In the many years in which I have worked with the chakras, there have been numerous memorable people who have crossed my path and shared their wisdom. At the top of that list are the students and clients who have undertaken the daring work of healing and personal growth. Your struggles and triumphs, your questions and comments, have all been a guiding force in my work. May the words in this book help guide you in return.
Then there are those steadfast members of my personal life who have believed in me, worked with me, and supported me in a myriad of ways. Topping that list is my husband, Richard Ely, for loving me and cheering me on, for editing, and for making sure my science is accurate. I would like to thank my son, Alex Wayne, who contributes computer graphics and makes me laugh. And I would like to thank my long-time friend and teaching cohort, Selene Vega, who first inspired me to write a book about the chakras. She has helped develop the material shared in our workshops and was co-author of my second book, The Sevenfold Journey.
I would like to thank Carl Weschcke for publishing this book the first time around before chakras were popular, and the many fine folks at Llewellyn who have been part of this re-Vision: Jim Garrison, Christine Snow, Kimberly Nightingale, and Lynne Menturweck. I would also like to thank Mary Ann Zapalac for artwork, and Carlisle Holland, D. O., Robert Lamb, D. C., and Michael Gandy, L. Ac., for sharing their professional expertise.
Most of all I am grateful to the indelible spirit that keeps us alive and to the Chakra System itself, for being such a profound gateway to the mysteries of life.
It is a great honor to be of service to you all.