The excellent article by Umberto Eco, to which he gave the title “A Blogger called Saramago” and which was published a few days ago in La Repubblica, has now been reprinted in El País, and should appear tomorrow in the pages of the Díario de Notícias. This compilation of brief blogs, due to be published under the modest title of A Notebook, was born under a good sign. Already translated into Spanish, Catalan and Italian, it has now received the best possible validation through the person of Umberto Eco, whose perceptive analysis arrives wisely tempered by the grace of his writing and the subtlety of his humor. I have no right to prolong my writing here, still less to comment on what Eco wrote. For me, the happiness I am feeling is more than enough. In the course of so many years, other books of mine have been received with generosity and sympathy, but none as much as this one. I am at this point in time the most grateful of writers.