1 [First published as “Die Hysterielehre Freuds: Eine Erwiderung auf die Aschaffenburgsche Kritik,” Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift (Munich), LIII : 47 (Nov. 1906).—EDITORS.]
2 [Aschaffenburg, “Die Beziehungen des sexuellen Lebens zur Entstehung von Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten,” in the same organ, no. 37 (Sept. 1906). Originally an address (to a congress of neurologists and psychiatrists, Baden-Baden, May 1906) criticizing Freud’s “Bruchstück einer Hysterie-analyse,” which had been first published in 1905 (i.e., “Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria”). See Jones, Freud: Life and Work, II, p. 12.—EDITORS.]
3 [The earlier form “psychanalysis” (Psychanalyse) is used throughout this and the next paper.—EDITORS.]
4 Studies in Word Association. [Vol. I of Diagnostische Assoziationsstudien, which the author actually cited here, was published in 1906, before the present paper. It reprinted Jung’s “Psychoanalyse und Assoziationsexperiment” (“Psychoanalysis and Association Experiments,” in Experimental Researches, Coll. Works, Vol. 2), originally published in the Journal für Psychologie und Neurologie (Leipzig), VII (1905). This paper, which discussed Freud’s theory of hysteria and commented on the “Fragment of an Analysis” (see n. 2, supra), was Jung’s first significant publication on the subject of psychoanalysis.—EDITORS.]
5 Untitled note in the Zentralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie, XXIX (1906), 322. [The first review (pub. April) of Freud’s “Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria”; see n. 2, supra. Jung’s paper cited in n. 4, supra, is earlier, however, and is probably the first discussion of the “Dora analysis.”—EDITORS.]