
What can go wrong in meetings?

If we look at some of the things that can go wrong in a meeting, then we can learn from mistakes.

 inappropriate time of meeting, e.g. just before the end of the day

 the meeting is called at short notice

 poor or no agenda

 unclear purpose of meeting

 spending time during the meeting reading background reports

 not having enough copies of papers or reports for all participants

 participants arrive late

 wrong people present

 people who have authority to make decisions are not present

 unclear roles

 noisy venue; room too hot or too cold

 seating unhelpful for discussion

 some people talk too much; others talk too little

 participants are not prepared

 no follow-up from previous meeting

 participants do not reach conclusions or decisions

 participants do not decide actions or who is responsible for them

 poor or no chair

 discussion is in too much detail

 meeting goes on too long: no breaks

 new people present but no one introduces them

 participants use jargon that is not known to all participants

 participants do not really listen to one another

 participants talk to each other during the meeting

 distractions during the meeting, e.g. mobile phones ringing

 participants not being open to change their minds

 participants misinterpret others’ comments

 disagreement or conflict becomes personal

 too many people are talking at the same time

 technical issues

 decisions poorly communicated after the meeting

Most of these can be solved by:

 better chairing of the meeting

 better preparation before the meeting.

case study Larry was called in to solve the problems at the company. He was present at a meeting of the Senior Management Team (SMT). He asked them for the agenda of the meeting and was told there wasn’t one. He asked them for the actions decided at the previous meeting and was told that no minutes had been taken. It was hardly surprising that the company was in a complete mess. Fortunately, Larry knew members of the SMT well, so he could make changes easily and put structures in place, so within a few months the company was making good progress.

Most of the problems with meetings can be solved by better preparation.