Chapter 29 - Not Caring Whether Money Comes To You
This is the key — There are some who are reluctant to do the third step, because they are afraid that by having these thoughts, the Universe would not deliver it to them. In other words, they actually want it very badly while saying that they do not want something, or that they are okay if it does not happen. Check within yourself to see if you hold these conflicting feelings, because as long as you do, it means you are still very much attached to the outcome.
An attachment to the outcome (the final end result) hinders your manifestations, because there is still a part of you that is flowing energy into perpetuating that stuck state. The moment you let go of your attachments to the outcome and let everything be okay, whatever you ask for will happen for you very fast.
Therefore, there is some kind of an inner “trick” in the third and final step. If you find yourself just going through the motions and pretending to be “okay” with not getting what you ask for… when in actual fact you care a whole lot about it… you are not there yet. In that case, you should go back and do the second step until you truly reach that inner place of letting go and trusting completely. If you are able to do the third step and genuinely mean it when you say “It’s alright whatever way it turns out. It’s alright even if I do not get this thing!”, your words (and inner feelings) signify that you have let go of the issue completely. Your letting go of this issue is what creates an “opening” that allows the Universe to swoop in and do its work. And remember that the Universe can work its magic even if it is only a very small opening.
For many years, I wanted a luxury car but perceived my lack of money as a stumbling block as to why I could not own the car. It may seem like a subtle point here but I was actually using my perceived lack of money as an excuse or self-imposed limitation
as to why I could not have the thing I wanted. Therefore, I engaged in all sorts of convoluted techniques and meditations to keep asking for that sum of money, through which I imagined I could use to purchase the car. I love telling this story because you may find some parallels between our experiences, and hopefully they can provide some insights into your current manifestation results. Anytime you ask for money to fulfil something, you are causing yourself to be acutely focused on the lack of money. (The money is not there, which is why you have to ask for it.) The more focused you are on the lack of money, the more difficult it is for money to come to you! And so it was a self-perpetuating negative cycle I was engaged in: Asking and noticing the lack of it, asking and noticing the lack of it… which made it difficult for anything to happen in my life.
I actually asked and fervently visualized that car I wanted for several years on end. I would visualize myself in the driver’s seat, hands wrapped over the steering wheel and cruising down my favorite street. I made my visualizations as realistic as possible, complete with feelings, emotions, sights and sound. You see, the main issue with most people is not that they are not visualizing / stating their desires enough. The main issue that trips most of us up is how we perceive the lack
of money as a big issue, which was what was holding me back those long years. I would visualize for a while, and then go out into physical reality and notice that the money wasn’t there yet, therefore my visualizations must not be working! Do you see the trap that I myself, and so many others, have fallen into? I had depended on external validation and evidence to give me confirmation that my good was coming to me. Each time external physical reality showed otherwise, I became discouraged and went back to square one. So the answer to why it took years for me can be easily explained: I was visualizing, then going out and checking reality after I’ve done so, which reverted my inner state back to one of discouragement and stagnation. Then I would visualize again, feel inspired, and then go out and do the checking again… You get the idea.
This is exactly why I advocate not using anything external
as your yardstick, unless it is good and exactly how you want it to be! The surest evidence that things have changed for the better lies in your inner state. If you feel
better, there is the surest confirmation that things and circumstances have started shifting for you, and no other proof is necessary.
So what finally made it happen for me? I eventually did get the car I was asking for, and enjoyed driving it around for many years, always soaking up in the joy and sheer experience of it. I realized, when I finally had the car, that what I was really after are the feelings of freedom, joy and creative self-expression. This brings us right back again to our starting point, a point which I have constantly sought to point forth in this book: Focus on how you can express yourself in the highest possible way!
What finally did it for me was engaging in a meditation called the “Pink Bubble” technique, led by Shakti Gawain from her best-selling book “Creative Visualization”. When I did the meditation (which involved visualizing our desire in a pink balloon and gently letting it go), I was actually letting go of some
(but not all) of my attachments to my desired outcome. That little bit of letting go, coupled with my very intense asking almost to the point of desperation over the years, was all that was needed to create an “opening” long enough for the Universe to deliver my good to me. It was all that was needed to turn the tide. What the meditation did was to help me release just enough attachment and resistance to my desired outcome, such that my constant fixation on existing physical reality was somewhat reduced. The moment I took my eye off physical reality as-it-was, the moment I stopped looking so hard, the things I wanted could come to me. I had finally reached the tipping point.
Nowadays, having learnt my lesson and knowing everything I know now, I do things very differently. Once I identify my desire for something, I am able to very quickly drop any and all resistance or negative feelings surrounding the intention, which then creates an opening where the Universe delivers it (or something even better) into my life. I drop all negative feelings and emotions about having the item and
not having the item, as well as the outcome. Those are usually the blocks that impede our manifestations. As I’ve mentioned several times, the longer you create an opening for, the faster and easier your manifestation will come to you.
As you are reading this book right now, let your highest goal or intention be not one of amassing riches / wealth, but one of cultivating an inner sense of balance about money that will allow you to perpetually live in a state where money flows easily and effortlessly to you. Many people find themselves “rich” when they receive an inheritance or suddenly win a lottery… but not everyone who comes into contact with riches has that inner state of balance which ensures that money flows freely to them all the time, whenever and wherever they need it.
If you will make it your quest to find this inner state of deep peace, faith, trust and inner balance, you would have everything you can ever ask for and more.