A New Way in Faith
1. Daniel’s Jediist Library Recommendations
2. Census Appeal
3. The Church of Jediism
• About the Church of Jediism
• How to Join
• Connecting with the Church
4. The Church of Jediist Technology
5. Becoming a Jediist Master
Daniel’s Jediist Library Recommendations
I refer to the books below in the text; I have given the most recent versions available, but enjoy the process of seeking your own guides.
The Book of Proverbs by King Solomon, from King James Bible, Collins, 2011
Brown, Dan, The Lost Symbol, Corgi, 2010
Chopra, Deepak, The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing, Three Rivers Press, 1998
Clark, Angus, Tai Chi: A Practical Approach to the Ancient Chinese Movement for Health and Well-Being, Element, 2002
Collard, Patrizia, The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 Minutes a Day to Less Stress, More Peace, Gaia, 2014
de Pape, Baptist, The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life, Atria Books, 2014
Edelman, Sarah, Change Your Thinking with CBT: Overcome Stress, Combat Anxiety and Improve Your Life, Vermillion, 2006
Giacobbe, Guilio Cesare, How to Become a Buddha in 5 Weeks: The Simple Way to Self-Realisation, Arcturus Publishing, Ltd, 2009
Hobbs, Nicola Jane, Yoga Gym: The Revolutionary 28 Day Bodyweight Plan: For Strength, Flexibility and Fat Loss, Bloomsbury, 2015
Holford, Patrick, The Optimum Nutrition Bible: The Book You Have to Read if You Care about Your Health, Piatkus, 2004
Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching, Create Space Independent Publishing, 2017
Moore, A., The Complete Guide to Cosmic Ordering, Bookmart Ltd, 2006
Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo, Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies and Mysteries, Destiny Books, 2003
Peck, M. Scott, The Road Less Travelled, Arrow, 1990
Plato, The Republic, Penguin Classics, 2007
Rider, Carl, Your Psychic Power: A Practical Guide to Developing Your Natural Clairvoyant Abilities, Piatkus, 1988
Saint Augustine, The Confessions of St Augustine, Oxford World Classics, 2008
Smith, James, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, Brazos Press, 2016
Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Pax Librorum, 2009
Taylor, Steve, Making Time: Why Time Seems to Pass at Different Speeds and How to Control It, Icon Books, 2008
Watts, Alan, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Souvenir Press, 2009
Williamson, Marianne, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”, Harper Thorsons, 2015
Census Appeal
If you are reading this and you were one of those free-spirited people who for whatever reason listed “Jedi” or “Jedi Knight” as your religion on the 2001 census, or any census, I do hope you will get in touch with me. There may have been a reason why you did that. I would love to hear your story. Details of how to contact me and how to join the Church of Jediism if you feel inspired can be found on the next page.
The Church of Jediism
If you have read the book to this point it’s very possible you are a Jediist at heart and you want to take control of your life and be a force for positive change in the world. I truly hope you will join the Church of Jediism and become a practitioner by following the five-pillar training programme offered there. Then, once you have completed your training you will pass your wisdom on to others, because helping others is what Jediists do. In this way we change the world, one Jediist at a time, starting with you.
About the Church of Jediism
The international Church of Jediism connects people from all backgrounds and ages with one goal and that is to understand the true meaning of their lives and discover their full potential. You don’t have to change your religion or drop a certain belief (some Jediists are deeply religious, others are atheists) or even have an in-depth knowledge of the Star Wars universe to become a part of the Church of Jediism. We are here to help you awaken and find your own unique path to your own unique truth by offering you suggestions and signposts rather than commands.
When you join our church you will find that we believe in infinite possibilities, and we work with you and offer training and guidelines to change your life for the better. We promote the path of harmony with the Force through finding happiness by helping others. One day, if enough of us become the Force, we will have created a New World in which there is no discrimination, no violence, no cruelty and no poverty. The Church of Jediism is focused on unifying people all over the world in order to help them learn how to use the power of the Force within and around them to achieve this goal.
How to Join
At present the Church of Jediism is an online movement. If you would like to join our online community, simply go to or and follow the instructions there.
Once you register at our website you can download free literature, join our forums, visit our shop and Jediist technology portal, and find all relevant links to the Church of Jediism on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our YouTube channel. You can connect to me, the Jediist Master Office of Mission Administration team working for the church and our team of highly skilled Jediist Master trainers, who look forward to working with you through the five-pillar training programme. This programme isn’t compulsory when you join the website but will give you all the tools, techniques, guidance and inspiration you need to become a Jediist Master and play a more active role in the church if you feel that is your destiny.
Connecting with the church
All email addresses are on the website but if you prefer to make an initial inquiry before joining the website you can email me or any of the Church of Jediism team with specific questions by using their first name and adding Depending on volume of email traffic please allow up to 14 days for a reply:
(Jediist Master, founding head and inspiration)
(Jediist Master, website creation and design)
(Jediist Master, writer and researcher)
You can also inquire in person about the Church of Jediism by visiting the Watkins Books shop in Cecil Court, Leicester Square, London, or in writing to:
Watkins Media
Unit 11
Shepperton House
89–93 Shepperton Road
N1 3DF
or the American Event and Literature Center at:
EarthRise Transformative Learning and Retreat Center
101 San Antonio Road
Tel: +1 (707) 779-8202
Recommended visit:
College of Psychic Studies
16 Queensberry Place
The Church of Jediist Technology
The Church of Jediism was founded online, and Jediists use and harness online technology as spiritual aids. Like the Force, the online world has a dark and a light side but as Jediists we always focus on the light. We regard the internet as a tremendously exciting force for education, progress and for good, and it can become a force for positive transformation if enough Jediist-minded people are involved in it.
We live in an online world and the spiritual revolution will occur online and so we encourage all new members to become internet fluent and to learn about technology and app development. Our website has a specialist Jediist technology portal with Jediist apps and progressive self-development apps we endorse as well as opportunities for members to develop their technology skills and create and develop their own Jediist apps with us.
Becoming a Jediist Master
When you join our website there will be levels to progress through that will unlock different features and forums on the site. We do this to encourage learning and self-development, and to ensure that when you progress to another level you have sufficient knowledge and understanding to make the most of that level. The goal of the five-pillar training is to achieve Jediist Master status but as with everything in life the journey is the destination. Our aim on the website is to make that journey engaging and fun and we value and appreciate all your feedback if you decide to work through the five-pillar Jediist Master training programme with us.
Throughout your journey with us there will always be opportunities to connect with the church and fellow Jediists all around the world, as well as myself and the church mission and training teams, to discuss your progress and your dreams. We feel blessed and honoured by your trust in us. We will return that trust by devoting ourselves to helping you awaken your potential and finding your meaning and purpose in life – because when you are awakened you truly do become the Force.
The meaning of your life is to find your meaning. The purpose of your life is to help others.
Daniel M. Jones