Gitskan and Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, 1987–1990.
Quotes from the I Ching or Book of Changes are taken from the Richard Wilhelm translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes (Penguin Arkana).
Lyrics from “Vive la Canadienne!” and “She’s Like the Swallow” are found in The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs compiled by Edith Fowke (Penguin Books, 1973).
Any songs or poems not acknowledged above were written by the author.