Special Dedication
An Immortal's Guide to Tarth
There are so many I would like to thank. My son Jamin, who helped me create the Tarthian Empire, and my son Joel who helped with much of the science behind it. My husband, who supports me one hundred percent. A huge thank you to my critique partners at CWC, and my wonderful beta readers Jean and Barbara.
This book is dedicated to my friend Houston Havens with whom I share entrepreneurial ideas, good characters, fun stories, and a love of SciFi. Walking through the world with her as my friend makes me feel I can take on anything. Here's to many more books from us two Irish lasses. Live in the now. I'm in the blue bubble with you, all the way.
KITL: Known in this life
PGP: Preferred Gender Pronoun
TSY: Tradestandard System
BPSS: Because Pietas said so
Welcome to the Tarthian Empire. This book is a guide to the people, places, and possibilities you'll find here. A list of immortals and their roles in Peril is also included. All Sempervians are welcome here. This will be your home away from home. To those immortals who have joined us in our glorious exile -- please know you are our honored guests. We are pleased to share the bounty of the Empire with you.
I'm Joss Avaton, your guide. A little about me. I'm telepathic (which most of us experience and understand), and a scripter, which means by touching you I can discern your abilities and gifts. Contrary to popular belief, scripters cannot tell your past or your future. We can only tell about your present: what gifts you possess now.
So that neither of us has any illusions, I will tell you up front that I am serving Penance. For those of you new to the game of Peril, that means I lost a game and must pay for it. In my case, it was a technicality, and the gamers in my session had nothing to do with my loss. I lost by my own mistakes, and take full responsibility. The gamer opposite me (Nanchonta) I would trust with my life, and have, many times. However, I would carefully watch the lead player in my support team (Akaghe) and never turn my back on him. Not for one moment. He is not based in the Tarthian Empire, for which I'm thankful. But enough about the past. I'm here to help you in your future with us.
While we are more than glad to welcome a fellow immortal into the Empire, you should be aware that the relationship between Mundanes (mortals) and ourselves is not an open one. To that end, let's dive straight into the ironclad rules.
By order of Pietas ap Lorectic, Lord of the Immortals, the Impaler, Hammer of God, Marauder, Soul Ripper, Destroyer of Worlds, Slayer of Innocents, Hound of Hell, you are ordered to set aside this book if you not immortal. Put down this book, walk away, and no one will get hurt. Should you decide to disobey this directive, that assurance is void.
With that warning in mind, you may proceed at your own risk.
Of course, immortals do exist. The fact that you are reading this book proves that. We are referring to what the non-immortal Mundane population thinks. They (other than the Chosen) are never to know of our existence. The rule regarding how much to reveal is simple: nothing.
We do not discuss immortality.
We avoid any mention of immortality.
If asked directly if we are immortal, we lie.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
The answer to "Why can't we tell them?" is also simple: BPSS (Because Pietas said so). If you don't know who Pietas is, we refer you to Rule Number One.
You will no doubt find yourself exasperated by the sheer number of Mundanes present in the Tarthian Empire, especially humans. They have overrun it and multiplied like rats in a pestilence. Which brings us to Rule Number Three.
By order of Pietas, humans and other people groups may not be killed for sport. That does not mean you can't annoy, manipulate, and use them for your own purposes. However, the rule about killing is strictly enforced. You can be banned from the Empire for killing even one Mundane. Justifiable homicide must be proven in Mundane courts as well as before the throne of Pietas.
It has nothing to do with their inherent worthiness. Mundanes have none. However, we must coexist here and the worlds in the Tarthian Empire are filled with these creatures. They farm, raise fish, cattle, sheep, and other animals used for food, create cities, technology, transport, and other items which we find useful and helpful. Since we take full advantage of these things, it behooves us to let them exist. Therefore, the golden rule is "Live and let live."
We cannot stress strongly enough the need to remember the golden rule when it comes to Mundanes, and especially humans. They tend to bring out the worst in us, so guard yourself against rash behavior in their presence. Pietas does not permit a "temporary insanity" defense. I know this chafes. You must learn to deal with it.
Unlike many empires in the galaxy, where every planet has a unique system for dates, times, measures, currency, etc. the Tarthian Empire is based on our own system. After all, the Empire was founded by Dessy, the twin sister of our leader, Pietas. One could expect no less. The tradestandard system standardizes all currency, time, measures, weights, and other figures based on the units found on the planet Tarth. It is abbreviated as TSY. This will make recording dates and figuring money much easier. There are no local exchanges, except on worlds which hold treaty-relationships with Tarth (Notidisia and Felidae).
Most of us need no lessons regarding Peril or our people. For the newbies, those who have either finally decided to stop fighting and join us, and for those who did not know Pietas had been freed from imprisonment, here are the basics of Peril's history.
On Earth, in the 4400s AD (referring to Terran dating system), humans were filled with fear at what we Ultras (ultra-advanced genetically enhanced warriors) could do. And well they should be. When they created us, they intended us to be no more than slaves designed to do their bidding, to remove their bodies from harm's way, and to fight their territorial wars. Our bodies regenerated from injury so fast we could not be killed. They did not mean to make us immortal.
That realization frightened them, but the real terror came when we created other sentient beings (such as the Kin and Tyrans who dwell on this side of the galaxy). When Pietas announced the creation of Roglnites, a feral, feline humanoid race far more barbaric than the Kin, humans pitched over the edge of terror and into panic mode. The idea that we might create our own armies and fight against humans initiated a daring plan of attack.
They called for a truce and said they would submit to the demands of equality for our kind made by Pietas and his father Mahikos. Instead, some of our own kind betrayed us. As we arrived, in good faith I might add, we were trapped like animals, herded into pods, and put into stasis. It took until 4536 to trap half a million of us, including Pietas and his family (his father, mother Helia, and sister Dessy). They then ferried us across the galaxy, dumped us on Sempervia, and abandoned us.
Some say that originally, only Pietas and his family were intended for this isolation. While I would not dispute that humanity found his family the most dangerous of all Ultras, the fact is the rest of us are also powerful.
Among those exiled on Sempervia were warriors capable of creating light without use of heat or fire, and their opposite, the darkness-casters. Phase-shifters could move invisibly by altering their bodies at the molecular level to enter different dimensions. Thousands possessed precognition to see what would happen within a short timeframe in the future, and some used pheromones to control and sway opinion. A few could enter dreams and direct them.
Some say the most dangerous ability was what we call "wilt" the ability to make others submit to our will simply by... well, I don't possess that gift. I don't know how they do it, but you'll meet a powerful Sempervian here in the Tarthian Empire who is a master. If, after meeting Cyken (known as Luc Saint-Cyr), you find yourself changing your mind about previous decisions you've made, you might want to reconsider before acting on them. A full list of our abilities is listed elsewhere in this book.
Therefore, I doubt the rumor that Pietas and his clan were the only ones targeted for Sempervia. To humans, all of us pose a threat.
In the end, those of us who call ourselves Sempervians are the ones who left that accursed planet. Those who remained behind on Sempervia refer to themselves as Reborn. To the naysayers who insist our exile from our own people was a sign of failure, let me tell you this. Pietas engineered our exile to suit his purposes. How can one wreak vengeance on humanity from a planet on the edge of the galaxy, isolated from every living creature? No, mankind intended Pietas and the rest of us to spend eternity there. We decided to take the galaxy into our own hands.
Being exiled from our people was necessary. It took them centuries to gather the courage. When they finally exiled Pietas and his followers, we who had supported him threw a going-home party. We were leaving for good, and going back where we belonged, to rule mankind.
What cruel irony to discover that after thousands of years away, mankind had forgotten we ever existed, while we had spent all those eons dreaming of their downfall. We will restore their collective memory before we take our long overdue vengeance. That will take time. Fortunately, we are immortal. We have all the time in the worlds.
In the meantime, Peril is a role-playing game we created to keep ourselves from growing bored while we wait. It is played in real time, with a goal of forty years spent in each lifetime, never more. There is one notable exception. One player has won a perfect game and is allowed to play until he wants to stop.
If you have guessed that this player is Pietas's favorite, you are correct. Cyken is currently in a game in the Tarthian Empire without limits of any kind. Be careful of him. He is more than powerful, and he has allies within the game who would harm you without hesitation. Oddly enough, he also has strong allies among Mundanes. If you think to make an enemy of this man, you would do well to reconsider. I rather like him.
Here are the players, the rules, and the supporters of Peril.
For those new to Peril, the Chosen are a secret society of humans and non-humans who serve us.
We are Called to serve
We are Honored to protect
We are Obedient to the vow
We are Safeguards of the truth
We are Enablers of life
We are Neutralizers of threats
The Chosen serve in exchange for protection and wealth. They provide cover details to aid us in moving between worlds (and lives), and create background data. For example, if a college degree is needed to fill a position, a Chosen-owned (or influenced) university can provide it. The Chosen influence businesses involving banking, education, background checks, data verification and transfer, security, etc. They are legion, and they are devoted to us. Why not? We provide them with power and protection.
Chosen may never be harmed by us. We are their protectors and guardians. Should a Chosen break one of the rules of their order, it is up to the Chosen Council to deal with it. Pietas has promised swift and violent retribution to anyone who harms a Chosen.
I regret, however, to inform you that most of the Chosen are humans, with few other people types involved. These Mundanes, for the most part, know their place among us. You will find them (more or less) subservient and/or submissive, although there are notable exceptions in the Empire, as you'll see.
Levels within the Chosen hierarchy are; Initiate, Novice, Debutant, Fledgling, Apprentice, Journeyman, Artisan, Adept, Maven, Virtuoso, Master, and Remort.
If you are not currently assigned a Chosen, apply for one through the Chosen Council. In the Tarthian Empire, the Council is headed by Tonio deLaney.
One other comment. You should know that the Chosen Chronicles allow them to pass information to one another. If you have been naughty in another life, the Chosen here will learn of it. How do humans put it... oh yes. Be sure your sins will find you out.
The following Chosen are well known among the current immortals in the Tarthian Empire, or hold positions of distinction. There are hundreds more not listed. You might need a scorecard to keep up with the Chosen in this empire. They are unlike any others you will find in the galaxy.
Name: Shohn Lexius (Under Consideration)
Gender: Female
Type of Being: Kin
Level: Uninitiated
Assigned to: Cyken
Special Notes: Per Pietas, tread lightly with this one. She is a favorite of Pietas's favorite. Cyken has requested she be assigned as his Chosen. She is an executive with idBot (the top security company in the Empire), and as such, serves as the senior security liaison to Cyken's Luc Saint-Cyr persona. We know she assists him on covert missions, and is highly trusted by him. This Kin female has far-reaching abilities and can set watchers on you that you will never see coming. Be careful how you treat her.
Name: Tonio deLaney
Gender: Male
Type of Being: Human
Level: Remort
Assigned to: Neutral
Special Notes: As the Grand Master of the Thieves' Guild, and Head of the Chosen Council, this special friend of Cyken's warrants close attention. He has been the mentor to Cyken's adopted HalfKin son and his adopted human sons.
Name: Jawk Brighton
Gender: Male
Type of Being: Kin
Level: Apprentice
Assigned to: Dessy (was Harmyn)
Special Notes: Per Pietas, Jawk is not to be trusted. Jawk was a waiter at a restaurant on Tarth called Batchelors, which is owned by two humans long associated with Cyken. Jawk studied at Tarth Technical College, and distinguished himself with excellent grades. After taking the job at Batchelors, he engaged in a brief relationship with Cyken and Cyken's Chosen at the time -- Wulf Gabriel. Jawk then had a brief but apparently torrid affair with Cyken. When Jawk's true loyalties were later revealed, it triggered a massive change in alliances within the Chosen. Jawk is currently assigned to Dessy, and as a result of other changes, Wulf was reassigned to Alitus. (Did I not tell you that you'd need a scorecard here?)
Name: Wulf Gabriel
Gender: Male
Type of Being: Human
Level: Apprentice
Assigned to: Alitus
Special Notes: Wulf is Cyken's former lover. After Cyken's affair with Jawk Brighton, it was revealed that Wulf was having an affair with Alitus Vivaldi, who at the time was Dessy's Chosen. Wulf is now married to Alitus, who as it turns out, is a Changeling. Look for information on him in another section.
If you are not currently assigned a role, apply for one with Uurah. You will be asked to roll the requisite dice. Each player is assigned a major and a minor role.
Role, definition, symbol
Activist, Person taking direct and militant action for or against something, Cat
Actor, Performer of any type, Mask
Agitant, Person putting something into motion, Lightning Bolt
Artist, Creative person who uses media for expression, Palette
Aspirant, Person desiring or striving for recognition or advancement, Chess Knight
Caretaker, Custodian who takes care of something, Heart
Combatant, Fighter, various skill levels, Gun
Composer, Artist who creates music, Clef
Conqueror, Victor by force of arms, Clenched hand or fist
Courtier, Courtesan / concubine of either gender, Cherries
Criminal, Person who commits crime, Handcuffs
Crusader, Person advocating reform, Double arrows
Cultist, Person outside society, or who directs others who are, Chess Bishop
Dealer, Someone engaged in trade, often not professionally, Card - Spade
Discoverer, Person who determines a new existence, presence, or fact, Scope
Enforcer, Person who executes unpleasant tasks for a superior, Chess Rook
Fugitive, Someone fleeing from a place or situation, Links of Chain
Gambler, Person who wagers on outcomes, Dice
Harbinger, Person who foreshadows change, Eye
Healer, Medical practitioner, Caduceus
Hero, Someone who fights for a cause, Sword
Historian, An authority on history, Pen
Hunter, Person who searches for items, Single arrow
Itinerant, Traveler who works in various locations, Staff
Judge, Person who forms a critical opinion, Gavel
Laborer, Someone engaged in manual labor, Hammer
Liberator, Person who releases people from captivity or bondage, Battering Ram
Master, Consummately skilled person in any capacity, Card - Clubs
Mentor, Guide and advisor, Card - Hearts
Merchant, Businessperson engaged in retail trade, Weight scales
Musician, Artist who plays or conducts music, Quarter Note
Operative, Person secretly employed in espionage, Spyglass
Parent, Father or mother, figuratively or literally, Stork
Pawn, Person used by another to gain an end, Chess Pawn
Politician, Leader engaged in civil administration, Chess Queen
Rebel, Person who takes part in an armed rebellion against authority, Shield
Ruler, Person who commands, Chess King
Slave, Merchant owner or manager of a shop, Collar
Speculator, Risk taker for profit or conjecture, Card - Diamonds
Supporter, Police and other city officials, Rampart
Teacher, Instructor, mentor, trainer, Book
Theist, Person concerned with spiritual condition of others, Chalice
Thief, Someone who takes property of others, Key
Toy, Person who provides pleasant distraction to another, Puzzle Piece
Writer, Person who uses words to express him/herself or others, Quill
Abilities come in ranges. Each ability has a beginning stage, especially when the immortal is learning to master it. Some might never develop past a weak stage. Others reach mid-range. Some become strong users (considered their major ability), and at the peak use of the gift, are considered masters. Some gifts are erratic or unstable, and not reliable. Newbies who are learning to use a skill should keep in mind that practice does help, and that no mistake is fatal. Well, at least not to any of us.
Limits to gifts come in more than one aspect. Some immortals are completely resistant to the gifts of others. Among Mundanes, Betters use pheromones to control others, but are unaffected by the pheromones of other Betters. In the same way, a person who is a master of a gift might be completely resistant to it in others. That is not always the case, but is true often enough to be considered reliable.
What does it mean to be unaffected by a gift, or resistant to a gift? For example, if a person is unaffected by ESP, that might indicate he or she is completely shielded from others who would wish to use the gift against them. In the case of shape-shifting, being resistant or having no effect might indicate the person can recognize others as who or what they actually are, even in their shape-shifted form.
Some other limits indicate how well or how long a gift lasts or can be used. Chaos, more properly called disruption, allows someone to create a feeling of panic in others for an extended period, but if used on a large number of people, it might last only a few seconds. The various abilities, gifts, and limits are listed below.
Aura (Gloriole) Seeing an indication of radiant light drawn around a person or living being, and the ability to interpret meaning from that light.
Limits: Death of the being, extreme or bright lighting, temporary blindness (such as light in own eyes)
Chaos (Disruption) Creating chaotic feelings, anxiety, turmoil, distraction without outside resources.
Limits: days for one to two people, hours for three to four people, for more than five people, less than one hour, decreases proportionately by number of persons affected, only seconds for a mob.
Charm (Enchantment) Inciting a feeling of great liking for something or someone that does not depend on the person knowing the caster or on the situation.
Limits: Charm may be resisted by natural inclinations against trust, but is otherwise accepted almost universally.
Clear (Clarity) Dispels daze, compulsion, reverses effects of sympas and empas. Dulls negative effects of drugs or illness. Paired with gift of healing, increases speed of recovery.
Limits: Strong willed person difficult to effect. Natural shields provide resistance.
Cog (Intuition) Instinctive knowing without the use of rational processes.
Limits: proximity, time, will of the other person involved.
Daze (Mental Distortion) Create a feeling of distress and disbelief.
Limits: Up to one hour for a susceptible person; two or more people, only minutes, time proportionate to number of people.
Dimmit (Dark-cast) Ability to emit light-absorbing particles to reduce apparent lighting, or to block light.
Limits: Distance. Under relaxed conditions, several hours. In battle, brief blackouts.
Doze (Sleep-cast) Sending forth a compulsory urge to sleep.
Limits: Six hours unless subject is battle weary or fatigued, then up to ten.
Drift (Dreamweaving) Ability to affect the dreams of others by natural means. Chiasmii may use a set of bhoki collars to link with others, and are famous for being sonnospetro (sleep ghosts).
Limits: trust of the other person. Alcohol may dim ability on both sides.
Dupe (Duplication) Making others perceive a mirror image of items and/or people.
Limits: Will of the other person. Natural Phanes have no limits.
Dust (Beguile) Influence by slyness, hoodwink, fool, hoax, trick, victimize, with the ability to enforce belief in the person being manipulated.
Limits: Will of the other person. Kin and HalfKin are more susceptible.
Em (Empas) Sending forth one's own pleasure or pain to others.
Limits: Chiasmii can resist by shielding. Violence can overcome shields and incapacitate. Non-Chiasmii have no resistance.
Espy (ESP) Ability to perceive things that are not present to the physical senses.
Limits: highly dependent on personal ability as well as environment. High stress, presence of violence, or personal danger may have either negative or positive effect.
Fade (Phase-shift) May move through solid objects.
Limits: The thickness which caster is able to penetrate correlates to physical health. An object thicker than the length of a player's hand requires high stamina. With enough strength and vitality, player may transport own body weight in material as well. Transporting a person requires physical closeness (hugging). Only one person at a time may be transported.
Glimmer (Illusion) Providing an erroneous mental representation.
Limits: Non-phanes susceptible, some Sempervians are resistant, all are able to doubt what they see or experience. Presence of a Sempervian can affect doubt and belief, depending on what the Sempervian elects to allow for the party.
Hunter (Tracker) Ability to perceive tracks or the passage of an animal or other living creature not only from ground signs and physical marks, but also from the disruption of incorporeal space left by the movement of the person or creature.
Limits: Weather, time since passing occurred, other traffic (foot or otherwise), presence of stressors in environment.
Light (Light-cast) Ability to create light without the presence of fire, heat, or other natural sources.
Limits: Distance. Under relaxed conditions, several hours. In battle, the equivalent of lightning.
Mone (Pheromones) A chemical substance secreted externally that influences the physiology or behavior of others.
Limits: Close contact or proximity, heightened within small spaces, diminished outdoors. Kin and HalfKin are extremely susceptible. Betters are unaffected by other Betters but can be affected by own. Betters can become addicted to persons with whom they have repeated or long term contact. The other person is also caught in the addiction.
Psych (Hypnotism) Inducing a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion. Person impacted is awake and cognizant of surroundings, but unaware they are under hypnotic compulsion.
Limits: Skill of the caster as well as time available, stress, and environment play enormous roles in the outcome.
Push (Compulsion) Create an urge in others to act against their normal will.
Limits: A strong personal will, awareness, and other abilities may make target less susceptible. Age, experience, and morals play a large part in acceptance, on both target and caster.
Pyro (Pyrotechnics) Causing electric shock, fire, and/or explosions by means other than natural heat and fuel.
Limits: Skill of the caster as well as time available, stress, and environment play enormous roles in the outcome.
Script (Identify Gifts) Ability to see and identify the specific gifts of others.
Limits: Must physically touch the other person.
Shift (Shape shifting) Apparent ability to assume more than one physical form. Shifters use various methods to bring about the illusion. A few are actually dimension/plane shifters who "trade places" with their other self or selves.
Limits: A shifter who can switch places with a person in another dimension risks the other not being in a safe place during the switch.
Smooth (Healing) Possessing the process by which another person's body is repaired, rebuilt, healed.
Limits: Physical touch required.
Sym (Sympas) Feeling the pleasure or pain of others. May be used by Chiasmii to assist loved ones (or patients) during surgery or illness.
Limits: Minor pain is lessened by presence of one person with ability, second doubles ability of the first; a third doubles joined ability of first two, etc.
Touch (Telepathy) Communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions. All Chiasmii possess this gift. Some HalfKin possess it but need to be trained in its use. Most immortals have some form of the ability in limited capacity.
Limits: Physical proximity. Chiasmii empathy and sympas disallows use as a weapon by them. Thoughts can be broadcast only to other players with the gift. Chiasmii cannot perceive thoughts from Kin, Tyrans, Changelings, or immortals.
Wedge (Shielding) Protect, hide, or conceal oneself and/or others from danger or harm. Can include psychic shield (against telepathy).
Limits: Persons who possess this gift can resist empas, sympas, compulsion, disruption, extrasensory perception, healing, illusion, shape shifting, sleep-cast, and telepathy. If another person possesses the gift, they can cancel each other's ability unless they work in tandem and accord.
Wilt (Surrender) Opens resistance to ideas, breaks down reason for resistance, and provides internal incentive for cooperation against natural wishes or logic. Similar to compulsion but works on mental aspect rather than emotional, works well with compulsion and daze while leaving target mentally competent and alert.
Limits: Strong willed person difficult to effect. Natural shields provide resistance.
Yowl (Sound-cast) Ability to emit and hear sound at frequencies beyond human hearing and/or expression, and at greater distance. Kin and HalfKin are highly affected by sound.
Limits: Proximity and availability of sound-suppressing material or equipment.
Zip (Pseudo Speed) Ability to make others focus on one moment in time, which then allows caster to move out of range before releasing person from thrall. It makes it seem as if person has super speed, when in fact they are only moving at regular speed.
Limits: Ability of other person to resist thrall.
Many of us are using our real names in this game because this will be our final round in the Empire. Carefully note family ties. Some immortals have extended families within the Mundane community. They are listed here so you will know where to tread lightly, or in some cases, where to attack.
This list begins with the Gamemaster and follows in alphabetical order by the major role. *KITL - known in this life
KITL: currently unknown in the Empire
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Cog, Daze, Dust, Em, Espy, Glimmer, Mone, Push, Shift, Sym, Wedge, Wilt, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Drift, Psych
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Pyro, Smooth, Yowl, Touch
Resistant to: Cog, Dupe, Dust, Light, Shift, Sym, Touch, Wedge, Wilt, Zip
Unaffected by: Chaos, Drift, Espy, Glimmer, Push
Major Peril Role: Gamemaster
Minor Peril Role: Neutral
Family Ties: Dessy
Alliances: Neutral
Special Notes: This is Pietas. The name should be enough. The list of his abilities reads like a laundry list of powers. I mean that in the most respectful way.
Shape-shifted alternate is usually Stormsinger, a long-lived fire-dragon from the planet Stachien in the Colonies of Man. Pietas does not so much alter his own shape as he does "switch places" with Stormsinger.
KITL: Eliot Taral
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Clear, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Dust, Glimmer, Shift
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Push, Wedge
Resistant to: Clear, Push, Wedge, Zip
Unaffected by: Drift, Charm, Doze
Major Peril Role: Artist
Minor Peril Role: Itinerant
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Dessy
Special Notes: Famous in the Tarthian Empire for crushing gems and mixing them liberally into clear based paint. He encrusted the famous Dragon Throne, used by Dessy during the yearly Dragon Court of the Empress.
Shape-shifted alternate varies. Namrik can morph his physical cells. The different shape is not an illusion, but he is limited by mass.
KITL: Liu Alderon
Gender: Non-gendered or Androgynous (PGP: she)
Type of Being in this life: Chiasmii
Major Ability or Gift: Aura, Doze, Em, Espy, Glimmer, Sym, Touch, Wedge, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Daze
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Clear, Wilt
Resistant to: Chaos, Doze, Em, Espy, Push, Sym, Touch, Wedge, Zip
Unaffected by: Wilt
Major Peril Role: Caretaker
Minor Peril Role: Rebel
Family Ties: Keren Alderon
Alliances: Cyken
Special Notes: A strong ally of Cyken, she works for his persona Luc Saint-Cyr. She is the child of Keren Alderon.
KITL: Rheyn Destoiya.
Gender: Female
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Chaos, Cog, Daze, Dust, Em, Glimmer, Push, Sym, Shift, Wedge, Wilt, Yowl
Minor Ability or Gift: Mone
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Drift, Smooth, Touch, Yowl, Zip
Resistant to: Cog, Daze, Hunter, Light, Shift, Touch, Wilt, Zip
Unaffected by: Chaos, Drift, Glimmer, Push
Major Peril Role: Conqueror
Minor Peril Role: Discoverer
Family Ties: Pietas
Alliances: Pietas, Cyken, Erryq, Joss, Nanchonta, Harmyn
Special Notes: Dessy is the twin sister of Pietas, and she is the current ruler of the Tarthian Empire, a friend and ally of Cyken. She keeps a male harem, but her best known lover was Alitus Vivaldi, who betrayed her with the lover of Cyken. Dessy has not taken it well. She is one of the most powerful immortals ever created, and while she has always been the strongest supporter of Pietas, she is also his sharpest critic. The two are like fire and ice. Which is appropriate, considering their shape-shifted selves.
Shape-shifted alternate is usually Fireshade, a long-lived ice-dragon from the planet Stachien in the Colonies of Man. Dessy does not so much alter her own shape as she does "switch places" with Fireshade.
KITL: Erryq d'Shoreyh
Gender: Female
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Chaos, Drift, Daze, Glimmer, Push
Minor Ability or Gift: Dust, Espy, Hunter, Zip
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Cog
Resistant to: Chaos, Espy, Glimmer, Zip
Unaffected by: Daze, Doze, Drift, Push, Wilt
Major Peril Role: Courtier
Minor Peril Role: Teacher
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Dessy, Pietas
Special Notes: Can influence dreams and thoughts
Shape-shifted alternate varies. Erryq can morph her physical cells. The different shape is not an illusion, but she is limited by mass.
KITL: Luc Saint-Cyr
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Aura, Charm, Cog, Dimmit, Glimmer, Push, Wedge, Wilt, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Clear, Dust, Glimmer
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift:
Resistant to: Charm, Clear, Daze, Doze, Dust, Push, Touch, Wedge, Wilt, Zip
Unaffected by: Dimmit, Pyro, Shift
Major Peril Role: Harbinger
Minor Peril Role: Merchant
Family Ties: Izzorah Ceeow (soon to be spouse), Senth Antonello, Khyff Antonello, NarrAy Jorlan, Mehfawni Ruh, Wulf Gabriel (former Chosen), Kaydn Walkyr, Brinn Halin, Andel Rossetti, Sully Valkyrk, Dreyas "Nikko" Nikkomedes
Alliances: Dessy, Harmyn
Special Notes: Has a large adopted family among Mundanes. Acts as Sen'dai (Mentor) and was a former Grand Master in the Thieves' Guild. Owner of Lucsondis Enterprises (a mega-conglomerate). Known as the wealthiest man in Tarthian Empire. He has long been known as the favorite of Pietas. He was created by Pietas during an early experiment on Sempervia. He is one of few who survived.
KITL: Tira Hadrian
Gender: Non-gendered or Androgynous (PGP: phe)
Type of Being in this life: Chiasmii
Major Ability or Gift: Aura, Clear, Doze, Script, Sym, Touch, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Daze, Dust, Glimmer, Hunter, Wedge
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Push
Resistant to: Clear, Touch, Wedge, Zip
Unaffected by: Charm, Doze, Script
Major Peril Role: Smooth
Minor Peril Role: Operative
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Harmyn, Cyken
Special Notes: Called a sonnospetro (sleep ghost), she is capable of entering a patient's dreams during therapy. She is an outspoken member of the rebellion.
KITL: Roth Kloven.
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Wedge
Minor Ability or Gift: Hunter, Psych
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Doze, Push, Touch, Wilt, Zip
Resistant to: Push, Zip
Unaffected by: Cog, Wedge
Major Peril Role: Hunter
Minor Peril Role: Supporter
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Dessy
Special Notes: An ally to Dessy, he serves as her Tarthian Empire Minister of Defense.
KITL: Keren Alderon
Gender: Non-gendered or Androgynous (PGP: he)
Type of Being in this life: Chiasmii
Major Ability or Gift: Aura, Doze, Dust, Em, Espy, Sym, Touch, Wedge, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Psych
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Wilt
Resistant to: Chaos, Doze, Em, Espy, Push, Sym, Touch, Wedge, Zip
Unaffected by: Wilt
Major Peril Role: Judge
Minor Peril Role: Crusader
Family Ties: Liu
Alliances: Cyken, Liu, Harmyn
Special Notes: Works within the legal system of Tarthian Empire, serving as a judge on Kelthia.
KITL: Somnoll (Som) O'Venna, and is often referred to as the Sleeper (play on name).
Gender: Non-gendered or Androgynous (PGP: he)
Type of Being in this life: Chiasmii
Major Ability or Gift: Aura, Em, Espy, Sym, Touch, Wedge
Minor Ability or Gift: Cog, Hunter
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Zip
Resistant to: Sym, Touch, Wedge
Unaffected by: Chaos
Major Peril Role: Liberator
Minor Peril Role: Activist
Family Ties: two adopted Mundane children, a Chiasmii, and a HalfKin
Alliances: Military, rebels
Special Notes: Leader of the APLA (All People's Liberation Army). Holds military rank of General. Som is not technically a Chiasmii although he identifies as one. He is an androgynous being created by Pietas during an early experiment on Sempervia. He is one of few who survived.
These players have not been assigned a role in Peril, are between roles, or are serving in some capacity other than that of a player.
New players undergo the Test of Fealty. This initiation proves two things: the new player's immortality, and his or her loyalty to Pietas.
KITL: Alitus Vivaldi
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Better Changeling
Major Ability or Gift: Untested
Minor Ability or Gift: Untested
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Untested
Resistant to: Untested
Unaffected by: Untested
Major Peril Role: Unassigned
Minor Peril Role: Unassigned
Family Ties: Wulf Gabriel (married)
Alliances: Dessy
Special Notes: The former lover of Dessy. He still serves in her cabinet as the Minister of Imperial Intelligence. Married to Wulf Gabriel, who is the former Chosen of Cyken. As of this writing, Alitus has not yet submitted himself to the Test of Fealty.
KITL: Dr. Angus (Chon) Nanchonta.
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Clear, Cog, Doze, Dust, Espy, Hunter, Psych, Wilt
Minor Ability or Gift: Daze
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Hunter, Sym
Resistant to: Wilt, Zip
Unaffected by: Doze
Major Peril Role: Neutral
Minor Peril Role: Neutral
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Neutral
Special Notes: A healer by nature, he is a long-time friend of Cyken. Past lover of Dessy, who has an on-again off-again relationship with him. Tread lightly, as this one may be called upon to patch you up if you injure yourself. Do not be alarmed by his size. Yes, Chon is nearly eight feet tall and built like a bear, but he is all heart.
KITL: Izzorah (Rah, or Izzy) Ceeow
Gender: Male
Type of Being in this life: Kin Changeling
Major Ability or Gift: Untested
Minor Ability or Gift: Untested
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Untested
Resistant to: Untested
Unaffected by: Untested
Major Peril Role: Unassigned
Minor Peril Role: Unassigned
Family Ties: Cyken
Alliances: Cyken
Special Notes: Lover of Luc Saint-Cyr, Izzorah suffered a heart attack and revived in such a way he was revealed to be a Changeling. As of this writing, Izzorah has not yet submitted himself to the Test of Fealty.
KITL: currently unknown in the Empire
Gender: Female
Type of Being in this life: Human
Major Ability or Gift: Clear, Script, Touch, Zip
Minor Ability or Gift: Dust, Glimmer, Hunter
Erratic or Unstable Ability or Gift: Push, Wedge
Resistant to: Clarity, Push, Touch, Zip
Unaffected by: Charm, Doze, Script
Major Peril Role: Serving Penance
Minor Peril Role: Historian
Family Ties: none
Alliances: Neutral
All android referees are male. They can change appearance to fit in with the household of their assigned immortals, and/or the race of people in the populace. They are linked to Uurah and can report to him without means of an external interface.
Assignment: undisclosed
Assignment: Roth
Assignment: Tira
Assignment: Joss
Assignment: Driver/bodyguard for Cyken
Master Referee
Assignment: Major-domo for Cyken
Assignment: Keren
Assignment: Liu
Master Referee
Assignment: Bodyguard for Dessy
Assignment: Harmyn
Assignment: Unassigned
Usually Nanchonta (who is currently neutral)
Assignment: Liu
Chief Referee
Assignment: Pietas
Known as the "Trigger for Pietas's Gun." As Chief Referee he enforces rules for other androids. He is the only android that Pietas is prohibited from killing, and who can override Pietas's commands. He was created at the request of the other Sempervians. Any upgrades are overseen by McDoth and Prentice together.
The definition of "peril" states it is a source of danger, a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune, and involves risk. It is a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury. Peril is a disadvantageous position. Peril is random. Almost everyone falls into peril at some time in his or her life. We Sempervians have a saying. "You haven't lived until you've been in Peril."
The game set in the Tarthian Empire occurs in the tradestandard year 4664. Peril's present form is sophisticated. It's enforced by impassive android referees who report only to Pietas.
To ensure no one cheats, and to make sure life is worth living, at the end of a failed game, a player must submit to Penance. The penalty is as harsh as Pietas can make it: death at his hands, every day for a Sempervian year, in any way he determines.
You don't play Peril to win. You play to survive.
Other than your referee, only dice are required. You may add a board, markers or figurines, and other paraphernalia as desired.
Your assigned android companion (referee) will answer detailed questions about Peril. If you have not yet been assigned a referee, you are considered neutral. Your actions will not be taken into consideration in the current or local game.
Dice required; 1 d100, 2 d10, 2 d8, 2 d4, 2 d6. Download the player sheet (link found in the appendix) and you are ready to begin play.
Rolling the Die: a d100 die is numbered as follows: 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. A roll of 00 means 100. When rolling a d100 with another die, any single digit on the other die equals the single number. A d100 and d10 (numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9) rolled together that produces a 00 and 0 equals 1. For more detailed instruction on dice, see your referee.
To take advantage of the various types of Mundanes within the Empire, this book provides a summary of the humans and non-humans found within the borders. Choices include Human, and Betters. Non-humans are Chiasmii, Kin, HalfKin, and Tyran.
A note regarding class and race designations: The races known as Phane and Roglnites do not exist here. If you have been in a game where those races were available, you must set them aside while in the Empire. We regret the limit, but we cannot allow unknown races to enter the playing area. Again, this is a case of BPSS.
In the Tarthian Empire, humans come in all shapes and sizes. They are as diverse as we are. Those of you who are human in appearance will fit in, no matter what your race.
Etymis is the standard language throughout the Empire, and with few exceptions, is the only spoken language. The tradestandard system has done a thorough job of standardizing language.
Non-Etymis speakers may learn a type of pidgin called Jobspeak. It consists of a basic list of one hundred words, and up to three hundred work-specific words. Tradestandard regulations require the ability to speak and understand Etymis or Jobspeak. Some speakers are more fluent than others due to exposure, education, or job-related training. The level of fluency is often reflected by their use of compound words (i.e., people place vs. public area).
All workers must pass an oral test, during which only the Jobspeak one hundred words or word combinations are used. In addition, workers must demonstrate ability to use the numbers 1-100, tell time, and use the Tradestandard dating system. Tradestandard laws provide access to training in Jobspeak requirements for all civilian workers.
Immortals who do not speak the language Etymis may adapt to Jobspeak quite easily, and with a bit of practice, move on to more advanced aspects of language. Because we were created to adapt quickly, learning the languages of the Empire should be simple.
The business of government takes place in Parliament, which has four centers. These are the House of the People, House of Governors, Supreme Court of Appeal (also known as the Chambers of the Governors of Law), and the Conqueror's Court. The two houses make laws; oversee the work of the government, and debate issues. Most decisions made in one House must be approved by the other.
Members of the House of the People are publicly elected. The party with the largest number of members in the House forms the government. The number of representatives is a ratio determined by the population of the world as well as its military advantage. The House of the People is responsible for granting money to the government by approving Bills that raise taxes. The empress can submit bills directly to this house.
Members of the People (MPs) debate political issues and hear proposals for new laws. The Prime Minister and the principal figures of the main political parties carry out most of their work here. The MPs make decisions on financial bills, such as proposed taxes.
Members of the House of Governors (MGs) are appointed by the Empress, with a fixed number elected internally. The number of representatives is a ratio determined by the population of the world as well as its overall economic value to the empire.
The Chambers of the Governors will revise legislation, and its work complements the business of the People. The Governors can recommend and advise on financial bills but cannot vote for or against, block, or amend them.
This is the highest court in the empire: the supreme court of appeal. A group of salaried, full-time judges carries out the judicial work. The court is financed equally through both Houses. The number of judges is a ratio determined by the number of members in the House of the People compared to the House of Governors. One third are appointed by the Empress, one third is elected by the population at large, and the final third is appointed by the House of Governors. All appointed members must be approved by the House of the People.
Each planet has thirteen representatives. This group serves to transition laws from the various conquered and allied worlds to the empire, and vice versa. Ten members are elected by the populace, with the eleventh and twelfth elected by that ten. Those two then serve as ambassadors to Tarth. The thirteenth is appointed by the Empress or her designee and acts as the governor for the world. The position is called a Governor of the Empire.
One person from within each world's set of representatives is elected by that group to sit in the House of the People as a tax advisor, one sits in the House of Governors as a law advisor, and one sits in the Court of the Governors of Law as a cultural advisor.
The Conqueror's Court has no direct responsibility for passing law, and members cannot vote for or against, block, or amend them, but their opinions are considered important and in practice, are often sought. The news media focuses a great deal of attention on this court, often above the others. The Governors of the Empire do most of their work here.
Yes, in a technical sense, humans created us Sempervians. We are the product of their design eons ago. That does not negate the fact that throughout our existence, humans have been our proverbial "thorn in the side." They are ubiquitous in the Tarthian Empire. You cannot step into sunlight or shadow, or in and out of rain without encountering them. Let us spend as little time as possible talking about these annoying creatures. Instead, we shall look at the more interesting non-humans.
Like all peopled worlds created by Pietas and his genetics teams, the locations of the following worlds were lost when Terra Free destroyed itself in 4639 AD. The destruction of the world's extensive library chronicling the layout and history of mankind and our kind throughout the galaxy has far-reaching consequences.
The worlds listed below are the only ones found so far. Pietas is actively searching for the others.
The Kin homeworld has a treaty with the Tarthian Empire and is not subject to its laws. The citizens are unaware they were offered a treaty because in Dessy's game of Peril, she is required to roll for the decision whether to conquer or negotiate whenever a new world is discovered.
A feline race, the Kin have retractable claws hidden beneath human-looking nails, toe claws, slitted cat-like pupils, cat-like ears, and plush, velvet-soft furskin. Males have a thick pelt across the chest above the nipples.
Pietas designed the Kin clans to be unique and identifiable by furskin color. Fifteen of the sixteen clans have interbred thoroughly, abolishing most physical differences. The most common color furskin is amber or honey, although they can be dark brown or black. Hair on the head can be any color, and ranges from pure white to black. Dark furskin with white hair is rare, and generally has been seen only in the elderly. A few all-white or nearly-white have been documented.
Kin are descendants of genetically altered humans, and have extra genetic material giving them 48 chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes, and HalfKin have 47 chromosomes. This makes HalfKin (the offspring of Kin with humans) unable to breed because their uneven pairs of chromosomes cannot divide evenly.
The physical descriptions of HalfKin vary from completely Kin to completely human. Kin consider HalfKin abominations, and humans are often put off by their alien appearance. For this reason, they are outcasts on both sides.
Felis is a common language worldwide. It was based on Etymis, the trade language used throughout the galaxy. The language has changed little since Pietas designed it. The Kin still add an S to signify plural, and ing to signify gerunds (turning of a noun into a verb, as in form/forming). The Kin habit of speech is slow, meticulous, and breathy. However, when angry, they spit, hiss, and growl like cats. Kin can both roar and purr.
The fierceness of Kin warriors is legendary, and it is used to instill terror in those subjugated by the Imperial Armada of Tarth. Kin are excellent pilots due to the ability to retain a sense of direction in weightlessness.
Kin eat meat if it is raw or cooked rare, but will cook grains and vegetables, and prepare meat-laden bread that is baked.
A caste system designates certain males and females for no purpose other than breeding and work. Female warriors hunt in packs. Males (except in the three clans with male warriors) hunt only during famine, or if the delivery of a child, illness, or accident incapacitates females of the clan. Marriages are arranged.
Kin music is vocal, and they play no musical instruments other than drums.
An ancient religion involves rituals with the "Gates of Life."
Before discovery by the Tarthians, Kin life span averaged 45 years for female breeders, 90 for female warriors, 120 for all other female castes, and 160 for males. Dramatic social changes and the practice of advanced medicine are expected to increase the life spans of each gender. Breeder lifespans increased within ten years of human interaction.
Each clan uses semi-precious stones (and the colors of such) to decorate hook knives and identify warriors, leaders, and family associations. Each clan also has a symbol. A rudimentary pictograph system helps clans record information. Because marriages involve multiple partners, the clan historian documents the daily pairing of breeding couples. This helps determine the father (or fathers) of children. Kin females release multiple "eggs" and can conceive by more than one male at a time.
Lawbreakers are stricken from the Clan Histories. When one is exiled or purged from the clan, it is as if the person never existed. Any contract or agreement held by such a person is considered void.
The sixteen clans are listed here, along with clan colors and other basic information.
The longest mountain range is within Aleksay territory. The Three Rivers area is home to the world's longest river. Males marry at 14 and are not educated. Their gem is bloodstone, said to come from the blood of their minor god, Adel Jansaara. The name translates as "Angel of the Shining Sky." The god was white-haired and fair skinned and came from the sky with burning feet. A god of this description was worshiped on other worlds as the Saint of Silver, which we immortals know refers to Pietas. Symbol is a flame.
Males have few opportunities in this clan. They receive no education beyond care of the home and children. They marry at age 15. The clan has rich forests, and a hardy breed of draft horse called the Kopperen. The Ceeow use light green peridot as their gemstone. An oak (native kanya) leaf is their symbol.
They inhabit barren desert and rich grasslands. Small oases dot the land where Mount Destoiya (native name Mount Skathrah) climbs out of the atmosphere. It is snow-capped all year. Males are educated till age 8. Legends of Adel Jansaara thrive here. Stone is pyrite. Symbol is the fox.
A rich delta provides some of the best fishing on the planet. Males are educated to age 6. Rhodinite gives the Falehla coast its bright pink sand and is their gem. Their symbol is a star.
This clan reproduces so successfully that their females are never used as breeders. The males all have tufts on their ear tips, even after three generations of breeding with other clans. Males are not educated. Stone is the garnet. Their lightning symbol is well known. (Symbol was used to designate the Kin rock group Wind and Thunder.)
Horses abound in this clan's territory. They are bred for speed and strength. A good bargain is said to be a "Fitzzeen Deal" since they are skilled traders. Despite their small land area, they are one of the richest clans. Males marry at 15 and are not educated. Their stone is jet. Symbol is the horse.
Like the Ceeow, the Jhareen clan seeks to prevent males from leaving the clan by limiting their roles and education. They have a long coastline and make a good living by leasing coastal property to humans. Their stone is amber and symbol is a snow owl.
They raise elk for food and skins. Their territory is surrounded on all sides with a tiny outlet to the sea, which the Koursas and Ceeow clans consider unclean. Whales often beach themselves there. Males are married at age 14 and are not educated after age 8. Gem is actinolite. Symbol is an elk.
Their long coastline abuts rich forests of the Aleksay and Fitzzeen. Males are equal partners with females here and are educated until age 14. Although many are warriors and leaders, no male has yet become tzesar (clan ruler). Their gem is jasper and symbol the scythe.
They inhabit one of the smallest areas on Felidae but are one of the richest clans. Wheat grows in abundance. Males marry at age 14 and are not educated. Their gem is yellow citrine. A sheaf of grain is their symbol. An interesting fact: the Koursas clan isolated itself, accepting outsiders in marriage only after they had been thoroughly indoctrinated into their religious culture, a ritualistic worship of Adel Jansaara.
Their land is covered with ice for about 30 days each year, but rarely with snow. During that time, a hardy type of seals inhabit its eastern coast, providing the people sufficient meat to survive a long winter. Males are educated to age 6. Gem is amethyst. Symbol is indoor grown clover, transplanted from the Aleksay.
Their rich coasts and lushly forested interiors lure humans who pay dearly to hunt the deep groves and fish their coasts. Both genders undergo the Sanction of Strength and are educated together. Their stone is azurite, and their symbol the eagle.
Males are educated till age 17 and do not marry until then. They are accepted as warriors by their clan. Their gem is turquoise. The clan symbol is the kweeoh.
Fiercely territorial, they have been at war with one clan or another throughout the planet's history. The Tzesarki, or chief tzesar over all clans, is traditionally from the Ruh. Males marry at 15 and are not educated. Black obsidian is the Ruh gem and their symbol is a kweeoh claw.
Hundreds of protected islands form the Z'fee t'Zh (the Islands of Zh). This is a coveted vacation spot for all Kin. The Zalmute are casually neutral about most things, but are protective of their islands. Males are not educated after age 6. Kyanite is their gem. Symbol is a fish.
Peaceful, seafaring clan rich in fishing. Both genders take the Sanction of Strength at age 12. Males are educated until age 12 but must leave school to prepare for marriage at 13, the youngest of all clans. Stone is the sapphire, mined inland. Their symbol is a shell.
The Kin bargained for terms in their treaty with the Tarthians by promising to help the humans find the Tyrans. It had been the annual habit of Tyrans to hunt Kin like animals, and take their skin and the pelt of males as trophies. With human help, the Kin set a trap. Once sprung, the trap helped Tarthians find the Tyran homeworld. The world was invaded and within a short time, surrendered. The Tyrans had advanced space travel and technology, which garnered them good treatment even as a conquered world.
Tyran technology has long harnessed anti-gravity. However, recent studies have hinted that its use may be affecting their sun. In the last fifteen years, it has changed from a benevolent provider of heat and light to an unpredictable tyrant.
Enormous solar flares have upset the ecosystem near the equator and caused severe earthquakes. In 4657 tradestandard, a massive quake displaced millions of Tyrans and inspired an empire-wide adoption of orphaned children. Even the elitist and separatist Kin took in a few hundred youngsters.
The Tyrans are goat-like biped humanoids with crooked legs, hooves, and horns. Most horns turn upward and/or outward, but a few curl backward or down (called dinwa).
Woeder is a simple language which has a strong base in Etymis, and links back to the ancient language Latin. Tyrans have adapted Etymis as their spoken language, but often use Woeder for written instructions in technical manuals.
Both genders live in clutches of fifteen to twenty centered around work. Although close bonds often form between sexual partners, relationships are far from monogamous, and cohabitation of genders purely for sexual purposes is rare in the extreme. Reproduction is neither sought nor avoided.
Masters of technology, the Tyrans designed their homeworld as a showcase of their brilliance. Impossibly delicate structures rise into the atmosphere. Architecture is an art form used to express their genius. On Tarth, their work on the Nizamrak Building is an example of their work. The structure rises over two hundred stories into the sky, nearly straight up. Yet it is a bulwark and one of the most massive monolithic buildings in existence. Even with little narrowing at the top, it is structurally sound and resistant to earthquakes, wind, and storms.
Art varies from painting and sculpture to high tech. Tyran music takes all forms.
Tyran technology has long harnessed anti-gravity. However, recent studies have hinted that its use may be affecting their sun. In the last fifteen years, it has changed from a benevolent provider of heat and light to an unpredictable tyrant.
One of the Tyran religions consists of passing newborns through the "Gates of Life." However, their "gates" are now ruins, so the act is a ritual one and does not take place within the true gates built by Pietas.
The planet Ezraki has a unique moon system. The two moons, San (red) and Pter (golden) appear to rise and set at the same time, and travel across the sky together. A fascinating legend says the moons were lovers who defied the gods, and were punished by being placed in the sky as moons and never allowed to touch. Another god took pity on them and changed their course in the sky, enabling them to eclipse and therefore "touch" every so many years.
The Chiasmii are all blond, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed. They are fully androgynous, capable of fathering a child as well as conceiving and giving birth. They trade genders in alternating phases. Pter is the male phase, and the female is San, named after their moons.
Their language is called Etil, and is an offshoot of Etymis. Immortals should have little difficulty learning it.
They have a full range of psychic abilities such as Empas (ability to feel emotions of others), Sympas (ability to make one's emotions be felt by others), Mindtouch (telepathy), interpretation of aura, and the possession of a shield. To overcome the limits of a shield, Chiasmii use a collar, usually a ring made of bhoki metal which eliminates its Chiasmii wearer's ability to resist outside influence.
One of their ancient but now forgotten religions consisted of passing newborns through the "Gates of Life."
Chiasmii both receive and send telepathically to other Chiasmii and HalfKin. Other races are capable of receiving telepathic messages from Chiasmii, but cannot send them. The various psychic abilities are combined with sex to link a Chiasmii couple emotionally. Once life bonded, Chiasmii are physically incapable of infidelity.
The Sabbath Experiment (called that after founders were accused of "playing god") was five years of secret genetics experimentation on the androgynous humanoids of Ezraki. The research exploited Chiasmii gender phases by intrafertilizing individuals with their own sperm and egg. The genetically balanced single-parent fetuses, when altered, produce a step beyond Betters (see Betters).
When details about the Sabbath Experiment were made public, protests brought about the termination of the project. Arson resulted in a catastrophic loss of life, the destruction of countless viable embryos, and led to the cessation of all genetic experiments in the Empire. Betters were outlawed. Protesters planted a powerful "virus/worm" in the equipment of the scientists associated with the experiment. In a devastating feedback loop, it destroyed all data, including linked backup off planet aboard Le Persequor (the ship of Pietas).
This section briefly introduces additional people groups you are likely to encounter within the Tarthian Empire.
Rumors that babies created during the Chiasmii Sabbath Experiment survived were denied and suppressed. They were true. Pietas combined the DNA of single-parent Chiasmii children with Sempervian DNA. He called the resultant Sempervians "Changelings."
Twenty-six were created during the years 15,111 AD - 15116 AD (tradestandard years 4648 - 4653). All were lost. They are listed in alphabetical (and birth) order. All are human in appearance unless otherwise noted. Their names are: Aeolin, Boone, Caldron, Desman (died, complications at birth), Emelyn, Flynn, Griffin, Herald, Indira, Jetty, Kelten, Lhasa, Mandala, Nereid (died, complications at birth), Operon, Piero, Qabal, Randan, Simoom (Kin), Tabori (Kin), Urania (Kin - died, complications at birth), Vallent (Kin), Wherry (Kin), Xamek (Kin).
Those listed here were "farmed out" around the Empire, or were exchanged for human and Kin babies, or implanted as viable fetuses in surrogate mothers. Only Pietas and one other knew about the switched children. The destruction of data left Pietas with no records to trace the location of the Changelings. He has since announced their existence to our people and issued an edict to find them. The Changelings Alitus Vivaldi and Izzorah Ceeow are two additional Changelings not included in the list above. Pietas has not stated how many more like them might exist. Since all the Changelings he created are twins, we know there are at least two more. Any immortal finding and able to verify the existence of a Changeling shall be free from Penance forever.
Per Pietas, Changelings may be any of the races found within the Tarthian Empire, but most appear human.
It is expected that Changelings will speak the language of the people with whom they were placed and/or where they grew up. They will have a natural affinity for language.
Each Changeling will have been reared within a different society. This will mean there is no standard one can expect from a Changeling.
Recipients of pre-birth genetic enhancements, Betters are individuals who may possess non-human traits such as telepathy or heightened senses, and while not immune to injury, they are less susceptible. They possess heightened senses and can control others via the use of pheromones. They can pitch their voices in such a way as to influence others. Humans later considered them dangerous and required them to submit to sterilization. Many families hid their Better children, or left the Empire with them.
Betters have extremely symmetrical features, giving them a doll-like appearance, and great physical beauty.
(see Android Referees for more information and specific names)
Androids are human-shaped beings and have multiple functions and uses, chief of which is to interact with humans. Not all androids have sentience or free will. Tarthian Empire androids generally have human-looking skin/hair or appearance. They are often referred to as droids. While they refer to themselves as "iron" little or no actual iron is found in their systems.
Bots are machines fabricated for specific jobs. Do not confuse them with androids or droids.
A quick overview of the people in the Tarthian Empire who have importance to immortals. Those in this list who are alive are under surveillance by the Chosen.
Andel Rossetti, human male; one of the adopted sons of Cyken. Professional thief
Brinn Halin, human male; one of the adopted sons of Cyken. Professional thief
Dreyas "Nikko" Nikkomedes, human male; one of the adopted sons of Cyken. Professional thief
Ehldani Ruh, Kin female; One of three signers of the treaty between the Kin and the Tarthian Empire. Killed after it was discovered she had abused children. She was stricken from the histories of her people. Grandmother of Mehfawni Ruh. Reason for importance: Dessy has a goal in her game of bringing the Kin homeworld under Tarthian rule. Ehldani's death and expulsion from her people makes her signature on the Kin treaty void.
Kaydn Walkyr, human male; one of the adopted sons of Cyken. Professional thief turned policeman.
Khyff Antonello, human male; Half-brother of Cyken's adopted son Senth Antonello, considered a "son" by Cyken. Married to Mehfawni Ruh. A favorite of Dessy, and under her direct protection.
Kimathra Fasra, Kin female; One of three signers of the treaty between the Kin and the Tarthian Empire. Her daughter Kraftig plotted to have her killed. Kimathra was falsely accused of a crime, and died under suspicious circumstances. She was tried after her death and later stricken from the histories of her people. Reason for importance: Dessy has a goal in her game of bringing the Kin homeworld under Tarthian rule. Kimathra's death and expulsion from her people makes her signature on the Kin treaty void.
Kraftig Fasra, Kin female; disagreed with her views on gender equality, as well as her support of humans. Kraftig was stricken from the histories of her people.
Marielynn Mead, human female; Cyken's personal assistant. She is responsible for most of his companies and acts in his stead in business and personal matters. A powerful woman who knows a great deal about Cyken. There is no evidence she is aware of his immortality, but per Pietas, she bears watching.
Mehfawni Ruh, Kin female; Ambassador to Tarth, eetzesar (leader) of the Ruh clan. Married to Khyff Antonello. She was stricken from the histories of her people and exiled from her clan for killing Ehldani Ruh.
Mynkoh Ceeow, Kin female; Izzorah Ceeow's maternal aunt, an employee of Cyken, in charge of security for his Crossfire Project (a product of the Forgotten Technologies Arena).
NarrAy Jorlan, Better female; Captain in the All People's Liberation Army (rebels under leadership of Harmyn). Second-in-command to Ruffhaus Fasra.
Ruffhaus Fasra, Kin female; former head of the Praetorian Guard for Dessy. When Dessy sent Praetorian Guards to pick up Ruffhaus's brother, the soldiers killed him and his wife. Ruffhaus saw it as a betrayal. She is now the de facto leader of the rebellion.
Senth Antonello, HalfKin male; Adopted by Cyken, half-brother of Khyff Antonello. Married to NarrAy Jorlan.
Stealth Keheyl, Kin male; right hand of Ruffhaus Fasra and a key leader in the rebellion.
Sully Valkyrk, human male; one of the adopted sons of Cyken. Professional thief
Talyn MacGregor, HalfKin female; one of two children adopted by Harmyn. Reared with a Chiasmii step-sibling named Onys Alderon. Her Kin/human parents were killed by Praetorian Guards acting under orders of Dessy.
Trink Vandermeer, human male; owner of Batchelors (a series of local nightclubs on Tarth), friends with Cyken (who frequents the clubs and is a part owner of its various locations). Lover of Yvan Ellory.
Onys Alderon, Chiasmii; one of two children adopted by Harmyn. Reared from birth with a Kin/human family and their HalfKin daughter, Talyn MacGregor. No relationship to Liu and Keren Alderon. However, the name was given to the child by Harmyn, who is friendly with the Alderons. The Kin/human parents were killed by Praetorian Guards acting under orders of Dessy.
Yvan Ellory, human male; owner of Batchelors (a series of local nightclubs on Tarth), friends with Cyken (who frequents the clubs and is a part owner of its various locations). Lover of Trink Vandermeer.
Zylna Falehla, Kin female; Izzorah's Ceeow was engaged to this female but left the planet and did not fulfill his marriage contract. Zylna later married Dallon Ruh, the brother of Mehfawni Ruh, but Dallon was killed (supposedly by a jealous mate). Cyken suspects Zylna of the murder and is seeking to prove it. Reason for importance: Dessy has a goal in her game of bringing the Kin homeworld under Tarthian rule. Zylna's death and expulsion from her people would make her signature on the Kin treaty void. If this occurs, all three signers of the treaty will no longer exist, giving Dessy control of the planet.
A quick survey of the planets within the Tarthian Empire, and their importance to immortals.
Archaeological digs on several barren worlds in the Tarthian Empire and all the non-human ones (Tyris, Felidae, and Ezraki) uncovered the ruins of towering arches. Natives call them the Gates of Life. Mundanes speculate they originated as monitoring devices for tracking the progress of genetic mutations, but we know they were created by Pietas and help not only monitor but also create mutations.
Rituals of "passing through the Gates" after birth are common to Tyrans, Chiasmii, and Kin alike. All three worlds have legends that link the Gates to a god who descends from the sky in a burning chariot. The Tyrans called him Sandargen, the Chiasmii Arjensa, and the Kin Adel Jansaara. When translated to Etymis, the tradestandard language of the Empire, all these names mean Saint of Silver. A detailed description of this saint's arrival suggests a spacecraft. According to the legends, he was the size of a god, and had white hair. He always wore silver, and demanded a sacrifice of a male and female, which he took back to the sky with him. Those who did not please him, or had failed in worshiping at the Gates were punished severely, and some were killed. We immortals know him to be Pietas. The sacrifice people were, of course, nothing more than specimens.
When thousands of years passed without the Saint of Silver's return, the inhabitants destroyed the Gates. Gates were also found on the planets Ohy and Sanity IV but humans found no evidence intelligent life ever existed on these worlds.
Immortals know the truth about the Saint of Silver, and the Gates, but we reveal nothing of this to Mundanes. Remember rule numbers one and two.
The planet Kelthia is one of the original worlds of the Old Empire (the original eleven worlds), and holds the distinction of being the second wealthiest, slightly behind Tarth. This is due in part to Kelthia's natural resources, but a large portion is earned through a most unusual source.
The Thieves' Guild is a mortal enterprise, which has existed for centuries, and is a union-operated business. There are forty-six levels, each attainable only by rigorous testing. Kelthian law protects members of the union by granting immunity from prosecution for thieves operating under valid contracts. Thieves from this union are in demand on all worlds in the Empire, and are especially useful in corporate environments. Pilfered trade secrets, gained under the auspices of a valid thief-contract, account for nearly twenty percent of the gross income for the planet.
Members of the union pay taxes on only the first ten percent of their earnings, hence the common slang term for getting away with something, "He pays a thief's taxes."
Prostitution is legal throughout the Empire, but it is lauded here, and Kelthian sex workers are often the epitome of beauty. Kelthia is also known for the manufacture of fine liquor, jewelry, and high fashion.
Kelthian natives are almost all dark-skinned, with jet-black, tightly curled hair and brown eyes. Only a small percentage have fair coloring.
One of the best-known Kelthians in the Empire is Luc Saint-Cyr, a.k.a. "the Man," or the Harbinger, so-called for his ability to spot trends and influence. At one time, he served as the Grand Master of the Thieves' Guild, but retired and turned his hand to business on Tarth. He is the wealthiest man in the Empire, and is considered second in influence only to Empress Rheyn Destoiya, the Conqueror. The phrase "a harbinger of wealth" refers to earning power, and is a direct reference to him. The Harbinger is known to us as Cyken Tomarus.
A statue in front of the Guild represents all thieves. One hand points upward, symbolizing the future. He wears a mask over his eyes as a sign of anonymity with which thieves work. A new statue is being discussed which is less gender specific; and, as the Thieves' Council is considering opening the guild for the first time to non-humans such as the Kin, Tyran, and Chiasmii, the new statue will undoubted be the subject of much debate. Currently, the Guild does not accept non-humans, unless they are enslaved to a human member. No one can rise past level ten, unless related to a human member. For that reason, Guild-arranged marriages and adoptions happen regularly. This suits immortals, as it allows us to keep wealth and power within our families. Cyken has "adopted" a family and claims seven sons. They are listed in the section "Important Mundanes."
A skeleton key symbolizes the Guild. Members above certain levels earn a cloak that enables disruption of visual fields. This allows its wearer to seem invisible in certain light. The cloak is activated by the wearer's DNA, thereby preventing its use by anyone other than the true owner. It has many other features.
During the founding of the original Old Empire, the planet Mjuka played a strategic role in defense. Humans occupy the planet, though there are legends of a now-extinct catlike humanoid creature. A few, rare sightings and partial fossils have inconclusively proven the existence of the beasts. Immortals know the truth.
There are five moons, all too small to be of significant importance either for colonizing, raw material, or tactical location. Mjuka remains pristine and has one of the clearest atmospheres in the Empire. It was the first world to be duplicated by the Terraformer's Circle of Fellowship. However, New Mjuka does not have the same clarity in its atmosphere and is under study to correct the defect.
Recent reports of shape shifting cat/humanoids have surfaced on New Mjuka, but there are no verified sightings. Like Drated, this has been considered a possible hoax. Again, immortals know the truth.
Ohy gets its red color from sand and rock. The black areas are its seas, and the greenish yellow is landmass. It was the first planet to be created by the Terraformer's Circle of Fellowship.
Ohy is in one of the farthest corners of the Tarthian Empire and is home to about 2.2 million Armada soldiers. No civilians live here. Due to the isolation, soldiers are routed here for no more than three tradestandard months (each ninety days long).
Civilians arriving on tour are allowed to enter the main concourse, but are accompanied under guard. It is rumored that ships created at the FIST on Trien are tested here before being sent to the fleet.
Here is the official denial that Ohy is a "dumping ground" for misbehaving soldiers: "While it is true that some soldiers routed to Ohy on tours of duty have been involved in less than stellar behavior, it is not true that duty on Ohy is considered punishment." It is interesting though, that slang for duty on Ohy is "Shipped to Oh Hell."
A sports and entertainment arena orbits the planet, and live feeds from The Virtual Dome are broadcast throughout the mining colonies and fed to the entire empire via Imperinet, the Imperial Internet.
The myth that Sanity I, II, III, and IV destroyed themselves in a civil war is false. They were surface-stripped and mined for raw materials, and the debris field exists now as asteroids in the Sanity system. The name origin is lost, but legend says Sanity IV began as a slang term in a song often sung by miners.
Miner City is a collection of domed habitats, called habdrills. Each habdrill is an independent district, populated by up to ten thousand individuals. Habdrills are transported to different worlds via a habship. When they arrive, they detach and anchor themselves to the planet, moon, or asteroid being mined. Trade secrets long held by the miners prevent explanation of the technology. However, there are Chosen working within the system, so if access is needed, contact the Chosen Council.
Initially connected to each other by tubes built after anchoring, the habdrills are merely part of one larger city. No worker is actually a resident of the world where he/she works, but is an empire citizen of Miner City, an independent world of its own. So, even though one million people live and work on Sanity IV, none is a resident of the planet.
The gravity well in the Sanity system makes it an ideal jump point. Occasionally, an errant asteroid interferes with navigation. It is a myth that jumping into Sanity IV's space can trigger space time disruptions. If that were true, events would repeat at random intervals. This has never been observed. If that were true, events would repeat at random intervals.
The capitol of the Tarthian Empire is seated in Tarth City. A twelve-block-wide park bisects the city, providing greenspace and recreation. The transportation system is the most advanced in the Empire, and hustles commuters on round-the-clock shifts. Ground traffic is permitted only with special license and is granted only for specified times of the day. Public travel is nearly all via tube trains, which wend their way beneath the city in tunnels, across elevated ells, and crawl up the sides of and into massive skyscrapers. Buildings in the business districts are slender towering structures that spear the clouds.
The Conqueror's Palace is found on Tarth, as is Parliament, and the Tarthian Empire Thieves' Guild. Tarth is also home to major sports teams, including the game Ruckball. The sport can be considered a cross between soccer, wrestling, and hockey. The two major teams are the Kelthian Killers and the Tarthian Fists.
The FIST, Facility for Imperial Ships and Transports, is a group of stations orbiting Trien, the nearest planet to Tarth. Ships created here are modular in construction to save time when being built, and when being repaired. In wartime, a damaged section of a ship can be jettisoned. Multiple orbiting stations make up the FIST.
Whinbrice is a bright blue world with fertile oceans and landmasses. The crystal-based ground on one continent produces fine wines that are sold empire wide. Cyken owns a large vineyard there. Skovron burgundy is the finest in the Empire.
The Skovron Stadium was renovated by Meesht Tormah Construction, a subsidiary of Tyran Motors, days before it hosted Wind and Thunder's Claw Rock Tour and a crowd of over sixty-four thousand people. The stadium's spired arches permit outdoor seating in good weather, but a weather-resistant force field can generate within four seconds of a drop of rain. The underside of the arches can also render holographic images, permitting all seats to have an unobstructed view of the stage.
Wind and Thunder's opening number used the stadium's holosystem to create life-like clouds and lightning flashes. When the group came on stage, lightning appeared to arc over their bodies. One by one, they thrust their hands toward different parts of the stadium and the holosystem cast the "lightning" over the audience. The effect was so realistic hundreds of attendees ran for the exits. Paramedics treated several for panic attacks. The effect was dropped for the second show. During that program, lead singer Gelina Fasra's voice rose so high a window in the control panel shattered. The band's security company, For Women Only, immediately shut down the show and hunted for snipers. Despite this, the band was booked for two return performances in 4665 and one hundred twenty-eight thousand tickets sold out within twelve minutes of posting on Imperinet.
Niric -- from the journal of the wandering artist (a minor Mundane celebrity)
"I have a new digital notebook I can draw with and was able to get the look of the colony on Niric. From what they tell me, the ship they came in can be taken apart to form the new city. Engines will be split up and made into power plants for five sub-cities. Most of the buildings slide into place after the base is built. The ship becomes a greenhouse, and the colonists help plant and raise a forest. Nearby are deep-core mining operations. Valuable resources for the fledgling city come from not only the ship but also the planet's crust. LRC-11246 (Long range colony) is making its scheduled landing after a year of preparation. Over two hundred ships like these will land over the next ten years. After I've taken in the sights, I'm booked on a sleepliner to Kyrenie."
Niric presents a beautiful blue and green vision from space, and the new colonists are making great headway in creating well-designed and eco-friendly towns.
After the arrival of the Conqueror, Rheyn Destoiya in Tradestandard 4625, males left the planet by the thousands, seeking jobs and adventure. The Praetorian Guard is now almost entirely made up of Kin males, and is an elite squad assembled to enforce the Conqueror's will.
The Kin language is based on aspects of the tradestandard Etymis. A lexicon of their language is available as a download in the appendix.
The Great Kyrenie Desert stretches across a full two-thirds of the world, its golden landscape broken and pocked by black craters less deep than the height of a man, quarried in an instant by firestorms. The barren and deadly Lower Kaabi scars the south pole, evidence that surface water is nearly unheard of on this world.
Until recently, no one had ever seen a firestorm up close or holofilmed one of the instantaneous orbs of lightning that melt sand and fuse it into fire crystal. The electromagnetic pulse unleashed by a firestorm disrupts all power around it. However, an old technology used in a new way by adapting wafers of the fire crystals themselves has now made it possible to capture the first images. Using this new technology will enable scientists to study the question of why and how the firestorms are created. Kyrenie fire crystals range from clear to the finest quality ice blue. Their cost is far beyond diamonds.
As soon as a pit cools enough to enter, miners go in after the crystals, which have technological uses as well as decorative. Because adult slaves cannot stand up inside the mines, miners are all under age ten. Due to the rugged working conditions, child slaves are worked only two hours at a time, with four-hour rest periods between.
However, unscrupulous slave masters have been known to keep child slaves laboring half a day in dim light reflected from uncut gems. As soon as an improperly run child labor camp is identified, it is shut down by the Tradestandard Labor Board. Unfortunately, another often pops up elsewhere before the day is out.
Only the planet Kyrenie has as many jump points as Porosen la. No less than eight worlds are reachable within one jump point from here. The finest technology is developed and exported. It is the home of NETway Systems, one of the largest jump-point companies in the Empire.
Here are the "local" jumps: Mjuka, Trien, Tarth, Sanity IV, Alsnorn, Kyrenie, Emaille, Notidisia, and Drated.
To accommodate less technologically advanced worlds, older freighters, and small craft, the command centers all provide access for less than top-of-the-line technology. The seeming chaos is actually tightly controlled. Automated systems are run by sentient androids as well as humans. False color is generated by the jump point opening in the background (right), which casts a glow around ships and for a moment or two, makes color fade to gray.
Opportunities to advance exist within the Tarthian Empire no matter what your role in Peril.
The Changing of the Praetorian Guard has occurred every four hours without fail since Birit 25, 4645, the date Empress Rheyn Destoiya, the Conqueror, began her rule.
The Praetorian Guard provides personal protection for Empress Destoiya. Prior to the discovery of Felidae, the guard was made up solely of humans. Now, a large percentage is Kin.
The TCF is a group of scientists and technicians who study the formation of worlds, and who use their skills to design and build planetary habitats. The Fellowship uses raw materials taken from non-inhabited worlds in what are considered poor locations. These materials are invaluable to a space-going empire in constant need of new ships and transports. The practice of "recycling" a world is opposed by naturalistic factions, who believe every world has the right to exist as is.
The planet Sanity IV is the fourth in the Sanity system within the Tarthian Empire. Because no sentient life was found on any of the worlds in the Sanity star system, the Terraformer's Circle of Fellowship decreed them targets for reclamation. Animals were trapped and removed, water, ice, plants, trees, and oxygen were captured and transported to storage or other terraforming worlds. Each planet was dismantled by attaching habdrills, massive ships that bored into the surface and created fractures into the core. The raw materials of the planet were used in manufacturing of every type.
Miners and their families live in the habdrills, and over one million at a time can be found in various parts of the scattered units. Once dismantled the planets are gone forever. In the Sanity system, the saying became popular that working there meant your "sanity was gone."
The Terraformer's Circle of Fellowship uses the word GONE to denote the four stages of a planet's dismantling process. Total time is two hundred thirty years per planet.
G - Ground forces collect all living creatures possible, categorizing and transporting them to storage or other worlds. Also known as the Ark stage. Approximately nineteen years from beginning of this phase to the next.
O - Orbits destabilized - satellites disrupted, magnetic poles, gravitational fields, and volcanic eruptions are rechanneled. Approximately one year from beginning of this phase to the next.
N - Neutralization - habdrills arrive and begin full core penetration. Approximately ten years to completely dismantle the remaining hulk from beginning of this phase.
E - Eliminate threat of residue and residual damage by debris. Approximately two hundred years to reset system to zero residue. Handled primarily by robotic and android forces.
There are always openings here for immortals who enjoy destroying things, as well as for those who like putting things together.
Also referred to as FTA, the Forgotten Technologies Arena researches and develops shards of abandoned or "forbidden" technology. It is a clandestine organization. Little is known about its members or structure. The group works on technology gathered from humanity's ancient past, which they had hoped to keep out of immortal hands. Those immortals with a scientific background are most welcome (and needed) here.
The droid armies of Destoiya the Conqueror (Dessy) sweep through space seeking habitable worlds to colonize and inhabited worlds to conquer. Her resolve to widen the horizons of the Tarthian Empire holds such high priority the name Discoverer might suit her instead.
The Droid Discovery Force ranges from human-like androids to hovering sensor-balls. Upon reaching a likely planet or star system, pods detach from the motherships. Once in the atmosphere or on the surface, they blow apart and the sensor-balls roll or hover, gathering information. In the event sentient life-forms are discovered, androids are created which match the natives in appearance and first contact is made.
Once the culture is understood and the language assimilated, the droid army is brought in to establish martial law. The Conqueror herself likes to visit these new worlds and negotiate a settlement of trade and absorption into the Empire.
Imperinet is the imperial internet in the Tarthian Empire. A central broadcast of entertainment, news, shopping, security, and information. The motto is "Everything you want; Everything you need; More than you imagined."™ It includes advertising by the following businesses which are owned by Chosen or by other friends of immortals: 1st Impressions, Bank of Tarth, Batchelors, BotPro, Chocolate Works, CyberEGO, Dark Neon, DNN (Droid News Network), Droid Finder, For Women Only, Hire A Kin, Icia's Designs, idBot, Jade's Jewelers, Kaze Boteek, Life on the Beach, L'O'la's, Lucsondis Enterprises, Mariah's Realm, Night Raven Gallery, Nimajination Studios, Nova, Sander's, Skinless, Sonnospetros Dream Therapy, Tarth City Mall, Tarth Fashion Company, Tarthian Tour Company, The Tube Train, Thieves' Guild, Thomas Gabriel Stadium, TLme, Tovar Fasra, Yutai Art, and Zhkarr's.
Positions throughout the Empire are open with these businesses. Investors are also welcome.
For those who enjoy travel, the TTC is an excellent opportunity. This business provides leisure travel, tourism, and transportation to all planets in the Tarthian Empire. All ally worlds are also on the agenda. A full tour of each world is suggested for all immortals. It would broaden your views and give you a better understanding of the people here, immortal and Mundane.