
The memory of saintly men and women is eternal. Behold Her Honor and Holiness my mother, my guide, the Rebbetzin and saint, noblest woman, scion of the holy dynastic chain of distinguished lineage, Mrs. Hannah Bracha, of blessed memory. Daughter of the sainted, holy Rabbi, R. Chaim Shmuel the Levi, may the memory of the saintly be a blessing, from Chentshin. She served God with all her abilities, in heart and in soul. With the utmost exertion, she raised her children to the Torah. Her holy soul rose heavenward in purity, on the eve of Friday, the eve of Sabbath, 7th of Cheshvan 5700.

Her honor my wife, the saintly, modest, pious Rebbetzin, scion of the holy dynastic chain of distinguished lineage, Mrs. Rachel Chaya Miriam, of blessed memory. Daughter of the sainted, holy Rabbi, R. Yerachmiel Moshe, may the memory of the saintly be a blessing; head of the rabbinical court, Koznitz. Her virtues were bounteous; she also studied Torah every day. She was a compassionate mother toward embittered souls in general and of Torah scholars and Hasidim in particular. In the fullness of her life, her holy soul rose in purity, heavenward. On the Sabbath, in the week of the reading “And Miriam died there” [Chukath], Tamuz 10, 5697.

His Honor my only son, treasure of my heart and soul, the holy, the Rabbi, the pious, scion of the holy dynastic chain of distinguished lineage, our Rabbi, the Rabbi R. Elimelech Benzion, of blessed memory. A man of truth, master of the purest, good character, plumbing the depths of the Torah, he was a sage and lover of Jews. He left behind Torah novellae on the Tractate Shabbat and one volume on the Yoreh Deah.

He was mortally wounded at a time of great distress for Jacob, on Monday 12, Tishrei 5700. In great pain and bitter anguish, his holy soul fled heavenward on the 16th of Tishrei, the second day of Sukkot.

Her honor his wife, my holy daughter-in-law, transparent, modest, scion of the holy dynastic chain of distinguished lineage, Mrs. Gittel, of blessed memory. Daughter of the sainted Rabbi, the Rabbi, our Rabbi R. Shlomo Chaim, may he live a long and good life, [of blessed memory], from Balachov. As she stood, utterly selfless, at the hospital where her husband, my holy son of blessed memory, lay wounded, she was killed Tuesday 13, Tishrei, 5700.

The Master of Compassion will hide them within the secrets of His wings forever, wrapping their souls in the assemblage of eternal life. God is their lot, and may they rest in peaceful repose; Amen.