Chapter 5 - How To Manifest Money Like Coffee
Let’s jump right into the meat of things. I am often asked by my readers, “Is it possible to use the manifestation techniques you teach to manifest lots of money?” Somehow, these students seem to have fallen into the trap I wrote about in previous chapters. They think that these manifestation techniques work for everything else, like attracting their dream jobs, dream mates, dream experiences or vacations… but for whatever reason, may not work that well for money! At this juncture, I would like to once again remind you that these manifestation principles are universal. They are universal because they work precisely for everyone and everything… money included! The Universe does not care what you are trying to manifest through these techniques — be it better health, wealth or happiness. It simply gives you what you are asking for and supports you in your path to greater self-expression (expansion).
The second question that invariably follows the first one, after I explain that the Universe does not discern between our requests is this: “Well, if it is possible to manifest large sums of money, then why is it that I still don’t have it yet? I have been asking for the longest time!” The answer is of course the same for every case of manifestation, or non-manifestation. What you are asking for has not materialized or appeared in your life yet because something is blocking it. To put it more precisely, some things are blocking your manifestation, and once you remove those blockages… the manifestations will follow very swiftly and effortlessly.
In general, our blockages towards money are the same negative feelings that delay our other manifestations. Blockages manifest in the form of negative feelings and emotions, such as emotions of fear, worry, guilt or non-deservingness. Money seems to be particularly difficult to manifest because our negative feelings around money tend to be more complex than our feelings surrounding other subjects. Think about having a cup of coffee from Starbucks or from your favorite cafe. It is very unlikely that you would experience any feelings of fear, worry, guilt or non-deservingness arising from having a cup of coffee at Starbucks! (If you do, please substitute the cup of coffee with something that you have no problems manifesting, such as a stick of gum.) After all, it is just a cup of coffee! However, money seems to be a whole different animal altogether. Because of the negative conditioning we have received as children (outlined in the previous chapter), because we have come to associate so much of our personal freedom with money, and because of our misconceptions about money… we see money as different from that cup of coffee! That is why we allow ourselves to just go to Starbucks and get that cup of coffee with hardly any manifestation delay, but we do not allow ourselves to do the same for money.
A simple trick can change all this. What you should do is to see the similarities between manifesting a cup of coffee and manifesting some money. Know that the Universe does not discern between both requests. To the Universe, a cup of piping hot coffee and a pile of money (of whatever value) is one and the same . There is a wonderful quote from Abraham-Hicks that goes like this: It is just as easy to manifest a button, as it is a castle! Think and ponder over this quote for a moment! Abraham-Hicks from their Non-Physical perspective is saying that there is essentially no difference between manifesting a castle or a button! So the question boils down to: Which do you want, the castle or the button? Which do you allow yourself to have?
Think about getting a cup of coffee for yourself. We all go through exactly the same process when we want to manifest anything in our lives. First, we set up an intention for the item. You experience a desire to have a cup of coffee. Next, you get up from your seat, go down to the nearest Starbucks and… get it! Fifteen minutes later, you are sitting in the cafe or back at your workspace savoring that fragrant cup of coffee. That’s it… no fuss, and no sweat! As they say, even a child could do it!
Now let’s have some fun for a moment. Let’s imagine, just for a moment, that we treated coffee in the same way as we treat our money. We think coffee is scarce, limited, and difficult to get… We also think that not everyone who asks for coffee gets it! Now things are starting to sound really absurd, because that is exactly how we appear to the Universe over money! Universal intelligence just can’t figure out why we are so hung up over money, just as we can’t figure out why someone would be so hung up over getting a cup of coffee! Can’t they just go out and get it already?
A person who believes (for whatever reason) that Starbucks coffee is difficult to get, that it is scarce, that it only comes to deserving people… will have a very difficult time getting himself out of the chair and buying the coffee. He will be paralyzed by fears and self-doubt. He will feel guilty about even daring to ask for a cup of coffee… because it seems like his cup of coffee deprives others from having it! “Furthermore, what will my co-workers think of me when they sniff that wonderful aroma of my coffee wafting through the office… They’ll be jealous! Then they’ll come to ask for a sip too!”
Can you see how replacing “money” with “coffee” shows us in a funny manner how we often impose limitations on ourselves? Can you see how Universal intelligence is probably snickering now in a corner (it will not, but let’s assume that the Universe has a nasty sense of humor)? If YOU are Universal intelligence, what will you say to that poor sod who wants a cup of coffee so badly and yet does not allow himself to get it? You would say (or shout) these words to him: JUST GET OFF YOUR SEAT AND GET IT!
Now let’s change everything back to money. Suddenly, everything doesn’t seem as intimidating anymore. You’ll find that you would have lightened up somewhat about money, once you realize that it really is the same as coffee. The essence of money is the same as the essence of everything else. It can be coffee, it can be paper, it can be wood, it can be your computer. The essence of money, just like everything else is energy. Energy that flows through everything, and energy that is one and the same as everything else. The earlier you realize this truth, the better your relationship with money will become. So each time you experience difficulties or negative feelings about money, tell yourself that it’s just coffee! It can just as easily be anything you want it to be. Money is just energy.
Just as an individual who believes that coffee is scarce paralyzes himself to inaction and experiences guilty thoughts about drinking coffee, an individual who believes that money is scarce does exactly the same thing to himself. In both cases, the self-sabotage is unconscious. We don’t know we are doing it. To us, worrying about coffee (or money) seems like the most logical thing in the world. However, you now understand that it is not so. Countless other possibilities are possible, including one in which money (and coffee) is abundant and in which there is more than enough for everyone.
Some of whom I share these teachings with may attempt to fight me on this point. But money is different, they insist! They’ll then point out the ways in which money is different from all the other things (coffee, for example), and why there can be abundant coffee but not abundant money. Anytime you feel the urge to do so, understand that you are doing two things. First, you are using examples from your current reality to support your views of reality. What this does is only to perpetuate your current reality and nothing more! Second, you are assuming that your current reality is the only reality. Again, that is another misconception because let’s assume for a moment that you had a chance to visit with legendary investor Warren Buffett. What do you think his reality about money is? Obviously, in Warren Buffett’s reality, money would be absolutely abundant and in great supply (coffee too). I once read some years ago that Warren Buffett has to decide how to invest hundreds of millions of dollars coming to him every single week! That number may have increased greatly since then. What this means is that he makes so much money from his investments that he has to decide how to re-invest those hundreds of millions that are coming back to him every moment! In Warren Buffett’s reality, money is absolutely abundant and flowing. If it can be for one person, why can’t it be the same for you? After all, there are infinite possibilities in this Universe, and we can just as easily experience Warren Buffett’s version of reality as other co-existing versions of reality.
The purpose of these teachings is to soften your views around money somewhat. Whereas previously you may have viewed money in a rigid manner, spent it in a fastidious manner and had a tumultuous relationship with money, it is my sincere wish that reading these words will help you build a friendlier and more enjoyable relationship with money. When you start having an easier relationship with money, you’ll not only feel good on the inside, but things will start to flow and happen on the outside! This blurring of lines and softening of focus is important, because it is only when you question your existing beliefs that they tend to crumble. This is also when you allow new beliefs to develop, and along with these new beliefs, the opportunity to participate in new realities.
It is worth noting that Warren Buffett fits the profile of the hidden rich. Alright, his wealth is not exactly hidden from public view but biographies and stories of him have often centered on his modest ways of living. A major reason why Warren Buffett (and many of the hidden rich) live so modestly is because they have an extremely good and easy relationship with money. They see money as something natural in their lives, as a byproduct of generating value and doing good. They see it as one of the components in their life, just like how they view coffee! In other words, they view money in a nondescript way, as something absolutely usual! Therefore there is no need to flaunt it, hoard it, or spend it in excessive ways. Money to them, is just money.
You may be tempted to say: Oh but he is a billionaire, of course money does not matter to him! But that would be having it backwards. Money flows easily to him and he is a billionaire precisely because money does not matter to him in the first place, and not the other way round. Once you are able to flip the equation around on its head, you too, would be able to start joining the ranks of the hidden rich. Think about our earlier coffee example. Unless you are in the coffee business, or have an unusual fetish for coffee… you are unlikely to obsess over it. Your relationship with coffee will be a very harmonious and cordial one. Therefore, you do not see the need to hoard coffee beans, or brew a huge pot of coffee and store it under lock and key for rainy days.
The issue here is that when it comes to money, most people DO have an unusual obsession and fetish for it! This leads to them hoarding money, spending it excessively to prove a point, to worry over it and to be even willing to commit crimes for it! Anytime you worry over something excessively and have strong negative feelings associated with something, that is a sure indication that you are attracting something undesired into your life. Is it any wonder that most people’s finances are not as healthy as they would like? They have an unusual obsession with money in the first place!
Therefore, be like Warren Buffett, or any of the hidden rich. I’m not asking you to be like them on the outside… for that is a consequence of their inner states. What you can do, starting this very moment, is to BE like them on the inside. How do you think Warren Buffett, or Bill Gates will feel about money? You can just as easily substitute their names for anyone else whom you like and admire, who has a good relationship with money. It may be Uncle George, or it may be me. The person does not matter, and all you need to do is to follow their inner state. How do you suppose one of the hidden rich will think about money? Will they be concerned when their bank account fluctuates, or will they see those fluctuations as something natural? Will they be concerned and worried / guilty about spending $X, or will they feel that it is just money… and more money can always come back to them at a later date? Will they adopt a carefree and light attitude towards money, or will they pinch every single penny?
Probably the biggest “banned” secret out there is that you can start today, right from this very moment to behave like the hidden rich… and the Universe will respond beautifully to your newfound thoughts, beliefs, intentions and emotions. Just as how there is no delay between setting an intention to drinking a cup of coffee, and that cup of coffee actually sitting on your desk 15 minutes later… there needs to be no delay between setting an intention for greater abundance, and the money actually manifesting for you. But there can only be no delay if you remove all blocks that stand between you and your manifestation. Very often, these blocks are feelings of undeservingness, fear, worries, guilt, or negative social conditioning. Each time you feel one of these negative emotions, examine them and release them gently. A great way to release is to tell yourself that these feelings are not real. They are just energy flowing through you, and you can just as easily choose to feel another way. If you need some help, think back to the absurd example of how someone who believes coffee is scarce would indeed behave in a way consistent with his beliefs, just as a person who believed money is scarce would behave in the same way. Set an intention and tell yourself that you intend to be the person for whom money is as abundant as coffee, and you are already well on your way there!