

Healthy Living and Material Well-Being

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.

Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

So far I’ve talked about connecting to the power of the Force with your mind and heart, but the missing part of the transformative spiritual equation here is your body. It took me until I was in my mid-twenties to appreciate just how important it is for my spiritual evolution to take care of my bodily health and all areas of my material well-being.

Inner calm can be achieved not just through martial arts training and stress management techniques discussed in previous chapters but also through physical well-being. In this chapter I’ll explain how I truly learned to transform “this crude matter” into something “luminous” that could directly connect me to the Force.

You are probably expecting me to give some healthy diet guidelines now. I am sorry to disappoint: one thing I have learned along the way is that each one of us must find the kind of diet that is optimal for us. There is no one size that fits all.


As you’ve seen, 2010 to 2016 were the make-or-break years for Jediism. I knew I had to decide whether to drop it or make the movement grow up with me. I couldn’t decide, so I made no decision and instead took a step back to work on my personal development, trusting increased self-awareness and control would guide me to the Force – as it did for Luke in the Star Wars saga.

During this time I was often plagued with great doubt. Crippled with indecision, I hid away. I like to give people my time, as that is the most precious gift you can give anyone, but during this tense period I would often lock myself away and requests for information would go unanswered.

At times my doubt grew so intense I was very close to dismantling the church as it felt like the sword of Damocles. To make matters worse there was opposition from rival Jedi groups and infighting within the church itself – it wasn’t mature. The movement had to grow up if it was to evolve, just as I had to grow up. I did the odd radio and magazine interview here and there but generally tried to avoid publicity, even spectacular TV opportunities like appearing as a guest on The Graham Norton Show alongside Star Wars’ Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher, in 2011. I regret not doing that now, especially since the tragic news of her death, but at the time it was the right decision. I didn’t feel comfortable anymore in the public eye. I didn’t feel good in my own skin and a lot of that was to do not just with my anxiety about the direction the church should head in, but with my general poor health and shambolic lifestyle. I was having panic meltdowns, putting on weight and suffering from hair loss.


It’s a common misconception that spirituality is separate or different from physicality, but that could not be further from the truth. I know that because one natural therapy for Asperger’s that consistently achieves successful results is managing symptoms with nutritional supplements and dietary change. Without the gift of Asperger’s I would never have had direct personal experience of just how powerful the connection between physical and emotional well-being is, and how what you put into your mouth impacts everything.

One of the most disruptive symptoms of Asperger’s are panic and stress-related conditions such as insomnia, phobias and alopecia (hair loss). I suffered from all three! Sometimes my hair would fall out in clumps for days on end. Counselling gave me the cognitive tools to deal with anxiety and stress, and work on my sleep disruption and phobias, but it didn’t help my hair grow back. Changing what I ate and taking supplements, including plant-based omega 3 oils, however, did have a dramatic impact for me.

When I was diagnosed with Asperger’s I found out that diet can ease symptoms so I did some research and learned that I should take kelp, spirulina and zinc supplements for my hair loss, as well as increase my intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and cut down on processed foods and fast foods. Within a few weeks the effects were dramatic, and my hair was richer and stronger than before. Seeing how a few simple dietary changes changed the texture and thickness of my hair was the incentive for me to find dietary approaches to calm my mood in general. The resulting change in my overall well-being was astonishing and a wonderful side effect was that I lost weight too.

I wanted to find out more about diet and how it can impact physical, mental and emotional health, and so for the next two years I studied nutrition. It became clear to me that there were foods that could boost your mood, and foods that could drain it, and that it was entirely possible to boost your well-being with nutrition. It also became clear to me that the benefits of healthy eating extended to spiritual growth as unhealthy foods can lower your mood and by so doing block your connection to the Force. Seen in this light, every meal or snack you have has the potential to lift your mood and spirit, and connect you to the Force. Every meal is therefore potentially a sacred ritual.

We live in a fast food world. Many of us eat the wrong kinds of foods and too much of the wrong kinds of foods. Food is fuel. It can be the best kind of medicine but also the worst kind of poison, because every cell in your body is impacted by what you eat.


A Jediist understands that physical health directly affects the flow of the Force within them and that poor health and depression suggest a block in the flow of the life Force. Eating right is therefore a powerful way to improve your spiritual health.

Your body is the sacred vessel which carries the internal universe of your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts and feelings are incredibly important because they create your reality and your connection to the Force. If you don’t take care of and respect your body, your connection to the Force will become limited because the mind and body have a powerful partnership. You can’t divorce your physical health from your spiritual. If you are not eating well, it blocks the flow of universal life energy through your body.

When my diet was poor, my body wasn’t getting the right nutrients and slipped into a slumber-like state that drained all energy from my mind and blocked my connection to the Force. I forgot that I was infinite creativity. I was on the way to becoming like the obese humans depicted in the Disney film WALL-E who simply don’t move at all anymore, except to use their fingers to punch commands into a computer and eat processed food. However, when I found out that people with Asperger’s should stay away in particular from alcohol as our tolerance for it is very low, and that a diet rich in processed foods, sweets, fizzy drinks, fries and so on is like waving a red rag to a bull, I changed my diet to a wholefood, organic diet. Within months I was losing weight and feeling lighter, both physically and spiritually.

I could feel the Force flowing strongly through me again.


Of course, there are some obvious basics. We should eat more fresh food, fruit and vegetables, and less sugar and processed and fast foods. There are also certain superfoods that can aid brain power (see box) but every single human being is unique. I can’t tolerate alcohol, coffee or chocolate and have to eat mostly organic foods to remain calm, but others can tolerate less healthy food choices.

The important thing is to do your research as I did and find what works for you. The indicator is always how fit, happy and healthy you feel. If you are a healthy weight and are bursting with energy and your skin feels clear, chances are your diet is a spiritual one. Your body and spirit are working in harmony with the Force.



The following nutrients are required for the production of neurotransmitters and can boost concentration and brain power. They should be key players in the diet of every Jediist. You don’t need to take supplements; just ensure your diet includes these food sources.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – whole grains, fruit, milk, cheese and eggs

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – pulses, broccoli, tomatoes and fruit

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, legumes

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) – eggs, fish, dairy products

Folic acid – bananas, orange juice, strawberries, leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas

Iron – beef, whole grains, raisins, legumes and dried apricots

Calcium – leafy green vegetables, soya products, fish with bones, dairy products, nuts and seeds

Magnesium – whole grains, legumes, nuts and green vegetables

Potassium – apricots, avocados, bananas, grapefruit, prunes, strawberries, lean meat and fish

Zinc – beans, lentils, yeast, nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals

Omega 3 – oily fish, flax seeds, soya and walnuts



The old idea that your body is somehow separate from your spirit or lower or baser than spirit is wrong. Yoda describes the body as “crude matter” but that is only if we don’t think of our bodies as vehicles for spirit. If we think of them as sacred vessels then our bodies become “luminous” or glowing with life Force energy. It is impossible to be healthy all the time, and some of us for reasons unknown are born with disabilities and health conditions that need to be managed all our lives, but in general the level of your health and well-being can say a great deal about your spiritual state.

A Jediist is healthy in mind, spirit and body. Of course, no one can be healthy 100 per cent of the time, but if you are frequently ill or depressed, it may suggest the need for some kind of change in your diet and lifestyle, and perhaps a change also in the way you think about yourself and your life. I don’t think illness is all in the mind but I am inclined to believe that mindset can play a part in health and well-being. Studies have been done to suggest this may well be the case and in my own life I’ve seen how my mood impacts my physical well-being and the other way round. I do believe that thoughts create our world, but, having said that, I also know there are some things that can’t be controlled by thought alone. For example, I was born with Asperger’s and certainly didn’t think that into existence, just as someone who is hit by a car doesn’t attract that accident to themselves with their thoughts. It just happens.

In essence, while we cannot control absolutely everything that happens to us with our thoughts, we can control how we react to situations and how we take care of our physical health and material well-being. A Jediist focuses his or her attention not just on positive thinking and making positive diet and lifestyle choices but also on staying alert and prepared to deal with any situation that life throws at them. Paying attention to their material as well as their spiritual well-being is also an absolute priority.


The mark of a Jediist is not a dress code, tattoo or symbol, but health and joy in mind, body and spirit. If Jediists do encounter setbacks or poor health they face it with courage and see it as a tool for growth. Their good health manifests in all areas of their life. Balance and moderation are the key. They avoid drugs, alcohol and stimulants because when they are in harmony with the Force that is the only high they need. Sex is a natural high – a beautiful expression of love between two people and to be encouraged – but sex is something that should be earned not expected from others. A Jediist is typically faithful to one partner and not promiscuous.

A Jediist’s living situation and finances will be healthy and in order. All these things are part of the material world we live in and the way we live our material life is a reflection of our spiritual journey. A certain amount of disorder in your home or workplace is acceptable but an extremely cluttered and untidy living space will block the flow of the Force. It is the same with personal finances.

Money is not the root of all evil for a Jediist. Far from it. Money can do a great deal of good in the world and having lots of it may be a sign of spiritual abundance as money is energy like everything else. Money is only evil or negative if you over-value it or think it is an indicator of your self-worth or status.

A Jediist helps others if it is within his or her means, but they certainly don’t renounce all worldly things or put their material needs last. Think about it. If you give everything away to the homeless you become the charity case you are trying to prevent. If someone has fallen into a pit of lava, no point jumping in with them. The best way to help others is when you are in control and coming from a position of strength and stability, physically, emotionally and materially.

We live in a material world, but money will not bring you joy and fulfilment, and for proof of that just look at the lives of unhappy celebrities and lottery winners. This isn’t to say earning money isn’t important. Money is nothing more than a tool to get what we need and to live.

A Jediist helps others if it is within their means.

So, earn enough to buy what you need but don’t devalue yourself if you aren’t earning millions. Be aware of what money comes in and what goes out. Many people don’t keep track of their spending and aimlessly buy stuff they don’t need. A Jediist doesn’t need stuff to feel they are of value. They know they are enough without stuff to validate them.


This chapter has really been about coming down to Earth in our bodies after our travels to galaxies and infinite possibilities far away in previous chapters. It is also about evolving into higher versions of ourselves and that evolution is not just a spiritual one but a physical or material one too.

I was simply too young in 2007 when I founded the church. I needed to grow from boy to man and realize for myself that I had to become the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual change I wanted to see. I’m 31 years old as this book goes to print and certainly feel more mature and ready to take on any challenge with courage, but I remain humble. I remain humble because I know now that I will never stop learning and growing up again and again as, to risk repeating myself, the life of a Jediist is constant spiritual evolution.


Read silently or, better still for the energizing and ritualizing impact, read out loud to yourself the following teaching and then incorporate the practical suggestions into your daily life. Making a commitment to those suggestions is essential otherwise this book is nothing but ideas and words. Too many people get stuck in the “thinking about it” stage but never find the courage or the discipline to do anything about their grand ideas. A Jediist has courage; a Jediist has self-discipline; and a Jediist will also live or embody what he or she believes. If you are to evolve into a Jediist you must move from theory to action as soon as possible. You must both be and do. There is no “I could” or “I might”.

The Eighth Teaching on the Force

As Jediists our focus is naturally on the spiritual, but we need to remember that the Force flows within our bodies as well as around us. We also need to remind ourselves that it is in our physical bodies that we live our spiritual lives on Earth.

It is so easy to make excuses for not taking care of your health. We are too busy, or have no time to exercise or cook properly, or the needs of others must come before our own, and so on. Let me tell you that for every excuse you make to neglect your physical health there is a far more powerful reason to consider it. For example, the Force does not flow strongly through you if your health is poor. If you don’t eat healthily and exercise, your thinking will be sluggish. If you want to inspire others to live healthy lives you need to set an example, and the healthier you are the easier it is for you to help and inspire others.

Your body is a temple for the Force within you. When you are out of shape physically it is extremely difficult to be spiritually alert and to walk in harmony with the Force. Take control of your body and make it a finely tuned instrument for the Force. Treat your body with the respect and reverence it deserves. Live the Force that is within and all around you. From this day forward make every food, exercise and lifestyle choice one that moves you in perfect harmony with the Force.

Taking care of their body and leading a healthy lifestyle is how a Jediist demonstrates to the world their loving relationship between themselves and their spirit. Putting yourself in the centre of your life is not selfish; it is deeply spiritual. It is an act of love. It is putting your relationship with the Force firmly centre stage.

Self-love is understanding that everyone and everything in your life is not the healer or the salvation for your hurts and wounds. Other people can be messengers alerting you to your wounds but never healers of those wounds. The only person who can heal your life is you. A Jediist looks deep within and discovers within their centre the love and meaning that others waste their lives seeking outside themselves, in other people or material things. A Jediist knows happiness and meaning can never be found on the outside, and the only path to the Force is within.

A lot of people think the world is a competitive place and there is no point even trying as there are always going to be people who do things better than they do, but all of us are exactly the same. Being born with exquisite cheekbones, money and connections does not necessarily give you an advantage. In some instances it can be a curse. The key is to realize that you are infinite possibility, whatever your background, age or stage in life, and you truly can do anything you want when your body, mind and spirit are in harmony with the Force. What other people think does not matter in the slightest. All that matters is your relationship with yourself. Are you feeling happy, fulfilled and joyful? Does your life have meaning? If the answer is no, you must tune into the Force and then find the courage to make your own choices.

The choices of many people are defined by the expectations of others but we all reach a point in our lives, perhaps triggered by a major life event or the loss of a loved one or heartbreak, when we start to feel the need to look within and find out who we are. The sooner that awakening happens the better, because when it does, our spiritual growth begins in earnest and we begin to see that we are in charge of our bodies, our minds, our hearts and our lives. We choose the kind of life we lead, just as we choose what thoughts and feelings we have. Sadly, a lot of people delay or avoid that spiritual awakening: it can feel frightening or lonely becoming an original, rather than following or copying others, or doing what is expected of you. The result is a crisis in middle age or later life when they suddenly realize something is missing and that there has to be more to life.

The older you get, the harder it can be to transform your life, because you become more set in your ways. You are also more likely to have responsibilities and perhaps those who are dependent on you, such as children or elderly relatives. A Jediist takes care of those who are vulnerable and helpless. This isn’t to say change is impossible because it is very possible, just harder. Jediism helps all its followers, whatever age they are, understand who they are. It gives them the tools to help them make healthy and positive choices. It helps them understand that they have the power to create the life of their dreams and that true meaning can only be found by taking the road less travelled or by looking within.

Take a moment now to bow your head and focus on the words of this Jediist prayer.


May the Force free all beings plagued with sufferings of body and mind from illness and pain, and may all those who feel caged and restricted become free.

May those who have no power find their inner power, and may people think of befriending one another.

May those who find themselves alone and directionless and lost, whether young or old in years, and all those who feel lost find their meaning in the Force. Let us all fill our hearts with love and compassion for ourselves and all living beings. Let us pray that all living beings realize that they are all brothers and sisters, all nourished from the same source of life.

May you know that the journey of your life is the meaning you seek and if you live your life with love and compassion in your heart and nurture your connection to the Force in body, mind, heart and spirit you are already walking the path of the Jediist.


1. Watch and grow

In a chapter dedicated to the importance of healthy diet and regular exercise for spiritual growth it may surprise you that I’m going to recommend some movies because too much screen time isn’t ideal. However, moderation in everything is the Jediist code, and if the viewing choices you make expand your mind, or fill you with joy or a sense of curiosity and wonder, they can easily be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. After all, every Star Wars movie falls into this category and without Star Wars this book would not have been written. Assuming you are all familiar with the Star Wars movies the next three films I’m going to recommend are all relevant to the theme of this chapter but they are also mind-opening and I urge you to make time for them.

My first recommendation is one of my all-time favourite movies. It is a 1999 American film starring Brad Pitt called Fight Club and it’s a brilliant satire on the culture of consumerism, lifestyle branding and constructions of masculinity. If I haven’t convinced you to stop buying things you really don’t need, believing that if you buy stuff it can make you feel a certain way, then this film will. An absolute must-watch.

Another movie recommendation which turns the spotlight on subliminal messages to buy and conform that are transmitted to us by the media and advertising is a less well-known film released in 1988 called They Live, staring Roddy Piper. It is the story of a man who discovers that the ruling classes are in fact aliens concealing who they are and manipulating people to accept this situation through subliminal messages in the mass media.

My third movie recommendation may appear contradictory because it is all about the life of Ray Kroc, the businessman who built McDonald’s into the most successful fast food chain in the world. It is a 2016 film called The Founder, starring Michael Keaton. Remember, Jediism is all about finding healthy balance and becoming a Jediist does not mean you should never eat fast food again. Having the odd burger or ice cream won’t damage you, as long as you don’t consume what you know isn’t good for you in excess.

The reason I’m recommending this film is that Ray was 51 when he bought McDonald’s. This was back in the 1950s, and with people living longer these days 50 back then is equivalent to 70 or so now. If you are over 50 and feel life has passed you by and that you can’t make changes or do something amazing with your life because you are too old, you could not be more wrong. There is no age limit on going within and transforming your life as a result. Age is just a number when you are a Jediist. I hope whatever age you are, this book will encourage you to go within and find your meaning, energy and purpose and lightness of spirit.

2. Move in harmony with the Force

The emphasis here is on the word move. If you feel tired and out of shape, you aren’t moving enough, so commit to regular exercise. Avoid sitting still for long periods. If you work at a computer all day, be sure to get up and move around every half an hour or so. Our bodies were designed to move, not to be constantly inactive. Stillness is to be cultivated within you, not in your day-to-day life. The world we live in is one of energy and potential and, although regular sleep and rest is important, your body is part of that constant energetic swirl. In addition, exercise boosts the flow of nutrients and oxygen to your brain and stimulates your mind.

3. Learn and grow

Start educating yourself about your food choices. Learn about the nutrients required for an optimum diet and what foods boost brain power and mood, and what foods depress them. Treat your body as a temple and what you offer it with the reverence it deserves.

There are stacks of great resources out there online and in print, but one book I do recommend is The Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford. As much as possible seek out spiritually pure foods in line with the Force that make you feel healthier, lighter and more focused mentally. Spiritually negative foods have the opposite effect. You don’t need a degree in nutrition to know which are the former (fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, nuts, beans, etc.) and which fall into the latter (fast foods, ready meals, sweets, fries, red meat, cakes, etc.) Avoid addictive substances such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

You also don’t need a degree in nutrition to understand that being overweight isn’t usually healthy. If there are medical or emotional reasons for weight problems then counselling, support and guidance are essential. However, for many of us the reason for weight issues is simply eating too much of the wrong kinds of foods. A Jediist educates themselves about the basics of a healthy diet, and in this day and age finding healthy nutrition information online is easy. Accept that you can’t just eat whatever you like and still maintain your weight, and if you are comfort eating, however much you eat your appetite will never be filled. The answer to your problems won’t ever be found on your plate but in your heart and spirit. You should eat to live and not live to eat. The Force not food should be your master and guide.

4. Eat mindfully

Many of us eat food without thinking these days. Before I realized how important diet was to my well-being mentally, emotionally and spiritually, I would frequently eat fast food at my computer or eat on the go. My life was littered with empty plates and cardboard-box takeaways. As soon as I started to pay attention to the powerful role food played in my life it became obvious to me that this had to change. I needed to pay attention to what I was putting in my mouth and make eating a sacred and mindful act. I needed to cut out the multitasking and eat free from distraction.

I also realized that slowing down the speed I was chewing had a huge impact. Not only did I taste and enjoy the flavour of my food more but I could notice when I was full. I could tell the difference between eating for the sake of eating, and eating because I was hungry.

This exercise can get you thinking and eating along the right lines. All you need is a grape and a timer. Set a timer to two minutes. Pick up the grape and study it as if you had never seen it before. Touch and feel it. Now hold it to your nose and smell it. When you smell it, does your stomach or your mouth react? Next put the grape in your mouth but don’t chew it. Notice how the grape feels on your tongue. Now bite and as you do, pay attention to how many times you have to bite until the grape disintegrates. Pause after a few bites and notice how the taste changes the more you bite. Don’t swallow until the timer alerts you that two minutes are up. Just before you swallow, notice the intention to swallow.

Obviously you can’t eat everything you put in your mouth like this, but the purpose of the exercise is to try to get you to distinguish between the enjoyment and the necessity of food. It will demonstrate to you that you have absolute control over what you chew and swallow. It will also help you consider how amazing and unique each bite of food is as it can never be eaten by anyone else at another time. This morsel of food, this precious moment, cannot be repeated.

5. Pray, eat, love

Before each meal take a moment to say out loud or in your heart this Jediist grace prayer or a variation on this theme to suit you:

May the Force be with this food and may it provide vital nourishment for body, mind, heart and spirit. Gratitude and blessings for what I am (we are) about to receive.

Making a prayer before each meal is a simple act through which you can strengthen your connection to the Force and express gratitude to the universe for the vital life energy each meal provides you with. Gratitude is a vitamin for the spirit.


Dr Carole Griggs is a John F. Kennedy university professor, international speaker, professional coach and consultant, author/writer, and pioneer and leader in the areas of consciousness evolution and human development, and integrative wellness and nutrition ( Last, but by no means least, Dr Griggs is a Jediist Master trainer on the Church of Jediism faculty. Below she explains the importance of holistic health and well-being for a Jediist.

Your body is the vehicle, the very doorway to feeling, seeing, and being fully present to all that you are, and all that you are capable of being. The condition of the body very often affects not only one’s physical state of health and vitality, but also one’s mental and emotional clarity, inner and outer strength, sense of wisdom and groundedness, and feelings of confidence, focus and purpose.

When the body is in chaos (toxic, inflamed, improperly nourished, out of alignment, deconditioned, etc.) it often encourages the mind and emotions to be more chaotic, and vice versa. So learning to nourish and move the body in ways that create a desirable environment to inhabit allows you to become more fully present, more powerful, nimble and agile, and more in tune with the Force that is within you. Tending to the body is one of the big entryways to feeling at home in your own skin, claiming your power and strength, feeling present, at ease and connected to others, feeling aligned with the Force, and living your fullest potential.

Nourishing foods and purposeful strength and conditioning activities not only have tremendous effects on the human body, but also greatly impact one’s overall vitality, fulfilment and quality of life. The condition of the body very often affects one’s degree of mental and emotional clarity, state(s) of consciousness, inner and outer strength, and capacity to experience connection to everything.

Our bodies communicate to us quite clearly if we are willing to attend to all of their messages. Be fully embodied. And experience and become the Force that is within you.

Evolution isn’t just a theory but the Force working within every cell of your body. The Force brought you here to this page, this moment in your life. It is your time to look within and choose to grow.

Daniel M. Jones