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- Academy Awards (Oscars)
- to Chinatown
- Adler, Lou
- Adorno, Theodor
- Airport
- Alfie
- Alonzo, Gorgiana
- Alonzo, John
- Altman, Robert
- An American in Paris
- Andrusco, Katherine
- Antonioni, Michelangelo
- artist agencies
- negotiating power of
- Ashby, Hal
- Ashley, Ted
- Ask the Dust (Fante)
- Aubrey, James
- Austin, Mary
- Ayres, Gerald
- Babitz, Eve
- Baby Doll
- BAFTA awards
- Balakyan, Richard
- Barrett, Rona
- Barrett, William
- Barthes, Roland
- Bart, Peter
- as New York Times Reporter
- as Paramount producer
- Batman
- Bautzer, Greg
- Bayler, Terence
- Beatty, Warren
- Shampoo screenplay by
- Beckerman, Barry
- Begelman, David
- Benton, Robert
- Berg, Alban
- Bergman, Ingmar
- Berigan, Bunny
- Bertolucci, Bernardo
- The Big Sleep (Chandler)
- Billy Jack
- Biskind, Peter
- Bisset, Jacqueline
- Black, Karen
- blacklist, Hollywood
- Black, Michael
- Black Sunday
- Blauner, Steve
- Blizzard
- “block booking” distribution
- Blow-Up
- Bluhdorn, Charles
- Bluhdorn, Paul
- Blum, Joanie
- Boetticher, Budd
- Bogdanovich, Peter
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Brando, Marlon
- Braunsberg, Andy
- Bressler, Sandy
- Brooks, James L.
- Broussard, Rebecca
- Brown, May Wale
- Brown, Michael
- Bruckheimer, Jerry
- Burke, Tom
- Byrd, Robert
- CAA. See Creative Artists Agency
- Caine, Michael
- Cain, James M.
- California Institute for Men
- Calley, John
- Canby, Vincent
- Cannon, Peter
- Capote, Truman
- Carnal Knowledge
- Casablanca
- Cassavetes, John
- Castle, Bill
- censorship
- Cerf, Phyllis
- Champlin, Charles
- Chandler, Raymond
- Chase, Barrie
- Chase, Borden
- Chase, Gary
- Chinatown. See also production, Chinatown; screenplay, Chinatown
- awards/nominations
- corruption as theme of
- inspiration for
- marketing of
- reception of
- screenplay for
- sequels to
- Citizen Kane
- CMA. See Creative Management Associates
- Coca-Cola
- cocaine
- history of
- Cohn, Sam
- Cole, Lester
- Columbia Pictures
- The Conversation
- Coppola, Francis Ford
- in the Directors Company
- Godfather movies directed by
- Corey, Jeff
- Corman, Roger
- Cortez, Stanley
- Coster, Nicolas
- The Cotton Club
- Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
- Creative Management Associates (CMA)
- Cul-de-sac
- culture
- cocaine’s influence on
- corruption in
- of filmmaking
- in Watergate era
- The Culture of Narcissism (Lasch)
- Daisy Miller
- the Daisy, Beverly Hills
- Dalton, Douglas
- Darling Lili
- Davie, Michael
- Davies, Marion
- Davis, Martin
- Davis, Mike
- Dawson, Ralph
- The Day of the Locust (film)
- The Day of the Locust (West)
- Day of the Dolphin
- Days of Heaven
- Death and the Maiden
- De Laurentiis, Dino
- DeLillo, Don
- Delon, Alain
- De Niro, Robert
- Dennis, Patti
- Department of Water and Power, L.A.
- detective fiction
- standard characters in
- dextroamphetamines
- Dick, Bernard F.
- Didion, Joan
- Diller, Barry
- Directors Company
- Dixon, Maynard
- El Dorado
- Double Indemnity (Cain)
- Douglas, Michael
- Downhill Racer
- Drive, He Said
- Dunaway, Faye
- in Chinatown
- Dunne, Dominick
- Dunne, John
- Dürer, Albrecht
- Earthquake
- Eastman, Carole
- Easy Rider
- Ebert, Roger
- Eddy, Nelson
- Eden in Jeopardy (Lillard)
- Edwards, Blake
- Eisner, Michael
- English, Priscilla
- epidiascopes
- Erickson, Doc
- Evans, Alice
- Evans, Archie
- Evans, Charlie
- Evans, Joshua
- Evans, Robert
- acting career of
- childhood/background of
- Chinatown production by
- cocaine use by
- Godfather production by
- MacGraw’s marriage to
- Nicholson’s friendship with
- Paramount’s demotion of
- Paramount’s promotion of
- production career’s decline
- production companies founded by
- Rosemary’s Baby production by
- sciatica of
- The Two Jakes production by
- The Exorcist
- marketing of
- Eye of the Devil
- Falconer (Cheever)
- Famous Players Company
- Fante, John
- Farber, Stephen
- Farrow, Mia
- The Fearless Vampire Killers
- Fellini, Federico
- femme fatale characters
- Fenton, Mike
- Fields, Freddie
- Field, Syd
- F.I.S.T.
- Five Easy Pieces
- Folger, Abigail
- Fonda, Jane
- Fonda, Lilly
- Ford, Betty
- Ford, Gerald
- Ford, Richard
- The Ford (Austin)
- The Fortune
- “four-walling” strategy
- Fowley, Kim
- Fraker, William “Billy”
- Frantic
- Frazee, Logan
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedkin, William
- Friedman, Milton
- Frykowski, Wojciech
- Furstenberg, Diane von
- Gable, Clark
- Geffen, David
- Geimer, Samantha Gailey
- A Generation
- Germaine, Suzie
- Gibbons, Cedric
- Gilbert, Earl
- Gilruth, David
- Gittes, Harry
- Gittes vs. Gittes
- The Glass Key
- Glenn, Charles
- The Godfather
- director of photography for
- The Godfather Part II
- Goldsmith, Jerry
- Gordon, Ruth
- Great Depression
- The Great Gatsby
- Greenfield, Leo
- Greystoke
- Grotjahn, Martin
- Guber, Peter
- Guinn, Jeff
- Gulf + Western
- Gunning, Tom
- Gunson, Roger
- Hackman, Gene
- Hammett, Dashiell
- Hanson, Jack
- Hardt, Eloise
- Harmon, Lee
- Harold and Maude
- Harwood, Jim
- Hathaway, Henry
- Hawaii (Michener)
- Hawks, Howard
- Head
- Head, Edith
- Hearst, William Randolph
- Heartburn
- Hearts and Minds
- Hecht, Ben
- Held, Julius
- Hellman, Monte
- Helter Skelter
- Hemingway, Ernest
- Henry, Buck
- Hernándes, Maricela
- The High Window (Chandler)
- Hiller, Arthur
- Hinds, Nandu
- His Girl Friday
- Hitchcock, Alfred
- Hitler, Adolf. See also Nazis
- Hoffman, Dustin
- Hollywood Close-Up
- Hollywood Reporter
- Hong, James
- Hope, Bob
- Hopper, Dennis
- The Hurricane
- Huston, Anjelica
- Nicholson’s relationship with
- Huston, Cici
- Huston, Danny
- Huston, John
- in Chinatown
- Huston, Tony
- Huston, Walter
- Hutton, Lauren
- “I Can’t Get Started” (song)
- International Creative Management (ICM)
- Is Paris Burning?
- Jaws
- Jewison, Norman
- Jones, Qunicy
- Josephson, Marvin
- Kael, Pauline
- Kallianiotes, Helena
- Kane, Carol
- Kaper, Bronislau
- Kazan, Elia
- Keitel, Harvey
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kennerley, Virginia Kent
- Killen, Andreas
- The King of Marvin Gardens
- Kinney National Company
- Kinski, Nastassja
- Kissinger, Henry
- Kiss of Death
- Knife in the Water
- Knight, Sandra
- Koch, Howard, Jr.
- as Chinatown first assistant director
- Koch, Howard, Sr.
- Koepf, Mike
- Komeda, Krzysztof
- Korngold, Erich
- Kubrick, Stanley
- LaBianca, Leno
- LaBianca, Rosemary
- Ladd, Alan, Jr.
- Ladd, Diane
- Lai, Francis
- the Lakers
- Lambro, Phillip
- Landis, John
- Lao-tze (philosopher)
- Larner, Jeremy
- Lasch, Christopher
- Lass, Barbara
- The Last Detail
- censoring of
- Laughlin, Tom
- Le Clery, Regina
- Lederer, Charles
- Lederer, Dick
- Lee, Bruce
- Leland-St. John, Sharmagne
- Levin, Ira
- Lillard, Richard G.
- Lippincott, J. B.
- The Little Sister (Chandler)
- The Long Goodbye (Chandler)
- Lopez, Perry
- Los Angeles Times
- Louis, Joe
- Love Story
- music score
- Lownes, Victor
- Lubitsch, Ernst
- Lucky Lady
- Lulu
- Lyles, A. C.
- Macbeth
- MacDonald, Jeanette
- MacGraw, Ali
- Maclean, Norman
- The Magnificent Ambersons
- Malick, Terrence
- The Maltese Falcon (film)
- The Maltese Falcon (Hammett)
- Mamas and the Papas
- Mamoulian, Rouben
- Mancuso, Frank
- Mann, Abby
- Man of a Thousand Faces
- Manson, Charles
- Mantegazza, Paolo
- Marathon Man
- marijuana
- Masina, Giulietta
- Mayo, Morrow
- Mazursky, Paul
- McCoy, Horace
- McElhatton, Veigh
- McGilligan, Patrick
- McGillis, Kelly
- McQueen, Steve
- McWilliams, Carey
- Mengers, Sue
- The Merry Widow
- Meyer, Ron
- Michener, James
- Mildred Pierce (Cain)
- Mirisch Corporation
- Mirisch, Walter
- Mission Impossible: II
- The Missouri Breaks
- Montgomery, George
- Moontrap
- Moore, Susanna
- Moriarty, Cathy
- Motion Picture Association of America
- Motto, Rocco
- Mount, Tom
- Mulholland, William
- Murray, Tony
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- Nasatir, Marcia
- Nashville
- Nazis
- The New Centurions
- Newman, David
- Newton, Helmut
- Newton, June
- New York Film Critics
- New York Times
- Nichols, Mike
- Nicholson, Ethel May
- Nicholson, Jack
- in Batman
- childhood/background of
- Chinatown nominations and
- Chinatown sequel by
- Chinatown’s production and
- Drive, He Said direction by
- in Easy Rider
- Evans’s friendship with
- in Five Easy Pieces
- in Heartburn
- Huston’s relationship with
- in The Last Detail
- in The Missouri Breaks
- and mother’s identity
- in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
- in The Passenger
- Polanski’s friendship with
- Ten Productions of
- Towne’s friendship with
- in The Two Jakes
- Nicholson, Jennifer
- Nicholson, John Joseph
- Nicholson, June
- Nicholson, Lorraine
- Night Moves
- Nixon, Richard
- O’Brien, Darcy
- Odd Couple
- Odd Man Out (Reed)
- Of Mice and Men
- The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway)
- Oliver’s Story
- On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
- O’Neal, Ryan
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
- O’Steen, Sam
- Chinatown editing by
- The Outer Limits (television show)
- Ovitz, Michael
- Owens Valley water scandal
- Pacino, Al
- Paint Your Wagon
- Pakula, Alan J.
- Paper Moon
- Papillon
- The Parallax View
- Paramount Studios. See also Chinatown; Evans, Robert; studios, movie
- antitrust legislation and
- awards/nominations of
- Diller as head of
- Directors Company of
- Evans as head of
- Godfather movies by
- Gulf & Western’s purchase of
- Love Story’s impact on
- marketing by
- Sylbert as production head at
- Parker, Maggie
- Parwez, Khalid
- The Passenger
- Payne, John
- Payne, Julie
- childhood/background of
- Towne’s relationship with/marriage to
- Peerce, Larry
- Penn, Arthur
- The People v. Polanski
- Personal Best
- Pesci, Joe
- Peyton, Peter
- Phillips, John
- Phillips, Julia
- Phillips, Michelle
- The Pianist
- Picker, David
- Pickford, Mary
- Pirates
- Plant, Sadie
- “platform” distribution
- Poe, James
- Polanski, Annette
- Polanski, Bula
- Polanski, Elvis
- Polanski, Morgane
- Polanski, Roman. See also Chinatown
- awards/nominations of
- childhood/background of
- Chinatown casting by
- Chinatown music score and
- Chinatown production design and
- Chinatown screenplay contributions by
- Chinatown sequel and
- Cul-de-sac writing/direction by
- The Fearless Vampire Killers writing/direction by
- as fugitive from U.S.
- influences on
- Lass’s marriage to
- Macbeth direction by
- Nicholson’s friendship with
- Pirates direction by
- Rosemary’s Baby direction by
- sex scandal of
- shooting/directing style of
- Tate’s relationship with/marriage to
- womanizing of
- Polanski, Ryszard
- Polanski, Wanda
- Pollack, Sydney
- Poseidon Adventure
- The Postman Always Rings Twice (Cain)
- Pratt, Charles A.
- Preminger, Otto
- The Prodigal Son (etching)
- production, Chinatown
- actor-director clashes in
- assistant director in
- casting in
- costume design in
- direction style in
- directors of photography in
- editing in
- Evans’ oversight of
- filming during
- music scoring in
- printing of film in
- production design in
- Production Code (Hollywood)
- Psychoanalysis and the Family Neurosis (Grotjahn)
- Puck, Wolfgang
- Pupi’s, Los Angeles
- Puzo, Mario
- Radin, Roy
- Rafelson, Bob
- Ransohoff, Marty
- Rasey, Uan
- Reagan, Maureen
- Reed, Carol
- Repulsion
- Rice, Anne
- Richardson, Tony
- Ritchie, Michael
- Rittenband, Laurence J.
- Robbins, Harold
- Robert Evans Productions
- Roberts, Thelma
- Robinson, Jill
- Roeg, Nicholas
- Rosemary’s Baby (film)
- editing of
- production of
- Rosemary’s Baby (Levin)
- Rota, Nina
- Rózsa, Miklós
- Rydell, Mark
- A Safe Place
- Santa Monica Evening Outlook
- Sarris, Andrew
- Sawyer, Diane
- Schary, Dore
- Schatz, Thomas
- Schiff, Stephen
- Schlesinger, John
- Schneider, Bert
- Schneider, Harold
- Schoenberg, Arnold
- Schwartz, Bernie
- Screenplay (Field)
- screenplay, Chinatown
- character/plot development in
- Polanski’s contributions to
- Taylor’s contributions to
- thematic inspiration for
- by Towne
- Seabiscuit (race horse)
- Sebring, Jay
- Seigner, Emmanuelle
- Selvaggio, Luisa
- Selvaggio, Piero
- Selznick, Daniel
- Sergeant York
- Shacove, Gene
- Shampoo
- Shapera, Archie
- Sharaff, Irene
- Shearer, Norma
- Sheeler, Charles
- Shirley, Anne
- Siegel, Lee
- Silas, Tony
- Silver, Larry
- Simpson, Don
- Skidoo
- Smith, Shorty
- Snow White
- Società Generale Immobiliare
- Soma, Enrica
- Sommer, Elke
- Southern California: An Island on the Land (McWilliams)
- Spiegel, Sam
- Stallone, Sylvester
- Stanton, Harry Dean
- Steiner, Max
- Sternberg, Josef von
- Stier, Sarah Naia
- Stringer, Howard
- Structures for String Orchestra
- studios, movie
- antitrust legislation’s impact on
- artist agencies’ interactions with
- art/realism’s rise and decline at
- corporate influences on
- marketing/distribution strategies of
- television’s impact on
- Sullivan, Larry
- Sunset Blvd.
- Sweethearts
- Sylbert, Anthea
- Chinatown costume design by
- as Vice President of Warner Bros.
- Sylbert, Lily
- Sylbert, Paul
- Sylbert, Richard
- Chinatown production design by
- as Paramount production head
- The Two Jakes production design by
- Sylbert, Sam
- Tanen, Ned
- Tate, Debra Ann
- Tate, Dolores
- Tate, Paul
- Tate, Sharon
- murder of
- Polanski’s relationship with/marriage to
- Sebring’s relationship with
- Taylor, Edward
- background of
- Chinatown contributions by
- television
- impact on big screen
- The Tenant
- Tennant, Bill
- TEN Productions
- Tequila Sunrise
- Terrail, Patrick
- Tess
- Thalberg, Irving
- They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (film)
- They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (McCoy)
- This Gun for Hire
- This Property Is Condemned
- The Three Musketeers
- Time magazine
- Tisch, Steve
- Top Gun
- The Towering Inferno
- Towne, Helen
- Towne, Katharine Payne “Skip”
- Towne, Lou
- Towne, Robert
- awards/nominations of
- Bonnie and Clyde contributions by
- Chase’s relationship with
- childhood/background of
- Chinatown screenplay by
- drug use by
- The Godfather contributions by
- Greystoke screenplay by
- The Last Detail screenplay by
- Nicholson’s friendship with
- Payne’s relationship with/marriage to
- Personal Best screenplay by
- Selvaggio’s marriage to
- Shampoo screenplay by
- Taylor’s partnership with
- Ten Productions of
- Tequila Sunrise screenplay by
- The Two Jakes screenplay by
- Towne, Roger
- Tuna Club of Avalon
- Twentieth Century Fox
- Two Jakes
- The Two Noble Kinsmen (play)
- Tynan, Kenneth
- Ufland, Harry
- United Artists
- United States vs. Paramount Pictures (1948)
- Universal Pictures
- University of Southern California
- U.S. Reclamation Service
- Valenti, Jack
- Valley of the Dolls
- Vanity Fair
- Variety
- Vietnam War
- Villa Rides
- Vint, Jesse
- Vogue Hommes
- Wajda, Andrzej
- A Walk with Love and Death
- Wallace, Irving
- Ward, Skip
- Warner Bros.
- marketing strategies of
- Warner, Jack
- Wasserman, Lew
- Wasserman, Lynne
- Watergate
- Waxman, Franz
- Wayne, John
- Webb, Jimmy
- Weinstein, Paula
- Weissman, Lauren
- Welles, Orson
- Western Costume, Los Angeles
- West magazine
- West, Nathanael
- What?
- Whitman, Walt
- Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf
- Wilbourne, Dale
- Wilder, Billy
- William Morris Agency
- Willis, Gordon
- Windeler, Robert
- Wolf, Carolyn
- Wolfe, Tom
- Wolf, Wally
- Woodland estate, Los Angeles
- Wood, Natalie
- Woolf, John
- Woolf, Virginia
- World War II
- The Wrecking Crew
- Wright, Barbara Phillips
- Writers Guild Awards
- Wyatt, David
- Yablans, Frank
- Yorty, Sam
- Young, Elaine
- Youngstein, Max
- Zanuck, Darryl F.
- Zanuck, Richard
- Ziegler, Evarts
- Ziegler-Ross Agency of
- Zimbert, Richard
- Zinzer, Frankie
- Zsigmond, Vilmos
- Zukor, Adolph