GREAT-GRANDMA WATCHED THAT OLD SUGAR BARREL IN THE PANTRY with misgivings. The canning season and jelly making of the summer months had drained heavily upon the family’s supply. It was some months yet until Great-grandpa would be traveling to a distant city for his annual wagon load of supplies. Pies were a necessity for the happiness of the family during the week. And Sunday dare not come around without a cake, for fear unexpected company would arrive for dinner. The children liked candy too, but it was not a “have to be,” for it was considered a luxury.
“Just wait a few more weeks, Susan,” Grandpa would say. “That cane patch is about ready and that will help solve our problems.” On a clear, crisp day in late autumn they made a fire under that big kettle and boiled sorghum molasses. With gallons of this molasses, the young folks could now have their candy in the form of a taffy pull. Many of their friends were invited in for the evening. While Grandma boiled the taffy they sang and played games. What fun they had pulling taffy, and what blisters!
I asked an older lady not long ago what kind of confections they made when she was a girl. She told me that they seldom had candy except at Christmas, and then they had only taffy and crackerjack.
There were a few hard candies made during those early days in case the sugar barrel did hold out. Vinegar candy was always good, especially when Grandma rolled it into little round balls while it was still warm. Then it had all the selling features of our lolly pops, except for the stick. Hard hoarhound candies were good if you liked their flavor. Grandpa and Grandma carried them in their pockets to church to pass around to the children, or to use in warding off a coughing spell.
The young folks of olden times no doubt had a number of “goodies” we do not know about today. We feel, however, that they missed a lot never to have tasted our creamy fudges, caramels and chocolates!
1 pound confectioner’s sugar
¼ pound butter
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 brick dipping chocolate (8 oz.)
Rub soft butter into sifted sugar.
Add milk and vanilla.
Mix thoroughly and roll in desired shapes.
To melt chocolate, cut it in small pieces and melt slowly in the top of a double boiler.
Coat candies with melted chocolate and allow to harden.
3 cups brown sugar
¼ pound butter
1 teaspoon lemon juice or vanilla
½ cup water
Combine ingredients except flavoring in a heavy saucepan, Place over low heat and stir until sugar is dissolved.
Increase heat and stir constantly.
Cook until candy forms a firm ball when dropped into cold water (246°).
Add flavoring and pour into flat, greased pan.
Cool slightly and mark into 1 inch squares.
MRS. WILLIAM F. GEISER, Apple Creek, Ohio
1 cup sugar
1 cup corn syrup
1 cup thin cream
½ package of corn flakes (4 oz.)
½ package Rice Krispies (3½ oz.)
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup salted peanuts
Cook sugar, syrup and cream together until it forms a soft ball in cold water (236°).
Stir only until sugar is dissolved.
Crush corn flakes coarsely and mix with Krispies, coconut and peanuts.
Pour hot syrup over mixture and blend together.
Press into a flat, buttered pan.
Cut into squares when almost cold.
MRS. CHARLES VAN PELT, Columbiana, Ohio
MRS. RAY MAST, Sugar Creek, Ohio
6 cups sugar
2 cups thin cream
1 cup white syrup
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup shredded coconut
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate
Cook the sugar, syrup and cream together until it forms a soft ball when a small amount is dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and beat until creamy.
Divide into 3 parts.
Add the nuts to one, the coconut to another and the melted chocolate to the third.
Knead each part until it is smooth and free from lumps.
Place 1 layer above the other in a flat, greased pan.
Sprinkle with chopped nuts.
This can be sliced as desired. It improves with age.
MRS. ELMER J. KING, West Liberty, Ohio
1 pound grapefruit rind
1 pound sugar
Cut grapefruit rind in strips ½ inch wide.
Partially cover with water.
Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Drain.
Add clear water and cook again.
Repeat this procedure until the rind is tender.
Add sugar after last cooking and cook until rind is clear.
Drain and roll in sugar.
RUTH ANN SHARP, Greenwood, Del.
2 cups sugar
2 cups syrup
½ cup butter
⅛ teaspoon salt
1 can evaporated milk (15 oz.)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
Bring sugar and syrup to a boil.
Add butter and salt.
When the boiling point has been reached again, add the milk slowly in a fine stream.
Keep bubbling, but do not cook rapidly.
Stir constantly to prevent scorching.
Cook syrup to 244° or until it makes a firm ball when dropped in cold water.
Remove from heat and add vanilla and chopped nuts.
Set in a pan of cold water to stop the cooking.
When slightly cooled, pour into a buttered pan 5 × 10 inches.
Mark with a heavy knife while slightly warm into 1 inch squares.
Let stand overnight and then wrap in waxed paper.
Care must be taken to prevent scorching while cooking.
2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
¾ cup milk
2 squares chocolate
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
Cook sugar, syrup, milk and chocolate together until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and add butter.
Cool until you can hold your hand on the bottom of the pan (112°).
Add vanilla and nuts and beat until creamy.
Pour into buttered pan 4 × 8 inches.
Mark into squares and cool.
This is a creamy, moist and delicious fudge.
15 oz. can condensed milk
2 (7 oz.) packages semisweet chocolate
⅛ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
Melt the chocolate in the top of double boiler. Add salt.
Add condensed milk and stir until well blended.
Remove from heat and add vanilla and nuts.
Pour into a flat, buttered pan 5 × 10 inches.
Chill for 2 to 3 hours. When firm, cut into squares.
Makes approximately 2 pounds.
MRS. FRANK H. HERSHEY, Kinzers, Pa.; KATIE RUTT, New Holland, Pa.
2 cups sugar
3 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons cocoa
⅛ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine sugar, cocoa, salt and flour.
Add water and cook until syrup forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla.
Pour into a greased pan and cool without stirring until it is lukewarm (112°).
Beat until stiff and then knead until soft and creamy.
Shape into a roll and store in refrigerator.
Slice as desired.
MRS. DON KREIDER, Wadsworth, Ohio
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
½ cup pineapple juice
1 cup rich milk
½ cup chopped nuts
Cook sugar, pineapple juice and milk together until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and add chopped nuts.
Cool to lukewarm and beat until creamy.
Put in a flat, buttered pan.
When cold, cut in squares.
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup milk
1 cup molasses
1½ tablespoons butter
5 tablespoons cocoa or 2 squares chocolate
½ cup sifted flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix together the sugar, molasses and milk.
Cook on medium heat for 10 minutes and add cocoa or chocolate and flour.
Continue cooking until syrup forms a firm ball when dropped in cold water (246°),
Stir constantly to prevent scorching.
Pour into flat, buttered pan; when cool cut into squares.
Roll in confectioner’s sugar if desired.
2 squares chocolate
14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
½ teaspoon vanilla
1¾ cups graham cracker crumbs
1 cup chopped nuts
Melt chocolate in top of double boiler.
Add condensed milk slowly and bring to a boil.
Stir constantly, cooking until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat.
Add vanilla, crumbs and one-half of nuts.
Spread one-half of remaining nuts in the bottom of a buttered pan.
Spread fudge on top of nuts and sprinkle with remaining nuts.
Let stand overnight and cut in squares.
MRS. PAUL FETROW, Camp Hill, Pa.
½ cup riced or mashed potatoes
3 cups powdered sugar
½ cup seedless raisins, chopped
½ cup chopped dates
½ cup shredded coconut
½ cup walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 brick dipping chocolate (8 oz.)
Mix all the ingredients and shape into small balls.
Melt the dipping chocolate by placing it in the top of a double boiler.
Dip the balls into the melted chocolate and drop on waxed paper.
VILLINA CRESSMAN, Waterloo, Ont., Can.
1½ cups brown sugar
3 cups granulated sugar
1⅓ cups milk
1 teaspoon butter
1 small coconut, grated or ground
1 teaspoon vanilla
Grind or grate the fresh coconut.
Mix sugar, milk and butter together.
Stir until sugar is dissolved.
When the mixture comes to a boil, add coconut.
Cook until a soft ball forms when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and add vanilla.
Pour into a flat, buttered pan.
Cut into squares when cold.
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
1⅓ cups thin cream
4 tablespoons light syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla
1½ squares chocolate, melted
1 tablespoon butter
1½ cups grated coconut
1 cup chopped nuts
Combine sugar, syrup, cream and melted chocolate.
Cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and add butter.
Let cool until lukewarm, add coconut, nuts and vanilla.
Beat until creamy.
Drop on waxed paper or shape into rolls.
Roll in coconut and chill.
Slice with a sharp knife.
MRS. NOAH J. ROTH, Canby, Ore.; MRS. ADOLF JOHNSON, Sweet Home, Ore.
2 medium-sized potatoes
4 tablespoons melted butter
½ pound shredded coconut
2 pounds confectioner’s sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
4 squares sweet chocolate (4 ounces)
Cook potatoes until soft and rub through sieve or ricer.
Add melted butter and confectioner’s sugar.
Mix together well and then add coconut and vanilla.
Beat until creamy.
Pour into a flat, buttered tin.
When set, pour over it the melted chocolate.
Let stand 2 hours. Cut into squares.
1 cup sorghum molasses
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vinegar
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon butter
¼ teaspoon soda
5 quarts popped corn
1 cup peanuts
Mix sugar, molasses, butter, water and vinegar together.
Cook until it makes a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Stir frequently during last part of cooking to prevent scorching.
Remove from heat and add soda.
Stir lightly. While it still foams, pour over the popcorn mix.
Pour into a flat, buttered pan. When cool, crumble into small pieces.
MRS. WILLIAM F. GEISER, Apple Creek, Ohio
MRS. NORMAN M. YODER, Stuarts Draft, Va.
3 cups sugar
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
1½ cups chopped dates
1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cook sugar, milk and butter together until syrup forms a very soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Add chopped dates and cook for 3 minutes longer.
Remove from heat and cool to lukewarm temperature.
Add nuts and vanilla. Beat until creamy.
Turn out on a damp cloth and roll.
Slice when cold.
MRS. OTTO SAYLOR, Holsopple, Pa.; MRS. WALTER BURKHOLDER, Harrisonburg, Va.
3 cups sugar
1 cup white syrup
½ cup hot water
3 egg whites
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cook sugar, syrup and water together until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°). Do not stir after sugar is dissolved.
Pour syrup slowly over the stiffly beaten egg whites.
Beat until creamy, add chopped nuts and vanilla.
Pour in buttered pans and cut into squares or drop from spoon onto waxed paper.
MARIE BRUNK, Delphos, Ohio; MRS. ELSIE MISHLER, Sheridan, Ore.
1¼ cups brown sugar
1 cup butter
¾ cup chopped nuts
1 cup Hershey’s sweet chocolate bar, chopped
Combine sugar and butter and cook until a hard ball is formed when syrup is dropped in cold water (265°).
Place finely chopped nuts in bottom of greased pan.
Pour syrup over nuts, making a layer ¼ inch thick.
While hot, add Hershey bar broken in small pieces.
Spread with knife and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Chill and break into desired shapes.
MRS. R. J. RICH, Washington, Ill.
2 cups sugar
⅔ cup water
⅛ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons white syrup
4 tablespoons marshmallow crème
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine sugar, salt and water. Add syrup.
Stir only until sugar is dissolved.
Be careful not to get any sugar crystals from sides of the pan into syrup as it cooks.
Keep cover on pan part time so steam will keep crystals from forming.
Cook until syrup forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Pour on a greased platter and do not disturb until you can hold your hand on the bottom of the plate (112°).
Add vanilla and stir.
Place marshmallow crème in mixing bowl and pour cooled syrup over it.
Stir or knead until fondant becomes perfectly smooth.
Work into a ball, wrap in wax paper and allow to ripen in a tightly covered jar for at least 24 hours.
This may be used as filling for chocolate creams, or a base for nuts and fruits, or as mint patties.
1 pound dates
1 pound raisins
½ pound peanuts
1 pound confectioner’s sugar
½ pound dipping chocolate
Chop or grind dates, raisins and peanuts.
Mix with powdered sugar and press with hands into a buttered pan.
Cover with melted chocolate and cut in squares.
MRS. MILTON FALB, Orrville, Ohio
3 cups sugar
1 cup thin cream
1 tablespoon butter
1 pound raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla
1½ cups nuts
1 pound figs
1 pound dates
1 pound coconut
Cook sugar, cream and butter together until syrup forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water.
Remove from heat and beat until creamy.
Mix finely chopped fruits and nuts and add to candy.
Work together and shape into rolls.
Wrap in a damp cloth and let ripen 2 weeks before using.
3½ pounds brown sugar
3 cups hot water
3 ounces hoarhound
Add hoarhound to hot water and cook about 20 minutes. Strain.
Add sugar and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Pour into a greased pan.
When cool, form into small balls or cut into squares.
MRS. WILLIAM F. GEISER, Apple Creek, Ohio
2 cups sugar
½ cup syrup
¼ cup honey
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup boiling water
1 teaspoon hoarhound tea leaves
1 tablespoon vinegar
Mix sugar, syrup and honey together.
Pour boiling water over tea leaves and let steep 5 minutes.
Strain tea and add to sugar mixture.
Cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Add vinegar and butter and pour on buttered plates to cool.
While slightly warm, mark in squares with the back of a knife.
MRS. LYDIA GREISER, Archbold, Ohio
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter
Combine sugar and water and bring to a boil.
Dissolve cream of tartar in a little water and add.
Cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Remove from heat and add vanilla.
When cooled, pull like taffy until snowy white.
MRS. ETHEL LAHMAN, Harrisonburg, Va.
½ cup sugar
⅓ cup molasses
⅓ cup water
⅓ cup butter
Combine ingredients and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Pour on buttered plates and cut in squares.
MRS. WILLIAM F. GEISER, Apple Creek, Ohio
3 tablespoons plain gelatin
½ cup cold water
⅛ teaspoon salt
3 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
Soak gelatin in ½ cup cold water for 20 minutes.
Combine sugar with 1 cup water and bring to a boil (236°).
Cook syrup until it forms a soft ball in cold water.
Remove from heat and add to gelatin.
Beat for 20 minutes.
Add vanilla and salt.
Pour on buttered tins, making a layer ⅔ inch thick.
When cold, cut in squares and roll in confectioner’s sugar or shredded coconut.
MRS. JOSEPH D. HEATWOLE, Bridgewater, Va.
MRS. FRANK VAN PELT, Columbiana, Ohio
3 cups brown sugar or maple sugar
1 cup cream
1 teaspoon maple flavoring
1 cup nuts, chopped
Combine sugar and cream and cook until it forms a soft ball in cold water (236°).
Cool to lukewarm and beat until creamy.
Add nuts and flavoring.
Turn into buttered pans and mark in squares.
SYLVIA LEHMAN, Orrville, Ohio
½ cup mashed potatoes
1 pound confectioner’s sugar
½ cup peanut butter
Mix warm mashed potatoes with sifted sugar.
Roll out in an oblong shape and spread with peanut butter.
Roll up like a jelly roll and cut in slices.
MRS. EDGAR CLINE, Broadway, Va.
3 cups sugar
1½ cups top milk
½ cup butter
Grated rind of 2 oranges
1 cup nuts
Melt 1 cup sugar in a heavy pan and let turn a golden brown. Stir constantly.
Scald milk and add the caramelized sugar.
Stir until sugar is melted.
Add remaining sugar and cook until syrup forms a firm ball (not hard) when dropped in cold water (246°).
Add grated orange rind, salt, butter and nuts.
Beat until creamy.
Pour into buttered pans and mark in squares.
MARY VAN PELT, Columbiana, Ohio
3 cups chopped nuts
2 cups brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
⅔ cup water
1½ pounds fresh marshmallows
Chop nuts very fine and mix with salt.
Boil sugar and water together until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat and set in a large pan of hot water.
Brush loose powder from marshmallows and drop one at a time into hot syrup.
When coated on all sides, lift out and drain.
Roll in chopped nuts and place on waxed paper.
If syrup becomes too thick, reheat but do not boil.
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup molasses
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup chopped nuts
1 tablespoon vinegar
⅛ teaspoon soda
Combine ingredients (except nuts) and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Remove from heat and add soda. Stir well.
Add nuts and pour into buttered pans.
Mark into squares.
MRS. HARRY A. DERSTINE, Souderton, Pa.
1 cup molasses
1 cup sugar
1 cup thin cream
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup finely chopped nuts (optional)
Combine molasses, sugar and cream and bring to a boil.
Cook until it forms a firm ball when dropped in cold water (252° F).
Remove from heat and add butter and soda.
Add chopped nuts. Stir well.
Pour onto buttered plates and cool until it can be cut into small squares about ⅓ inch in diameter. This taffy is not pulled.
MRS. RUTH STAUFFER, Harrisonburg, Va.
1 quart sorghum molasses
2 pounds white sugar
1 tablespoon butter
Combine ingredients and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Pour into buttered pans and let cool until it can be pulled.
Butter hands slightly and rub with wintergreen flavoring.
Pull until stiff. Shape as desired and cut into suitable lengths with scissors.
MRS. HARRY A. DERSTINE, Souderton, Pa.
2 cups sugar
1 cup white syrup
½ cup water
3 cups raw peanuts
1 teaspoon butter, melted
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine sugar, syrup and water.
Cook to the soft-ball stage (236°).
Add peanuts and melted butter and continue cooking until syrup is a golden brown (290°). Stir during last few minutes of cooking.
Remove from heat and add soda and vanilla.
Stir until mixture thickens.
Pour into buttered tins and break into pieces when cold.
If roasted peanuts are used, add to syrup before removing from heat.
MRS. M. T. BRACKBILL, Harrisonburg, Va.; MRS. PAUL MAUST, Montgomery, Ind.
½ cup peanut butter
⅔ cup condensed milk
1¾ cup confectioner’s sugar
¼ cup chopped nuts
2 squares baking chocolate (2 ounces)
Mix peanut butter, milk and melted chocolate.
Add sugar and nuts.
Knead with hands and shape into a roll 1 inch in diameter.
Wrap in wax paper and store in refrigerator 4 to 5 days.
Slice in rings and serve.
MRS. KENT SHANK, Harrisonburg, Va.
¾ cup thin cream
2 cups brown sugar
3 tablespoons peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine ingredients and cook until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water (236°).
Remove from heat, cool to lukewarm and beat until creamy.
Pour into buttered pans and cut in squares.
5 quarts popped corn
2 cups sugar
1½ cups water
½ cup white corn syrup
⅓ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon vinegar
Pop the corn and remove the hard kernels.
Combine sugar, syrup and water. Bring to a boil, stirring only until sugar is dissolved.
Cook until it forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (270°).
Add vinegar, salt and vanilla and blend into mixture.
Pour hot syrup slowly over the corn, stirring so that each kernel may be evenly coated.
Shape into balls and let stand in a cool place.
Each ball may be wrapped in wax paper if desired.
Peanuts may be added.
1½ cups sugar
½ cup corn syrup
⅔ cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla
⅓ cup sorghum molasses
3 tablespoons butter
3 squares chocolate (3 ounces)
4 quarts popped corn, slightly salted
Combine sugar, syrup and water.
Cook to hard-ball stage (270°).
Add molasses and butter and cook until brittle stage is reached (280°).
Remove from heat and add melted chocolate and vanilla.
Pour over popped corn and mix together well.
Shape into balls.
MRS. HENRY E. YODER, Grantsville, Md.
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons butter
5 quarts popped corn
Combine sugar, water, and butter.
Cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Pour over popped corn and stir until each kernel is coated evenly with syrup.
Coloring and flavoring may be added if desired.
½ cup corn syrup
½ cup molasses
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons vinegar
6 cups puffed rice
1 cup nuts, chopped
Mix nuts and puffed rice together.
Combine syrup, molasses, butter and vinegar.
Pour over puffed rice and mix together.
Shape into balls and let cool.
MRS. ALVIN WITMER, Hartville, Ohio
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
4 tablespoons molasses
2 teaspoons vinegar
2 tablespoons butter
1 small package puffed rice (3½ oz.)
Combine sugar, water, molasses, vinegar and butter and bring to a boil.
Cook syrup until it forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Add puffed rice and mix together.
Pour onto buttered platters and cool. Cut in squares.
MRS. RAYMOND NACE, Souderton, Pa.; MARY L. GUNTZ, Phoenixville, Pa.
2 cups brown sugar
½ cup water
2 egg whites
¼ cup English walnut halves
Combine water and sugar and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Remove from heat and add stiffly beaten egg whites.
Beat until thick and creamy.
Drop from a spoon on greased plates or wax paper. Do not scrape bottom of pan.
Press a half of English walnut on each piece.
MRS. EMMA K. HURSH, Parkesburg, Pa.
1 cup sugar
1 cup honey or syrup
⅛ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
Combine ingredients and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Pour onto buttered plates and cool until it can be pulled.
Butter hands slightly and pull until stiff. Cut in desired shapes.
1 cup corn syrup
2 cups sugar
¾ cup water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon salt
Combine ingredients and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water.
Remove from heat and pour onto buttered plates.
When cool enough to handle, pull until a golden brown.
Cut in desired shapes.
MRS. SIMON MARTIN, Kitchener, Ont., Can.
2 cups sugar
½ cup white syrup
½ cup water
1 egg white
½ teaspoon spearmint extract
Combine ingredients, except egg white, and cook until syrup forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water (265°).
Remove from heat and add gradually to beaten egg white. Add flavoring.
Beat until creamy.
Drop from a spoon on waxed paper.
KATIE RUTT, New Holland, Pa.
2 cups seeded dates
½ cup almonds, pecans or walnuts
Chop nuts very fine.
Stuff each date with nuts.
Roll in confectioner’s sugar.
3 tablespoons gelatin
½ cup cold water
2 cups sugar
½ cup hot water
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
Grated rind and juice of 1 orange
1 cup nuts (optional)
Red or green food coloring
Soften gelatin in cold water.
Combine sugar and hot water and heat to boiling.
Cook for 10 minutes and add gelatin.
Simmer slowly for another 10 minutes.
Add fruit juice and rind and red or green coloring as desired.
Strain into a loaf pan, large enough that the depth of the mixture will be approximately 1 inch.
Add chopped nuts if desired.
Chill until firm and cut into squares.
Roll in confectioner’s sugar.
ADA ALDERFER, Souderton, Pa.
2 cups sugar
½ cup vinegar
2 tablespoons butter
Combine ingredients and cook until mixture is brittle when dropped in cold water (270°).
Pour onto buttered plates.
Mark into squares while warm or roll into small balls.
This is an excellent hard candy.
An old family favorite.