Judith Cornell AM is a registered nurse with several postgraduate qualifications. She is the former Executive Director of the New South Wales College of Nursing, a position she held for ten years. She has extensive experience as a clinical nurse, teacher and administrator within the health care sector and is a Fellow of the New South Wales College of Nursing. Since retiring in 1996, she has maintained her interest in and commitment to health through her involvement in numerous committees, as a volunteer and as a Director of the South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service Board. Mrs Cornell was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1995 for her contribution to the quality of nursing practice and education. She is currently undertaking postgraduate studies in Archival Management at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia and continues to research the life and work of Muriel Doherty.
Dr R. Lynette Russell AO is a registered nurse and certified midwife and holds a Diploma of Nursing Education (NSW), Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Newcastle). She is a Fellow of the New South Wales College of Nursing. She has extensive experience as a clinical nurse and as a nurse educator and academic within the health care and higher education sectors. Dr Russell’s research interests centre on the history of nursing and the health care sector, particularly in Australia, and she has a number of publications in this area including From Nightingale to Now: Nurse Education in Australia. She is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Sydney following her recent retirement from the position of Foundation Dean, Faculty of Nursing at this university.