Chapter 8 - The Money Manifestation Paradox
This understanding brings us nicely to the next principle.
Expectations and benchmarks are two of the greatest money manifestation killers. Let me repeat that again: Expectations and benchmarks are two of your greatest hindrances to manifesting money. I do not make such statements lightly, for everything you read in this book is the result of an extensive real-world study and self-experimentation on applying manifestation techniques to money. Therefore, for every principle I teach, you can be assured that I have field tested it repeatedly, over-and-over again on myself and on those I share this with. I have realized, while looking back on my money manifestation journey, that expectations are detrimental to manifesting money.
The expectations I speak of here are your own
expectations about how much money you should have, and should be making. Once again, we are not talking about other people’s expectations of you but your own expectations. Any time you have an expectation about money that is not in line with your current money situation, you are setting up inner blockages that are not conducive to manifesting money
Let me explain. For many years, I walked around with an affirmation that I carefully designed to help me become a multi-millionaire. I wanted so badly to be a multi-millionaire, with a net worth of over $10 million dollars, and therefore I walked around all the time saying: “I am a multi-millionaire with a net worth of over ten million dollars!” Sounds good doesn’t it? The affirmation is positive, succinct, and I repeated it all over the place to myself, feeling very good as I kept saying it over and over again! Little did I know that I was setting up a money “expectation” for myself. My expectation for myself was that I should
be a millionaire and have ten million dollars. The reality was that I did not, and therefore there was a constant dissonance between who I really was and who I wanted to be. I thought I was filling up the scale with all these plus signs (as shown in the earlier diagram), when in fact my recitation of those affirmations was just reinforcing the minus signs.
When it comes to manifesting money, because of the loaded nature of this subject with so many associated conditionings and beliefs we have about it, any “expectations” you set up for yourself will only result in uncomfortable feelings of tension and dissonance. In other words, you want to be at a place but you’re not there yet. Your constant reminder to yourself of the goal you wish to achieve only serves to reinforce that you do not have it yet. This concept is subtle but very important if you want to manifest money, or anything else. Each time you repeat an affirmation or think about an intention, it is like thinking about one side of a coin. One side of the coin is about what you want
to experience (for example, my intention to become a multi-millionaire). The other side of the coin is the current reality which you want to be different. It is very difficult to think about one side of the coin without simultaneously also thinking of the other side! Therefore, it is difficult to focus purely on your wanting of money, without also subtly focusing on the fact that you do not have it yet!
The traditional solution to this problem has been to amplify the associated positive and good feelings that come with the desired side of the coin. For example, I could ramp up my feelings of being a multi-millionaire, make them extremely strong and immerse myself in those feelings. This is the traditional feeling “as if”. That’s all well and good, until you realize two things. First, if you were already
a multi-millionaire, you would be there already, plain and simple, and there is no need for you to engage in a forceful exercise to vividly feel those good feelings. Therefore while you may be quite successfully in “feeling” those good feelings which you are conjuring, those good feelings are simultaneously accompanied by a sense of forcefulness or a need-to-prove-it. These distinctions in inner state may not be immediately obvious to a beginner, but if you look out for it, you may concurrently notice a sense of strain or a nagging feeling as you try to feel good feeling thoughts. Once again, the Universe picks up on the sum total
of your feelings, so while it is picking up on your positive thoughts, it is also picking up on your dominant vibration, which is the force and strain that you are applying.
Now let’s suppose we had a chance to get into any of the hidden rich’s heads for a moment. How do you suppose they’ll feel about money? Close your eyes for a moment and imagine walking around in Warren Buffett’s body. Experience his inner state with regards to money. How do you think he would feel about money? What would his inner state be like? The answer is obvious once you engage in this exercise and may even surprise you… That’s right, he would not even notice or care! He would not even be thinking about money!
That’s really the gist of the whole “secret”! If you had lots of money, you would not even notice or care about money! You would not be walking around in a state of elation over how much money you have. Money would fade into the background for you, and its relative importance would diminish. I have used these very same manifestation techniques that I am teaching you right now to manifest money, and I can tell you that the inner states I am experiencing now with my current manifested reality are very different from
what I imagined them to be in my early days. In those days, I would imagine myself brimming with joy at the amount of money flooding my bank accounts! I would constantly rehearse those good feelings! But guess what, now that the actual reality has manifested, I am not sitting here brimming with joy over the physical piles of money that I have. Isn’t that strange? Not at all, because the feelings I find myself overwhelmed with nowadays are feelings of deep appreciation, trust, and love (what I call “The Magic Feeling” in my book of the same name)… without
any of the corresponding focus on the money. The money has faded into the background, but it is still there, because I have intended it a long time ago.
Had I not made the switch from focusing on the “money” to focusing on the general good feelings and completely dropping
the thought of money from my mind… I might still be struggling right now with making these techniques work. I attribute my success to the fact that I dropped any and all expectations about money I held about myself. I adopted a no-expectations attitude about money. I stopped holding myself accountable. As a result, the money started to flow for me because I wasn’t constantly fighting with myself over how much money I should have, and why I have not achieved it yet. I absolved myself of all responsibilities and all the blame. Instead, I adopted the mindset of a truly wealthy person long before my physical reality shifted — and that is to completely drop any expectations about money and to shift my focus away from money entirely. I adopted the same mindset as a person who truly
had lots of money, even when my physical reality did not match up. Due to the power and consistency of these Universal Laws, my physical reality did match up shortly after!
Therefore, one of the biggest secrets is that no matter what your current financial situation is, you can always adopt the mindset and inner state of a wealthy person right here and now. Most people don’t even spend time engaging in these inner exercises because they are so focused on the “outer” actions to take. They think that becoming rich means taking a whole host of outer-direction actions, making good investments, setting up businesses and the likes. All of that have their own time and place, but first you have to start within yourself. The gold lies within yourself.