Sleep isn’t easy under the supervision of Julina, but there’s more keeping me away. I'm too worried. Too restless.
I want my idea to work, but I have no way of telling if it will before morning. Finally, in the middle of the night, I get up and exercise. It's familiar and soothing. Julina doesn’t react, though I wonder what she thinks about it.
When the first rays of morning come, I'm dressed in a pants-and-shirt outfit and immediately leave the room.
“Is there any news?” I ask the servant waiting in the hall.
“We have no news yet, but we've all been avoiding that area like the plague.”
“Good.” Now for it to have worked.
I head toward my rooms with my guards in tow. On the way there, I find myself pinching my fingers together. I force myself to stop. Tension still ricochets through my body.
Will Daros have given me something else of Nash's? Will he have responded at all? Maybe he didn't even get my note. There are many outcomes. I shouldn't bother to worry about it until I know, but the thoughts come anyway.
Jaku is waiting outside my rooms. “I thought you'd be here soon.”
“Do you ever sleep?” I ask.
“About as much as you do.”
I raise an eyebrow.
“I'm going to check your rooms, and you can proceed if it's safe. Afet, with me.” He goes inside, sword drawn, and Afet follows.
I force myself to hold still and not give into those tiny tics that want to manifest themselves. The men are gone much longer than I expected, but there's no cry for help. No sounds of fighting.
I give in and tap my foot on the carpet. It's quiet enough that no one should notice. Still, time passes. I'm getting ready to shout out for them, when Jaku appears in the doorway.
“It's clear, and there's a note on your pillow.” His face is grim.
I rush past him, going straight toward my bed. I can tell it's a different note than the one I left. There's no seal on this one. What’s more, there’s a dagger next to it, stabbing deep into the stuffing of my pillow. I ignore it and go for the note. With shaking hands, I open it, and a lock of short brown hair falls into my palm.
Nash's hair.
This is your only confirmation that we have Nash. If you ask for another, it will be a toe. Now, trade out your Head Advisor.
I swallow against the bile rising in my throat. I should have known Daros would turn this back on Nash. I'll never do that again if it could mean one of his appendages.
I hand the note to Jaku, but keep the hair tucked tightly in my fist. Is it even his? The color looks right, but it could be just about anyone’s.
Jaku scowls. “We're moving you.”
“Why? They could get to any other room as easily.”
“You don't know that.”
“Someone entered the palace and reached my rooms without being spotted.” I lower my voice. “There's a traitor in our midst. Someone helping with Nash.”
It could very well be Jaku himself.
“I know what you're thinking.” He gives me a look.
I shrug.
“It's not me.”
“Just what anyone would say.”
“My actions will convince you.”
A good way to test him would be to say there’s another note on my pillow, have him or me hide under the bed, and have one of us catch whoever is coming to pick up the note. I suggest as much.“You are not hiding under the bed. Not only is it unbefitting a queen, it’s much too dangerous,” he says when I suggest it.
I want to argue, but there’s no sense in it. “What about you or someone else you trust, who’s highly trained?”
“I’ll do it myself and speak of the plot to no one else. I’ll make sure word is spread again.”
He nods.
“Very well.”
“Now, what are you going to do?” Jaku asks.
“I'm going to make Tido Sauver my Head Advisor.” Whoever he is.
“You're going to give in to their demands?”
I smile. “I am. It's easy enough to ignore the advice of my Head Advisor and listen to Jem, who will still be around as a lady-in-waiting. And I know him to be a friend of my enemy, so there’ll be lots of chances for me to question him.”
“Jem won't be around as much as a Head Advisor, though.”
“It'll be enough. The real question is, why would they want to change my Head Advisor when they know I won't listen to him?”
Jaku shakes his head. “I don't know.”
I tap my finger on my lips. “It might make me seem weaker in front of the people—changing things so quickly. I can't think of what else they'd be trying to accomplish. Unless…”
“Unless what? I don't like that look on your face.”
I'm not sure I should say it aloud, but if Jaku is trying to help me, he should know my thoughts. If he's not trying to help me, than he'd probably guess them anyway. “They are putting Tido in so when someone kills me, he will reign until there is a new queen. So they’ll have the next ruler under their thumb.”
Jaku's scowl is fierce. “I don't like the sound of that.”
“Didn't think you would. But what do you think?”
“That you're right on target with your guess.” He sheathes his sword. “I wouldn't put it past Daros to do that very thing. It sickens me to think how very evil he is.”
And I used to be one of them.
Granted, not by choice, but I was there. Doing Daros's bidding. And I'm still doing it.