Week 42 Day 1

On Core Beliefs

There remaineth a rest to the people of God.

Hebrews 4:9

Oh where shall rest be found,

Rest for the weary soul?

’Twere vain the ocean-depths to sound,

Or pierce to either pole.

Beyond this vale of tears,

There is a life above,

Unmeasured by the flight of years—

And all that life is love.

There are some things in life worth fighting for. But all too often people end up fighting for things that aren’t important. How many relationships have been ruined over temporal things like money or power? Abraham Lincoln once said, “We have to fight this battle [the Civil War] on principle, and upon principle alone.” Lincoln knew how important it was to look only to his core beliefs, his beliefs in equality and liberty, when he made important decisions during the war. Are you basing your decisions on your core beliefs, or are you fighting for things that won’t matter later on in life? Try to base your life on the things that are most important to you—your values and morals. Look to those things when you are making decisions, and later on in life you won’t regret the paths you chose.