Chapter Thirteen


"Four more months," Vincent smiled as he and Micki laid in the bed on Christmas Eve, "and my baby boy will be here."

"You mean, your baby girl will be here," Micki corrected him.

Their private bet was still going. Vincent was learning about life and love. It was all based on trust and communication. He treated his wife with respect. He did not understand how some men seeked fear from their women. Their reasoning was sad.

"Yo, my woman won't cheat on me 'cause she knows I'll beat that behind," he had heard one time too many in the jail house.

Vincent's stance was this: "My wife loves and respects me."

Life was not perfect. Vincent certainly grew tired of Micki's mood swings, but he never ignored her. They focused on never going to bed upset with each other. Some nights he would rub her belly, or feet, until she fell asleep. She enjoyed it when he read the Bible to her. Her favorite was Proverbs chapter 31.

"You'll make a great father," Micki told her husband.

"You think so?"

"Yep. Look at how you act with Shana."

"In all honesty, at first I thought I'd make a good pops too. But since I never knew my father and the issue I have with my mom, I've been having doubts lately." He paused for a moment. "What would you have done if I had tripped on you like Aaron did when Celisha told him that she was pregnant?"

"Hmm. . .call the hospital to see what time I could visit you." They both laughed. Vincent's iPhone started ringing. Micki was closest to it, so she picked it up and answered it. "Hello?...For Real?...Yes. . .Okay, thanks!" Micki laid the phone down. "Baby, that was Celisha's aunt. Celisha just went into labor. She's at Jackson Memorial Hospital."

Vincent and Micki hurried out of the bed, got dressed, and went to the hospital.

"Because of you, Vincent," Aaron said, holding his newborn baby girl, "I now have diaper duty for eight months."

Vincent laughed at how Aaron had presented the same bet he and Micki had to Celisha.

Celisha was in the hospital bed, looking drained. Micki sat next to her, rubbing her hand. "Don't worry, Aaron," Micki told him, "Vincent is going to lose his bet too."

"Let me see my new niece." Aunt Faye had joyful tears in her eyes as she walked over to Aaron and took the baby from his arms.

Everyone was happy for Celisha and Aaron. "What's her name?" Micki asked Celisha.

Celisha held out her arms for her baby. "Natabia," she answered.

Everyone stood around the bed as Celisha held Natabia to her bosom. Vincent was still the funny man by whispering in Micki's ear. "Hey, think your hair is gonna look that bad when you have my son?"

"It won't make a difference," she replied. "You'll still love me!"



The New Year came with Micki on her knees in church. Vincent was with her, along with Shana and her mom.

"I'm going to be a father this year," Vincent said later while driving Shana and her mom home.

"And changing diapers for half the year too," Micki added.

Shana was silent. She understood life and death. She was happy for Micki, even though she knew her own time was short. Shana hid her tears knowing she would miss her family and her two BFFs. "I love you, Vincent. And you too, Micki."

Vincent glanced in the rearview mirror at Shana. This was the first time she had spoken those words. Shana's life was not fair. Vincent believed that some assumed that being saved would amount to the perfect, carefree life. Didn't preachers get sick? Being saved too, Vincent was acknowledging that what he read in the Bible was true. And this meant the laws were a way to live by. Was he able to love everyone? No, that was an issue that he dealt with each day. His actions were changing slowly. He found peace of mind through knowledge and prayer. Life, Vincent's life, was a journey he would take day by day.

"We love you too, Shana," Micki said, reaching back for Shana's hand.

"Sure do," Vincent added. "And keep those eyes dry and your heart easy."