The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Adams, Ansel
- Adams, Henry
- Adelphi
- Adrian, Gilbert
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Aldington, Hilda (H.D.)
- Aldington, Richard
- and Douglas–Lawrence controversy
- Andrews, Esther
- Anrep, Boris
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Arbuckle, Fatty
- Aretaeus
- Aristotle
- Armory Show
- Asquith, Lady Cynthia
- Atatürk, Kemal
- Auden, W. H.
- Augustus, Emperor
- Austen, Jane
- Aztecs
- Bach, J. S.
- Balaam’s ass
- Barrie, J. M.
- Battle of the Somme
- Baynes, Godwin
- Baynes, Rosalind
- Bazinno, Augusto
- Beach, Sylvia
- Beatrice, Princess
- Becker, Sir Walter
- Beckett, Samuel
- Beerbohm, Max
- Bennett, Arnold
- Benz, Sophie
- Beresford, J. D.
- Besant, Annie
- Bible, the
- Birrell, Francis
- Blake, William
- Blavatsky, Madame
- Bloch, Herbert
- Bloom, Harold
- Book of Revelation
- Borg, James
- Bosigran Castle
- Botticelli, Sandro
- Bowden, George
- Brailsford, H. N.
- Bramley-Moore, Lucy
- Brett, Dorothy
- Brett, Maurice
- Brett, Sylvia
- Brewster, Achsah
- Brewster, Earl
- Brill, A. A.
- Brontë, Emily
- Wuthering Heights
- Brooke, Sir Charles Vyner de Windt
- Brown, Curtis
- Buffalo Bill
- Bunin, Ivan, ‘The Gentleman from San Francisco’
- Buondelmonti, Buendelmote de’
- Burke, Charles
- Burns, Robert
- Burrows, Louie
- Bursum, Senator H. O.
- Bynner, Witter
- Byron, Lord
- ‘Darkness’
- Cannan, Gilbert
- Cannan, Mary
- Carco, Francis
- Carranza, Venustiano
- Carrington, Dora
- Carswell, Catherine
- Carswell, Donald
- Cary, H. F.
- catacombs
- Cather, Willa
- Catherine the Great, Empress
- Cavendish-Bentinck, Lieutenant-General Arthur
- Cellini, Benvenuto
- Cervi, Orazio
- Cézanne, Paul
- Chambers, Jessie
- Chambers, May
- Chaplin, Charlie
- Chief Mountain Lake
- Chief Sitting Bull
- Cicero
- cinema
- Clarence (protégé of Mabel Dodge)
- Cobb, Nathan
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Colleoni, Leone
- Collier, John
- Columbus, Christopher
- Conrad, Joseph
- Constable, John
- Cook, Captain James
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Corke, Helen
- Cornish tin mines
- Cortés, Hernán
- Cournos, John
- Craig, Edward Gordon
- Crane, Hart
- Crèvecoeur, Hector St John de
- Crippen, Dr
- Crotch, Mrs Gordon
- Crowley, Aleister
- Cullen family
- cummings, e. e.
- Cunard, Nancy
- d’Allura, Peppino
- Dana, Richard Henry
- Dance of the Sprouting Corn
- D’Annunzio, Gabriele
- Dante
- Dante Festival
- Dare, Zena
- Darwin, Charles
- Dasburg, Andrew
- David and Jonathan
- Davison, Lawrence H.
- Dayak head-hunters
- Debord, Guy
- Dial, The
- Díaz, Porfirio
- Dickens, Charles, Bleak House
- Dickinson, Emily
- Dix, Otto
- Dodge, Edwin
- Dodge, Mabel
- Background
- dedicatee of Mornings in Mexico
- and Lawrence’s death
- and Lawrence’s return to America
- and Lawrence’s visit to her mother
- makes gift of Lobo Mountain ranch
- marriage and miscegenation
- previous marriages
- and sexually transmitted diseases
- and Sons and Lovers manuscript
- and Studies in Classic American Literature
- suppressed memoirs
- Don Bernardo
- Don Martino
- Doolittle, Hilda, see Aldington, Hilda
- Doré, Gustave
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor
- The Brothers Karamazov
- Doughty, Charles Montagu
- Douglas, John Sholto
- Douglas, Lord Alfred
- Douglas, Norman
- controversy with Lawrence
- edits ‘The Prussian Officer’
- Lawrence’s impersonation of
- and Lawrence’s remains
- and Magnus’s literary estate
- and Magnus’s suicide
- and pederasty
- Dowson, Will
- Duff, Charles
- Duncan, Elizabeth
- Duncan, Isadora
- earthquakes
- Easter Rising
- Edward VII, King
- Eliot, George
- Eliot, T. S.
- The Waste Land
- Ellis, David
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo
- English Review
- Erewash, river
- Esher, Viscount
- Evans, John
- Evans, Karl
- Fairbanks, Douglas
- Ferdinand, Archduke
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Forbes, James Ochoncar, 17th Lord
- Forster, E. M.
- A Room with a View
- Fournier, Louis Édouard
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Freeman, Bessie
- French Foreign Legion
- girant culture
- Freud, Sigmund
- Frick, Ernst
- Fry, Roger
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Ganson, Charles
- Ganson, Sara
- Garbo, Greta
- Gardiner, Rolf
- Garnett, Constance
- Garnett, David
- Garnett, Edward
- Garnett, Richard
- Garsington Manor
- Gaskell, Elizabeth
- Gauguin, Paul
- Gee, Collingwood
- Gertler, Mark
- Gloeden, Wilhelm von
- Godwin, Edward
- Godwin, William
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goldman, Emma
- Goldring, Douglas
- gonorrhoea
- Gorky, Maxim
- Gøtzsche, Kai
- Graham, Martha
- Grant, Duncan
- Gray, Cecil
- Greene, Graham
- Gregory, Pope
- Greiffenhagen, Maurice
- Griffiths, D. W.
- Gross, Friedel
- Gross, Hans
- Gross, Otto
- Gurdjieff Institute
- H.D., see Aldington, Hilda
- Hahn, Emily
- Harcourt, Lord
- Hardy, G. H.
- Hardy, Thomas
- Tess of the D’Urbervilles
- Harris, Frank
- Hattemer, Lotte
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Haywood, Bill
- Hazlitt, William
- Heine, Heinrich
- heliotherapy
- Henderson, Alice
- Heseltine, Philip (Peter Warlock)
- Hesse, Hermann
- Hobson, Harold
- Hocking, William Henry
- Hocking family
- Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
- Holbrook, William
- Holloway, Mark
- Holt, Agnes
- Homer
- Hopi Snake Dance
- Hopkins, Willie and Sallie
- Housman, A. E.
- Hueffer, Ford Madox
- Huerta, Adolfo de la
- Huerta, Victoriano
- Hughes, Ted
- Huitzilpochtli
- Huxley, Aldous
- Brave New World
- Letters of D. H. Lawrence
- Huxley, Maria
- Imlay, Fanny
- International Psychoanalytical Association
- Irish Free State
- Irving, Henry
- Italian Fascist Party
- Jaffe, Edgar
- Jaffe, Else
- Jaffe, Peter
- James, Henry
- ‘The Jolly Corner’
- James, William
- Jeffers, Robinson
- Jeffers, Una
- Jefferson, Thomas
- John, Augustus
- Johnson, Willard ‘Spud’
- Jones, Ernest
- Joyce, James
- Ulysses
- Jung, Carl
- Juta, Jan
- Kafka, Franz
- Kant, Immanuel
- Keaton, Buster
- Keats, John
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Kinkead-Weekes, Mark
- Klee, Paul
- Knights of Malta
- Koch, Robert
- Koshares
- Koteliansky, S. S.
- Kreuzlingen Lecture
- Lake Chapala
- Lamb, Charles
- Lamb, Mary
- Land and Water
- Larkin, Philip
- Latini, Brunetto
- Laughing Horse
- Lawrence, Ada
- Lawrence, Arthur
- Lawrence, D. H.
- affair with Rosalind Baynes
- and art
- ‘androphobia’
- attack on Bibbles
- attitude to travel
- and bohemians
- and brother’s death
- Café Royal party
- claustrophobia
- controversy with Douglas
- and conversation
- his death and remains
- and democracy
- depends on postal services
- dismissal of evolution
- early literary success
- early marital arguments
- early relationship with Frieda
- early years
- ‘Easter Monday episode’
- finances
- frugality
- grows beard
- hatred of Ceylon
- and homosexuality
- horse-riding
- and humour
- illness in Ceylon
- interest in theosophy
- likened to Pan
- and male superiority
- marriage and honeymoon
- medical examinations
- and mother’s death
- and Native American campaign
- nervous collapse
- phoenix emblem
- physical comparisons
- politeness
- his portrait
- and religion
- reputation in America
- reputation in decline
- resentment of patronage
- return to England (1923–4)
- and the sea
- sexual assault at work
- sexuality
- and sexually transmitted diseases
- and social class
- starts painting
- survives Spanish flu
- theory of poetry
- as travel writer
- and tuberculosis
- visits Cambridge
- visits Magnus at Monte Cassino
- and the war
- wartime suspicion of
- xenophobia
- Lawrence, D. H., works:
- Aaron’s Rod
- ‘Adolf’
- ‘America: Listen to your Own’
- American fragment
- Apocalypse
- ‘Apostolic Beasts’
- ‘An Autobiographical Fragment’
- ‘Autumn in Taos’
- ‘Baby Movements’
- ‘The Bad Side of Books’
- ‘Ballad of a Wilful Woman’
- ‘Bibbles’
- Birds, Beasts and Flowers
- ‘The Bride’
- ‘The Captain’s Doll’
- ‘Certain Americans and an Englishman’
- ‘Christs in the Tyrol’
- ‘Climbing Down from Pisgah’
- A Collier’s Friday Night
- ‘Craving for Spring’
- ‘The Dance of the Sprouting Corn’
- The Daughter-in-Law
- ‘David’ (essay)
- David (play)
- ‘Democracy’
- ‘Discipline’
- ‘Discord in Childhood’
- ‘Dreams Old and Nascent’
- ‘Eagle in New Mexico’
- ‘Elephant’
- England, My England
- ‘The Evening Land’
- Fantasia of the Unconscious
- The Fight for Barbara
- ‘First Morning’
- ‘The Fox’
- ‘Frohnleichnam’
- ‘Goats and Compasses’
- ‘Goose Fair’
- ‘Herman Melville’
- ‘Herman Melville’s Moby Dick’
- ‘Herman Melville’s Typee and Omoo’
- ‘The Hopi Snake Dance’
- ‘Il Duro’, see Twilight in Italy
- ‘Indians and an Englishman’
- ‘Indians and Entertainment’
- ‘The Insurrection of Miss Houghton’, see The Lost Girl
- ‘Introduction to these Paintings’
- ‘Just Back from the Snake Dance – Tired Out’
- Kangaroo
- Lady Chatterley’s Lover
- The Ladybird
- ‘The Ladybird’
- ‘The Last Laugh’
- ‘London Letter’
- Look! We Have Come Through!
- ‘Looking Down on the City’
- The Lost Girl (‘The Insurrection of Miss Houghton’)
- ‘Love Storm’
- ‘Man and Bat’
- ‘The Man Who Loved Islands’
- ‘Medlars and Sorb Apples’
- Memoir of Maurice Magnus
- ‘Men in New Mexico’
- ‘Miners’
- ‘A Modern Lover’
- ‘Money Madness’
- ‘Morality and the Novel’
- Mornings in Mexico
- ‘The Mosquito’
- ‘Mountain Lion’
- Movements in European History
- Mr Noon
- ‘New Heaven and New Earth’
- ‘New Mexico’
- ‘None of That’
- ‘Nottingham and the Mining Countryside’
- ‘Odour of Chrysanthemums’
- ‘On Being a Man’
- ‘On Coming Home’
- Paul Morel, see Sons and Lovers
- The Plumed Serpent (‘Quetzalcoatl’)
- ‘The Poetry of the Present’
- ‘Pomegranate’
- ‘The Princess’
- ‘The Prussian Officer’ (‘Honour and Arms’)
- Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
- ‘Quetzalcoatl’, see The Plumed Serpent
- The Rainbow
- ‘Red Herring’
- ‘The Red Wolf’
- ‘Rex’
- ‘A Rise in the World’
- ‘The Saddest Day’
- ‘The Sea’
- Sea and Sardinia
- ‘She-Goat’
- ‘She Looks Back’
- ‘Snake’
- ‘Song of a Man Who Has Come Through’
- Sons and Lovers (Paul Morel)
- Sons and Lovers manuscript
- ‘The Spirit of Place’
- ‘Spirits Summoned West’
- St Mawr
- Studies in Classic American Literature
- ‘Study of Thomas Hardy’
- ‘Surgery for the Novel – or a Bomb’
- ‘Taos’
- The Trespasser
- Twilight in Italy
- ‘Vin Ordinaire’ (‘The Thorn in the Flesh’)
- The Wedding Ring
- ‘When I Went to the Film’
- The White Peacock
- ‘The Wind, the Rascal’
- ‘Wintry Peacock’
- ‘The Woman Who Rode Away’
- Women in Love
- ‘You Touched Me’
- Lawrence, Emily
- Lawrence, Ernest
- Lawrence, Frieda
- affairs before Lawrence
- affair with Ravagli
- and her children
- compared with Mabel Dodge Luhan
- early marital arguments
- early relationship with Lawrence
- her family
- her future as widow
- horse-riding
- jealousy
- and Lawrence’s death and remains
- Lawrence’s friends’ dislike of
- and Lawrence’s tuberculosis
- and Maurice Magnus
- and Middleton Murry
- naked dancing
- and Norman Douglas
- and Ottoline Morrell
- relationship with Mabel Dodge Luhan
- sexuality
- smoking
- wartime suspicion of
- writing style
- Lawrence, George
- Lawrence, Lydia
- her death
- Lear, Edward
- Leavis, F. R.
- Leigh, Augusta
- Leigh Hunt, James Henry
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Levi, Eliphas
- Lewis, Wyndham
- The Liberal
- Liebetrau, Hedwig Rosamunde
- Liebetrau, Mary
- Liebetrau, Paul
- Lloyd George, David
- Lobo Mountain
- Loop, Carl
- Loti, Pierre
- Low, Barbara
- Lowell, Amy
- Luhan, Mabel Dodge, see Dodge, Mabel
- Lujan, Candelaria
- Lujan, Tony
- and Lawrence’s return to America
- marriage and miscegenation
- and syphilis
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher
- The Land of Poco Tiempo
- Lusitania sinking
- Macartney, Herbert
- Mackenzie, Compton
- Madero, Francisco
- Magnus, Charles Ferdinand
- Magnus, Maurice
- and Douglas–Lawrence controversy
- Dregs
- his literary estate
- and The Lost Girl
- suicide in Malta
- Mandelstam, Osip
- ‘Manet and the Post-Impressionists’ exhibition
- Mann, Thomas
- Mansfield, Katherine
- death from tuberculosis
- Marcy, Everett
- Massimo, Prince
- Maugham, Somerset
- Mazzaiba
- Medici, Lorenzo de’
- Melville, Herman
- Mendelssohn, Felix
- Meredith, George
- Merrild, Knud
- Metropolitan Magazine
- Mexican revolution
- Meynell, Viola
- Michelangelo
- Millett, Kate
- Milton, John
- Minnie Pit Disaster
- miscegenation
- Mitford, Nancy
- Monroe, Harriet
- Montè Verita
- Montezuma
- Moore, G. E.
- Moore, Marianne
- Morrell, Lady Ottoline
- and Dorothy Brett
- her paperweight
- Morrell, Philip
- Mortimer, John
- Mount Eryx
- Mount Etna
- Mount Sinai
- Mountsier, Robert
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- Murry, John Middleton
- and Brett
- and Frieda Lawrence
- and Lawrence’s return to England
- Muskett, Sir Herbert
- Nabokov, Vladimir
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Nazi Party
- Neville, George
- New Republic
- New Statesman, Lawrence’s letter in
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
- New York Times Magazine
- Newstead Abbey
- Niagara Falls
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Nottingham University College
- Oates, Captain
- Obregón, Álvaro
- Occult Review
- Oedipus Rex
- O’Keeffe, Georgia
- Orioli, Pino
- Orwell, George
- Ovid
- Owen, Wilfred
- Pankhurst, Emmeline and Christabel
- Paris Exposition
- Parmenter, John
- passport photos
- Patmore, Brigit
- Penitentes
- Pera-hera festival
- Pickford, Mary
- Pilgrim Fathers
- Pinker, J. B.
- Pisano, Andrea
- ‘Pisgah sights’
- Plato
- Plutarch
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poellnitz, Wanda Freiin von
- Poggi, Giuseppe
- Polidori, Dr
- Pound, Ezra
- Prince of Wales
- Proust, Marcel
- psychoanalysis
- Queensberry, Marquess of
- Quetzalcoatl
- Radford, Dollie
- Rananim colony
- Raphael
- Rappe, Virginia
- Rauh, Ida
- Ravagli, Captain Angelino
- Redman, Ben Ray
- Reed, John
- Rembrandt
- rhabdomancy
- Rhythm
- Richards, Grant
- Richardson, Dorothy
- Richthofen, Baroness von
- Richthofen, Else von, see Jaffe, Else
- Richthofen, Johanna von
- Richthofen, Kurt von
- Richthofen, Manfred von
- Robinson, Janice
- Rodin, Auguste
- Rogers, Millicent
- Romero, Christine
- Romero, Tony
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rothenstein, William
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Rubin, Merle
- Ruffo-Scaletta, Prince
- Ruskin, John
- Russell, Bertrand
- St Benedict
- St Paul
- Salomone, Walter
- Salonia
- Sassoon, Siegfried
- Savage, Henry
- Savonarola, Girolamo
- Schiller, Friedrich
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- Scott, Captain Robert Falcon
- Scott Moncrieff, C. K.
- Secker, Martin
- Seltzer, Thomas
- Sermon on the Mount
- Sewell, Brian
- Shakespear, Dorothy
- Shakespeare, William
- Hamlet
- King Lear
- Macbeth
- The Taming of the Shrew
- The Tempest
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Shelley, Mary
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- A Defence of Poetry
- Epipsychidion
- ‘Ode to a Skylark’
- ‘Ode to the West Wind’
- Prometheus Unbound
- Queen Mab
- The Triumph of Life
- Shevky, Eshref
- Signature, The
- Sikels
- Skinner, Molly
- Smart Set
- Soames, Enoch
- Society of Authors
- Spanish flu
- Stallings, Laurence
- Stanislavsky, Konstantin
- Starr, Lady Mary
- Starr, Meredith
- Stein, Gertrude
- Stein, Leo
- Steiner, Rudolph
- Sterne, Mabel, see Dodge, Mabel
- Sterne, Maurice
- Stieglitz, Alfred
- Stoker, Bram
- Stokowski, Leopold
- Strachey, Lytton
- Swinburne, A. C.
- syphilis
- Tacitus
- Teotihuacan
- Terry, Ellen
- Thayer, Schofield
- theosophy
- Thompson, Francis
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thorne, Guy
- Thornycroft, Agatha
- Thornycroft, Sir William Hamo
- Tiberius, Emperor
- Titanic
- Toklas, Alice B.
- Tolstoy, Leo
- Tomalin, Claire
- Tomaselli, Maria
- Tomlinson, G. H.
- Tomlinson, H. M.
- Trelawny, Edward John
- Trilling, Diana
- tuberculosis, treatments for
- Turgenev, Ivan
- Turner, Reggie
- Turpin, Dick
- Twain, Mark
- Untermeyer, Jean Starr
- Vale of Health
- Valentino, Rudolph
- Van Gogh, Vincent
- Van Vechten, Carl
- Verga, Giovanni, The Little Novels of Sicily
- Victoria, Queen
- Virgil
- Virgin Mary
- Volkonsky, Prince Alexandr
- Voltaire
- Wagner, Richard
- Walsh, Raoul
- Warburg, Aby
- Warner Brothers
- Waugh, Evelyn
- Weaver, Raymond M.
- Weber, Alfred
- Weber, Max
- Weekley, Ernest
- Welbeck Abbey
- Wellington, Duke of
- Wells, H. G.
- West, Rebecca
- Westbrook, Harriet
- Wharton, Edith
- Whitman, Walt
- Wilde, Oscar
- The Importance of Being Earnest
- Wilhelm I, Kaiser
- Wilhelm II, Kaiser
- Williams, Jane and Edward
- Williams, Raymond
- Williams, William Carlos
- Witt, Nina
- Woolf, Leonard
- Woolf, Virginia
- Jacob’s Room
- Wordsworth, Dorothy
- Wordsworth, William
- Yeats, W. B.
- Yorke, Dorothy
- Zeppelins