Many people gave generously of their time and attention in helping us tell this extraordinary story. We are very grateful to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto, especially Richard Landon, Director; Anne Dondertman, Assistant Director; Loryl Mac- Donald, Records Archivist; Garron Wells, University Archivist; and Jennifer Toews, Manuscript Collections; Lisa Bayne, Chief Archivist at Eli Lilly and Company; Morry Smulevitz, Scott MacGregor, Thane Wettig, Adam Fairfield, and Kelley Murphy of Eli Lilly and Company; Louise Mirrer, Jean Ashton, Stephen Edidin, Mary Kilbourn, Laura Washington, and Dale Gregory of the New-York Historical Society; and Rita Ormsby of the William and Anita Newman Library, Baruch College.
We thank Saundra Ketner at the Joslin Diabetes Center’s Marble Library; Susan Sutton, Steve Haller, Paul Brockman, Dorothy Nicholson, and Betsy Caldwell of the Indiana Historical Society; Rebekah Marshall of the Indianapolis Museum of Art; Marcia Caudell and Ra- chael Adele Heger of the Indiana State Library; Breon Mitchell and Erika Dowell of the Lilly Library at Indiana University; Tara Craig, Janet Gertz, and Jane Siegel of Columbia University’s Butler Library; Louisa Moy and Eric Neubacher of Baruch College; Karen Jania at the Bentley Historical Society; Jack Eckert of the Harvard Medical Library; Millie Seiler of the John R. Williams Health Science Library in Rochester, N.Y.; Professor James Madison of Indiana University; Daun Van Ee and the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress; W. Bruce Fye, Hilary Lane, Robert A. Rizza, and Renee E. Ziemer of the Mayo Clinic; Carie Levin of the Morris County Historical Society; Michael MacDonald of the National Archives of Canada; Winifred S. King at the New York Academy of Medicine; Charles Greifenstein and Valerie-Anne Lutz of the American Philosophical Society; Amy Fitch at the Rockefeller Archive Center; Paul G. Anderson and Pat Gunn of the Bernard Becker Medical Library at the Washington University School of Medicine; Christ Church Cranbrook in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; the Bloomfield Hills Library and the Bloomfield Hills Historical Society; Janna Bennett at the Children’s Museum in Indianapolis; Erica Burke at the Crandall Public Library in Glens Falls, New York; George Goodwin at the Bolton Historical Museum in Bolton Landing, New York; Grant Maltman at the Banting House Historical Site in London, Ontario; Hugh W. McNaught at Connaught Laboratories; Graeme McAlister of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland; Kathy Shurtleff at the Supreme Court Historical Society; Angela Klitzsch of the Clowes Fund; Marty Fink at the YMCA of the Adirondacks; Paul Mercer of the New York State Library; Kelli Crandall of the Crown Hill Funeral Home and Cemetery in Indianapolis; Woodlawn Cemetery in New York; Glens Falls Historical Society; Glens Falls Public Library; Wolfeboro Historical Society; and Cynthia L. Scott of the Wolfeboro Public Library.
We especially thank Jacqueline Anderson, wife of Maxwell Anderson, the director of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, for taking us on a tour of Westerly, G. H. A. Clowes’s former residence. This house was donated by the Clowes family to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and is now the residence of the museum’s director. We also thank Bradley C. Brooks, who took us through Oldfields, the former home ofJ. K. Lilly Jr., which was donated to the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
A huge thank-you to our literary agent, Arthur Klebanoff, whose faith in the importance of our story helped transform it into the book you now hold in your hands. His hard work and effort are truly appreciated. We were inspired by the wisdom and encouragement of Michael Rudell, who during the past five years has reached out to a number of people to help shepherd this project.
At St. Martin’s Press, we are grateful to our editor Phil Revzin and to president and publisher Sally Richarson for their early enthusiasm and oversight. Kenneth J. Silver and Kylah Goodfellow-McNeill steered our book along the final leg of its journey. Donald J. Davidson contributed thoughtful copyediting. John Murphy and his team helped with publicity. We thank you all.
We are also grateful to our administrative assistant, researcher, and friend Korenne Morelli, whose dedication and perseverance were invaluable to this project.
For their interest and support along the way, we thank Dr. Alfred Henderson and his daughters Mary Kaplan and Pat Lightfoot, without whom we would have a much poorer understanding of Dr. Allen’s life. And for favors large and small we thank Sally Bock, Dr. Alexander Clowes, Maria Mercedes D’Antona, Dr. Susan Detweiler, Bruce and Mary Ann Gingles, Silissa Kenney, Mara and Stephen Kupperman, Christine Luu, Neil Rosini, Maxine Schweitzer, and Elizabeth Sugarman.
Finally, it would be hard to overstate how much we appreciate those few trusted and very carefully selected friends and family members who read and commented on early versions of the manuscript: Jessica and Joseph Ainsberg; Suzy and Richard Ainsberg; Marita Begley; Dale and Max Berger; Pam Bernstein; Robert Blinder; Dan and Jean Car- malt; Lynne Coll, Barbara Cooper, Jim Cooper, Harriette Delsener; Jeany Duncan; Linda and Richard Gesoff; Judy and Bob Golomb; Dr. Graham Ogle of the Life for a Child program; Paul Ridge, Craig Rochester, Mina Samuels and especially Michaela Murphy. Your time, thoughtful consideration, and encouragement buoyed our confidence and bettered our book.