Chapter 15 - Are you using this common affirmation?
Now that I have primed you with the basics of manifesting money into your life, let us talk about the mechanics of it. Obviously, in our current time-space reality, money is not just going to physically “fall into your lap” in the blink of an eye. Some readers are disappointed when I tell them this, because they have half-expected (after reading all about these Universal Laws) that a stash of money will immediately appear in front of them on the table!
Their disappointment turns into astonishment when I tell them that while the reality does not involve physically manifesting money, it is actually way better than that . In other words, the process is much more enjoyable and fruitful than a pile of money suddenly appearing on the table. Most people think that all their problems would be solved if money started falling from the sky, or started growing on trees. They may be right that their immediate financial problems will probably go away, but not without the introduction of further problems and more boredom!
Imagine a world where all the money you needed just came to you… What would happen? After a while, everyone would have such an abundance of money that money would lose it value. Then what next? What would mankind use as a medium of exchange? Therefore, if money manifested physically and instantly for us… I doubt the world will be as we imagine. New problems would be caused by the sudden influx and abundance of money. No one would want to accept our worthless dollars, because they too have a whole bunch of it themselves. We would not be able to even buy anything with our money! This is a somewhat humorous example but it does drive home an important point: When the meaning we attach to a physical object changes, everything changes and the game is never like what it was before. Therefore, give profound thanks that things are the way they are, for there is reason and logic in everything. Give thanks that money does not manifest in physical form instantly, each time you ask for it. Give thanks that money is used in our society to facilitate certain kinds of exchange, and to allow us to place a value on goods and services. There is a lot about money to be thankful for, and in each moment, we can always choose what we want to focus upon.
Now that we have addressed how the money will not come to you, let’s talk about how it can come to you. In all my years of studying and applying this material, I have finally found the answer and it is this: We do not know. We do not know in advance how the money will come to us, because the way through which money flows differs from one individual to the next. Let us even stop guessing at how our good will come to us, because that is not our job. Our job is not to look at and decide which pipelines money will flow through to us, but to focus on our fulfillment and creative self-expression. When we express ourselves fully, we allow money to come to us in equally great amounts.
You may be tempted to tell me that money comes through your job for you, or that you get paid money for offering certain goods and services. That’s all good and well. But remember that it is only one way that money can come to you, and there are infinite ways through which money can flow to you. The ways and means through which money and good can flow into your life is literally unlimited. I don’t mean this just as a figure-of-speech. I mean it quite literally. Money can flow into your life in infinite ways , just as there are infinite and endless possibilities in our Universe. The moment you limit yourself to thinking that money can only come to you through a few means… you immediately collapse the quantum field of possibilities into a few certain outcomes. What this means is that you are closing doors which you don’t even know you had!
I never worry about the means through which money comes to me. I know today that money can reach me (and you) in infinite ways, and I marvel at the miraculous ways of the Universe. Know that I am writing this not just as a piece of nice-sounding advice, or to make you feel good. If the truth were otherwise I would certainly let you know upfront, but the truth is that money can flow to you in infinite ways. Until you live this way, you’ll not open yourself up to the infinite world of possibilities this brings.
I have often been amazed at how money has flowed to me at various points in my life. Today I have reached a point of understanding that I no longer “dictate” that things happen a certain way. Money has flowed to me through checks that were deposited in my bank account, for work I did not even know I would be paid for. Money has flowed to me through sudden opportunities to speak, or conduct classes. Money has flowed to me through business opportunities, and of course through the lottery (as I wrote in “The Magic Feeling”). Money has also flowed to me through more traditional means, like my businesses. When you leave it up to the Universe to decide how the money will come to you, the Universe does a wonderful job of orchestrating everything beyond your wildest imaginations.
But as I have said many times: You must let the Universe do its job by stepping aside. You step aside by not “worrying” about how the money is coming to you, or by dictating that it comes to you in a particular way, by a particular date. If you are currently using any of these affirmations, such as “I have $20,000 by June 20th” and they still have not materialized after a very long time (such that you need to keep changing the deadline)… I advise you to drop the use of such forceful intentions and affirmations. By stating an amount and the date by which you need something by, we are placing restrictions and limitations on the Universe. Similarly, making demands such as “$20,000 comes to me through ____” is placing a limitation on the means through which your desire can be delivered to you. Once again, you are closing unknown doors of the Universe.
So what should you do if you have been using one of these forceful and limited affirmations? The first question I would ask is whether they have served you. If you have been getting results (and everyone is different), then you should definitely continue using them because they suit your style of manifesting. If you have not been getting any results, this is a clear indication that you should give up your usage of them. The first half of my manifestation journey was filled with the desperate uses of affirmations like this, with little or no results, and I could not understand why! Today, I understand that the use of these “desperate” affirmations are not in line with Universal principles.
It is important to keep track of your inner feelings while you are making these affirmations or intentions.
How do you really feel on the inside?
Where is the place you are asking from?
For most people, their asking is clouded by a sense of fear or worry. They are asking from a place of lack, fear and worry of not having enough. Ironically, the more badly you need something, the more badly that thing will be withheld from you, not because the Universe is “punishing” anyone… but because you are literally punishing yourself! You are using Universal laws in a manner that does not serve you. You may think that you are asking for more abundance and prosperity through your strong and forceful ways of asking, but it is not the words that the Universe is picking up on but your feelings underlying those words. Therefore, you may think you’re asking for money but what you are really asking for is more reasons to feel worried or fearful. This is a very crucial point and I encourage you to take a close look at your feelings whenever you state your intentions or affirmations. Do you feel a sense of lightness and joy inside, or is it a very heavy feeling of fear and worry? You’ll need to deal with those feelings of fears and worries first.
What should you replace these forceful affirmations and intentions with? The two definitions of financial independence from the previous chapter would be a great start. Start by affirming in a general manner that you have the ability to live from the income of your own personal resources. Start by affirming in a general manner that you are rich and wealthy, that you feel rich and wealthy on the inside. Even better, skip all the affirmations on the outside and jump straight into feeling a sense of inner richness and abundance on the inside. This is the most important inner state you can immerse yourself in, and the more you immerse yourself in this pure state of abundance, the more your outer circumstances will re-arrange themselves to match your new inner reality. This is the ultimate key. You can feel a deep, profound sense of inner richness no matter where you are, or what you are doing. I feel it everywhere nowadays. As I am taking a stroll in the garden, I take in the richness of nature and the beauty of it all, and feel that richness within myself. As I step into a library, I take in the rich aroma of books and wooden-paneled shelves, and revere in the richness of knowledge that is freely available to me… for my taking. As I eat, I give thanks for the endless choices of food that I have available to me. As I drive, I give thanks for the car and the luxury that it affords me, to be able to be at any place at any time.
Now let’s try this exercise for yourself: Are you being restricted by a very narrow definition of money and financial independence? Does money means strictly “money in the bank” to you… or does it mean so much more than that? Do you see the richness in everyday life around you, or do you constantly curse the fact that you do not have enough money? How can someone who is complaining or feeling worried about their finances ever experience the richness of life that has always been there in the first place? That’s why doing this inner work is so important for everyone. You need to be able to train yourself to experience the inner richness regardless of everything around you.
When I resonated with the frequency of richness on the inside, I was able to recognize everything that resonated with that beauty on the outside. Another individual in the same physical location may have been so overwhelmed by his financial problems that he would not have allowed himself to savor and take all of it in. I was once that person too. I thought I could only enjoy the richness of life once all my financial issues were taken care of, and thus I kept my continued fixation and focus on them. Guess what, my continued fixation and focus brought even more of it into view, because life always gives you more of what you are pouring your energy into. If you want something different, if you want more money, you must put your whole energy into something that resonates like money and with money. You must put your attention on the richness of life and stay there for as long as you can.
Start right where you are, with what you have. Start right here and now, no matter where you are reading this book. Take some time to look up from your reading and feel the inner richness within. Close your eyes if you have to. If you wish to use an object around you to generate feelings of joy and appreciation, that is perfectly alright too, but you don’t have to. Start by giving thanks for your surroundings, for your furnished room that is comfortable and allows you to do whatever you want to in it. Start by being thankful for the chair that you are reading this on. Be thankful that you have a place to be in, your own personal sanctuary. Or give thanks that you are reading this book right now, that it has somehow found its way to you. Give thanks for the fact that you have the ultimate freedom to direct your thoughts in whatever way you want. This is no trivial matter, since directing our thoughts means directing the Universal energy that is flowing through us towards the fulfillment of our desires. Give thanks and acknowledge right now the inner richness within you, and genuinely feel it. The only way to get money is to feel it into being.