Showing-Off (Riya’)

Woe be to those who pray ... those who [pray to]
show off and be seen.’
(Qur’an, 107:4-6)

If Salah is the best act of worship, why does Allah turn His mercy away from those who pray in Surah al-Ma’un? According to verse 6 of this surah, the answer lies in the intention of the worshipper. If a person worships Allah to atract the love of his Lord, Allah will love him for his worship.

But if he beautifies or lengthens his prayers to seek the praise of people, he cannot expect to receive Allah’s acceptance because he prayed to impress others. If we want Allah’s pleasure, we should not be distracted by hopes of people’s flattery and applause:

... And whoever desires the reward of this world,
I shall give him of it,
and whoever desires the reward of the hereafter,
I shall give him of it,
and I will reward the grateful.’
(Qur’an, 3:145)

The foolishness of a worshipper who seeks the fleeting pleasure of flattery over the pleasure of Allah, is reflected in the following anecdote:

A believer once decided to pray in a masjid in the woods, far from the distraction of people. No sooner had he begun, when he heard the door behind him creak open.Thinking that someone had entered and was watching him, he raised his hands in a show of humility and piety. He lengthened his bowing and prostrating, completing his prayer with a self-satisfied sigh.

He then turned around to see his admirer - only to find himself looking at a fascinated puppy! It was then that he realised he had exchanged the honour of being God’s servant to seek the honour of people - an honour as worthless as the wagging tail and appreciative bark of a stray dog.