Salah: The Gateway to Paradise
Salah is the key that unlocks the doors of Paradise. Therefore, we may be barred from Paradise if we do not observe our prayers. Moreover, if our Salah is accepted by Allah, all our other good deeds will also be accepted. On the Day of Judgement, when we will be desperate for good deeds to outweigh our sins so that we are saved from the painful punishment, it will be our Salah that will decide our destiny:
‘The first thing for which a person shall
be subjected to reckoning
is prayers. If they are accepted, all his other deeds shall be
But if they are rejected, all his other deeds will be
(Imam al-Sadiq (A))
Imagine the decisive importance of Salah on the Day of Judgement! Its acceptance will allow us to reap the abundant rewards of our good deeds and give us easy access to Jannah.
And its rejection may erase our entire record of good deeds so that we face Allah burdened and blackened by sin, only to be dragged into the Hell-fire. It is up to us which fate we choose for ourselves.