The purpose of this book is to teach you about the chakras, or energy centers, found within and adjacent to the human body. Chakras are your body’s energy vortexes; they determine where, how, and for what purpose energy is flowing within your physical body and your etheric body (that is, the first layer of the aura or human energy field).
Energy flow dictates your health, happiness, and whether you are in harmony with your environment. That’s why understanding your chakras and improving energy flow through them can bring you greater health, happiness, harmony, prosperity, love, wellness, protection, and comfort. Your chakras are doorways to spiritual power and possibility.
The origins of the modern chakra system can be traced back to the Vedas, the oldest and most sacred texts of ancient Indian culture. The four Vedas are knowledge texts written in Sanskrit and the foundation of modern Ayurvedic medicine and Hindu wisdom. Of all the Vedas, the Upanashads are most widely known and recognized. In Sanskrit, upanashad translates to “sitting down close to,” which refers to the way in which students gather close to their teacher to receive spiritual information and wisdom. The Upanashads contain all of the Vedic wisdom regarding spirituality and meditation.
This book’s focus is the seven physical chakras and the two anchor chakras, including their gemstones, essential oils, tarot, and astrological, mythological, and historical correspondences. The seven primary chakras are the most widely agreed-upon energy centers across all spiritual traditions that acknowledge the flow of energy through the human body. Beyond these seven, two additional chakras are needed to anchor the flow of energy back into the planet and back up to spirit—that is, a return to Source or to a Higher Power. And so a total of nine are explored here in depth: the Earth Star Chakra, the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, the Throat Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, the Crown Chakra, and, the Soul Star Chakra. Following this order, the book will unfold from Earth to Sky, from physical human reality toward your uppermost point of access to Source energy and creation.
Each chapter includes specific information so that you can practice working with the chakras in physical, intellectual, and spiritual ways. Connecting with the chakras in multiple ways allows them to make themselves known to you on a deeper level.