Chapter 6

After Elijah’s opened his eyes, it didn’t take long to realize he was alone in bed. The heat of Kirk’s body was gone and the room was freezing. He grabbed the quilt that had been flung aside in the middle of the night and huddled under it.

Okay, he had not expected to have Kirk spend the night with him. Hadn’t expected sex, either. Not that he was complaining. It had just surprised him.

He vaguely remembered Kirk getting up very early and telling Elijah he had to work. And there was something about calling him. Which Elijah hoped was true and not just one of those lame, I’ll call you sort of things.

Eventually he decided he ought to get out of bed and start his day. He’d be returning to work soon enough and he needed to get back into a routine. And that reminded him. He needed to call his boss.

“Hi, it’s Elijah Cartwright,” he said, when his boss, Sherman Alberts, answered the phone.

Sherman chuckled. “Elijah, you’re the only one working here with that name, just say Elijah. I know who you are.”

Elijah scowled. “Well, anyway. Did you get the doctor’s reports?”

“Yep, looks like you’re cleared for duty in about a week.”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s not duty. You make it sound like we’re in the military.”

“How are you really feeling?”

“Antsy,” he admitted. “I’m not used to so much time to myself. I’m finding out I’m kind of boring.”

“Nah, everyone gets like that when they’re home alone. You wouldn’t be alone, Elijah, if you’d let me fix you up with my cute friend.”

“Isn’t that weird to let your boss get dates for you?”

“Who cares if it means you’re getting laid? Besides, we’re friends, too. I showed Harry your picture and he thought you were hot.”

“Oh, please…wait, what picture?”

“The employee picnic one.”

Elijah groaned. “There is no way anyone could think I was hot from that picture.”

“He does,” Sherman insisted.

“Well, anyway, I’m seeing someone now.” Elijah realized how good it felt to say that. Really good. He just hoped it was true.

“All right, if you say so. If you change your mind, let me know. So, this report seems to say you don’t need any special accommodations.”

“No, I won’t.”

“See you in a week then.”

“Right. Bye, Sherm.”

* * * *

When a few days had passed without a call from Kirk, he began to believe for Kirk, anyway, their night together had been a one-night stand.

But why not call Kirk himself? He didn’t need to wait for Kirk to call him. That was just stupid and since he’d gotten Kirk’s number during their date, why not use it?

So, Elijah dialed Kirk’s number later that night around seven when he was sure the man would be home from work.


“Kirk, it’s, uh, Elijah.”

“Oh, hey,” Kirk said, cheerfully. “I’ve been meaning to call you.”

Sure, then why didn’t you?

“Yes, well, I decided to call you.”

“Work’s been crazy busy,” Kirk said. “I planned to give you a call tomorrow.”

Elijah heard a muffled male’s voice in the background.

“Hold on just a second,” Kirk said, but Elijah didn’t think it was for him, but rather whoever Kirk had over.


“I’m interrupting something.” Elijah hoped Kirk would say the guy was just a friend or something.

“Nah, it’s okay. We’re just finishing dinner.”

He sighed, pushing aside his disappointment. Or trying to, anyway. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. I’m sorry to bother you.”

“You aren’t. I’ll get back to Tom in a minute.”

“Tom?” he asked casually.

“Yeah, someone I met a while ago when we did a business seminar.”

He blew out a breath. “Oh, so a business dinner?”

“Er, no. Hey, did you want to get together Friday night? I won’t have to work Saturday.”

So, I can be your booty call? No, thanks.

“I’ve already got plans that night.”

“You have?”

“Er, yeah, someone from work wanted me to meet this guy.”

“Oh. Well. How about Saturday then?”

Biting his lip, Elijah said, “Um, I’m not really sure. We should probably play it by ear. Anyway, sorry to interrupt again. Bye.”

He hung up before Kirk could say anything else.

It was true they hadn’t talked about dating exclusively. They hadn’t even had that chance since he hadn’t heard from Kirk, and well, that pretty much explained why he hadn’t heard from Kirk. He had a date with someone else.

Maybe it really had just been a one-night thing. Fair enough, he supposed. Too bad he really liked Kirk.

His phone rang almost immediately and Caller ID listed Kirk’s number. Elijah thought maybe he would ignore it until he decided if he did want to see Kirk again. Maybe give it a few days, try the guy Sherm wanted him to meet.

* * * *

“How is it you know Sherm again?” Elijah asked, sitting across from Harry at a pretty divey diner that Friday night. He’d called Sherm to set up the date shortly after calling Kirk a couple nights before.

Harry was a tall, thin—nearly anorexic really—man who had to be close to fifty. Elijah figured the guy could be his father. Still, he might as well make the best of the evening. He’d brought it on himself, after all. Smiling, he took a sip of his iced tea.

“He used to babysit my kids.”

Elijah choked, swallowing tea wrong, and started coughing.

“Down the wrong pipe?” Harry asked, sympathetically.

He nodded, even as the waitress came by and started thumping him on the back.

“Do you need the Heimlich?” the plump elderly waitress yelled in his face.

Frantically he shook his head. Judging by her strength in pounding on his back, she’d probably kill him.

“Tea went down the wrong pipe,” Harry explained.

The waitress moved away and Elijah’s chest calmed down a bit. He wiped his watery eyes with a napkin.


Harry waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m a little older than Sherman led you to believe, huh?”

“Er, yeah.”

Harry smiled. “You’re just as cute as your picture. Even more so. You changed your hair.”

Elijah had stopped greasing his hair ever since Kirk mentioned liking it better that way. He ran his fingers through his hair self-consciously. “I did. Um, thanks.”

“Don’t let my age fool you. I’m pretty active. Besides, I’m much more attracted to guys your age than my own.”

“You said you had kids?” He figured it was safe to change the subject.

“Right. I fought with myself for years over my sexuality,” Harry told him, munching on an onion ring. “Actually, to be honest, Elijah, even during my marriage I was seeing men on the side.”

He’d just been about to take another sip of tea, but was grateful he hadn’t. Struggling to keep a straight face, Elijah murmured, “Is that so? It must have been difficult to hide that part of yourself.”

“It was. I no longer have to do that now.” Harry gestured to the waitress. “Check, please. You didn’t want dessert, did you?”

His tone said Elijah better not. He shook his head.

Harry slapped money down on the table and slid out of the booth. “Come on, I’ll take you home. Maybe I can come in for coffee.”

“Um, I don’t know. I don’t really think I have any.”

“Tea will be fine.” Harry attempted a wink but it just made him look rather sinister.

The drive back to his apartment was silent. He didn’t know what Harry was thinking, but Elijah was trying to figure out the nicest way to get rid of Harry. The man was not coming into his apartment.

As Harry’s car pulled into the parking lot, Elijah said, “I’m afraid you won’t be able to come in after all, Harry. I forgot I was expecting someone tonight.”


Elijah was about to say his brother when he noticed Kirk leaning against his front door. His heart racing, he swallowed. “Him.”

Harry pulled up to the curb. “Who is that?”

Kirk had straightened from the door and now made his way to the car as Elijah opened the passenger door. He bent his head to the side. “Elijah, that’s not your father, is it?”

Stifling a laugh, he shook his head. “No, this is Harry, my date.”

“Oh.” Kirk stared the man down. “Hello.”

“This is…my friend, Kirk.”

Harry frowned. “You have another date after me, Elijah?”

“Sorry, Harry. Elijah and I have something to talk about. Thanks for driving him home, though.” Kirk closed the car door once Elijah got out and then waved at Harry.

As Harry drove away, Elijah bit his lip. “I hope he’s not too upset.”

“Who the hell was he? That was the plans you said you had tonight?”

“Yeah, and why are you here anyway?”

“Let’s talk inside,” Kirk said.

Elijah let them into his apartment, wondering why Kirk had come. “You want anything?”

“No, sit down.” Kirk gestured to Elijah’s couch in his living room.

Bristling at being ordered around in his own place, Elijah sat and Kirk took the spot next to him. “Why are you here? I told you I had plans.”

“I know. But you wouldn’t return any of my calls, so I figured I’d come and see you for myself.” Kirk sighed. “I know I shouldn’t have interrupted your…thing tonight.”

“It’s okay, it was over anyway.”

“Were you really on a date with that guy? He’s gotta have twenty years on you.”

“I was set up by a friend. I really didn’t know much about him before that. But, well, what about you, the guy the other night—”

“Is that why you won’t return my calls? Elijah, I made that date with that guy before you and I had ours. I probably should have canceled it, but it was just a casual thing.”

Elijah stared at his hands. “I see.”

“I didn’t have sex with him.”

He shrugged. “It doesn’t…matter if you had. You and I just went out on one date.”

“Like you and Harry?”


Kirk grabbed his hand. “Elijah, I’m crazy about you.”

Elijah met his gaze, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I have been for months. Before the accident I had the biggest crush on you and I know you don’t really believe that, but it’s true. I should have talked to you then, but, well, I wasn’t even sure you were gay and I was afraid of being rejected.” Kirk smiled, turning a little red. “Anyway, I know I’m just getting to know the real you, not just my fantasy, but if it’s all right with you, I don’t want to see anyone else and I sure as hell don’t want you to see Harry.”

His heart suddenly filled with hope, Elijah smiled. “I don’t want to see Harry.”

Kirk cupped his jaw, running his thumb over Elijah’s lips. “Great. I’m so glad to hear that.”

Elijah closed his eyes just as Kirk’s lips covered his. He expected a sweet kiss and so was surprised when it turned passionate, probing. Kirk’s tongue slipped inside, tangling with his. Desire slammed through him.

“Kirk?” he gasped.

“Elijah, I want you,” Kirk whispered against his lips, then he leaned his forehead against Elijah’s. “But we’ll go as slow as you want.”

“Slow?” Elijah grinned and shook his head. “Let’s go to bed.”

As they head down the short hall to Elijah’s bedroom, Kirk said, “You’re walking pretty good on that leg.”

“I saw the doctor today. It’s just about completely healed. I still can use the leg brace when walking but I can start trying it without it more and more.”

After they had undressed, Kirk covered Elijah’s body with his, fusing their mouths together. His breath hitching, Elijah wrapped his arms tightly around Kirk’s waist.

Coming up for air, Kirk smiled. “Your glasses are jabbing me.” He slipped them from Elijah’s head and put them on the bedside table. “Condom and lube still in the bathroom?”

“No, there in the drawer. I moved them closer. Ah.” He groaned when Kirk stroked his cock. The drawer opened and Kirk fetched what was needed.

“On your stomach,” Kirk said softly.

Elijah did as he was told and spread his legs. It felt good to be without the brace for the first time in a long time. Reaching underneath him, he grasped his erection.

“Hold on tight, Elijah.”

Kirk had placed himself down by Elijah’s ass and now he used his thumbs to part the cheeks. He expected to feel Kirk biting him again, but instead he felt the flick of Kirk’s tongue at his hole.

“Oh, my God.”

Kirk’s tongue entered him, pushing in deep and Elijah was lost, lust shooting through him. Soon the other man had added a lubed finger alongside his tongue, pushing into him, stretching him, making him crazy.

He worked his own cock faster, stroking it and rolling his balls. Shaking with the need to come, he begged Kirk to enter him.

“Oh, yeah,” Kirk said with a warm chuckle.

Elijah turned his head to watch him slip on a condom. After lubing himself, Kirk poised himself between Elijah’s cheeks


Kirk thrust in, deep, powerful. He grasped Elijah’s hands as he pumped into him, their bodies joined as one.

With each brush against his prostate, Elijah felt his orgasm coming fast. He quickened the jerks of his cock, his hand sliding over the shaft again and again.

“Kirk, I can’t hold out,” he gasped, feeling the tingle at the base of his spine.

“Don’t,” Kirk said hoarsely. “Let go, Elijah, come.”

His dick pulsing, strings of cum splattered his hand. He screamed his release, biting the sheet next to his face.

Seconds later, it seemed, Kirk jerked above him, and then collapsed on top of him.


Kirk laughed and rolled off. “Sorry. You sort of drain me.”

“I’m not sorry.” Elijah turned and snuggled close to him, wrapping his arms once more around Kirk’s middle. “Thank you for coming over tonight.”

“It was absolutely my pleasure.” Kirk kissed him and then tucked a strand of hair behind Elijah’s ear. “I was afraid I screwed up and you wouldn’t talk to me again.”

He blushed. “Yeah, I’m sorry, Kirk. I’m basically socially awkward. I read more into our night together than I probably should have.”

“Not at all. I wanted to spend more time with you. I really had been busy with work.”

Elijah nodded. “You think even when you do get busy, you can just at least let me know you might be thinking about me?”

“Definitely. I learned my lesson.” Kirk flipped him over until Elijah was under him. “I know this sounds weird, and that the bus accident was horrible, but that’s what brought us together, you know. I don’t think it ever would have happened for us otherwise.”

“You may be right. You know they were talking about canceling the bus because of city budget cuts.”

Kirk nodded. “Yeah. So, I’m going to take that as a sign, Elijah. You and I are meant to be.”

He smiled. “Kiss me.”

And Kirk leaned down to kiss Elijah senseless.