- a
- Adams, John
- Adams, Tracy
- Adorno, Theodor
- Aknin, L.B.
- Alston, William P.
- American Philosophical Association
- Anscombe, G.E.M.
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Aristotle
- Armstrong, David
- Arntzenius, Frank
- Artamène (Scudéry)
- Art of Love (Ovid)
- Astell, Mary
- Augustine
- b
- Balcarras, David
- Baldwin, James
- Barnes, Barry
- Bealer, George
- Beauvoir, Simone de
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Bell, Macalester
- Belmont Report
- Beloved (Morrison)
- Bennett, Jonathan
- Berkeley, George
- Blachowicz, James
- Blackford, Russell
- Bloor, David
- Bodin, Jean
- Boghossian, Peter
- Book of the City of Ladies (Pizan)
- Bootz, Benett
- Bordo, Susan
- Bostrom, Nick
- Boswell, Joe
- Bourget, D.
- Boxill, Bernard
- Bricmont, Jean
- Broad, Jacqueline
- Brock, Stuart
- Broderick, Damien
- Brooks, David
- Brown, James Robert
- Bueno, Otávio
- c
- Cameron, Ross
- Cappelen, Herman
- Carnap, Rudolf
- Carroll, Berenice
- Cartwright, N.
- Castañeda, Hector‐Neri
- Cavell, Stanley
- Chalmers, David
- Cherry, Myisha
- Christina of Sweden
- Clapp, Lenny
- Clélie (Scudéry)
- Cohen, G.A.
- Collins, John
- Comte, Auguste
- Copan, Paul
- Copeland, B.J.
- Copernicus, Nicolaus
- Cottrell, Robert D.
- Craig, William L.
- Crick, Francis
- Cristianini, Nello
- Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
- Croce, Benedetto
- Crowe, M.J.
- d
- Darwin, Charles
- Dasgupta, Shamik
- Davidson, Donald
- Davies, Kate
- Deleuze, Gilles
- de Man, Paul
- Dennett, Daniel C.
- Derrida, Jacques
- Descartes, R.
- Deutsch, Max
- Devitt, Michael
- Dewey, John
- Dietrich, Eric
- Diotima
- Ditmarsch, Hans van
- Donoghue, M.J.
- Dostoyevsky, F.
- Douglass, Frederick
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
- Du Châtelet, Emilie
- Dummett, Michael
- Dworkin, Ronald
- Dyson, Michael
- e
- Eagleton, Terry
- Eddington, Arthur
- Ehring, Douglas
- Einstein, Albert
- Eliot, T.S.
- Elisabeth of Bohemia
- Elizabeth I
- Engels, Friedrich
- f
- Fanon, Frantz
- Fermat, Pierre de
- Ferraris, M.
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- Feynman, Richard
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- Fine, Kit
- Fodor, J.
- Fonte, Moderata.
- Foster, John
- Foucault, Michel
- Frankfurt, Harry G.
- Frege, Gottlob
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedersdorf, Conor
- Fumerton, Richard
- g
- Galen
- Galileo
- Gellner, Ernest
- Gentile, Giovanni
- Gettier, Edmund
- Gibbard, Allan
- Gill, M. J.
- Glover, Jonathan
- Gödel, Kurt
- Godfrey‐Smith, Peter
- Godlovitch, Stan
- Golden Bough, The (Frazer)
- Golding, Clinton
- Goldstein, Rebecca Newberger
- Goodin, Robert
- Goodman, Dena
- Goodstein, David
- Gordon, Daniel
- Go Tell It On the Mountain (Baldwin)
- Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde Victoria
- Gournay, Marie le Jars de
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Green, Karen
- Grice, Paul
- Guardian, The
- Guerrini, Anita
- h
- Habermas, Jürgen
- Halpern, Joseph Y.
- Hammersley, Rachel
- Hansson, Sven
- Harding, Sandra
- Hawking, Stephen
- Healy, Kieran
- Hegel, G.W.F.
- Heidegger, Martin
- Hellie, Benjamin
- Heptameron (Navarre)
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hicks, Eric
- Hill, Bridget
- Hintikka, Jaakko
- Hintikka, Merrill
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Hoek, Wiebe van der
- Horgan, Terry
- Howson, Colin
- Hume, David
- J
- Jackson, Frank
- Jackson, Michael
- Jaima, Amir
- James, William
- Japlonka, E.
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jennings, Carolyn Dicey
- Jerison, Harry
- Jones, Ward E.
- k
- Kamber, Richard
- Kant, Immanuel
- Keeping Faith (West)
- Keillor, Garrison
- Kekes, J.
- Kitcher, Patricia
- Koertge, Noretta
- Kooi, Barteld
- Krantz, S.G.
- Kripke, Saul
- Kroon, Fred.
- Kuhn, Thomas S.
- l
- Ladyman, James
- Lakatos, Imre
- Lamb, M.J.
- Laudan, Larry
- Leibniz, G.W.
- Leiter, Brian
- Lemon, Don
- Leplin, Jarrett
- Lewis, David
- Lindsay, James A.
- Lipman, Matthew
- Livy
- Lloyd, Genevieve
- Locke, John
- Lorris, Guillaume de
- Lucretia, rape of
- m
- Macaulay, Catharine
- MacBride, Fraser
- MacDonald, Cynthia
- Malcolm, Norman
- Marmodoro, Anna
- Marx, Karl
- McGinn, Colin
- Melnyk, Andrew
- Meun, Jean de
- Mill, J.S.
- Mironov, Vladimir
- Misak, C.J.
- Mishler, B.D.
- Mlodinow, Leonard
- Molnar, George
- Molyneux, Bernard.
- Moody, Todd C.
- Moore, G.E.
- Morrison, Toni
- Mumford, Lewis
- Mussolini, Benito
- n
- Native Son (Wright)
- Navarre, Marguerite de
- New Republic, The
- Newton, Isaac
- New York Times, The
- Nichomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
- Nielsen, Kai
- Nietzsche, F.
- Niiniluoto, I.
- Norris, Christopher
- Norton, J.D.
- Nozick, R.
- Nudler, Oscar
- Nussbaum, Martha C.
- o
- Obama, Barack
- On Certainty (Wittgenstein)
- On the Plurality of Worlds (Lewis)
- Oppy, Graham
- O’Reilly, Bill
- O’Rourke, Michael
- Otis, James
- Overbye, Dennis
- Ovid
- p
- Pal, Carol
- Parfit, Derek
- Parmenides
- Paul, Laurie
- Pennock, Robert T.
- Peterson, S.
- Philosophers’ Magazine, The
- Pigliucci, Massimo
- Pizan, Christine de
- Plantinga, Alvin
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Poincaré, Henri
- Pollock, Jackson
- Popper, Karl
- Poullain de la Barre, François
- Priest, Graham
- Pseudo‐Dionysius the Areopagite
- Psillos, Stathis
- Putnam, Hilary
- Pyke, Steve
- Pythagoras
- q
- Questionable Form (Jaima)
- Quine, W.V.O.
- r
- Race Matters (West)
- Rand, Ayn
- Ranisch, R.
- Rawls, John
- Regan, Tom
- Reimarus, Elise
- Rescher, Nicholas
- Robb, David
- Romance of the Rose (Meun)
- Rorty, Richard
- Rosen, Gideon
- Rousseau, Jean‐Jacques
- Rufus of Cornwall
- Russell, Bertrand
- Rust, Joshua
- s
- Salmon, Wesley C.
- Sandel, Michael
- Sartre, Jean‐Paul
- Savulescu, Julian
- Schaffer, Jonathan
- Schelling, F.W.J.
- Schiller, F.C.S.
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Schüklenk, Udo
- Schwitzgebel, Eric
- Scudéry, Madeleine de
- Sellars, Wilfrid
- Shapiro, Stuart C.
- Shelby, Tommie
- Shermer, Michael
- Shoemaker, Sydney
- Singer, Peter
- Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, The (Unger and Smolin)
- Sluga, Hans
- Smart, Jack
- Smith, Adam
- Smolin, Lee
- Socrates
- Sokal, Alan
- Solomon, Robert
- Sorensen, Roy
- Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz
- Spinoza, Baruch
- Stalnaker, Robert
- Stenger, Victor
- Stoljar, Daniel
- Stone, The (New York Times)
- Stove, David
- Strawson, P.F.
- Strohminger, Nina
- Suchon, Gabrielle
- Summers, Larry
- t
- Tarski, Alfred
- Taylor, Charles
- Taylor, Gabriele
- Tennant, Neil
- Thales
- Thompson, E.P.
- Thrasymachos
- Titone, Connie
- Travis, Carol
- “Two Dogmas of Empiricism” (Quine)
- u
- Unger, Peter
- Unger, Roberto
- Urbach, Peter
- Urban, Wilbur
- v
- van Fraassen, Bas
- van Inwagen, Peter
- w
- Wagner, Richard
- Walker, Mark
- Wallace, David Foster
- Warburton, Nigel
- Warren, Mercy Otis
- Weinberg, Jonathan M.
- Weinberg, Steven
- Weisberg, Michael
- West, Cornel
- Whewell, William
- Williamson, Timothy
- Wilson, Jessica
- Winch, Peter
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Wolpert, Louis
- Wong, David
- Wright, Crispin
- Wright, Jennifer Cole
- Wright, R.
- a
- accessibility see also clarity
- analytic/continental divide
- animal rights
- aporetic clusters
- b
- Bayesian probability
- Bell’s Theorem
- Big Data
- bioethics
- biology
- boundary problems
- c
- capitalism see consumer capitalism
- causation
- causal and constitutive explanation
- chmess
- Christianity
- clarity
- cognitive limitations
- cognitive science
- collegiality
- conceptual schemes
- conditionals
- consumer capitalism
- continental philosophy see analytic/continental divide
- critical race theory
- d
- deductivism
- determinism
- dissensus in philosophy
- f
- feminism, see also women’s rights; women in philosophy
- formal axiomatic systems (FASs)
- free will
- further fact view of personal identity
- g
- gay rights
- God
- Grounding
- i
- Identity‐conferring beliefs
- impact agenda
- induction, problem of
- inductions, consilience of
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs)
- interdisciplinary engagement see also experimental philosophy
- Internal Review Boards (IRBs)
- intuitions
- intellectual intuition (Kant)
- m
- marriage
- Marxism
- mathematics
- metaethics
- metaphilosophy
- metaphysics
- modal logic
- modal operators
- modal realism
- models
- model‐building
- models of philosophical inquiry
- morality see ethics
- moral philosophy see ethics
- moral psychology
- n
- network analysis
- noetic skepticism
- non‐Western philosophy
- o
- Occam’s Beard
- Occam’s Razor
- Ontological Argument
- p
- paradigm shift
- perspectivism
- philosophical communities
- philosophy, conceptions of
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of religion
- philosophy of science
- physics
- political philosophy see social and political philosophy
- possible worlds
- postmodernism
- progress
- argument from disagreement
- arguments from philosophical methods
- in the arts
- in logic
- in mathematics
- in science
- meaning and concepts of
- social and cultural progress
- public philosophy
- r
- relativism
- research ethics
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
- rhetoric
- s
- semantics
- conversational implicature
- siloing
- disciplinary
- intra‐disciplinary
- skeptical meta‐induction
- social and political philosophy
- specialization see also siloing
- string theory
- structural realism
- t
- Tarquins, overthrow of
- technology
- theology
- truth
- anti‐realist views
- correspondence theory of
- perspectivist theory see perspectivism
- Tuskegee syphilis experiments
- w
- wisdom
- women in philosophy
- women’s rights