The use of propaganda in military operations probably dates back to the first major conflicts of mankind. The principles of getting to know ones enemy and using this knowledge against them in confrontations is elemental. Call it getting under their skin, psyching out an opponent, dissolving moral, getting inside your enemies head or spinning the situation. Anyway you define it, the methods are just about the same and the military PSYOP (Psychological Operations) units of today have worked these approaches down to a fine art.

Propaganda messages are delivered in many forms. Leaflets, posters, bumper stickers, imitation currency, video and audio tapes, loudspeakers, conversation, movies, TV and radio are all workable forms for the conveyance of propaganda.

Propaganda leaflets are probably the most versatile of all methods of conveyance. They are light and small, can be easily dropped from aircraft or handed out in person, and can present several types of messages. Some leaflets attempt to persuade the opposition of a singular point of view, while others simply present the actual facts or history of a situation in hopes that the reader will see the light. Other leaflets present implicit instructions, as in the example of safe conduct passes, or law and order occupation issues. Each of these approaches is used for different situations and all can be extremely effective in achieving their goal.

All elements of leaflet production are equally important. The art and writing go hand in hand to fully convey the message and emotional subtexts desired by the issuer. Printing and distribution must be fast and efficient and able to adapt to situational variants. Language translation and cultural differences must be carefully examined to avoid any misconceptions in the theme or message of the leaflet. All these functions must work together to produce a strong piece of propaganda and avoid the possibility of dismissal by the recipient.




On May 4, 2004, an Afghan teacher discuss with First Sergeant Dale Perez the different topics taught to students in Gulbahar, Afghanistan. The Parwan Provincial Reconstruction Team donated toys, clothes, and school supplies on behalf of a church in the United States to the Gulbahar High School and Orphanage in Afghanistan.

Thought many propaganda leaflets are first produced as full color masters, the majority of those distributed during modern Middle east conflicts, have been printed in black and white. In the case of multinational or coalition allied conflicts there may be many PSYOP units working independently or together to produce the required materials. Confusion can sometimes be a side benefit of this arrangement, but over production can lead to a situation such as was reported during the Iraq War, where in April 2003 imbedded news sources wrote that there were so many leaflets around that service personnel were gathering them for collections or other uses all the way down to toilet paper substitute.

Most of the following notes were disseminated during the Gulf War, when the use of propaganda leaflets was at a very high priority. Additional information, as well as buying and selling opportunities, for propaganda leaflets and other military propaganda materials is plentiful on the Internet. Recommended web sites include:,, and


A pair of propaganda notes from the current war in Iraq. One mimics the Iraqi banknotes in circulation when the invasion began. The other warns that bombs are going to be dropped and notes, “Why are bombs dropping on you? Because of Saddam!” Propaganda notes are used to encourage the enemy to surrender, give up vital information, set down their weapons or otherwise abandon resistance, as well as to warn civilians to take cover indoors. value $3.00.


A three-panel cartoon of a scimitar swinging Saddam graces this Gulf War leaflet. This cartoon was drawn by Tim Wallace primarily for internal use of the command. Note the English language “oops” and “thud”. The backside translates as “30 February 1991, Saddam’s prediction: Be assured that I will solve the problem of Kuwait on 30 February…” which is a joke only to those whose calendar does note contain that date! When this not was passed to a group in Turkey, they took it as a true propaganda note, printed it up and dropped it over Northern Iraq, even though it was never meant for distribution to a Middle East Audience. value $3.00.


There are several varieties of the “Bomb” propaganda notes used in Iraq. The Bomb side normally says something like: Warning! This is only the beginning! This could have been a real bomb. We desire the protection of innocent people and Saddam is leading them into certain death and destruction. We want you to know the truth! Saddam is the cause. Yes, the Multi-national Forces have the ability to launch a lightning attack anywhere at anytime. Warning!” The pure text side of these notes each differ a bit, but the point usually is to make it clear that Saddam is the problem, and that there is no way for the Iraqi military to succeed against the overwhelming air superiority of the multinational forces. value $3.00.


Pictured here is another version of the “Bomb” leaflet used in Iraq during the Gulf War. The bomb side again presents a stern warning and blames Saddam for the destruction to come. The back emphasizes, “Resistance is purposeless. The outcome is inevitable. Save Yourselves. Leave your weapons and go immediately to a safe area.” value $3.00.


Pictured here is a stark Gulf War leaflet bearing Saddam Hussein’s portrait and the legend, “The Cold Face of Death In War”. The text on the reverse reads “O’ Sons of Iraq, In Death you lengthen the life of Saddam, but you shorten the life of your homeland, Iraq”. value $5.00.


This Gulf War leaflet was designed to emphasize Saddam’s disregard for human life and ugly habit of risking innocent civilians to shield military targets. The idea of this note is to illustrate that Saddam wants war and does not care about the amount of bloodshed. Front text surrounding Saddam reads, “Saddam is the sole reason for the bombing of Iraq!” The back side translates roughly as “Saddam's aggression is the reason the whole world is at war with Iraq. The Coalition Air Forces are trying their bests to avoid injuring innocent civilians. But Saddam has placed Iraqi civilians within military areas to die instead of his loyal military personnel. He is ready to sacrifice all of you, the holy places as well as the history of Iraq for his own survival.” value $4.00.


One of the many leaflets used during Operation Iraqi Freedom. This particular type would have been first used in April 2003 as Coalition forces advanced on Baghdad and Basra. The front of the leaflet depicts Iraqi soldiers as well as abandoned equipment and reads: “Saddam is losing support of his military forces”. The back is all text within an intricate border. A rough translation would be: “Saddam’s oppressive rule is coming to an end. Many of Saddam’s supporters are siding with Coalition forces. Iraq's military units are choosing not to fight for Saddam. Soldiers are laying down their weapons and leaving their posts to return to their families. Shortly the people of Iraq will be free from his brutal regime”.value $6.00.


Pictured here is another variety of the Iraqi 25 Dinar banknote. This version bears the large question mark on the back and asserts that Coalition forces are well fed and the reader of this note could be also, since prisoners of war are fed the same as soldiers on the Coalition side. value $3.00.


The type of childish color cartoon drawing seen on this propaganda leaflet was meant to invoke a feeling of childlike innocence, sincerity and longing for family. The message is basic, die fighting against superior forces, or live in the loving arms of your family. The backside of this leaflet displays flags from the various Coalition nations. value $4.00.


The Coalition used propaganda leaflets to expose Saddam’s practice of using civilian areas to house military equipment. On this note we see children and Mosques at risk because of this repulsive policy. On the back of this note we are told that Saddam has brought this war to Iraq and that civilian deaths are on his head. value $4.00.


During the Gulf War purposeful oil spills caused much damage to the environment. This leaflet was designed to combat a recurrence of this problem during the War in Iraq. The front shows a family of Iraqi civilians and notes “Dumping oil poisons Iraqi waterways, as well as your family’s future”. The back warns that dumping oil and tainting sea life will impede economic recovery after the war. value $8.00.