All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

abdominal cavity, 19–20
alcohol, 34, 59
allergies, 63–64
autoimmune diseases, 62–63, 64

bee pollen, 77–78, 82, 110, 111,
    composition of, 46
    constipation and lack of, 53
    function of, 24, 39, 41–43
    passage into gallbladder, 24
    production of, 39–41, 83, 86
bile canaliculi, 23, 32
bile stones, 42, 45–47, 64
bilirubin, 40–41, 46
black radish remedy, 90, 91–92,
    increasing flow into liver,
    liver’s purification of, 20–23,
        31–35, 96
    as part of terrain, 8
    toxins’ effects on, 9–10, 31–32
brewer’s yeast, 74, 75–76, 82, 110,
        111, 112

cancer, 13, 61–62, 64
    hepatocyte, 32–36, 43
    Kupffer, 31, 35–39, 43
    terrain’s effect on, 6–7
    toxins’ effects on, 9–10
cholagogue action, 83–84, 85,
choleretic action, 83, 85
    bile composition and, 46
    defined, 41
    liver’s relation to high, 53–54,
circulatory system, 53–56
cirrhosis, 50, 64
constipation, 53, 56, 64

    blood purification and, 31–35
    dietary changes required, 65,
        108, 114
    draining toxins via, 15–17
    hepatic plant doses for, 85–87
    importance of, 2–3, 6
    methods for, 3
    plants for, 87–91
    bee pollen, 77–78, 82, 110, 111,
    brewer’s yeast, 74, 75–76, 82,
        110, 111, 112
    detox and changes in, 65, 82,
        108, 114
    detoxifying, 71–74
    food journals for, 73
    foods to eliminate, 66–69, 82
    liver-friendly foods, 70–71
    vitamins, 74, 110
    wheat germ, 76–77, 82
    bile’s role in, 24, 39, 41–43
    liver’s effect on, 23–24, 52–56
digestive tract, 52–53

emunctory organs, 14, 16–17
exercises, 97–101, 103, 113

    bile and digestion of, 24
    lecithin and solubility of, 41
    metabolism by liver, 30
fatty liver, 30
feet, reflex zones of, 102–3
fluids in terrain, 7
foods. See also diet
    detox diet, 71–74
    to eliminate, 66–69, 82
    fruit, 106, 107
    high-fiber, 105–6, 107
    liver-friendly, 70–71
    natural food supplements,
    powdered whey, 105, 107
    sulfur-rich, 79–80
fruit, 106, 107

gallbladder. See also bile
    bile’s passage into, 24
    bile stones in, 42
    gallstone treatments, 91–94
    reflex zone, 103
    storage of bile in, 40, 41
glucose storage in liver, 28
glucuronic acid, 35
glycemia regulation, 28

headaches/migraines, 45, 64
heart, 54–55, 64
hemorrhoids, 55–56, 64
hepatic artery, 20, 22
hepatic duct, 24
hepatitis, 48–49, 64
hepatocyte cells, 32–36, 43
high-fiber foods, 105–6, 107
hypoglycemia attacks, 59–60, 64

immune system, 38, 61–64
indigestion, 52, 64
intensive treatments, 111–12
intestines, 24, 25–26, 104–7

Journal of Your Habits table, 73

kidneys, 14–15, 33–34
Kupffer cells, 31, 35–39, 43

laxatives, 105, 106, 107
lecithin, 41, 46
liver. See also bile; liver diseases;
        stimulating the liver
    cardiovascular diseases and,
        54–55, 64
    deficiency of, 44–45, 64
    digestive system and, 23–24
    effect of pain relievers on, 56
    eliminating toxins, 17–18,
        31–38, 57–58
    expressions about, 51
    fat metabolism by, 30
    functions of, 27–31, 57
    healing of, 94
    hepatic artery, 20, 22
    hepatic vein, 22–23
    intestines and, 24, 25–26,
    location of, 19–20
    massaging, 101–3
    medications damaging to, 37
    metabolic disorders affected by,
    obesity and links to, 60–61, 64
    origin of word, 28
    portal vein, 20, 21–22, 25, 104
    reflex zone, 103
    role as emunctory organ, 14–15
    self-diagnosis checklist, vii-viii
    self-regeneration of, 25
    summary points, 26
    temperature of, 27, 95, 103
    testing your liver IQ, 3–4
liver diseases
    bile stones, 42, 45–47, 64
    cirrhosis, 50, 64
    hepatitis, 48–49, 64
    liver deficiency, 44–45, 64
    summary, 64
long treatments, 110–13
lungs, 14–15, 57
lymph, 8

macrophages, 36
massaging liver, 98–99,
medicinal plants, 83–94
    long treatments using, 110–13
    recommended, 87–91
    simple remedy using, 109
    using, 83–87, 94
metabolic disorders, 59–61
methionine, 77
mineral waters, 81, 111

naturopathy, 6
obesity, 60–61, 64
olive oil treatment, 92–94
organelles, 6
overeating, 12, 14, 55

pain relievers, 56
portal vein, 20, 21–22, 25, 104
powdered whey, 105, 107
protective action, 84–85
proteins, 29–30, 37

reflexology, 102–3, 109, 112, 113
respiratory diseases, 57–58, 64

simple remedy, 108–10
sinusoidal capillary, 32, 36
skin, 14–15
stimulating the liver
    exercises, 97–101, 103, 113
    hot-water bottle, 95–97, 103,
        109, 112, 113
    massage for, 101–3
    benefits of, 78–79
    foods rich in, 79–80
    sulfuric mineral water, 81, 111
    taking as trace element, 81–82
    treatments using, 109, 112, 113

terrain, 6–9, 14–15
toxic substances
    about, 4
    in contact with hepatocytes,
    neutralization of, 39, 43
    sources of, 12–14
    absorption of, 104–5
    in contact with hepatocytes, 33
    defined, 4
    draining, 15–17
    effects of, 9–10, 31–32
    expelling, 14–15
    illness caused by, 10–12
    sources of, 12–14
    cautions about, viii
    gallstone, 91–94
    hot-water bottle, 95–97, 103,
        109, 112, 113
    intensive, 111–12
    long, 110–13
    medicinal plants for, 85–87
    olive oil, 92–94
    simple remedy, 108–10
    summary, 114

vitamins, 29, 74, 110

wheat germ, 76, 82