Glossary of Locations

AENESIUM: The chief city of the realm of the Nine Cities of Owyllain. Ruled by King Hektor Pendragon.

ANDOMHAIM: The realm of the High King, founded by Malahan Pendragon, the grandson of Arthur Pendragon of Britain, when he fled the fall of Arthur’s realm through a magical gate to another world.

ARANAEUS: A village of the Wilderland, birthplace of Gavin. Formerly ruled by the cult of the urdmordar Agrimnalazur.

ARGIN: A village near the Monastery of St. Paul and the city of Trojas.

BASTOTH: The capital city of the manetaurs and the seat of the Red King of the Range.

THE BLACK MOUNTAIN: A mountain of peculiar black stone north of Dun Licinia. Sacred to both the dark elves and the dvargir.

CAERDRACON: A duxarchate in central Andomhaim, one of the wealthiest and most powerful of the realm.

CAERTIGRIS: The eastern march of Andomhaim, bordering on the lands of the manetaurs.

CALLISTIUM: One of the Nine Cities of Owyllain, ruled by King Kyrian the Pious.

CALVUS: A duxarchate in central Andomhaim.

CAMPHYLON: One of the main cities of the muridachs in the Deeps.

CARNOST: A duchy in the northeastern Frankish Empire.

CASTARIUM: A town in southern Taliand, three days' ride west of Tarlion.

CASTRA CARHAINE: The stronghold and seat of Dux Tarrabus Carhaine of Caerdracon.

CASTRA CHAELDON: The fortress guarding the border between the lands of Aenesium and Cytheria.

CASTRA DURIUS: The stronghold of Dux Kors Durius, located in western Durandis.

CASTRA MARCAINE: The stronghold and seat of Dux Gareth Licinius of the Northerland.

CASTRA ARBAN: The stronghold and seat of Dux Leogrance Arban of Taliand.

CATHAIR ANIMUS: A ruined city of the gray elves located in the Tower Mountains of Owyllain. Built around the Well of Storms.

CATHAIR AVAMYR: A ruined city of the gray elves, located somewhere in the Takai Steppes.

CATHAIR CAEDYN: The last city of the gray elves, located deep within the Illicaeryn Jungle.

CATHAIR SOLAS: The last city of the high elves, located far beyond the northern boundaries of Andomhaim.

CHALONS: A duchy in the northeastern Frankish Empire.

CINTARRA: The largest city of Andomhaim, ruled by the Prince of Cintarra, Cadwall Gwyrdragon.

COLDINIUM: A city on the northwestern borders of Andomhaim. Its Comes is a direct vassal of the High King.

CULACHAR: A kingdom of baptized gnolls, allied with the Frankish Empire.

CYTHERIA: The second largest city of the Nine Cities of Owyllain, ruled by King Justin Cyros.

DUN CALPURNIA: A town in the western Northerland, overlooking the valley of the River Moradel.

DUN LICINIA: A town in the Northerland, marking the northern border of the realm of Andomhaim.

DURANDIS: The western march of the kingdom of Andomhaim, bordering the mountains of Kothluusk.

ECHION: One of the Nine Cities of Owyllain, ruled by King Aristotle Tempus.

GRUNDORF: A small village in southern Swabathia in the Frankish Empire.

THE IRON TOWER: Once the northwestern outpost of the kingdom of Andomhaim, commanded by Sir Paul Tallmane. Destroyed by Ridmark Arban and his allies in their fight against the Artificer.

KALIMNOS: The southernmost town of the realm of Owyllain.

KHALD AZALAR: A destroyed kingdom of the dwarves, located beneath the mountains of eastern Vhaluusk.

KHALD TORMEN: The chief of the remaining Three Kingdoms of the dwarves, located beneath the mountains of Kothluusk west of Durandis.

KHALDURMAR: The chief city of the dvargir in the Deeps.

KHALUUSK: One of the three orcish kingdoms sworn to the High King, located north of the Shaluuskan Forest.

KOTHLUUSK: A kingdom of Mhor-worshipping orcs, located west of Durandis.

THE LABYRINTH: A dark elven ruin in the Deeps below the Range.

LIAVATUM: A village in the western Northerland.

MARHOSK: The city built by Queen Mara and Prince Consort Jager to serve as a capital for Nightmane Forest.

MEGARIUM: One of the Nine Cities of Owyllain, ruled by King Lycureon the Young.

MHOLORAST: A city-state of baptized orcs in Owyllain. The Warlord of Mholorast is allied with King Hektor Pendragon.

MONOLOCH: A kingdom of pagan gnolls bordering the Frankish Empire.

MORAIME: A town in the Wilderland, formerly the home of Morigna.

MOURDRECH: The southernmost duchy of the Frankish Empire.

MYLLENE: A town northeast of Aenesium.

NAJARIS: The city of the xiatami, located in the western half of the Serpent Marches.

NIGHTMANE FOREST: The domain of the Traveler and the homeland of the Anathgrimm orcs, now ruled by Queen Mara.

THE NORTHERLAND: The northernmost march of the realm of Andomhaim.

OPPIDUM AURELIUS: A trading town in the western edge on the Range.

OWYLLAIN: The realm founded by Connmar Pendragon and his followers.

THE QAZALUUSKAN FOREST: The vast forest north of Taliand, home to the ghost orcs.

THE RANGE: The vast grassland east of the realm of Andomhaim, home to the manetaur and tygrai kindreds.

REGNUM: A village in western Calvus, destroyed by Tarrabus Carhaine and the Enlightened of Incariel.

RHALUUSK: Kingdom of orcs near Durandis. The King of Rhaluusk is sworn to the High King of Andomhaim, and the orcs of Rhaluusk follow the worship of the Dominus Christus.

RHANDASK: An orcish warlock and one of the Confessor's officials in Urd Maelwyn. Serves as the Overseer of the Ring of Blood.

THE SERPENT MARSHES: A vast swamp between the Tower Mountains and the borders of Owyllain.

SHAKABOTH: A trading town in the upper levels of the Deeps, ruled by the orcish wizard Zuglacht.

SINDEROST: The capital of the Frankish Empire, formerly the cloak elven city of Cathair Sindar.

TEMNOST: A duchy in the central Frankish Empire.

THE SHALUUSKAN FOREST: The forest north of Taliand, home to the ghost orcs.

SINDEROST: Capital city of the Frankish Empire, once the cloak elven city of Cathair Sinder.

TALIAND: The oldest duxarchate of Andomhaim, located west of the mouth of the River Moradel.

TARLION: The capital city of Andomhaim and the seat of the High King. Home to the High King’s Citadel and the Well, the source of the magic of the Magistri. Formerly known as Cathair Tarlias before the founding of Andomhaim.

THAINKUL DURAL: A ruined thainkul a short distance from Moraime.

THAINKUL MORZAN: A ruined thainkul a few days from Khald Tormen.

URD AROWYN: The stronghold of the urdmordar Agrimnalazur.

URD CYSTAANL: The stronghold of the urdmordar Rhogrimnalazur.

URD MAELWYN: The former stronghold of the Sovereign. Now ruled by the Confessor.

URD MORLEMOCH: The ancient stronghold of the Warden, located by the sea in the northwestern Wilderland.

VALSTRASIA: A duchy in the eastern Frankish Empire.

VHALORAST: A city-state of pagan orcs in Owyllain. The Warlord of Vhalorast is allied with King Justin Cyros.

VHALUUSK: A kingdom of orcs of the Wilderland, splintered into dozens of warring tribes and fiefdoms. Predominantly worshippers of the orcish blood gods, though the faith of the Dominus Christus is spreading among the Vhaluuskan tribes.

VICTRIX: A village in the southern Northerland where Ridmark Arban slew the urdmordar Gothalinzur.
