Quality Versus Quantity

Two simple units of prayer performed with contemplation
are better than standing the whole night in prayer [without contemplation].’
(The Holy Prophet)

Prayer enables a relationship of love and servitude to Allah. So when our hearts and minds are not present in worship, we have missed the point and purpose of prayer. Allah loves the believer who prays two units of recommended prayers with all his heart more than the one who worships the entire night without any understanding and feeling.

Although the extent of our worship is important, what is more important is that our worship is focused and heartfelt rather than mindless and insincere. Imam al-Sadiq (A) states:

I love the believer amongst you, who, whilst standing for
the obligatory prayers, turns his full attention to
Allah and cleanses his heart from all worldly inclinations.
He turns his entire face towards Allah,
who in turn turns towards him,
and makes his heart overflow with
His love and affection and He loves him tremendously.’

Whether we gain Allah’s love or not through our worship is up to us. Even two units of prayer can bridge the distance created by years of sinfulness if it is a prayer of true devotion as prescribed by Imam al-Sajjad (A):

As for the rights of prayer, you should know it is a means
towards reaching Allah. And you are standing before Allah
when you are praying.
When you are aware of this, then it is desirous that you
stand during prayers like one who is disgraced,
desirous [of Allah], hopeful, scared, fearful, poor, crying,
respectful of the One who is before him.
Maintain a dignified calm, head down, limbs humble,
heart tender, praying with the best of invocations
within yourself,
seeking to free your neck [from the Fire],
an imprisonment caused on account of your sins,
and a destruction caused by your bad deeds ...’