Chapter 27 - There Is No Need To Prove Anything To Anyone
A student of these money manifestation principles may sometimes feel tempted to “prove” the validity of these laws to oneself or to others, especially when experiencing some success in the beginning. For example, in order to convince myself that these manifestation laws worked, I would often ask for huge sums of money in the beginning with some sort of a prove-it-to-me attitude. Similarly, friends, family and close acquaintances who learn about your work may be tempted to ask you questions such as, “So how much money have you manifested so far? Have you made a million dollars from these teachings?” Quite often, these questions are asked from a place of lack and limitation, in which those asking the questions are secretly (or even overtly) envious of your newfound manifestation success. They can’t believe that life can be so easy, or that things are going so well for you when they themselves are struggling so hard! It has always been my intention to distance myself from these vibrations and avoid answering these questions.
A very useful general intention to handle these situations comes from Abraham-Hicks: “Today, no matter what I am doing, no matter who I am doing it with, no matter where I am at, it is my intention to see that which I am wanting to see .” Setting this intention will place you out of sync with those who do not have a compatible vibration with you, and hence eliminate the chances of you running into skeptical individuals who are always asking you to “prove” things to them. In a general sense, that intention statement also works well for a variety of other situations, such as getting yourself into pleasing and desirable situations throughout the day.
I have watched Abraham-Hicks converse with various audiences over the years, and there will always be that one or two who would ask Abraham whether they can see “what is in their Vortex”. For those unfamiliar with the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, the Vortex is a concept used to represent all the good that we have asked for, that is in the process of being delivered to us. Individuals who are in a stuck place often ask Abraham-Hicks to tell them what good is already gathered for them, presumably in an attempt to have Abraham prove it to them that these spiritual laws do work. (If Abraham can see what is in my Vortex, then I have proof that all of this is real, and therefore I will believe in it.)
Once again, as with all the teachings in this book, we have to return to the fundamental question. What is the inner state of an individual who is always looking for proof? Is he a believer or a non-believer? Does he have faith? The answer is most definitely no. An individual who constantly asks for proof is looking for some external validation outside of himself as an excuse to start using these spiritual laws and techniques. He is adopting the attitude of “until you show me that it works, I will not try it for myself.” As I have explained several times in the past, nothing changes until YOU do, because you are the only being who has full control over your own inner state. Not even God can change it for you! God (or the Universe) can surely attempt to help by sending you lots of cues and signals… but until you are receptive to them, nothing will happen. We are all experiencing a reality based on our own consciousness, and there is no external being or entity that can place any limits on what our reality can be… except our self-imposed limitations. There are benevolent beings who try to help and get through to you though, but you must first be receptive to them.
Therefore, an individual who is constantly in a prove-it-to-me mindset is not in a very conducive place for manifestations at all. He is often so fixated on the existing reality, looking for “proof”, that he does not allow an alternative reality to come into his life. The harder you look for proof in your outside physical reality, the harder it is for the existing situation to change because your continued and intense focus on it causes a perpetuation of it. Now this may seem unfair or even cruel, but understand the innate perfection and beauty of it all! This means that the moment you cease to believe or pay any attention to your current reality, the moment you choose to use your thoughts and feelings in a more joyful way… outer reality responds! This is actually the most perfect way anything can turn out to be, but most of us do not realize it.
For the first ten years of my manifestation journey, I was also constantly looking for proof, since physical evidence is something that is highly valued in the scientific community. We are always looking for external standards and measurements to validate our hypotheses, and the way we feel inside. But the plain truth is that the spiritual world does not work in this outside-in manner. It works from the inside-out. That is why so many of us who have been schooled in the scientific method have such a struggle with making things happen spiritually! We are doing it in reverse!
Notice that in all of my books, I have avoided the use of extensive proofs to convince you that something is working. I am not writing an academic textbook or treatise here where proofs are necessary to lead you to an outer conclusion. Instead, I often invite you to prove it to yourself. Only with spiritual work can you take all the techniques that I’m teaching you, and try them on yourself to see if they work. No one else is necessary for anything to work but your own self. Another reason why I have avoided using extensive physical proofs in my books is because they set up expectations for the reader which can often be counter-productive for manifestations.
I experienced this firsthand in the past when I read about a wonderful manifestation story, and then kept trying to manifest the same thing for myself, often to no avail! I had set up such strong expectations for myself that I was acutely noticing the absence of the object rather than the presence of it. I was holding myself to some external standard of what “should” happen. (Remember how damaging the word “should” can be?) When manifesting anything at all, it is perhaps best to totally give up any expectations of how something will come to you. It is also best to give up any expectations of what your “good” is. This is why I do not encourage that you read stories of successful manifestations to convince yourself that these Universal principles work. Read those stories to learn the underlying Universal principles behind them, but never as “proof” to “convince” yourself that this works. If you need convincing, you are not in a conducive inner state for manifestations.
Now let’s talk about the other side of the coin. A new student of this material is often eager to share his enthusiasm for the work and prove it to others that these methods work. Why would you ever need to prove anything to anyone? The fact that these techniques work in your own life is all the proof that you’ll ever need. Once again, let’s examine the inner state of someone who sets out to prove something. Is it a conducive inner state for manifestations? Definitely not, because in order to prove something, you’ll first need to acknowledge the absence of something, before setting out to convince the other person that this absence is not really what it seems. You need to vibrate at the level of lack and limitation, at least for a certain period of time, while you prove that thing you’re trying to prove. So why would you want to go out of your way to feel bad before feeling good? I have never seen any reason in that. Focus on cultivating a state of deep and profound faith and peace that everything is already done. There is no need to prove anything to anyone, for the very need to prove implies a lack.
What about other people who need our help then, you may ask. It may be a close friend or family member who needs our help, and therefore in order to help them, you must prove that these spiritual laws can work for them. I have explained that the vibrations of someone proving something can never result in a manifestation, for those very vibrations run contrary to the fulfillment of any desire. It is a hard and resistant feeling, and I’m sure you can feel it when you try to “prove” your point in any argument. It is a forceful feeling that feels unnatural. You can still help your friend by gently guiding him or her through these principles and laws, but only if they are ready for it. I often find it useful to point them to a few books, or to lead by your own life example. When these individuals see these wonderful positive changes happening in your life, they’ll be moved by your new energy and inspired into action. Therefore, let everything happen naturally. Understand that your “not wanting to prove it to them” is not harming them in any way. In fact, your act is actually helping them awaken to their own higher power. This is why in all the times Abraham-Hicks have been asked to “prove” something to their audience, they have never done it. They have astutely pointed out, time-and-time again, the real motive of the individual asking the question — which is to look for some external validation of these spiritual laws. No one can give you this external validation except yourself. Not even me after writing so many books. Only you can give yourself the validation you need this very moment, by noticing how your thoughts directly influence the energy field around you with each new thought you think. I touch more on this in my book “Playing In Time And Space”.
Keep to yourself about your finances. This is an important point that is worth repeating. There is no need to share your financial situation with anyone, whether it is good or bad. Sharing something only results in a perpetuation of it, because you are feeding more energy into the whole matter. I have made it a point never to share anything with anyone, except as a way to illustrate how certain teachings and finer points work. I never share something for the purpose of proving it to someone else, because as I’ve mentioned, that energy runs counter to our manifestations. Another reason is because we can never foresee another’s reactions to our sharing, and they may sometimes behave in ways that throw us off balance internally.
What should you do when others ask about your financial situation? Hardly anyone ever asks me that question now because they can all see that I am doing well, thanks to an application of these spiritual principles. The funny thing is that people hardly ask whenever you are doing well, but they tend to ask when you are doing not-so-well! We are all addicted to drama in our lives, and especially enjoy getting caught up in other people’s drama and money stories. An interesting point here is that I never allow myself to get caught up in the drama of others. I usually catch myself quickly enough and pull myself out of it. If it’s not in my life, I do not want to know about it, for the obvious reasons that it will affect my own vibrations!
A useful reply to give when asked about your finances is, “Things are going very well, thank you for asking!” Now some of your friends may not be satisfied with this answer (what they are really going for is the drama) and may follow their questions up with, “But what about this issue you had with (insert money problem here), how is it going?” This is where you must have the self-discipline to resist answering , in order to resist feeding any more energy into the situation. At the beginning it will be difficult, and you will feel so tempted to go down the same old path and vent about your finances. But this is where practice is key — Make it a point to say, “Oh! That issue has resolved itself completely!” and just change the subject. Do it a few times and your family / friends will get the idea that you do not wish to talk about it anymore. Give this answer even if things have not been resolved, because what you really want to achieve is to avoid feeding more energy into an unwanted situation.
Again, these are “unglamorous” details that most people do not pay attention to. We are always looking out for the glitzy, advanced money manifestation techniques. But let me be frank, these techniques are as advanced as they can be… because of the immense amount of self-discipline you need to have to stop yourself from going down the same path of venting over how things are! You need to start cultivating this habit right now of talking about your finances the way you want them to be, along with doing all the inner work necessary. If you’ll make an effort to do this, the financial success that you are asking for will be yours in no time.