Chapter 32 - The Only Work You Need To Do
I have saved this for the last: What is money? Hopefully, by now you would see that money is not some mysterious substance that seems so elusive and difficult to get. Hopefully you would not see money as some substance that you need to hoard and guard with your life. Hopefully you would not longer see money as something that dominates and dictates the waking majority of your life. Drop all of those archaic, unrealistic views about money and start seeing money in a completely new way. If you have followed my exercises from the start of this book until now, your relationship with money would have changed. I am also guessing that they would have changed in pretty radical ways, and hopefully this book has shown you a few ways to get past the blind spots that have commonly tripped up many of us.
You will understand (as you deepen your practice of the techniques in this book) that the inflow and outflow of money is natural. That money, just like everything else in this Universe, just like this book, just like your chair, just like the air you’re breathing in… is just energy. Money is energy, plain and simple. It is energy that is highly emotionally charged, by not just your own thoughts but the thoughts of everyone around you. By not just the thoughts of people living in the present but also your ancestors, and everyone who has had a part to play in this whole economy. Money is highly-charged and emotional. A lot of it is also negative emotion. Therefore, if you wish to create a reality where money is plentiful for you… then you have to let go of all that negative emotion. It does not matter where those negative emotions came from, or who and what caused you to feel those negative emotions. What is important is that you let go of them right now, and make a resolve to continue letting go of more and more of it as you go along.
Let go of your conditioned response to worry about money. Your success in money manifestation will be directly proportional to how well you are able to do this, and how well you are able to convince yourself to do this. Drop all the fears, worries, guilt and shame you have surrounding money… and reach a state in which you don’t even think
about money, and you would have created that opening for the Universe to work its money magic in your life. You will get abundance in the form of money, but also so much more. Everything in your life will line up and life becomes easy and effortless to you. I know that many of my readers already have a taste of this, so I do know it is possible. Now the trick is just to stay in that conducive inner state for longer and longer periods at a go.
At the beginning of this book, I explained my desire for you to change the way you feel about money and to cultivate a lifelong inner balance with money. This is something that all of the hidden rich possess. They all feel extremely easy and joyful about money. They feel at ease and at peace with it. This is also something many non-millionaires and non-billionaires possess! These are the people who have money flowing to them at will, more than enough to meet every single need they have, even if they may not have millions or billions of dollars in their bank. I can assure you however, that if it were their desire to have these millions or billions in their bank, that they would also achieve this state very quickly.
So herein lies the most important lesson of all — Money is your personal preference. It is a personal thing. You get to decide how much money you would like to have, how you would like to invest or spend it, and how more of it comes to you. Recognize that at the end of the day, it is all nothing but stories we have chosen to believe in. An investor believes and takes part in the reality that money comes to him through his investments. A CEO believes and takes part in the reality that money comes to him through his lucrative job. An inventor believes and takes part in the reality that money comes to him through royalties, without lifting a finger…
But these are all other people’s stories about money. What would you like YOUR
story to be? You now have the power to decide, exactly how would you like your story to be. And as I have encouraged you to do so over and over again in this book, let your story about money be one of ease and flow. Let your story about money be one of peace and assurance. Let your story about money be one of plenty and abundance. Give up any thoughts about how
you will achieve it or where
it will come to you from. All those details are handled by the Universe until you are ready to handle them. When you are ready to handle them, you’ll know it because the Universe will present it to you in terms of “the most natural thing to do in the world!” You’ll be compelled to action by forces greater than you can imagine. You’ll be inspired to action each step along the way. This is not rocket science, but the power behind all of this is greater than the power that can send a rocket to the moon. There are Universal Laws at play here, and all you need to do is to align yourself with the certainty and power of these Universal Laws.
If you read the final words of this book and get away with nothing more than feelings of peace and assurance about money… If you find yourself feeling secure more often and worrying less, then I would have succeeded in achieving what I set out to do. You would have succeeded on a grand scale too. Any physical manifestation is always preceded by a corresponding change in inner state. If there is a change in your inner state from one of formerly worry to deep peace and inner riches, then I know in my hearts-of-hearts that the money is coming for you. All you need to do is to receive it when it comes, and keep that inner balance for the rest of your life.
It is done!