Cleansing Spells

Isn’t the house clean enough? I take a daily shower, isn’t that sufficient?

Magical cleansing spells have little to do with actual cleanliness, as defined by the absence of dirt, dust, or disorder, although there are spells that accomplish both sorts of cleaning simultaneously. Even the most slovenly, disorganized witch will maintain a regular schedule of psychic cleansing.

At their most basic, cleansing spells remove psychic and spiritual debris. A certain level of this debris accumulates constantly. As you become more psychically aware, you may become more conscious of this and feel a greater need to remove it on a regular basis.

Cleansings remove low-level spiritual entities that are attracted to ritual, if only to feed parasitically off the generated energy. Knowingly or unknowingly, these entities obstruct and weaken your psychic work, lessening your chances of success. In addition, cleansings welcome and make room for more benevolent, helpful spirits.

How do you know when you need to cleanse?

Areas, people, ritual tools, or other objects may be cleansed. Various methods and tools of varying intensity exist for cleansing. This is very personal magic: the results are apparent immediately. You must feel cleansed. Choose the methods that resonate most powerfully for you. Your spells will be most effective and potent if accompanied by visualization, affirmation, and/or the chanting of sacred texts.

If at any level you perceive that magic is inherently evil or bad, yet you continue to cast spells, your need for cleansings is even greater than most. At the simplest level, cleansings remove the proverbial bad vibes. On a more serious note, cleansings provide healing and soothing wherever there has been violence, excessive anger, humiliation, and defilement.

Area or Space Cleansing

Any area may be cleansed, from a tabletop altar area or the inside of a magic circle to an entire home or office building. When cleansing a large area, certain spots are believed to require extra care and attention. Vulnerable areas include doors, windows, and other thresholds. Corners, especially dark ones, and the area behind a door, especially one that’s consistently propped open, are considered favorite resting spots for malevolent spirits, as are dark closets, bathrooms, and any area that feels creepy. Do you recall how children often resist sticking fingers and toes out of the covers for fear that something under the bed will nip them? Dark spaces under the bed can accumulate more than dust bunnies. These are all areas requiring extra attention.

Anyone actively involved in the space cleansing process or exposed to the cleansing materials automatically receives personal cleansing as well, although certain personal cleansing methods cast a more direct and intensive spell.

Asperging Spells

Asperging means sprinkling with liquid in order to effect spiritual and magical cleansing. These are ancient rites: just like burning loose incense, these are techniques known to our earliest ancestors. Asperging spells direct the elemental cleansing power of water and other liquids toward a specific area. Depending upon what is used to direct the water, the elemental cleansing power of Earth may also be incorporated, through the use of botanicals.

Asperging is the most popular method of liquid-based space cleansing. It is more discreet than smudging or any sort of smoke-based method. Burning botanicals inevitably leaves a lingering fragrance. By definition, it is the aroma of the burning botanicals that provides the cleansing: the inclination of the cleanser is inevitably to strengthen the aroma. This provides the confidence in the effectiveness of the cleansing and its long-term effects. However, aromas tend to evoke highly personal reactions: fragrances favored in cleansings may or may not meet with your neighbors’ or housemates’ approval.

The issue of fire safety always looms too. Because something is done for positive spiritual purposes does not guarantee that accidents and tragedies will not occur. With water-based cleansings, you are able to maintain tighter control over safety and fragrance. However, different methods resonate for different people: for an intensive cleansing ritual, you may wish to combine several methods.

The most basic cleansing liquid is sea salt dissolved into spring or rainwater. Any of the following formulas also will provide space cleansing. Check the Formulary for recipes:

Disperse them through an area. You can intensify the power by combining formulas. Florida Water, in particular, empowers any other formula to which it’s added. For instance, combine Florida Water and Indigo Water. Sprinkle through the home or area daily as maintenance cleansing.

Ocean Water Asperging Spell

Unless you live by the sea, this spell may involve more work and preparation than sprinkling with salted fresh water, however the potential power is also greater.

  1. Carry ocean water to the area to be cleansed in a glass or metal flask. (For maximum effect, request permission and offer thanks to the Spirits of the Sea.)
  2. Asperge as needed, ideally with a rosemary or sea lavender wand.

Peppermint Asperging Spell

Create an infusion by pouring boiling water over peppermint. Strain and use a peppermint branch to asperge as needed.

Pine Asperging Spell

Soak pine needles in warm water and asperge as needed.

Ti plant is a sacred and integral component of Hawaiian magical and spiritual traditions. Using a leaf as an asperging tool adds elements of protection to purification rituals. (Ti plant is not the same as either the Australian or New Zealand tea tree but a completely distinct botanical species, despite the similar names.)

Broom Cleansings

You thought witches’ brooms were only for flying? Or perhaps they’re for ambience? Think again: a broom is as effective a spiritual cleanser as it is a household cleaning tool. Some maintain special ritual brooms, for magical use only. Some spells call for really special ritual brooms, intended to be used only once then destroyed, while other spells utilize any available broom, including the one you use for regular daily sweeping.

Broom Cleansing Spell (1)

  1. Use any broom to sweep the dust from the west to the east.
  2. Burn this dust and toss the ashes outdoors.
  3. Complete the ritual by mopping the floors with a magical floorwash (formulas follow on pages 217–18), followed by a protective incense fumigation.

Broom Cleansing Spell (2)

This spell incorporates a single-use magical purification broom.

  1. Use one or any combination of the following botanicals: broom, cedar, fennel, hyssop, rosemary, sage, vervain.
  2. Arrange the botanicals and tie them to the bottom of a branch with raffia, visualizing, charging, and knotting. (Any branch may be used, however an ash branch is considered particularly powerful.)
  3. Sprinkle with salted water or any preferred purification formula.
  4. Sweep the area.
  5. Disassemble the broom outside, away from the cleansed space.
  6. Bury the components in the ground or toss them into living waters, flowing away from you.

Broom Cleansing Spell (3)

Any broom may be used in this spell, homemade or commercial, however it must be discarded at the conclusion of the spell.

  1. Add an infusion of lemongrass and some white or rice vinegar to a bucket filled with water. (If you have time to make lemongrass vinegar, this is even more effective than the infusion.)
  2. Dip a broom into the bucket of floorwash and sweep the area from the center, working your way outwards. This does not need to be a commercial broom. A branch with attached stiff herbs is fine, however a mop may not be substituted.
  3. When complete, dump the wash water outside and discard the broom at a crossroads.

Candle Cleansers

Candles deliver the magical space-purifying effects of fire, without the intensity of smoke or the fragrance associated with fumigation cleansings.

Blessing Oil

Create Blessing Oil by adding frankincense and benzoin to a blend of olive and jojoba oils. Use either the ground resin or essential oils. Dress white and blue candles with the oil and burn to purify the atmosphere.

Coconut Candle Cleanser

Coconuts possess an aroma that many find pleasing, sensuous, and evocative. Releasing the scent of coconut into the air provides long-term spiritual purification in a relaxed, fragrant manner. Unfortunately what is commercially available is almost invariably synthetic; thus the fragrance may be pleasing but the power is nonexistent. Make your own coconut candles.

The simplest method is to use pour-and-melt wax from the craft store. White or brown are the preferred colors. If you are a skilled candle maker, however, choose any method or wax you prefer.

  1. Prepare the candle shell prior to melting the wax. You may use any type of container you choose; however, a hollowed-out half of a coconut shell is ideal.
  2. Melt the wax until liquid.
  3. Stir in pure coconut extract. The quantity depends upon the desired intensity of fragrance.
  4. Make sure that the wick is attached securely to the container, either by holding it in place until the wax hardens or by attaching it to a pencil or stick laid across the top of the container.
  5. Pour the scented wax into the container.
  6. Allow the wax to harden.

Supplement the fragrance with a few drops of ginger, frankincense, or lemon essential oils.

Cleansing Powders

Powders are sprinkled through an area to radiate a cleansing effect as well as to absorb malignancies in the air. Sprinkle lightly: typically the powders will disperse into the atmosphere quickly. If any powder is still visible after seven days, vacuum it up and replace. If this occurs consistently, you are either applying too much or stronger cleansing methods are needed.

Exorcism Powder

Despite its name, rather than performing actual exorcisms, this powder helps eliminate negative emotions, vibrations, and low-level spirit emanations.

  1. Blend the following ingredients together and grind into a fine powder:
    Dried basil
  2. Blend this powder into arrowroot powder.
  3. Sprinkle as needed.

Cleansing Spirits

Sometimes you need someone else to clean for you. Calling in the spirits to perform a cleansing is like hiring a deluxe cleaning service. They perform a better, more thorough job than the average person could; they are capable of removing spiritual dirt and debris that you weren’t aware even existed.

Like a cleaning service, these spirits expect to be paid. Some demand specific gifts or offerings. Others, like the angels, expect a certain atmosphere of respect and reverence: angels feed off the fragrance of precious resins. Fill the room with their aroma—it will enhance the cleansing.

As anyone who’s ever hired a cleaning service knows, you must clean prior to the spirits’ arrival. Do some basic cleansings first to prepare the area for their presence: smudge sticks or asperging cleansing waters are appropriate.

Four Archangels Cleansing Service

Summon the archangels; they may arrive alone or leading hosts of lesser angels. The four archangels may be invoked to initiate all rituals and also for the cleansing and protection of ritual space. Angels, most especially the archangels, are not the cute little cherubs one sees depicted on Valentine’s Day cards. These are beings of power and majesty. Their presence may remain invisible or they may manifest in various forms, however a typical vision of angels involves a being so bright they remain visible even with your eyes closed. Their presence as cleansing agents burns like purifying fire, yet they leave holiness in their wake, rather than devastation.

  1. Cast a circle, with a sword, crystal-tipped wand, flaming torch, or other tool.
  2. Pause at each cardinal point and invoke the appropriate archangel:
    Raphael to the East
    Michael to the South
    Gabriel to the West
    Uriel to the North

Make the invocation as simple or as elaborate as you choose. Different schools posit which angel has dominion over which direction. If you are familiar with other directions, choose what resonates for you.

Whether the following ritual began in Africa, Haiti, or in New Orleans itself is unknown, however it emerged in New Orleans as an adaptation of Haitian ritual. Extremely popular, it passed into general American magical usage and is now familiar all over Earth. It is difficult to find a botanical, occult, or spiritual supply store that will not teach you this spell. However, while many are aware of the mechanics of the ritual, few understand the spiritual context of this spell.

The ritual calls upon extremely powerful and prominent lwa to provide cleansing and protection. Although their names are invoked, their identities are forgotten: for many people, this spell is a modern equivalent of the litanies of ancient, forgotten words of power invoked by medieval magicians. However, these are no forgotten spirits: these lwa remain active and vital, invoked daily in Vodoun ritual. If you call them, they may come. If you take the time to understand who you’re calling, this spell becomes even more powerful.

New Orleans Voodoo Spirit Cleansing Service

This spell may also be used purely as a spirit-banishing spell, however it does a potent job of cleaning up all negative vibrations and debris. It is best performed at midnight during a waxing moon. Be sure proper ventilation is available: the smell of sulfur is pungent and potentially irritating.

  1. Place a square of red paper onto a small metal or stone plate. You will need one plate plus its contents for each corner of any room you wish cleansed. Most rooms require four sets.
  2. Place a pinch of sulfur on top of each paper.
  3. Place each plate in a corner, so that there is one in each.
  4. Light the sulfur.
  5. Simultaneously, address the four lwa invoked in this ritual, turning to face each new corner as each name is uttered.
    Baron Carrefour!
    Baron Cimitiere!
    I invoke you! With the power of your names, I command and compel all evil spirits, spells, and vibrations, any negative entities, to leave me and my home and never return!
  6. Withdraw from the room, maintaining a vigilant eye on fire safety.

Cleansing Through Smoke

Burning botanicals releases their powers into the air, releasing various magical effects. What is actually being released depends upon what is being burned. This is true in areas outside magic too: up until World War I, French hospitals burned juniper and rosemary in order to release the volatile oils to provide antiseptic, antibacterial effects.

Smoke cleansings are considered among the most potent of cleansing spells. Their effect lingers as long as you can smell any vestiges of the botanical aroma. Strong, fragrant, visible smoke that shoots straight up is considered especially powerful and auspicious.

In order to cleanse an area effectively, the aroma of the burning plant material has to permeate the air. In theory, if the quantities of the botanical cleanser are great enough, there’s no need to waft the smoke around. Hence the huge mounds of frankincense and myrrh burned in ancient temples, as well as the traditional Midsummer and Beltane bonfires. If you want to burn such quantities, however, be aware that not only will every corner of your own area be permeated with fragrance, but that aromas spread and are difficult to contain. Your neighbors will be calling to either complain or to thank you, as the case may be.

Few, however, have access to such quantities of botanicals. Therefore, most cleansing smoke needs to be directed toward what needs to be cleansed. Burning releases the magical properties into the atmosphere: actual cleansing comes from direct exposure to the smoke.

Basic Botanic Fumigation Spell

Burning specific botanicals provides magical and spiritual antiseptic effects. These botanicals include: aloes wood, benzoin resin, bloodroot, cajeput, cinnamon, cloves, dragon’s blood resin, eucalyptus, frankincense, garlic, harmel (Syrian rue), juniper, mastic, mugwort, myrrh, onions, rosemary, sage (especially white sage), Saint John’s Wort, sandalwood, thyme, wormwood, and yarrow. Burn them alone or in any combination.

Many of these plants also radiate a protective aura: maintaining them as a presence, particularly as living plants but also as dried amulets, can only be beneficial. Whatever else these plants do (and many, such as frankincense, dragon’s blood, and wormwood are extremely versatile magically), they always radiate a cleansing, purifying aura. Although certain methods of use intensify their cleansing effects, those effects are constant: the more these botanicals are used, the more consistent their cleansing power.

The simplest of all smoke-cleansing methods is the smudge stick. A smudge stick is a small wand made from dried botanicals. Although today the most famous smudge sticks derive from Native American tradition, this is basically a very simple, universal tool. The old English lavender wand is, in effect, a smudge stick, albeit one that is not frequently burned.

Smudging is the process of using directed smoke to cleanse an area, person, or object. Smudge sticks are popular occult tools and easily purchased, but they can be just as easily created:

  1. Dry bunches of herbs.
  2. When they have completely dried, bind them together with thin cotton thread.
  3. When needed, the stick is lit and the smoke directed toward and over whatever needs cleansing.
  4. A feather fan is often used to direct the smoke, although you may also use your bare hands.

Be aware of fire safety: smudge sticks tend to smolder long after the flames appear to have died out.

Although a smudge stick may theoretically be created from any dried botanicals, for cleansing purposes, the following are most potent and practical:

The smudge stick has certain advantages: it’s neat, compact, easily controlled, discreet, and mobile. Loose incense, however, is also extremely effective and offers you the luxury of a wider selection of botanical material.

Many of the most potent cleansing materials are gum resins and wood chips that do not lend themselves to binding into a wand. These are usually burned on charcoal, which is placed on a dish, iron pan, or incense censer so that the cleansing smoke may be directed as needed.

Specific cleansing formulas have evolved:

Birch Cleansing Incense

Burn birch bark and twigs to remove negative energy.

Cast Out Evil Incense

This powerful formula provides cleansing for areas profaned by evil and/or violence:

  1. Blend and grind the following ingredients together into a fine powder:
  2. Sprinkle onto a lit charcoal and burn.

Cast Out Evil Extra Strength Spell

For areas that have been truly profaned and need extra-potent cleansing:

  1. Do an initial moderate cleansing of the area.
  2. Prepare the room by closing all windows and sources of ventilation.
  3. Prepare an incense burner with lit charcoals.
  4. Place a substantial quantity of Cast Out Evil incense onto the burner.
  5. Position the burner in the center of the room.
  6. Let it remain there for a minimum of an hour, and overnight at longest. While the incense burns, the room should be closed to all outside ventilation. If it’s possible for someone to stay in the room, to attend the incense, they will be rewarded with a powerful personal cleansing. If this is not possible and the incense will be temporarily unsupervised, be extremely vigilant as to fire safety.
  7. When sufficient time has passed, open windows, provide ventilation, let the fresh air in.

Garlic Cleansing Spell

  1. Place the reserved garlic peel in a mortar and pestle and add brown sugar.
  2. Pound and grind them together.
  3. Sprinkle the result onto lit charcoal or burn it on a cast iron pan.
  4. Waft the fumes over the areas to be cleansed, allowing the aroma to permeate and settle.

Old Affair Removal Cleansing Incense

There aren’t only spiritual reasons for cleansing spells; sometimes they’re necessary to set the stage for new love by removing all vestiges of the past. Burn myrtle and dried rose petals.

Pine Cleansing Incense

Grind dried pine needles to powder and sprinkle on lit charcoals to cleanse an area of negative energy and entities.

Sacred Purification Incense

This cleansing formula incorporates the botanicals most frequently used in sacred rites. It removes the negative and the tainted, leaving an aura of holiness behind.


Dragon’s blood




Sea salt

  1. Blend and grind the ingredients into a fine powder.
  2. Sprinkle onto a lit charcoal and burn.

Cleansing Through Sound

Music plays many magical roles. Charms, in the most ancient sense of the word, were meant to be sung. Traditional Finnish magicians were famed for their ability to sing things into existence or to heal via songs. Experienced magicians were expected to possess songs that could halt bleeding.

Like botanicals or crystals, perhaps every musical instrument has its magical uses. Violins and flutes are used to cast love spells, while the sounds and reverberations of drums and percussion instruments provide extremely powerful cleansings.

Cleansed by the Bell

Among the reasons bells are traditionally incorporated into churches is that bells are powerful space cleansers. Although any bell may be used, the most effective for cleansing purposes include silver bells, iron bells, and brass bells.

Maneki Neko is the amuletic Japanese beckoning cat. Usually a free-standing figurine, Maneki Neko bells cleanse personal and spatial auras, in addition to their traditional function of attracting prosperity and protection.

Ring bells whenever you feel cleansing is required. Hang bells in a breezy spot so that their activity can be consistent.

Bells are interesting cleansers because, unlike other methods, they can operate spontaneously. Should a typically silent bell suddenly ring, especially without obvious cause, pay attention. Further cleansing or protective rituals may be needed.

The Serene Yet Powerful Method: Singing Bowls

The harmonies created by Himalayan singing bowls are used to wash space. Ideally, the goal is to achieve a perfect balance of yin and yang energies. This method is particularly beneficial before ritual. It has a soothing effect on participants as well: beyond cleansing, it is also used to balance and harmonize energies—excellent for the initiation of group ritual.

The singing bowl is a round metal bowl made in varying sizes. It is portable, so that it may be carried directly to any area needing cleansing. Traditionally, the finest singing bowls are crafted in Nepal from seven metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and zinc. Each metal corresponds to one of the seven visible planets and thus incorporates its energies and blessings.

A small wooden mallet is used to tap the bowl, typically three times for maximum effect. Different sounds are produced depending upon whether the bowl is tapped, rubbed, or hit. Try using your fingernail or the tips of your fingers instead of the mallet. Adding varying amounts of water to the bowl also alters the sound. Experiment. Find the sounds that please you, that literally resonate with you. Harmonize the sound of the bowl with your own ears and intuition to achieve the correct sound for your purpose and space.

  1. Place a small cushion beneath the bowl as it’s carried. A round cushion is traditional. This is not merely a formality: the cushion improves the sound, lengthening the tone.
  2. Walk with the bowl, directing the sound as needed.
  3. For heavy-duty cleansing, place the bowl on its cushion on a table in the center of a room. Strike it, letting its sound reverberate and radiate.

Like any other occult tool, given the opportunity, an individual singing bowl can develop a rapport with an individual person. A fine singing bowl is an exceptionally receptive tool.

It will become attuned to anyone in frequent contact with it. Store the bowl in soft, heavy fabric such as velvet when not in use. Singing bowls improve with age, becoming more powerful with frequent use.

Singing bowls are also used for empowering, energizing, and replenishing space following any kind of space cleansing.

Cleansing Vapors

Blessing Incense

Not all incenses are dry. This is a liquid, steam-based incense formula from Yemen.

  1. Gently warm rose water or hydrosol.
  2. Add sugar, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add some or all of the following: aloes wood, rose petals, sandalwood powder, black tea leaves, attars of jasmine, rose, sandalwood, and henna.
  4. Simmer, until steam rises.
  5. Use the steam to bless and cleanse an area, people, and/or objects.

Chinese Vinegar Steam Cleanser

Steam is the result of the merged powers of water and fire; it is an extremely effective spiritual cleanser. This Chinese formula is recommended for a weekly standard cleansing:

  1. Boil rice vinegar in a shallow pan until it’s steaming (a paella pan or similar is ideal).
  2. Very carefully, so as not to burn yourself, carry the steaming pan of vinegar through all the rooms of the home, letting the vapors cleanse corners, closets, all and any areas that don’t feel “right.”


Floorwashes don’t sound as glamorous as incense and asperging, however they are an integral component of the Hoodoo and Conjure magical traditions. They combine actual physical house cleaning with spiritual and magical work, effectively killing two birds with one stone. They are potent yet discreet and perhaps the single most effective use of multi-tasking within magic.

Although the liquid is called floorwash, technically it refers to the final rinse used to clean a floor or other interior surfaces. It should not be removed but allowed to air-dry, so that its power radiates into the surrounding atmosphere. In other words, the floor should be clean before applying the floorwash. The radiant power of the botanicals is what is crucial: floorwashes are a component of many spells for a variety of purposes, including protection and romance, in addition to their obvious value as a space-cleansing device.

There are two standard methods of making a floorwash. Choose which suits you:

Angelica Floorwash

In addition to its cleansing abilities, angelica possesses a strong protective aspect.

  1. Make a strong infusion from dried angelica.
  2. Strain out the herbs.
  3. Add the infusion, together with some white or rice vinegar, to a bucket of wash water to cleanse floors and surfaces.

Aura Cleansing Floorwash

Agrimony repels and sends back hexes. Peppermint is an aggressive cleanser that beckons the presence of helpful, benevolent spirits. Combined, these botanicals create a particularly potent floorwash.

  1. Make a strong infusion from dried agrimony and peppermint.
  2. Strain out the herbs and add the infusion liquid to a bucket of water, together with white or rice vinegar.
  3. Cleanse floors and surfaces.

Four Thieves Floorwash

Add Four Thieves Vinegar, black salt, and rosemary to a bucket of floorwash.

New Home Floorwash

This is recommended for a preliminary cleansing when moving into a new home. This removes old vibrations and emotions lingering from past residents and allows you to begin with a fresh slate.

  1. Make a strong infusion from basil, hyssop, and pine needles.
  2. Strain and add to a bucket of rinse water, with vinegar.
  3. Cleanse floors and surfaces as needed.

Post-cleansing Spell

After other Cleansing Spells are complete, add Cascarilla Powder to a bucket of salted water. Wash down floors and walls to seal and enhance your previous efforts.

Full House Cleansings

Special techniques may be needed should you wish to magically cleanse an entire building. Although many cleansing spells assume that a home is being ritually cleansed, these spells may also be used for workspaces or any other type of building.

Coconut Cleansing Spell

  1. Bring rum, Cascarilla Powder, and a whole coconut to the corner of your home furthest from the main entrance.
  2. Take a mouthful of rum. Don’t swallow it; instead spray it over the whole coconut.
  3. Next sprinkle Cascarilla Powder on the coconut.
  4. Roll the coconut through your home, out the main entrance.
  5. Pick it up and bring it to a four-way crossroads at a distance from where you live, a remote crossroads, not one that you pass frequently.
  6. Circumambulate the four points of the crossroads, dropping offerings of fruit, coins, and candy as you pass each one.
  7. Bring the coconut into the center of the crossroads and throw it to the ground, making sure that it cracks open.
  8. Leave it there. Return home via a circuitous route without looking back.

Intensive Space Cleansing

  1. Take an entire bunch of peppermint and rub it vigorously against walls, furniture, objects, and whatever else needs to be cleansed.
  2. When the cleansing is complete, wrap the peppermint in brown paper and remove it from your home immediately.
  3. Dispose of it far from home, returning via a circuitous route.

Jessamine Flowers House Cleansing Spell

Botanicals don’t have to be burnt to cleanse: spread day Jessamine petals throughout the house for spiritual cleansing and to remove the residue of any malevolent spells cast against you.

New Home Major Cleansing Spell

This cleansing ritual may be used for individual rooms or for an entire house and is an excellent cleansing method prior to moving into a new home.

  1. Blend essential oils of frankincense and sandalwood into olive oil.
  2. Use this to dress a blue candle.
  3. Place this candle onto a disposable saucer or plate.
  4. Place this saucer on top of some spread-out sheets of newspaper or a disposal tablecloth.
  5. Cast a large circle with sea salt on the paper around the candle and saucer. The circle must be large enough for you to maneuver comfortably within it.
  6. Enter the circle; you may either stand or kneel on the paper, and light the candle.
  7. Close the doors and let the candle burn out. (Always maintain an eye on fire safety.)
  8. When the candle is finished, fold everything up securely inside the newspaper. Do not spill even one grain of salt.
  9. Take it to a moving body of water. Slide all biodegradable materials into the water. Throw everything else into a trashcan at a distance from your home. Walk away and don’t look back.
  10. Repeat in every room that you would like cleansed.

Salt Cleansing Spell

  1. Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over High John the Conqueror roots.
  2. Sprinkle the infusion on salt. (Only moisten the salt; don’t melt it.)
  3. Allow the salt to dry out.
  4. Sprinkle the salt around your home to absorb negativity.
  5. Reserve the remaining High John liquid and refrigerate. Repeat the spell as desired, daily or weekly.

Stationary Cleansers

Certain objects are perceived as being similar to magical vacuum cleaners. They absorb malevolence and negativity, removing it from the premises. As a general rule, white foods may be used in this manner.

In general, when the object is full, like a vacuum cleaner bag, it needs to be removed from the premises and discarded. Crystals are the exception: they may be cleansed, effectively emptying them of debris, so that they may be used over and over again.

Stationary cleansers are typically left unsupervised in an area; if children and/or pets are present, make sure a safe method is used.

Amethyst Crystal Cleanser

Place large amethysts in room corners to serve as spiritual vacuum cleaners. When they look dull, cleanse and recharge them. Other crystal gemstones recommended for space cleansing include clear quartz crystal and malachite.

Basic Stationary Cleansing

Sprinkling directs the cleansing, however liquids may also be used as stationary cleansers:

  1. Place any of the cleansing formulas recommended in Asperging Spells above (but especially Florida Water and Notre Dame Water), in shallow uncovered pans.
  2. Situate them strategically through an area, to absorb negative energy and provide a cleansing effect.
  3. Replace weekly. If the liquid starts to look odd or smell strange, however, replace it immediately.

Onion Space Cleansing Spell

  1. Chop one onion into quarters and place one piece in each corner of a room. Don’t peel the onion. Don’t use a food processor. Chop it by hand.
  2. Allow the onion pieces to remain in place overnight.
  3. Bury them outside the following day.
  4. Repeat the process for a total of five consecutive nights.

Vinegar Cleanser

Plain vinegar is cheap, easily obtainable, and among the strongest cleansing agents of all.

  1. Place a cup or bowl of vinegar in every room that needs cleansing.
  2. Replace weekly.

For intensified cleansing, add a square of camphor to the vinegar. To improve the fragrance, add a few drops of essential oils of frankincense, rose, or sandalwood, or blend with Florida Water.

Personal Cleansings

Personal cleansings are done in preparation for rituals and spell-work. They have an empowering effect and will remove accumulated psychic debris that obstructs full expression of personal power. In addition, many who delve into spiritual work perform regularly scheduled cleansings, usually once a week, as general magical maintenance.

Stronger cleansings are needed in special circumstances: they provide psychic healing following violence, violation, or humiliation. Personal cleansings can also provide relief after trivial, unpleasant experiences. Should you ever feel somehow tainted or unclean, to any degree, that’s the signal that some sort of personal cleansing ritual is needed. Choose the rituals that resonate, most strongly for you.

Personal cleansings have an advantage over many other types of spells: their effects are readily apparent fairly immediately. A successful cleansing spell leaves you feeling refreshed, renewed, and clean.

Many personal cleansings, particularly the baths, may be performed for oneself. However, some cleansing techniques require that one person performs the cleansing for another. To some extent, that’s because many are survivals of shamanic rituals. Shamanic healers provide profound cleansing and soul restoration, beyond the scope of the average layperson. Once upon a time, unlike today, shamanic healing was common and accessible (according to many anthropologists and historians, the true oldest profession is that of the shaman). Perhaps it will be so again: cleansing spells do not replace the need for shamans. However, their methods have been adapted to household use: make sure you choose ritual assistants and cleansing assistants wisely.

Basil Cleansing Bath

In addition to standard cleansing effects, this bath is excellent for removing negative emotions caused by extended exposure to very controlling people. Basil also enhances luck and the potential for prosperity.

  1. Pour approximately one cup of boiling water over one heaped teaspoon of dried basil.
  2. Allow this to stand until the water cools, creating a strong infusion.
  3. Add this to your bath.

Citrus Bath

  1. Obtain as many kinds of citrus fruits as possible: lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, and so forth.
  2. Draw a bath, quarter each fruit, squeeze the juice into the bath, and toss the fruit in the water.
  3. Add yarrow hydrosol, as much as you like.
  4. Get into the bath and rub the fruit over your body.
  5. Let yourself air-dry. (You may be sticky but let it remain for as long as possible.)

Cleansing and Energy Balancing Bath

The botanicals frankincense and myrrh are perceived as happily married, perfectly balanced, and a matching couple, as are vetiver and patchouli. In addition to aura cleansing, these botanicals also balance yin and yang energies.

  1. Add a cup of salt to a dish.
  2. Add two drops each of essential oils of frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and vetiver. (You may add more if you wish, but keep proportions equal. Add additional drops in even-numbered combinations.)
  3. With your fingers, blend this into the salt.
  4. Add this to a tub of running water.
  5. When the bath has filled and the temperature is correct, adjust the fragrance, if you like, by adding a few more drops of any of the essential oils directly to the water.

Cleansing Oil

Sometimes cleansing means adding something rather than removing it. This Mediterranean formula has a purifying effect. Using either essential oils or fresh herbs add basil, rosemary, and thyme to olive oil and massage this into the body.

Destroy All Evil Bath

  1. Add at least one cup of Florida Water and at least one cup of sea salt to a tub filled with water.
  2. Add a generous splash of Four Thieves Vinegar.
  3. Just before you enter the water, when the temperature has already been adjusted, add nine drops of essential oil of rosemary.

Reinforce and enhance the bath’s potency by keeping a large quartz crystal in the water while you bathe.

Garlic Personal Vacuum Service

Sometimes someone else really needs cleansing. If negativity emanates consistently from a single individual, tainting the mood and atmosphere, take matters into your own hands: perform an indirect cleansing. Use a clove of garlic as a personal vacuum cleaner.

  1. Peel and crush a single clove of garlic.
  2. Place it under the person’s bed, chair, or under the carpet where they are sure to stand.
  3. Remove and burn after twenty-four hours.
  4. Replace as needed; an improvement in attitude should be observed shortly.

Herbal Magic Cleansing Bath

Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over fresh lavender, mint, marjoram, oregano, and rosemary. Add the strained liquid to your bath.

Kitchen Herb Bath

Magically powerful plants masquerade as common kitchen herbs. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over fennel, dill, and chervil and try adding it to your bathwater.

Lavender Bath

Lavender derives its name from “lavare,” meaning “to wash.” Laundry comes from the same root source. This bath may be dedicated to Hecate, for whom lavender is a sacred plant. Add essential oil of lavender, lavender hydrosol, or an infusion to the bath for spiritual as well as physical cleansing.

Mother Holle’s Cleansing Bath

Mother Holle, Germanic Queen of Witches, leads the Wild Hunt. These herbs are traditionally gathered on Midsummer’s Eve and used for intensive cleansings between the winter solstice and January 6th.

Blend the following botanicals:









Saint John’s Wort




Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over the botanicals. Let it steep, then strain and add to the bath. For maximum spiritual cleansing and happiness, float heartsease (wild pansy) blossoms in the water.

Nine Flowers Bath

  1. Place three white roses, three white carnations, and three white lilies in a dish and pour hot water over them.
  2. Strain out the liquid, reserving the flowers, and bring them to the bathtub or shower.
  3. Scrub from head to foot with one flower at a time until that flower falls apart.
  4. When all nine flowers have been used, get out of the water and air-dry.
  5. Dress in clean clothes; don’t clean the bathtub immediately. Wait several hours or have someone else do the job.

Personal Fumigation Spells

Personal fumigation means using directed smoke to spiritually cleanse the body and the personal aura. This is also a very ancient method of applying perfume. Perfume literally means “through smoke.” Although modern perfume is liquid, this is a relatively recent development. For centuries, people stood over burning aromatic materials, wafting it strategically, hoping to permeate skin, hair, crevices, and clothing with healing, protective, or seductive fragrances, as the case may be.

Most purifying botanicals also possess a protective aspect. Depending upon which botanicals are used, there may also be a sensual component. For all of their protective and purifying powers, for instance, sandalwood and frankincense are also luxurious, fragrant, even aphrodisiac substances. Cleansings can be sensual rather than medicinal and still be very effective, although this also depends upon personal expectations and preferences.

In ascending order of strength, try these methods:

Purification Bath

  1. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over nine bay laurel leaves and two tablespoons of anise seeds.
  2. Let it reach room temperature.
  3. Strain out the botanicals and add the liquid to your tub of water.

Quick Fix Aura Cleanser

Add one cup of salt and one cup of vinegar to a bath. Lemon vinegar is most potent, however apple cider or rice vinegar is also very effective. Homemade Four Thieves Vinegar is also powerful and very effective, but its fragrance is pungent rather than light and relaxing.

Rosemary Anisette Cleansing

This personal cleansing invokes the healing powers of massage. Someone else must perform this cleansing on you. The subject of the cleansing focuses on his or her goals or on prayer and petition, while the other person performs the massage.

  1. Soak rosemary stalks in anisette.
  2. The person to be cleansed lies down comfortably on the floor, bed, or on a massage table.
  3. The massage is initially performed only with the hands: this is a gentle, easy massage, not a vigorous one. The goal is aura cleansing, not muscle manipulation.
  4. With the fingers, repeatedly and rhythmically form the sign of the cross, pentacle, and/or other sacred, protective symbols on the body. Start with the palm, and then journey up the arms. Go to the soles of the feet and up the leg.
  5. Remove the rosemary wands from the liqueur, shake them out gently and use them to lightly massage the body.
  6. Simultaneously request assistance from your favorite spirits. Order any evil entities to leave. Affirm your safety.

Sage Cleansing Spell

Plain garden sage is a profound spiritual cleanser.

  1. Dry the sage.
  2. Grind it into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle.
  3. Sprinkle the powder onto a charcoal and use it to fumigate the body.

Salt Cleansing Spells

Salt is the single most powerful and consistent aura cleanser. Sea salt, processed as little as possible, is most powerful, although many magical traditions, not necessarily Jewish, prefer kosher salt, as it bears the aura of being blessed. However, in extremis, any type of salt is effective.

Salt Cleansing Bath

This is a quick-fix cleansing, perfect for spontaneous needs:

  1. Add at least one cup of salt to a bathtub filled with warm water.
  2. Soak thoroughly, allowing yourself to air-dry, when the bath is over.

Salt Scrub

A salt scrub provides a more concentrated cleansing. For maximum effect, add bath salts to the water and then apply the salt scrub directly to the body.

The Standard Salt Scrub formula consists of a blend of approximately one cup of salt and one half cup of oil. The actual quantity depends, however, upon the desired consistency and the sensitivity of your skin: if you’d like a softer, less abrasive scrub, increase the proportion of oil.

Because salt is purifying and protective, every salt scrub inherently provides aura cleansing. However, the purpose and added effects of a salt scrub may be adjusted through the addition of essential oils. Rosemary, clary sage, frankincense, manuka, benzoin, thyme linalool, and sandalwood all intensify the cleansing effect.

Seven Flowers Miracle Bath

This bath is ideal for when you’re very tired, very jaded, very drained, or very bitter. Seven different fresh flowers are required for this bath, the magic number associated with hope and miracles. Choose whatever flowers are available or whatever flowers appeal to you. Float the flowers in the bathtub and soak while focusing on regaining innocence and optimism.

Seven Roses Bath

This spell requires:

Seven red roses

A handful of sea salt

A splash of vinegar

A squeeze of lemon juice

A splash of pure spring water or substitute a splash of either Marie Laveau or Notre Dame Water.

  1. Fill the tub with water.
  2. Throw all the ingredients into the tub.
  3. Spend seven minutes in the bath, rubbing yourself with the roses, submerging yourself periodically and focusing upon your goals.
  4. Dry off with a clean towel, white or unbleached cotton if possible, and put on fresh clothes.
  5. Don’t clean the tub out right away; let it sit for at least an hour while your aura cleansing stabilizes.

Seven Waves Ocean Cleansing

Immerse yourself in ocean waters to achieve aura cleansing. When seven waves have passed over you, the cleansing is complete.