Origin, Insertion and Action of Muscles



ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI: Draws little finger away from hand; from pisiform bone to first phalanx of little finger.

ABDUCTOR POLLIICIS: Draws thumb from hand; from wrist bones and ligament, to first phalanx of thumb.

DORSAL INTEROSSEI: Between metacarpal bones, back side; from sides of metacarpals to bases of phalanges corresponding.

EXTENSOR BREVIS POLLICIS: Short extensor of thumb; from back of radius to base of first phalanx of thumb.

EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS: Extends wrist, ulnar side; from external condyle and ulna to base of fifth metacarpal.

EXTENSOR COMMUNIS DIGITORUM: Common extensor to all the fingers; from external condyle of humerus to all of second and third phalanges.


EXTENSOR CARPI RADAALIS LONGIOR: The long and short extensors of the wrist, radial side, representing the extensor that is doubled; from external condylar ridge of humerus to (5) base of second and third metacarpals, and (6) base of first metacarpal.

EXTENSOR LONGUS POLLICIS: Long extensor of thumb; from back of ulna to base of last phalanx of thumb.

EXTENSOR MINIMI DIGITI: Extends little finger ; from external condyle of humerus to second and third phalanges of little finger.

EXTENSOR Ossis METACARPI POLLICIS: Extensor of metacarpal bone (first segment) of thumb; from back of radius and ulna, to base of metacarpal bone of thumb.




ABDUCTOR POLLICIS (see page 169).

ADDUCTOR TRANSVERSUS POLLICIS: Transverse (portion of) adductor muscle of thumb; from third metacarpal bone to first phalanx of thumb.

ANNULAR LIGAMENT of wrist; ligament that surrounds wrist like a bracelet; making with wrist arch a lesser ring for flexor tendons.

FLEXOR BREVIS MINIMI DLGITI: Flexes little finger; from wrist bone and ligament to first phalanx of little finger.

FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS: Short flexor of thumb; from wrist bones and annular ligament and bases of first three metacarpals to first phalanx of thumb.

FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS: Flexor of wrist, radial side; from internal condyle of humerus to metacarpal bone of index finger.

FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS: Flexor of wrist, ulnar side; from internal condyle, olecranon and ulna to annular ligament, pisiform and fifth metacarpal bones.

LUMBRICALES: Fore and outer parts of each tendon of the flexor profundus, with the corresponding interossei.

OPPONENS POLLICIS: Draws thumb against fingers; from wrist bone and ligament to metacarpal bone of thumb.

PALMAR INTEROSSEI: Draw fingers together; from palmar surfaces of second, fourth and fifth metacarpal bones to bases of corresponding phalanges.

PALMARIS LONGUS: Long tensor of palmar fascia; from internal condyle to annular ligament and palmar fascia.

SUPINATOR LONGUS: Flexes and turns in radius and hand; from external condyloid ridge to tip of radius.