Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

Acacia tortilis, 178


California Indians and, 208, 210, 216–19, 221–22

mast forests and, 247–48

adze, 138–39

Africa, 25, 167–76

agribusiness, wire fences and, 96

ailanthus, 48, 62–64, 298

Aki no nanakusa, 260

Albaola project, 139–40

alder, 190

algae, 34

Allison, P. A., 176

alphabet, Celtic, 94

Álvarez, Samuél, 165

Amazon basin, 26

American chestnut, 290

American Indians; See also specific tribes, e.g.: California Indians

and black locust, 63

coppice/pollard, 25

fish traps from willows, 2

mast forests, 247–50

anastomosis, 57

Anderson, Edgar, vii

Anderson, Kat, 212, 223

Andoh Naoko, 271

Anisophyllea, 167

Anne (queen of England), 103

Apache people, 123–24

Appalachia, chestnut gathering in, 122

Aragón Ruano, Álvaro, 127, 141, 159


bog exploration, 71–72

pollen counts, 80

armillaria, 56

art, 198–206

ash (tree)

in Leitzalarrea, 148–54, 150

phoenix regeneration, 51, 52

in Somerset Levels, 68

for Sweet Track, 77

Ashcott Heath trackway, 75–76

Astrup, Nikolai, 188, 198–206

ate (hiba cedar), 273

attention, experiment and, 105

Austad, Ingvild, 181–83, 192

Australia, 214

autumn mushrooms, 122–23

auzolan, 150

axes, 107–10

and ancient Douglas fir, 242

creating, 107, 151–52

handles, 110

and hazel, 93–94

in Leitzalarrea, 152–54

Mesolithic vs. Neolithic, 10

Neolithic, 75–76, 93–94

as sacrifice of thanksgiving, 78

sharpening, 109–10, 153

azalea, 235

Azuma Atsuki, 282–85

bacalao, 130, 135

Bahía de los Fumos (Smokes Bay), California, 212

Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 49

bamboo, 44, 253, 267, 269, 287

Bancroft, George, 208

bark beetles, 240

Barkham, Selma, 129

Barriola, Miguel, 164

Barriola, Patxi, 108–9

Bartram, William, 249

baskets, 208, 210–12, 211, 222–24

Basque axe, 110

Basque region, 142–54, 163–66

Basques; See also ipinabarros

and pollards, 25

as shipwrights, 125–41

Basso, Keith, 123–24

basswood, 33

Bay of Biscay, 135

beavers, 74


Burnham Beeches, London, 161–62

in Europe, 159–62

for keels, 136

in Leitza, 165

in Murua, Spain, 122, 124

pollards, 160

spreading branches of, 48

beetles, 220

Bengtsson, Vikki, 164

Bible, the, 25, 124, 181

Bienes comunales y capitalismo agrario en Navarra (Iriarte-Goñi), 156

Big Apple Series (soil class), 295

Big Basin Redwoods State Park (California), 226–37

billhook, 97


in coppice woodland, 90–91

and hedges, 104

in Japanese woodlands, 259

black cherry, 300

black locust, 62–63, 301

blackthorn, 97

black walnut, 248

Blake, William, 160, 256

boats, wood for, 125–41

bobwhites, 104

bog race, 73–74

bogs, See Somerset Levels, England

Bohna, Lois Conner, 214, 216, 218–24

boletus mushrooms, 122–23

bolling, 161–62, 164

booga mori (sprout lands), 258, 261–62, 267, 270, 275

borda, 108, 145, 148–49, 151

bosqueros (foresters), 129, 134–35

bottomland, See Somerset Levels, England

bracken fern, 221

Bradfield Wood (Sussex, England), 85–91

brain, hands and, 105–6

branch collar, 23


as competing individuals, 49

as epiparasite, 38–39

spreading, 48

upward vs. outward growth, 44, 45

branching, 34, 44, 55–59

branchlets, 49

bridges, See trackways

broadleaf plants/trees

for hedges, 97

and leaf hay, 190

mast forests, 249

in southern and eastern Europe, 79–80

Bromfield, Louis, 104

Bronze Age, 25, 73

Bruk Mountains (Hungary), 80

Buddhism, 254

Bulgaria, 80

burl, 232, 236

Burnham Beeches, London, 159, 161–62


fire coppice, See fire coppice

mast forests and, 249

buttercup, 88

butterflies, 91

butternut, 248

Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez, 212, 215

cacti, 65

Caesar, Julius, 96, 131

calcium oxides, 297


Golden Trout Creek bog race, 73–74

pollards at Filoli, 18

pollards at UC Berkley, 18–21

pollards in Golden Gate Park, 16–19

redwoods, 226–37

California huckleberry, 234–35

California Indians, 207–25

and baskets, 208, 210–12, 211, 222–24

and fire coppice, 213–25

and redwoods, 236–37

California tribes, 25

cambium, 5

Cambridge University, 176

cant (coppice woodland section), 88, 90

canyon live oaks, 233

carvel shipbuilding style, 132

catalpa, 48, 62

Celtic ogham alphabet, 94

Central Park (New York City), 111–17

Central Valley, California, 213

Chamaecyparis, 290

charcoal, 26, 151, 261, 274

Cherokee Indians, 249

chestnut, 122, 124, 248, 290

Chiba Nagomi, 282–88

chinch bug, 104

chlorophyll, 34

Chukchansi Indians, 214, 218

churches, ship design and, 132–34

civilizations, still point of, 166

Clare, John, 88–89

clavadores (nailers), 138

clonal groves/clonal spreading, 33, 47, 290–91

coal, 27

Cobbett, William, 28

Cody, Phil, 18–21

Coles, John, 75

Coltrane, John, 42, 49, 54

“Command and Control and the Pathology of Natural Resource Management” (Holling and Meffe), 163

commons, 27–28, 155–58

Burnham Beeches, 161

enclosure of, 28, 103, 156–58

in Leitza, 146–47, 150, 152

concrete, in soil, 297

conifers; See also redwoods

as dominant early trees, 39

evolution, 46

in Great Northern Forest, 243–46

in Japanese plantation forests, 277–78

and phoenix regeneration, 239

regeneration, 238–42

Sami harvesting/reharvesting of, 243–46

sprouting, 228

and sprouting, 33

Conservation Biology (journal), 163

“cookies,” 69


etymology, 10

historical importance of, 25–27

origins, 9–11, 13

stool, 11

coppice woodlands

management of, 84–91

as synthetic ecosystem, 86

Costa, Joaquin, 158

cotyledons, 229

cradles, 240–41

Creek Indians, 249

cremation, 292

creosote, 290

Crespi, Father Juan, 213

crowflowers (buttercup), 88

Cryptomeria japonica, 273

Dagley, Jeremy, 162–63

Darwin, Charles, 291

deer, 90

del Tredici, Peter, 32, 236

dendrochronologists, 239, 241–42

desalojamientos, 156

De Young Museum (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco), 17–18

Dialium, 167

Dirr, Michael, 51–52

dirt, origins of, 34

Domesday Book, 101

domestic animals, 11

dormancy, 44

dormant buds, 39–40

dormice, 90

Douglas fir, 26, 239, 241–42

dowsing rods, 94

Drake, Sir Francis, 215

drought, pine and, 220–21

Dryad’s Saddle, 50

Dully Chunk, 2

Dutch elm disease, 116

Eastern Woodland Indians, 250

Eclipse Peat Works, 72

ecobee coupon, 280

Edo period, 261

Elizabeth II (queen of the United Kingdom), 86

elms, 48, 113–17

Elosegui, José Miguel, 144–46, 148, 152, 163

Elosegui, Miguel Mari, 164, 165

Enclosures, the (enclosure of the commons), 28, 103

enclosures of commons, 156–58


enclosure of commons, 28, 103

Knepp Castle Estate (West Sussex), 195

lindens at National Arboretum, 7–9

Somerset Levels, 67–78

Sweet Track, 77–78

willows in Somerset Levels, 2

English elms, 113–17

epicormic sprouts, 23

epiparasites, 38–39

“Epistle to Bathurst” (Pope), 28

Epping Forest, London, 159, 161–63

Essex, England, 115

Etxarri-Aranatz, Navarre, Spain, 125–29; See also Sakana, forest of

Evelyn, John, 27–28

experiment, attention and, 105

Ezekiel (Hebrew prophet), 11–12

“fairy houses,” 112, 113, 117

fairy rings, 8, 227, 229, 230, 231, 233

fallow system, 171–75

Fay, Neville, 51, 67, 70

fell (coppice woodland section), 87, 91

fen, 72, 73, 77

fences, wire, 96–97

Fernandez, Alex, 18, 21–22

Filoli (Woodside, California), 18, 21–22

Finney, Mark, 236

Fionn mac Cumhail, 93

fire coppice, 25

in Amazon basin, 26

California Indians and, 213–25

as means of land clearance, 79

and redwoods, 236–37

fishing, 130

Fishlake National Forest (Utah), 291

Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry (Tusser), 102

flattening, 35, 36, 37–38

flooding, as means of land clearance, 79

flowering, growth choices for, 44–45

flowers, in coppice woodlands, 87–89

footbridge, See nagereba

Fordham, Pete, 85

Forest Service, U.S., 23

forking, 34, 36–37

form, of trees, 41–54, 43

foundries, 151

foxhunting, hedges and, 96

framers, 138

Franco, Francisco, 146

Fresh Kills landfill (New York City), 299–302

fritillaries, 91

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011), 282


armillaria, 56

colonization of trunk by, 50

in Fresh Kills, 300

and origins of terrestrial plants, 34–35

futtocks, 128, 135–40

Galápagos Islands, 65

Ganoderma applanatum, 9

García Lorca, Federico, 245

George I (king of England), 103

George II (king of England), 103

George III (king of England), 103

Gerritsen Beach (New York City), 294–99

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 35, 38

Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 16–19

Golden Trout Creek bog race, 73–74

Good Friday plant (Moschatel), 87

Grand Banks, Newfoundland, 130

grass hay, 192, 193

Great Depression, 96

Great Northern Forest, 243–46

Greece, 80

greenbrier, 301

Greenwich Village, New York, 116–17

Gregory, Clark, 297

Grinde, Lars, 182–83, 185–88, 190, 195–96

Grinde Farm (Norway), 182–97

growth patterns, 42

Guinea savanna (Sierra Leone), 167–79

Guipuzcoa, Spain, 152

Gulu Burairai, 168

hagg (coppice woodland section), 87, 90, 91

hagi (bush clover), 260

hahaso (coppice forests), 260, 262, 265, 273, 275

Hallé, Francis, 38, 42, 55

halo cutting, 162

handle, origin of term, 110

hands, intelligence and, 105–6

Harashina Koji, 280, 283

Hardin, Garrett, 155

Harris, Hazel Helen, 221

Haru no nanakusa (Seven Spring Herbs), 259

Harvey, Allison, 15, 29–30

hawthorn, 97

Hayachine shrine festival, 285–88


Ashcott Heath trackway, 75–76

brief history, 92–94

and fire coppice, 79

for hedges, 95, 99

in Mesolithic Hungary, 80

Neolithic stool, 76

for Sweet Track, 77

Walton Heath Track, 74

heads (pollard), 12–13

Hearst Museum of Anthropology (University of California, Berkeley), 207, 225

hedges, 95–106, 100

birds and, 104

brief history, 95–106

destruction in mid-twentieth century, 96

determining age of, 101

diversity of wildlife found with, 103–4

economic importance of, 99–101

and enclosure of the commons, 103

etymology, 95–96

pollards in, 14, 104–5

procedure for creating, 97–99

as source of surnames, 102

sprouting of, 100

variety of species in, 101

Hedges (Pollard et al.), 96

heimseter (home settlement), 183–84

Hell Gate Bridge (New York City), 61

hemlock, 45

herb Paris, 87, 88

“Here Is New York” (White), 2–3

hiba cedar, 273

hickory, 248, 249

Hoffman, Daniela, 81–82

Holling, C. S., 163

honey locust, 48

honeysuckle, 94, 268

hornbeam, 80

Horner, Jim, 18–21

horse chestnut trees, 48

hototogisu (songbird), 259, 265, 272

houses, in Mesolithic settlements, 81–82

huckleberry, 234–35

Hungary, 80

hunter-gatherer culture, 209–10; See also California Indians

Hurricane Sandy (2012), 296

hyggelich, 196

Ice Age, 79–80, 247

Ifumi Yuho, 275, 276

immortality, 289–93

improvisation, 42, 49, 50

individuality, immortality and, 291–92

Indo-European language, 96

intelligence, hands and, 105–6

invertebrates, hedges and, 103–4

ipinabarros, 126–29, 131, 135, 137, 139, 141

Iriarte-Goñi, Iñaki, 156

Irish yews, 22

Iron Age, 73

iron bars, 173

ironworking, 151, 173

Isaiah (biblical prophet), 25, 182, 289, 290, 292

ivory, 173

Iwate, Japan, 252–53

jaban, 172

Japan, 251–85

forest restoration, 277–85

movies defending the satoyama, 264–65

nagereba, 252–54

Philosopher’s Path, 253–56

Sakuragaoka Park, 266–70

satoyama, 260–66

Sayama Hills, 270–73

shrine of nezumi-sama, 256

Tama New Town, 262–64

Totoro no Mori, 270–73

Japanese cedar, 273, 277, 278

Japanese maples, 253–54

Japanese oak, 257–58; See also konara; kunugi

Japanese red pine, 277

Jepson, Willis, 213

Jeremiah (biblical prophet), 174–75

jinja, 254

Job, 25

John, Gospel of, 292

Johnson, Natasha, 207–8

Jolster district, Norway, 198–206

Jolster Lake (Norway), 202

Joyce, James, 234

Juaregui, José Ramón, 107

Juniata River (Pennsylvania), 235

junipers, 41–42

kagura (dance), 285–88

kami (soul), 256, 265, 276, 285, 286

kamidana (altar), 276

kanuchee, 248

Karuk Indians, 210, 211

kashkili, 168, 169, 173

katakuri, 260, 275

kayanezumi (harvest mouse), 272–73

Kesen River footbridge, 252–54

kigo (season words), 260

kile, 173

Kilimi, Sierra Leone, 167–76

Ki no Tsurayuki, 265–66

Kishimoto Koichi, 266–70

Kjokkenstova, 202–3

Klamath Jack (Shasta Indian), 217

knees (ship component), 126, 128, 137, 139

Knepp Castle Estate (West Sussex, England), 195

knots, 23

knuckles (pollard), 12–13

Kokinshu (poetry anthology), 259–60, 262, 265

komanezumi (guardian mice), 255

konara (Japanese oak), 257–59, 262, 266–69, 268, 275–77

koshidowa, 260

Kotzebue, Otto von, 215

Kramer, Per, 204

Kroeber, Alfred, 208, 209

Kroeber Hall (University of California, Berkeley), 208

Kuhn, Thomas, 155

kunugi (Japanese oak), 257–59, 262, 266–69, 268, 274–77

kuzu, 260

Kyoto, Japan

Philosopher’s Path, 253–54

rice paddies, 256–60

shrine of nezumi-sama, 256

lamb’s-quarters, 250

Lane, Mark, 177–78

Lapérouse, Comte de, 215

lapstrake shipbuilding style, 132

Laris, Paul, 172

lateral branches, 36, 37

flowering, 44

and phoenix regeneration, 239

lauftorkinvind (leaf-drying wind), 195

laundry, 147–48

leaf hay, 189–90, 192–94

leaf knife, 190

leafy trees

competition with conifers, 39

evolution, 46

and sprouting, 33

Leake, Clive, 105

leaves, origins of, 38

Leicestershire, England, 96

Leitza, Navarra, Spain, 142–54, 163–66

commons in, 155–56

pollard beeches, 159

pollard conference (2017), 164–65

Helen Read in, 163–64

Leitzalarrea, 147–54

Lenten lily (wild daffodil), 88

Leoz, Mikel, 139–40

“Life and Times of the House” (Hoffman, et al.), 81–82

lifespan of tree, 50

lignotubers, 33, 229

limb trees, 228


and lignotubers, 33

at National Arboretum, England, 7–9

pollards in front of Metropolitan Museum of Art, 14–16, 29–30


hay for, 193–94; See also grass hay; leaf hay

hedges and, 99–101

Locke, John, 28

Logan, Jacob, 176, 177

Logan, Nora, 254, 263

Lomatia tasmanica, 291

London plane trees

at Filoli, 18, 21–22

in front of Metropolitan Museum of Art, 14–17, 29–32, 303–5

at UC Berkeley, 19–20

lot palm, 63–64

Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare), 84

Macbeth, 7–8

maderas de cuenta (calculated wood), 134, 138

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), 195

Mali, 172

Manyōshū (poetry anthology), 257, 260, 262

Marshall, William, 28

Martin, Robert, 236

Martu people (Australia), 214

Massachusetts, 2

Massart development model, 46

mast forests, 247–50

Mattra Mountains (Hungary), 80

MBE (Member of the British Empire), 86

McCormick, Scott, 18–19

meadows, 191–92, 218–19

Meare Island, England, 72

Meffe, Gary K., 163

Meiji period, 254, 261

Mellgren-Mathiesen, Ingeborg, 203

Mesa Verde, 26, 239, 241

Mesolithic era

coppice and pollard, 13

European woodlanders during, 80–81

and fire coppice, 79

hazelnuts in, 92–93

Star Carr platform, 77

stone axes, 10

trackways, 74

Message, The (Peterson), 181

Metamorphosis of Plants, The (Goethe), 35

Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)

growth of twigs from pollards, 40

leaves appearing on pollarded trees, 31–32

London plane tree pollards, 14–16, 29–30, 303–5

mice, 255–56, 272–73

Micromys minutus, 272–73

Middle Ages, 116

Midsummer’s Bonfire, 88

Missouri Department of Conservation, 63

Miyazaki, Hayao, 270

Miyazawa Kenji, 198–200

mochi (rice paste), 269–70, 280

Monkeys’ Lawn, 49, 50

Mono Indians, 214, 218

morphogenesis, 49–50

Moschatel, 87

movies, 264–65

Muir, John, 159, 213

Murua, Álava, Spain, 118–24, 124

mushrooms, 122–23

Music Concourse (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco), 17–18

mycelia, 56

mycorrhizal fungi, 56

“My Favorite Things,” 42

My Neighbor Totoro (movie), 264–65, 270

nagereba (footbridge), 251–54, 252, 256, 266

Nanakusa no Sekku (New Year’s festival), 259

nao, 131–33, 136–38

National Arboretum (Westonbirt, England), 7–9

Native Americans, See American Indians; specific tribes, e.g.: California Indians

nature, Japanese concept of, 256

Nauclea, 170

Navajo Indians, 240–41

nave, 131–33

Neolithic era

Ashcott Heath trackway, 75–76

axe, 93–94

elms’ disappearance during, 116

pollards at Somerset Levels, 25

settlements and streets, 81

Star Carr platform, 77

stone axes for coppice, 10

stools, 76

trackways, 73, 74

Nervii, 96

Newfoundland, 129–30

New Hampshire, 2

New York City; See also Metropolitan Museum of Art

bilingual poetry class in, 244–45

Fresh Kills landfill, 299–302

Gerritsen Beach, 294–99

invasive plants in Central Park, 111–17

landfill, 294–302

land reclamation, 295–96

Randall’s Island viaduct tree inventory project, 60–65

willow tree immortalized by E. B. White, 1–6

New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, 61

New York Times, 4

nezumi-sama (honored mice), 255, 256

Nigeria Forestry Department, 176

Norway, 180–97

Nikolai Astrup, 198–206

coppice/pollard in, 25

Grinde Farm, 182–97

Sami and scots pines, 243–46

Sognefjord, 181–97

Norway maple, 62

Notholithocarpus, 233–34

Nouwen, Henry, 173

nuts, mast forests and, 247–50

Nyerges, A. Endre, 167–68, 171–73, 175


and armillaria fungus, 56

for boat wood, 128–29, 135–38

California Indians and, 216–18

in California’s Central Valley, 213

in forest of Sakana, 125–29

Japanese, 257–59, 262, 266–69, 268, 275–77

in Mesolithic Bulgaria and Greece, 80

in Mesolithic Hungary, 80

in Mesolithic settlements, 81

pollarded trees in Murua, Spain, 119–21, 124

for Sweet Track, 77

ogham alphabet, Celtic, 94

Ohio, 104

Ohno Choichiro, 273–74

oil palm, 170

Oldeman, Roelof, 42, 49, 55

Ominaeshi (maiden flower), 260

Ordenanza de comunales (Law of the Commons), 150

orthotropic stems, 44

Osage orange, 51–54

overtopping, 35, 36, 36–37

painting, 198–206

Palmer, Samuel, 160

Panama Pacific Exhibition (San Francisco, 1915), 20–21

Pando (clonal grove), 291

Parker, Charlie, 42

Pasaia, Spain, 139, 302

Paterson (Williams), 55

peat, 71–73

pendón, 128, 129

Perouse, Comte de la, 215

Peterson, Eugene, 181

Philosopher’s Path (Kyoto, Japan), 253–56

Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 207, 225

phoenix regeneration, 51–54, 52, 172, 239, 289

photosynthesis, 34

phragmites, 297

pignut, 87

pine, drought and, 220–21

plagiotropic branches, 44

planation, 37; See also flattening

plane trees, See London plane trees

plantation forests (Japan), 277–85

plants, terrestrial, origins of, 34–35

pleacher, 97, 98

Pleistocene era, 79

Polden Hills, England, 72, 75

Pollard, Ernest, 96


defined, 2

etymology, 11–12

origins, 9, 11–13

pollard tree, 11

poll tax, 12

Pom Poko (The Heisei Raccoon Dog Wars) (movie), 264

Pope, Alexander, 28

Portuguese traders, 173

post and beam architecture, 81

pottery, 207–8

prairies, 236

prescribed burns, 225

Psalms, 124, 181

Pueblo Indians, 238–40

quaking aspens, 33, 44, 47

Queen’s Wood (London, England), 87

Quercus robur, 127, 129

quick lime, 26

quickset, 101–3

quickset hedge, cost of wire fence vs., 97

Rackham, Oliver, 94, 115

rain, 143–44

rake handles, 85

Randall’s Island viaduct (New York City), 60–65

Rauh development model, 45

Read, Helen, 159, 161–64

recruits, 33, 39, 294

redbud, 222–23

Red Hook, Brooklyn, 5–6

red oak, 57

reduction, 35

redwoods, 65, 226–37, 231, 232


in Africa, 172–73

conifers, 238–42

phoenix, See phoenix regeneration

Reid, Peter, 73

reiteration, 49, 55

reserve buds, 39–40

Revolutionary United Front (RUF) (Sierra Leone), 167, 169, 175

Rhododendron occidentale, 235

rhubarb, 204–5

rice, 174

rice paddies, 256–60

Richens, R. H., 115

ris (shredding), 194

Roman Catholicism, 292


and branching, 56–57

English elm, 116–17

origins, 35

sprouts and, 65–66

root suckers, 63

Ross-on-Wye, England, 117

rowan, 190

sacrifices of thanksgiving, 78

Saddle Island, Newfoundland, 129–30

St. Anthony’s nut (pignut), 87

Saint-John’s-wort, 87–88

Sakana, forest of, 125–29, 134–35, 139–40

Sakuragaoka Park, 266–70

Sakuragaoka Park Volunteers, 266–70

salt cod, 130

salt marsh, 298

Sami (Lapps), 243–46

sand, 297

Sandalstrand (Jolster, Norway), 200–206, 202

San Francisco, California, 16–19

San Juan (whaler), 129–30, 136

San Sebastián, Spain, 139

Saralegi, Gabriel, 164

sasa, 266–67

sasayuri (lily), 275

satoyama woodlands, 260–66, 270, 277–85

Sauer, Carl Otwin, 209

savanna, 167–79

saws, introduction of, 27

Sayama Hills, Japan, 270–73

scaffold branches, 49

Schulman, Edmund, 241–42

scots pines, 243–46

seaweeds, 34

Second Treatise on Government (Locke), 28

seizures of commons, 156–58

Shakespeare, William, 84

shepherds, 108–9

Shigo, Alex, 23–24, 161

Shinkokinshu (poetry anthology), 259–60, 262

Shinto, 254–55, 273

ship design and construction, 131–40

Shiwa New Town, Japan, 278–81

Shiwa Town Noorinkyoosha (Agroforestry Company), 279–80

shrubs, 44, 290–91

Sidhe, 117

Sierra Leone, 167–79

Sierra Nevadas (California), 73–74

Silurian, 34

“size up,” origin of phrase, 105

skav, 194

slave trade, 173

soap root, 219, 222

Sognefjord, 181–97

soil classification (Big Apple Series), 295

soil structure, water and, 56

Solhaug, Kare, 194–95

Somerset Levels, England

phoenix regeneration, 51, 52

pollarded willow, 69, 70

pollards and coppice, 25, 67–78

stool for coppiced hazel rods, 76

willows in, 2

Somerset Levels Project, 72

somoi, 170, 173

songbirds, 259

soul, Japanese concept of, 255–56

sourberry, 219–20

Southwestern Indians, 250

“spaghetti wood,” 60–65

Spain; See also Basque region

anti-dumping sign in Pasaia, 302

Basque shipwrights, 125–41

commons in Navarre, 156–58

Etxarri-Aranatz, Navarre, 125–29

Leitza, Navarra, 142–54, 163–66

pollarded trees in Murua, 118–24

Spanish Civil War, 131

spreading branches, 48

Spreckels Temple of Music (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco), 17

spring farm, 185–86

springtime, 84

sprout lands, woodlands as, 33

sprouts, importance of, 24–25

staghorn sumac, 44, 47

Star Carr platform (Yorkshire, England), 77

steel axes, 152

Steiner School (New York City), 112–13

Steinhart Aquarium (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco), 16–17

stems, 35, 65–66

stemsmiths, 136

still point, of civilizations, 166

stools, coppice, 75–76, 76

streets, invention of, 81–83

Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 155

Strybing Arboretum (San Francisco), 18

suelo y vuelo, 157

sugar maple, 57

sumac, 44, 47, 298

Sumita, Japan, 281–82

summer farm, 186–88

Sunde, Engel, 200, 205, 206

suppressed buds, 39–40


from hedges and hedging, 102

Japanese, 261

susu grass, 272

Susu people, 169–76

Sweden, 25

Sweet Track (England), 77–78

Tada Kinichi, 281

Tama New Town, Japan, 262–64

tannins, 248

tan oak, 233–34

tanuki (raccoon dog), 264, 271

Taoists, 56

taranome, 259–60, 275

Tasmanian Lomatia, 33

telome theory, 35–38, 36

temperate climates, rules for growth in, 45

Tending the Wild (Anderson), 212

Terra Nova, 130, 131

thanksgiving, 78

Thoreau, Henry David

on branching, 56

and Dully Chunk, 2

fire-coppicing woodland in Concord, vii, 305

on sprouts, 32, 33

tips, 38, 44

Tohno Econet, 282–88

Tokyo, Japan, 262

Tolkein, J. R. R., 68

Tomlinson, P. B., 42, 55

totipotent cells, 5

Totoro no Furusato Foundation, 270–71

Totoro no Mori (Totoro Forests), 270–73

trackways, 72–78, 76, 82, 83

trade, Basques and, 131–32

“Tragedy of the Commons” (Hardin), 155

Travels (Bartram), 249

tree inventory, Randall’s Island viaduct, 60–65

Trepalari, 164, 165

Tristan and Isolde, 94

Troll development model, 45–46

Tropical Trees and Forests (Hallé, Oldeman and Tomlinson), 42, 55

true lover’s knot, 88

Tsushima Ryoichi, 271

Turkana, Kenya, 176–78

Tusser, Thomas, 102

uguisu (songbird), 259, 265, 268–69, 272

Uguisu kagura (honeysuckle), 268–69

Ulmus minor, 114–15

Ulmus procera, 114

umbrella thorn, 178

University of California at Berkley, 18–21, 207

urban pollards, See Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City)

Utah, 291

valley oaks, 213

varna, 10

Vasek, Frank, 290

vertical economy, 209

Vikings, 131, 136

visual art, 198–206

Vizcaíno, Sebastián, 212–13

Waldorf schools, 112–13

walnut, 248

Walton Heath trackway (England), 74–76

Waseda University, 271–72


branching and, 56

xylem and, 57

wattle and daub, 80, 81

weaving, 74; See also baskets

webbing, 35, 36, 38

weeds, as nutrition, 250

West Africa

coppice in, 25

Guinea savanna (Sierra Leone), 167–79

West Sussex, England, 195

whaleboats, 130

whalers, 129–30

White, B. F., 210

White, E. B., 2–3, 6

Whitehead, Alfred North, 105–6

white spruce, 65

white walnut, 248

wild daffodil (Lenten lily), 88

Williams, William Carlos, 55


“E. B. White tree,” 1–6, 305–6

and leaf hay, 190

pollards at Somerset Levels, 69, 70

at Somerset Levels, 68–71, 74

wire fences, hedges vs., 96–97

wood, as fifth element in Japan, 252

wood pellets, 282

wood speedwell, 88

World Bank, 175–76

wounds, sprouts and, 65–66

xylem, 57–58, 58

yamaudo, 259–60

Yeats, William Butler, 94

yews, 22

Yorkshire, England, 74, 77

Zen temples, 253–54

Zimmerman, Walter, 35, 37