[1] 1:2 Or brothers and sisters. The plural Greek word adelphoi (translated “brothers”) refers to siblings in a family. In New Testament usage, depending on the context, adelphoi may refer either to men or to both men and women who are siblings (brothers and sisters) in God's family, the church; also verse 11
[2] 1:10 Or slave; Greek bondservant
[3] 1:11 Greek not according to man
[4] 1:15 Greek set me apart from my mother's womb
[5] 1:16 Greek in
[6] 1:16 Greek with flesh and blood
[1] 2:12 Or fearing those of the circumcision
[2] 2:16 Or counted righteous (three times in verse 16); also verse 17
[3] 2:21 Or justification
[1] 3:3 Or now ending with
[2] 3:4 Or experience
[3] 3:8 Or count righteous; also verses 11, 24
[4] 3:11 Or The one who by faith is righteous will live
[5] 3:14 Greek receive the promise of the Spirit
[6] 3:15 Or brothers and sisters
[7] 3:28 Greek bondservant
[1] 4:1 Greek bondservant; also verse 7
[2] 4:3 Or elemental spirits; also verse 9
[3] 4:12 Or Brothers and sisters; also verses 28, 31
[4] 4:16 Or by dealing truthfully with you
[5] 4:25 Some manuscripts For Sinai is a mountain in Arabia
[6] 4:28 Some manuscripts we
[1] 5:4 Or counted righteous
[2] 5:11 Or brothers and sisters; also verse 13
[3] 5:11 Greek proclaim
[4] 5:21 Some manuscripts add murder
[1] 6:1 Or Brothers and sisters; also verse 18
[2] 6:14 Or through whom