Chapter 23 - The Decoupling Technique
Our views of money are often clouded by negative and all kinds of social conditioning developed over the years. We have (wrongly) come to associate money with freedom, with happiness and with empowerment, even though as I have explained — all of these feelings can be cultivated on the inside, without having any need for money on the outside. The more you can cultivate these feelings of peace and trust on the inside, the more money will fill your reality on the outside. While this seems like a simplistic explanation of these spiritual laws, know that it is not. It really is as simple as it sounds… if only you’ll go do it! But the “doing” is not as easy as it seems, simply because we have so much mental conditioning and blocks to go through.
A variation of the “asking for a huge pile of money” game that people play is to ask for a large flow of money into their life. This desire takes the form of intentions such as, “I want to make an income of $10,000 a month!” Once again, the dollar amount does not matter but the amount asked for will usually be a huge amount, compared to what the individual is currently earning. I’m not saying that we cannot ask for large amounts of money, or ask for a larger income. What I’m saying though, is that you have to get very clear about your reasons for asking. Are you asking for a large income in order to feel safe, secure and happy? Are you saying (or even feeling) these words?: Once I get that kind of income, I’ll be able to finally do whatever I want to do!
Such conditional thinking (If I ____, then ___) is a strong sign that you are blocking your own money manifestations. You are using the income as an excuse to explain why you cannot “do whatever you want to do”. Therefore, until the money flows to you, you’ll not be able to do whatever you want to do. Since “whatever we want to do” is so synonymous with and closely associated with our freedom in life, we are actually feeling a stifling of our freedom each time we ask for money.
Learning about this may present you with some sort of a conundrum. First, you know you want money, which is causing you to ask for a steady flow of it. And yet now, you are told not to ask for it so that it can come to you! This is the part of the puzzle that has tripped many people up, myself included. Fortunately, the way around this puzzle is not as difficult or impossible as imagined.
If you are falling prey to this kind of thinking, first ask yourself what you associate with having a huge and comfortable income. At its very basis, your answer will resonate with the basic feelings of peace, security and joy. Most people I know who ask for a regular income are really after the feelings of security. They want to feel secure in the knowing that they’ll be able to do whatever they want to, and also meet any needs that come their way. Therefore, security is at the basis of a considerable and steady flowing income. Now that you have identified the feelings that most strongly resonate with your desire, congratulate yourself as you have identified the true essence of your desire! All that is left to do now is to vibrate at / with this true essence and whatever you are seeking will come into your life in response to your new inner state.
Do you see how so many people are actually doing it backwards? They identify what they want, then while they are physically saying the words and “asking” for what they want on the outside… they are actually vibrating on a completely different level from what they are asking for on the inside, sometimes right on the very opposite end of the scale! This in turns intensifies their asking, because now they feel a need for the things they are asking for more. Since the Universe is always picking up on the sum total of your innermost thoughts and beliefs, it cannot deliver what you are asking to you, because you are vibrating at the completely opposite end of what you are asking! Once again, I encourage you to keep reading these two chapters until you finally get it. This is the point that tripped me up over and over again, because I was unable to see how I was really focusing on the absence of something when I was asking for it so fervently. This is also the point that spiritual teachers Abraham-Hicks have always been making. Spiritual teachers have been trying to explain it in different words, just as I do, hopefully until you finally get it.
Suppose you want a comfortable income of $10,000 a month and have identified the feelings of deep security, peace and freedom that it will give you. What I would suggest is that you drop the dollar amount from your mind as soon as you have identified (and felt) those feelings of deep security and peace, while imagining that desire already fulfilled. This is not an exercise to be rushed. You can’t just say “Okay, I now know I want this money to feel secure. Now what?” All of these exercise I am suggesting have to be experienced by yourself. You cannot just read them and agree with what I am saying without immersing yourself in the experience, because it is only through your immersion that you shape the energy field around you. The deeper and longer your states of immersion, the greater the effect on the corresponding energy field.
At the beginning, you may need to remind yourself or imagine that you are already earning that $10,000 a month in order to conjure up those feelings of excitement, deep security and peace. But eventually, what you should try to do is to get there spontaneously by yourself, without needing to use the $10,000 as a “reason” to be there. You want to give up any conditional thinking you may have. If you can do so and get to that inner state “at will”, you would have made a major step towards your manifestation. You would have found a reason to feel secure and peaceful without the need for any external circumstances or events. The only thing that is left will then be to feel and intensify these feelings of deep peace and security as you are going about your day. But there is a catch, you must drop that $10,000 from your mind whenever you spontaneously feel those feelings of deep peace and assurance. It must not come into the equation at all. This is key, because if you still feel the vibration of that $10,000 monthly income while you also simultaneously feel the feelings of deep peace and security… that vibration will not be pure. It will contain some form of asking in it, which in turns conveys the “absence” instead of “presence” of something.
This is what I call the “decoupling” technique. You need to, as much as possible, decouple your “asking” or “wanting” from the pure essence of what you are asking for. Now reading about it is easy, but as soon as you start putting it into practice you’ll find that it seems, at first, to be impossible to do. We have so strongly associated money with the true essence of what we are asking for that it seems impossible to “decouple” those feelings of pure joy and security from the feelings of “asking”. But you have to practice doing so. Make a habit of doing so. Be persistent at it. Practice is the key here! That is why while manifestations can happen in an instant, they often do not because there is an inner state which YOU have to reach within yourself first. No one can bridge the gap and reach that inner state for you, but you! Once you are there, no one else can take this inner state away from you and you’ll always be able to access it at will. 
Once you learn to effectively “decouple” your “asking” feelings from the pure, unadulterated feelings of deep inner peace and joy, your work is done. Your intentions will then be pure with no conflicting or resistant thoughts. You will then be ready to receive whatever you have asked for into your experience within a very short time. If you do not practice the art of decoupling, what happens is that your manifestation progress will be hampered by a mixed vibration — that of asking for what you want (implying a lack) and also that of your desires fulfilled. I have found that these conflicting vibrations  often cancel each other out, such that it becomes very difficult to manifest what we want. This issue often recurs in one’s life as the manifestations “not happening” or taking a long time, when in fact we are taking one step forward and then one step back again, leading to lots of wasted time and effort. If you want to stop circling around the same spot, you have to take the first step to eliminate the inner thoughts and feelings that are pulling you back, and focus solely on the thoughts and feelings that propel you forward.