Chapter Forty-Two


A Traitor in the Mist


Marek made it to the war room a half hour later than when he was supposed to be there. When he entered the room, he heard catcalls and clapping. “Knock it off, I’m not that late.”

“Not that late?” mocked Terran. “You are over an hour late.”

“What? No. Can’t be.” He turned and saw all of his friends nodding his head. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t think we were outside for that long.”

“You were outside? You mean you didn’t get lucky?” Gavin asked, as if not getting laid was unheard of.

Lilly socked Gavin in the arm before Marek could. “Thanks,” he said to her, receiving a silent nod. “Watch what you say, Gavin. Tatyanna is a princess; she isn’t like the women you are used to. You need to treat her with respect when she is here, and when she isn’t. Anything you could say could tarnish her reputation, and right now, she needs everyone to be on her side, not against her.”

Gavin rubbed his arm from where Lilly hit him, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

“Speaking of being late, where’s that signal you were supposed to send?” Emmett asked, coming out from the shadows. “Do you know how hard it was convincing everyone the game was over when you were nowhere in sight? Yeah. Thanks for nothing, man,” he said, but he didn’t sound like he was hurt, more amused by it all.

Marek flashed him a glare and walked to the center of the room, signaling the fun was over and it was time to get down to business. “I’m assuming everyone is on point, with me being so late and all. Am I correct?” he asked, roaming his eyes over everyone’s faces to see they did know what had happened. “Good, then let’s discuss what we are going to do about this.”

Tatyanna closed the door behind her and leaned against it, revisiting the kiss she just shared with Marek. Her smile grew until she was sure she looked pretty silly, but she couldn’t help herself. He made her feel giddy and smart and beautiful, and like she could take on the world. She pushed herself off the door and made her way to her bed, but she wasn’t tired. Tatyanna laid down anyway, and thought of Marek. She felt a nagging tingle in the back of her mind, as if she were missing something, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

Tatyanna thought back over the evening and seeing her friends take part in the battle. There was one person she hadn’t seen, since right before the game started. It was Cale. He never took part in the game. There was no reason for him not to get involved. She thought back over the entire time she knew Cale. When she first met him, he was okay but then turned into an arrogant ass, and then, worse when he tricked her into using her power, and acknowledging it truly existed.

They had gotten off to a rocky start, but it felt like there was something between him. It all started when she healed him, and lost control of her powers. After that, she felt a connection to him and even when they kissed, but it nowhere compared to the kisses she shared with Marek. Then it hit her. Their kisses were the same.

Marek said his kisses were warm, because of the Phoenix’s connection to fire. There was no reason Cale’s kisses should be so hot, because he was a human and didn’t have any power. Yet, there it was. It had been staring her in the face this whole time. Her losing control of her power, his hot burning kisses, and then the fact she threw fireballs at Marek. Tatyanna had pulled fire out of Cale when she healed him, and had consumed it inside of her. The fire made her lose control so many times until she finally did.

Cale even tried to turn her against Marek by spreading lies, and his anger toward her meant he had failed. The only person who could give the gift of fire was Grandfather, or Larik, and she knew it was Larik who gifted him both times. Grandfather would never have done it. He may have known, but he wouldn’t have tried to cause so much turmoil in her life.

Tatyanna sat up in bed, her heart beating wildly in her chest. She had to tell Marek. He had to know he was right. There had been a traitor among them this entire time. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and ran to the door, flinging it open and running out, never taking the time to close it.

Tatyanna burst through the door and startled everyone that was in the meeting hall. She instantly saw Dimitri, Emmett, and Terran lounging against a wall, with Althea at their feet chewing on an unrecognizable bloody bone. She shivered, not wanting to dwell on what the wolf was chewing on. Her gaze flittered from her friends over to the two dwarves, Gavin, and Griffin before they rested on Marek. Her heart rate increased at the sight of him, looking powerful in his natural form as a leader. He still wore the same clothes, but his hair was hanging loosely around his shoulders, and he appeared to be tireless even though she knew he had been up since dawn, and it was well past midnight. She wondered if he ever slept more than a few hours a night.

The room looked familiar to her with the bareness of it, and she knew this room from Emmett’s shared memory at the beginning of the battle. The room really was stark and lacking in personality. If it had white walls instead of the wooden ones, she would feel like she was in an institution of some sort.

“Tatyanna, what is it?” Marek asked, pulling her from her thoughts and walking toward her, gathering her hands in his. His eyes scanning over her body, making sure she wasn’t injured.

“I realized something after you left, and it was too important to wait until morning.”

“Okay,” he said confused. “What is it?”

Tatyanna glanced at everyone around the room. She knew she could trust her friends, she was still holding out on what to think of Medo, and she didn’t know the other two men.

“Whatever it is you need to tell me, it will be safe in this room. It will not leave this room without my permission,” Marek said, bending down slightly to meet her gaze, reading her uncertainty.

She chided herself silently, took a deep breath and just said what needed to be said. “Caleisatraitor,” she blurted out all in one word.

“What?” Marek asked, thinking she was mistaken.

“Cale is a traitor,” she said again, making sure to say each word slowly so there was no mistaking it.

“I knew it!” Dimitri yelled.

“I told you so,” Emmett said at the same time as Dimitri.

“What? No,” Dimitri said appalled. “I was the one who told you first, that he couldn’t be trusted.”

The two bickered back and forth like children, each one saying they were the first one to know Cale was a traitor. Tatyanna followed the argument back and forth like a ping pong ball, and then threw up her hands in frustration. “What the hell? You both knew? And you never told me?”

That silenced both men. Marek changed his stance to a defensive one, standing directly behind Tatyanna. She could feel his masculine chest brushing against her back. Emmett and Dimitri saw the change, and they knew they had to be careful in their next words.

They looked at each other, as if silently begging the other person to speak first. “Fine,” Emmett said under his breath. “We suspected he couldn’t be trusted. There was so much going on, and the Elders wouldn’t do anything when we brought our suspicions to them. They kept saying Grandfather gave him his power. They wouldn’t even consider he got his power from Larik, because they swore they’ve had eyes on him the whole time he has been with us.”

Marek toed his shoe into the floor in concentration. “Start at the beginning. I want to hear it all. When did you know Cale had magic?”

Tatyanna was the one to speak up. “I was working at the hospital one night, and a major accident came in during my shift. Cale was there, and he was dying. He grabbed on to my hand, and wouldn’t let me go. At the time, I was just starting to suspect I could heal, but I was still very much in denial. As he held my hand, I could feel my life draining out of me, and he screamed at me, telling me I was selfish, standing there and letting him die. It was enough to cause me to run away. Later, he was at the bar, and I don’t know how I was able to pull the magic out of him.”

“Did you get a trace on it?”

“A trace?” she asked Marek, unsure of what he meant.

“When someone is given power, it can be traced back to the person it originally came from. Did you feel anything when you pulled it out of him? Was it hot to the touch? Did you feel like you were as light as a feather? Anything that could pinpoint where it came from?”

Her expression changed, as she looked off into the distance, replaying those memories in her mind. Tatyanna remembered the day at the bar and pulling the power out of him, but it was such a shock to her she wasn’t sure what she was doing. Her eyes cleared, and she looked back at Marek. “I’m sorry. I don’t remember anything specific. I was more in shock to really be paying attention to something like that.” Marek looked disappointed even though he tried not to show it. It was just a fleeting expression, but not fast enough for Tatyanna to miss.

“Tatyanna healed him a second time, for real this time, and she started acting different after that point,” Emmett spoke up. Tatyanna turned to face him, and remembered that day they were about to leave for Marek’s camp, only to find Cale unconscious on the ground. That was the day she lost control of her powers, and faith in herself.

Dimitri spoke up next, explaining to Marek what had happened, “It was weird, man. She went from healing him, to losing control of herself. When Emmett tried to pull her off Cale, he ended up flying backwards. Looking back, I don’t think she lost control of her power. I think she was absorbing Larik’s power, and she was unable to handle it. Since then, her attitude has been different, and she’s been quick to get angry.”

“What do you mean?” Tatyanna asked, turning around to look at him.

“Take Medo for instance. We all thought you were going to blow a gasket when you realized he made you, Cale, and Terran take the long way up the side of the mountain when everyone else went up the cleared trail.”

Marek rounded on his friend and instantly got in his face. “What the hell, Medo!” he shouted. “When I asked you to escort her back here, you knew what she meant to me. Why the hell would you treat her that way?”

Medo didn’t back down from his friend and stood up taller, his chest out and shoulders back. “You remembered a child. You have been in love with a memory. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t some prissy girl. You deserve someone with a backbone, and who can stand up for herself.” He broke eye contact with his friend, and looked over at Tatyanna, a smile growing on his face. “I think she is perfect for you.”

Marek shoved his friend backward, causing him to lose his footing and fall into Griffin. “I could have told you she was perfect for me. I knew it then, and I know it now. I don’t need you looking out for me.”

“Whatever. I did what I felt was right. No way was I going to put my life on the line for someone who needed to have her hand held the entire way.”

Tatyanna walked toward Marek and tugged at his arm, pulling him away from Medo. “Look, you can be all macho later. What’s done is done, and we have more important things to talk about.”

Marek allowed Tatyanna to pull him away, but not before giving Medo a hard stare, letting him know he wasn’t over his actions. Tatyanna continued to pull at his arm until they were standing against the opposite wall from Medo. Griffin had silently taken a few steps to stand in front of the dwarf, in case something else came to light and they would need to restrain Marek. The move did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room.

Marek rubbed his hands over his eyes, and felt like the day would never end. “Okay, so we know Tatyanna had trouble dealing with her anger. That still doesn’t prove Cale is a spy. What is it that you aren’t telling me?” he said, directing the last part at Tatyanna.

She took a few steps away from the wall. “Ever since we arrived, Cale has been trying to turn me against you. He is the one who told me lies about you, trying to get me to hate you.” She paused for a second, looking down at the ground. “It was more than that. At first, I felt a closeness to him that I couldn’t explain. And then, we shared a few kisses—”

“What!” Marek yelled, whirling on her. “You kissed that scumbag?”

“Hey!” she shouted. “I didn’t know who you were. I vaguely remembered you as a boy, and then I would dream about your eyes, but I didn’t know who you were. All anyone would tell me was you would help protect me. Not one word was mentioned about being betrothed to you.”

Marek turned toward Dimitri and Emmett, who had known about the betrothal, because they were at the castle the night it took place. He didn’t have a chance to yell at them, before Tatyanna brought the attention back to her.

“Look, I don’t need my boyfriend to become all caveman on me. We have a problem here and we need to fix it.”

“Boyfriend?” he asked. “Caveman?”

Tatyanna snapped her fingers in his face. “Whatever you want to call us. What’s done is done. Now focus, so I can explain my point.”

“Boyfriend,” he stated, this time a small smile tugging at the sides of his mouth.

“Marek,” she gave a low growl. “Focus.” Tatyanna could still see he was stuck on the word, and truthfully, she was, too. “Anyway, the few times that we kissed, I always noticed how warm his kisses were. They reminded me of a warmth from a fire. But when you and I kissed, it felt like fireworks were exploding in my mouth, but I recognized the warmth again. It was tonight when you explained it was the fire magic in you that made your kisses so warm. I realized Cale possessed the fire magic in him. I wasn’t attracted to him. It was you who I wanted, before I even knew you. A part of me must have remembered you, and it was trying to reconnect with that side of me. Cale is a human. The only way he could have been given the ability to have fire magic was from Larik. I don’t know how, or when, but it’s the only way.”

“It makes sense,” Gavin said, speaking up for the first time. “Your magic recognized the power in Cale. Marek and Larik are cousins. They both can connect to fire, but in different ways.”

“I think this is what people mean by soulmates,” Lilly said in awe, as her eyes bounced back and forth between Marek and Tatyanna. “Even when you two are together, you automatically have to stand near the other person. Your magic has been trying to tell you what you both didn’t want to admit for so long, but you two are truly meant to be together.” She sighed at that, giving Medo a rude look, before turning back to the happy couple.

“What the hell did I do?” he asked, but received no explanation.

Tatyanna looked down. She was holding Marek’s hand. She had to admit what Lilly said was true. She glanced at the other woman and felt sympathy toward her, because she was in love with a man who didn’t see her for who she really was. Lilly caught her gaze and nodded her head, looking away with a single tear running down her cheek. She was feeling the sentiments.

Not wanting to see her friend cry, or for the others to realize what was going on with Lilly, Tatyanna pulled the attention back on her. “So, now what? What do we do?”

Everyone started to throw out ideas, and then argue against them. It was Marek who made the final decision. “Nothing.”

“What do you mean nothing?” Emmett asked, pushing off from the wall and folding his arms against his chest.

“We don’t want Cale to know we know the truth. So we have to watch him. Watch his every move, never leave him alone, and see if we can find out what he is up to, and ultimately, Larik. It is obvious Larik doesn’t want Tatyanna dead, or else he would have tried something by now. So we need to find out what his end game is.”

Tatyanna didn’t like his response, but who was she to argue with him. She nodded her head, and yawned loudly as the others laughed. She bade goodnight to everyone and shared an awkward moment with Marek when he leaned down to kiss her, and felt everyone’s eyes on them, and he froze instead. Tatyanna was the one to stand up on her tiptoes and give Marek a kiss on the cheek.

Lilly turned to walk Tatyanna back to her cabin, but was stopped when Marek told her to wait. “Dimitri, you and Althea can walk Tatyanna back. Leave Althea with her tonight, just in case. Emmett, can you stay with us for a few minutes, while we try to decide what to do with the people we caught tonight.” Emmett gave him a single nod, and closed the door behind Dimitri.

“In light of everything that has happened, it is clear that I need to be with Tatyanna. As much as I would like to stay behind and keep her here with me, I know she needs to be out there in the world helping others, and finding a way to defeat Larik. We don’t have a plan yet, but I know we will think of something. Knowing who Cale really is changes things, but knowing we have enemies here makes it extra difficult to leave.

“In light of this evening’s activities, I have decided to leave someone in charge, and I hope they take it.” All eyes turned to Medo, who smiled smugly. Marek turned to him, and said, “I want Lilly to lead, and for Gavin to be her second.”

Medo’s face fell at the news. “You want? Why? He’s not even a real leader,” he said, pointing a stubby finger at Gavin.

“Tonight showed me otherwise. It was his plan to pretend to be captured in order to capture you and Griffin. Tonight, Gavin proved to me he has what it takes to lead, but he needs polishing and training. Lilly showed to me what I always knew. She proved to herself and others there is more to her than just a pretty face. She can teach others to look beyond the surface,” he said, ending his speech and turning to Lilly. “Do you accept?”

Her eyes watered, and she was so overcome by his words that she was unable to speak. Instead, she just nodded her head, while Gavin tried to give her a high five for her promotion. He stood next to her, practically jumping from one foot to the next with his hand up in the air, that she weakly slapped her hand to his. She still couldn’t believe this had happened to her. She always thought Marek would choose Medo. It would be a shock to everyone.

“What about me?” Medo asked gruffly.

“I want you and Griffin to stay behind. There is much the two of you can teach Gavin. He has potential, but he is far from being ready to take over the reins for me. I also need you two to sniff out any other traitors. People will expect you to be miffed about the change in leadership, and you can use this to your advantage.”

“How do you know I won’t betray you?” Medo asked.

Marek made eye contact with Medo, slowly moved his eyes over to Lilly, and back over to Medo, knowing the other man caught his drift. “You are a stubborn man. I hope one day you can learn from all of this, and get over yourself, to see what is right in front of you.”

“What?” Gavin asked confused, but it was Griffin who clasped him on the back of his neck. “Come on, kid. Let’s go meet the prisoners, and see if we can get them talking.” He led him from the room. The two dwarves looked everywhere but at each other, but Marek knew it was only a matter of time before Medo found his own chance at love.

“I always thought you’d be by my side during this fight, wherever it might lead us. But, know I will call on you the minute I need you. I won’t keep you out of the action for long.”

Medo grinned, and they shook their arms, hand to the other’s elbow. “I’ll teach your cousin. He’ll become a man before you return.”

Marek laughed from his belly. “I hope so. I didn’t have the patience to train him, but maybe you do. Teach him patience before you teach him anything else. Oh, and to stop talking so much.” Medo laughed, and he escorted Lilly out of the cabin, leaving behind Marek and Emmett.

“I know you are hiding something from me, please tell me what it is,” Marek asked.

Emmett didn’t even try to deny the accusation. “I don’t know when, or how, but I am going to die. I won’t be there to protect Tatyanna the way I want to. Knowing Cale truly is a traitor, I believe he will be the one to kill me.” Marek’s eyes flashed with anger, but Emmett stopped him. “Tatyanna’s mother made this prediction. We both know better than to fight it. What will happen will happen, I just ask you be there for Tatyanna when it does. Don’t let her do anything stupid.”

Marek nodded in his agreement, but never gave his word, knowing he would try his best not to let his friend die.

“Come, it is late, and we need sleep before we leave camp tomorrow,” Marek said, watching Emmett leave, and turning back to take in the empty war room. He had grown up here, leaving on occasion for one mission or another, but always coming back. He knew when he left tomorrow, he wasn’t coming back. It was time for him to close this chapter of his life, and start a new one with Tatyanna. He never thought of himself as a king, only a fighter, but maybe this was a chance to prove himself wrong.