Chapter 11 - How To Cultivate Your Inner Feelings of Money
Perhaps the biggest and single most pervasive myth about money is this: That you need some money in order to feel good about your finances. Let’s get this straight once and for all: You can cultivate your inner feelings of money, wealth, richness and abundance independent
your current financial status or how much you have in the bank! Your inner feelings of wealth and richness can be changed at any point in time, and your inner state is not dependent on any external circumstances. If you “get” this one simple fact, it will make your money manifestation journey way easier. And if you not only get it but put it into practice to the stubborn exclusion of everything else, I guarantee that you will see results very fast! But there is one caveat - You must be so persistent and good at sticking to your inner feelings of riches to the exclusion of everything else. You cannot let anything else enter into your awareness. Let me explain.
I have manifested money from both sides of the fence. I have manifested money when I absolutely was down to my last few dollars in the bank. This was the situation I was in when my business partner left me, and I had only one to two months’ worth of living expenses left in my bank. At that point in time, when my physical reality absolutely did not reflect it, I still managed to cultivate the inner feelings and richness of wealth. It may not be easy, and it certainly will not be for most people because we have been so conditioned to put our faith in outer conditions. However, if you are one of the few who set your resolve to putting your faith in your inner
conditions, and in relying on your inner richness… then the outer manifestations will happen for you very quickly. I am able to say this with a sense of confidence and certainty today because I have experienced it firsthand for myself. No matter what your outer circumstances are, your point of power is in the present, and it is from this present moment that you create. The moment you decide to choose a different money reality, the “reality” which you are observing right now (for example, your current bank balance) is already outdated! That was something you created in the past, from a moment in the past that has manifested to become your “current” reality. But as long as you set a conscious intention to move forward and to create a new reality —- you can look forward to this new reality and rest in the certainty that it will be there when you get there
in time.
Of course, cultivating inner feelings of wealth and richness will be much easier if you feel good about your finances. For most people, this happens when they already have some money flowing to them, and everything is going well in their lives. I have found that it is much easier and conducive to manifest from this state simply because you are already in a good inner state to begin with! But fret not if you are at a place where you do not feel good about money, because that is the exact point of this whole book. The intention of this book and its exercises is to get you to a place where you actually feel good
about money. From there, the universal laws automatically take over. This is what Abraham-Hicks mean when they say, “The better it gets, the better it gets!”
Now here is where I once again depart from most conventional self-help wisdom. Readers of similar books will probably know by now that authors and teachers often place lots of emphasis on acting “as if”. Therefore, if you wish to attract more wealth, act “as if” you are already rich. Dress like a wealthy person, talk like a wealthy person, and more importantly, engage in activities that a wealthy person would do. Now before you adopt such a practice, you have to understand the rationale behind these suggestions instead of jumping blindly into them. What these authors and teachers are all suggesting, is that acting in a way consistent with your desires allows you to feel the feelings
associated with becoming wealthy. In turn, it is those feelings
that the Universe picks up on and brings you more of, in terms of fulfilled wishes and manifestations. Therefore, the actions lead to the feelings, and therefore to the manifestations.
Actions ==> Feelings
==> Manifestations
(It is the feelings which result in the manifestations, not the actions.)
Actions ==> Manifestations
(What most people wrongly believe in.)
What most students of this material tend to do, is to engage in all the outer-directed actions, thinking that these actions by themselves would somehow lead to their manifestations. They think that by “doing” those rich actions (such as buying a luxury good), they are sending out certain “signals” to the Universe, or somehow telling the Universe what they want. This is a misconception and has certainly caused countless disappointments! The outer actions which you take when acting “as if” are meant to help you get to that inner state conducive for manifestations and nothing else. They are meant for you only,
and are not meant to signal anything to the Universe. In fact, the Universe picks up on all of your thoughts and vibrations so perfectly that you do not even need to “tell” it anything… it knows!
What this means is certainly good news for us: First, you can achieve the same conducive inner state for money manifestations seated in your armchair, without having to go out there and living like a wealthy person. Second, you can sidestep many of the issues that typically affect those who try acting “as if” without much success!
Let me share some of my experience with the acting “as if” method. It is my understanding today that this method is not suitable for everyone
. If you are in a place where it is already rather difficult for you to feel good about money, acting “as if” can make you feel worse, and therefore manifest even more unwanted things in your life.
Imagine that someone is heavily in debt and now a teacher tells him to “stop worrying about money” — just go out there and “act as if”. This means making expensive purchases on the credit card, because the Universe will take care of it! Very often, the student is sucked into some kind of insidious thinking, believing that because he has now learnt these spiritual laws, that the Universe will somehow find a way to get money to pay for his purchases… if he has the “faith” to charge this expensive purchase to his card! Guess what happens: The money does not come and the individual is even further in debt. He is even in a worse state than when he first started, because now he has this additional debt to deal with, and additional negative feelings surrounding this newly-incurred “debt” to deal with.
How do I know? Because I was once that student! I am being very candid about it here because none of the books I have read on this subject have touched on this crucial link frankly and candidly. They have often espoused that one should act in faith, and that the Universe will respond accordingly. I know this today to be certainly true, but with a big caveat… which is, you have to genuinely feel
those feelings
of faith and trust within yourself. If you act “as if” while feeling lousy or rotten inside, or depend on the action itself to change your inner state, that is what the Universe is going to pick up on, and that is what you are going to get more of.
Herein lies an important lesson: Charging that huge purchase to your credit card and hoping
that the money will somehow come to you to pay for it is not an act of faith. Faith does not lie in your actions, but in your innermost
beliefs and feelings. Therefore, you can feel the faith and trust deeply without ever needing to engage in any outer-directed actions, or you can engage in all the physical actions in this world and still not feel anything inside. How you feel on the inside makes all the difference, and is the only thing that matters.