Week 8 Day 4

Learn from Your Mistakes

We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

God will keep his own anointed;

Naught shall harm them, none condemn;

All their trials are appointed;

All must work for good to them:

All shall help them

To their heavenly diadem.

When Lincoln was elected president, he humbly gave the reason why he knew he’d be a success. “I am very sure that if I do not go away from here a wiser man,” he said, “I shall go away a better man, for having learned here what a very poor sort of man I am.” Winning the race isn’t always what is most important. Understanding why you lost may be just the victory you need. Lincoln learned the real secret to success in life was to learn from mistakes. Have you let failure get you down, or is failure your teacher? Nobody can go through life succeeding all the time. But most people give up too early. Take Lincoln’s view of success and failure. If you fail, you’ve learned something to help you succeed.