
All index entries shown here correspond to the page numbers within the printed edition only. Within this digital format these page numbers allow for cross referencing only.

Note: numbers in brackets preceded by n are footnote numbers.

Abraham 26

abuse of children see child abuse; child sexual abuse

Adams, Richard 16–17

agency 7–8, 39, 157

agrarian societies 25–7


Akron House 71–2, 93, 143

alcohol dependency 68, 71, 74, 75, 79, 95, 105, 143, 172

as crisis point 83–4, 93

and emotion 98, 101, 109

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) 29, 49, 93, 114–15, 140

American Lutheran Church 150

Amos 9, 165, 177

Anderson, Hans Christian 5, 178

anger 95–7, 120–21, 146, 161–2, 172

apartheid 150–51, 152, 160, 161

Apocrypha 169

Aubyn House 41, 42, 68, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77, 81, 90, 98, 105, 106, 109, 143

Auerbach, Eric 20, 173

Augé, Marc 59

Augustine 15–16

B&B (bed and breakfast) accomodation 76, 77, 84

Baggins, Bilbo 27

banks 56–7

baptism 104, 116

Baptist Church 79, 115–16

Barr, James 21

Barth, Karl 6–7, 8, 21–4, 28, 29–30, 172

Basingstoke 73, 118

Beardsworth, Timothy 36–7, 118

Beatitudes 9

bedsits 74, 75, 79, 88, 144

Beyond the Good Samaritan (Morisy) 158–9, 160–61

Bible-reading 5, 6, 7–8, 116, 120, 141, 143, 145, 146

Barth and 21–4

in biographies 116

contextual see Contextual Bible Study

critical-realist approach to 19–21

as history 21–2

as literature 20–21

love and 100

prayer and 23

Bingemer, Maria Clara 173

biography 6, 38, 67, 81–2, 95

crisis point/points in see crisis in biographies

emotions in see emotions in biographies

humour in 91, 92, 145

rehearsed 108

spirituality in see spirituality

and theology of homelessness 152

Birmingham 157

black theology 6, 10–11, 13

Blair, Tony 53

body language 7

Boff, Leonardo 175, 178

‘born again’ Christianity 104, 116

Boydell, K.M. 141, 144

Bradstock, Andrew 156, 163(n 34)

Brown, David 49

Buber, Martin 14–15, 17, 141, 178

Buffet, Warren 56

Burrows, R. 52

cafe, Christian (Pete the Rock) 116, 140, 142

cannabis 75, 77, 86

capitalism 53, 58–9, 62, 64, 151, 154, 161, 178

Caroline’s story 43, 67–8, 143, 146

comments on interview process in 102–3

crisis points in 81, 83, 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93

emotion expressed in 96, 97–8, 99, 100, 101–2

humour in 121

place of religion/spirituality in 68, 114, 120, 121

possibilities for the future in 108–9

Catholic Church/Catholicism 11, 27, 68, 74, 103, 114, 117, 168–9

homosexuality and 35–6

Cathy Come Home (1966 film) 51

CBS see Contextual Bible Study

chaos narrative 39–40

charity 150, 181

Charlie’s story 68–9, 143

comments on interview process in 102, 103–4

crisis points in 83–4, 88, 93

emotion expressed in 97, 98, 101

place of religion/spirituality in 69, 111, 112, 113, 117, 118, 120

possibilities for the future in 108, 109–10

child abuse 87, 97, 99

child sexual abuse 75, 99

childhood/adolescent issues 74, 75, 76, 172

as crisis points 83, 87–8

Childline 96

children’s homes 71, 87, 88, 96

children’s literature 8, 27–9, 30

Christology 150


affluence of 31, 61

and disabled people 149–50, 152

experience of, in biographies 114–18

First World/Third World 63

irrelevant to poor people 10, 64, 68, 140–41, 142, 148, 154, 171–2

policy towards homeless people 6, 154

and public/private spheres 62, 64, 141

as site of struggle 151

and theology of homelessness see theology of homelessness

Church Dogmatics (Barth) 20–22

Church of England 64, 70, 74, 78, 79, 87, 110, 158, 178

Faith in the City report (1985) 154–5, 156, 157, 160

Faithful Cities report (2006) 155–6

Living Faith in the City report (1990) 154, 161

and Occupy movement 183–4

class 11

Coalition Government 5–6, 53

collecting stories 33–45, 143–8

and biography of researcher 6, 7, 8, 38

ethics and 38

methodologies of see interviews/questionnaires

and miscommunication/misunderstanding 34–5, 104–8

and religious experience 36–8

and researcher/writer see researcher/writer

and suffering-survival tension 144–5

and theory-practice dichotomy 145–6, 147

transcribing see transcripts of stories

Commission on Urban Life and Faith (CULF) 155

commodification of culture 27, 28, 29, 64, 161

community 7, 14, 16–17, 28, 31, 162, 168

Community Drugs Service 68, 69

community ministry 158–9

Cone, James 10

confession 103–4, 117

Contextual Bible Study (CBS) 5, 7, 44, 60, 70–71, 123–35, 148, 172, 173, 174

anointment of Jesus (Luke 7: 36–50) session 129–31

benefits to marginalised people of 134–5

Jesus and the fishermen (Luke 5: 1–16/27–32) session 126–9

Jesus’ temptations/early ministry (Luke 4: 1–24) session 124–6

prodigal son (Luke 15: 11–32) session 132–4

conversation, holiness/sacredness of 7, 14–15, 17

cooking 99, 110

Cornwall, Susannah 44

council housing 51–2, 53

Right to Buy 54

covenant 5, 24

crime 71, 74, 87, 96, 99

as crisis point 90–91

crisis in biographies 81–94, 143

causes of 83–91

childhood/adolescence issues 87–8

crime, issues of 90–91

death/bereavement 88–9, 92

health issues 83–4

interplay between causes-results 82–3, 93–4

relationship issues 84–6

results of 91–4

self-harm/suicide 91–2

sexuality, issues of 89

and substance abuse 93–4

Crisis (charity) 53

critical-realist approach 19–24

weakness of 23–4

cross, theology of 120, 159, 179

Crossan, John Dominic 25

CULF (Commission on Urban Life and Faith) 155

Cupitt, Don 8–9, 20–21

Dalit people (India) 11, 172

Daly, Gerald 57, 58

Danni’s story 63, 71–2, 143

crisis points in 82, 83, 88, 90, 93

emotion expressed in 96, 97, 98, 99, 101

humour in 121

place of religion/spirituality in 72, 111, 112, 114–15, 121

possibilities for the future in 108

David’s story 69–71

Contextual Bible Study and 70–71

place of religion/spirituality in 69, 70

Davis, Francis 156

de Tocqueville, Alexis 19, 34

death/bereavement 9, 68, 76, 107–8, 115, 172

as crisis points 88–9, 92

God and 88, 89, 113

debt 26, 79, 98, 108, 129, 130–31

denial of Jesus/poor 20, 61–2

Denzin, Norman 94

destiny 113

see also fatalism

Deuteronomy 9, 163, 164

Devonport local regeneration partnership 54

diabetes 79

dialogue 159, 172

Dickens, Charles 139

direct access hostels 1, 41

Disabled God, The (Eisland) 149–50, 151–2, 160, 162–3, 171–2, 179–80

disabled people 149–50, 152

Jesus and 150, 162–3, 168

discipleship/mission 119–20, 159, 181

Disrupting Homelessness (Stivers) 156–7, 159–60

Diverse World-Views in an English Village (Rapport) 34–5

diversity 12, 34, 45, 116, 144, 148

divorce 54, 64, 79, 82, 87, 98, 151

domestic violence 67, 75, 76, 105

as crisis point 85, 87, 92

emotion and 95–6

Doncaster 75, 76, 84

drop-in centres 41–2

drug dependency 1, 7, 67–9, 74, 77, 81, 105, 139, 143, 172

as crisis point 83–4, 92, 108

and emotion 98, 100, 101

Eakin, Paul John 9

Easter story 22

eating disorders 75–6

economic crisis see financial crisis

ecumenism 116–17

education 11, 12, 69, 160

Eisland, Nancy 149–50, 151–2, 160, 162–3, 171–2, 179–80

elderly people 54, 74

elites 25–6, 59, 63(n31), 157

emotions in biographies 6, 8, 81, 95–110, 172

anger/pain/isolation 95–7, 113

coming back to life 95, 108–10

fear/panic 95–6

incoherence/order 95, 104–8

independence/freedom/goal-seeking 95, 97–9

love/survival 95, 99–102

and telling the story 95, 102–4

Emperor’s New Clothes, The (Anderson) 5, 178

employment 53–4, 84, 125

Ephesians 168, 177

Epiphany 94

epistemology 10, 13

equality 50

theologies of 6, 61–5, 148, 153, 161

ethics see morality/ethics

Eucharist 150, 180

evangelical churches 159–60

eviction 67–8, 74

ex-offenders 55

Exeter 70, 183

Exodus 163, 164, 165, 181

fairy tales 8, 27, 30, 172

faith 23, 24, 40, 90, 115–16, 151, 159, 177

radical 158

Faith in the City (Church of England report, 1985) 154–5, 156, 157, 160

faith communities 16–17

Faith in Dark Places (Rhodes) 139, 155, 160–61, 165

faithful captial 156

Faithful Cities (Church of England report, 2006) 155–6

Families Anonymous 112

family 25, 157, 164

in Bible-reading 125, 132–3, 134

in biographies 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 83, 87, 88–9, 100, 106

fantasy literature 27–9, 30

see also fairy tales

fatalism 11, 116, 120–21, 140

Father, God the 172, 173, 175–6

fatherhood 167, 168

fear 95–6, 172

feminist theology 6, 123, 173

financial crisis (2008) 6, 49, 53, 56–8, 148

folk tales 27, 30, 172

Ford, David 23–4

foreclosures 160

forgiveness 119, 121

Forrester, Duncan 49–50, 62, 64–5, 180

Frank, Arthur W. 39–40, 45

Fran’s story 72–3, 143

comments on interview process in 104

crisis point in 90–91

emotion expressed in 99

place of religion/spirituality in 99, 114, 116

possibilities for the future in 108, 109

Freire, Paulo 12, 140, 159

Friend at Midnight parable 26

Garasene demoniac parable 155

Genesis 163

Geoff’s story 43, 73–4

crisis point in 88–9

place of religion/spirituality in 74, 89, 113, 117–19

possibilities for the future in 108, 143

globalisation 57


blaming 88, 89, 113

and discipleship 119–20

the Father 172, 173, 175–6

grace of 23, 24, 159, 167

and Holy Trinity 6, 145, 149, 173, 173–4

as homeless 164, 168

images of, in biographies 112–14, 120–21, 140

and love 5, 101, 120, 121, 153

and sin/forgiveness 119, 121

stories about 36–8

and suffering 150–51

God in South Africa (Nolan) 150–51, 152, 159, 160, 161, 173, 174

Good News 124, 140–41, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154, 161

Good Samaritan, parable of 62

Gorringe, Tim 49, 60, 174

grace 23, 24, 159, 167

Greek literature 20

Green, Laurie 157, 160–61, 177

Gutiérrez, Gustavo 9–10, 11, 13, 153

Habits of the Heart (Bellah/Masden/Sullivan) 19, 33–4

Hail Mary prayer 103–4, 117

Hardy, Barbara 8, 177

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Rowling) 28–9

Hauerwas, Stanley 16–17, 141, 142

Hawe, Kay 38

Hay, David 36

healing 118

health issues 39–40, 68, 69, 71, 78, 79, 98, 141, 145, 172, 175

as crisis points 82, 83–4

fitness/wellbeing 73, 99

mental 55, 75, 84

Hebrews 12

Heisenberg effect 41

hermeneutics 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 31, 157

of love 15

of suspicion 16

heroin addiction 74, 101

Herzog, William 25–6, 28, 29–30, 173, 179

heteronormativity 59, 157

Hindley, Myra 73, 117

Hobbit, The (Tolkein) 27–8

Holy Spirit 11, 24, 124, 173, 178–9

Holy Trinity 6, 145, 149, 173, 173–4, 175–82

home, concept of 125, 142, 157, 160, 171

in New Testament 164–9

in Old Testament 163–4, 165

home-making 110

homeless people/homelessness

in the Bible 163–9

and Bible reading see Bible-reading

as blameworthy 50–51

and Church policy 6

and critical realism 23

cycle/shared experience of 84, 143–5, 147–8, 153

diversity and 12, 14, 34, 45, 116, 144

God of 6

history of 5–6, 50–55

ignored in discourse 58, 143

numbers of 52, 53

pathologisation of 39

perceived as homogenous group 57–8

and sin see sin/sinners

and suffering-survival tension 144–5, 147

theology of see theology of homelessness

Homelessness Act (2002) 52

Homelessness Action Programme (1999) 53

Homelessness Sunday, Service for 181

Homer 20

homosexuality 75, 89

and the Church 35–6, 64, 70

as crisis point 89

honesty 38, 90, 102

hope 96, 108–10, 143, 151, 161

horse’s teeth debate 147(n8)

hospitality 131

hospitals 74, 85

hostels 52, 55, 68, 72, 81, 99, 143

direct access 1, 41

see also Victory hostel

housing 5–6, 51–8, 108, 157, 159–60

and financial crisis/economic depression 49, 56–8, 70

policy/market 51–5, 148, 153, 161

residualisation in 53–4

social/council 51–2, 53

Housing Act (1985) 51–2

Housing Act (1996) 52

housing benefit 53

Housing (Homeless Persons) Act (1977) 51

Hughes, Gerard 174

Hughes, Richard 30

humility 159

humour 111, 121–2, 131, 145

hymns 6–7

hypermetropic solidarity 63

I–It/I–Thou relationships 14–16, 17, 141

identity/self 9, 38, 99, 141–2

illiteracy 73, 88

illness/injury see health issues

incoherence/order in biographies 95, 104–8

incomes 53–4, 183

inconsistency 34–5

independence 97–9

India 11–12, 62, 169, 175–6

Inge, John 49, 58

instrumentalization of culture see commodification of culture

interviews/questionnaires 33, 42–3, 81

circumstances/settings of 42–3

methodologies 43, 145–6

subjects’ comments on 102–4

Isaiah 124

10: 1–2 9

53: 1–2 3

53: 3–4 47

53: 5–6 137

65: 21 165

66: 1 164

isolation 96–7, 113, 164–5, 172, 179

Israelites in exil 163, 165, 175

Jagose, A. 140

James, Book of 180

Jehovah’s Witnesses 117

Jenkins, Tim 35, 45, 177


anointment of 129–31, 173

birth of 21, 164, 164(n35), 169, 176, 179

as black man 10

denial/betrayal of 20, 61, 164

as disabled God 150, 162–3, 168

as exemplar of I–Thou relationship 15

as homeless 164–5, 171–82

and journey from centre to periphery 62–3, 65

and justice/equity 70

postmodern 161

as questioner of society 62–3, 156–7

resurrection of 150

as Son of God 176–8

stories/parables of see parables

story of 22

suffering/pain of 12(n20), 116, 120, 164–5, 179

temptations/early ministry of 124–6

Transfiguration of 67, 164, 168

Jim’s story 74–5

crisis point in 84

place of religion/spirituality in 75, 111, 113

possibilities for the future in 108, 109

Job 9

John’s Gospel 165, 168

journey motif 63, 168(n46)

Judaism 150, 151

Julie’s story 43, 74

comments on interview process in 102, 104

crisis points in 87, 90

emotion expressed in 99, 100–101

humour in 121–2

place of religion/spirituality in 74, 90, 104, 111, 112, 116–17, 118, 119, 121, 140, 142

possibilities for the future in 108

key workers 41, 43, 68, 69, 90, 96, 97, 102, 108, 141

Kingdom of God 26, 159, 163(n34), 177, 181

Kingswood Whit Walk 35, 177

labour market 53–4

Labourers in the Vineyard parable 25–6

landlords 25–6, 79, 81

Last Supper 180, 181

Latin America see liberation theology

laughter 111, 121–2, 172

Lawrence, Louise 60, 123

Lazarus 26, 62, 81

Leech, Ken 154–5, 157–8, 159, 160, 178

leeds 139

lepers 62, 65, 128

Leviticus 9, 165

LGCM (Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement) 36

liberation theology 5, 7, 9–13, 25, 38, 61, 140, 156, 182

‘armchair’ 64, 65

in Britain 50, 63–5, 142, 154

and queer theology 156, 157

suffering and 150–51, 152

and theology of homelessness 150, 151–3, 154, 158–9, 160–61

lifestories of homeless people see biography

Lindbeck, George A. 20, 21, 22

listening/listener 8, 31

literacy, deep/religious 159, 177

literary criticism 19–21, 22–3, 31

parables and 25

Littlehaven 73

liturgy 21, 151, 162

apt 79–82, 159, 160, 177, 179–82

Living Faith in the City (Church of England report, 1990) 154, 161

local authorities 51

Local Housing Allowance 53

Localism Bill (2011) 53

logos 30, 179

see also Word, the

London 53, 103–4, 155, 183

Lonergan, Bernard 8

Lost Sheep/Lost Coin parable 166, 167

Loughlin, Gerard 22, 173, 179

love 7, 15, 49, 172

expressed in biographies 95, 99–102

and God 5, 101, 120, 121, 153

and survival 99, 100–102

Luke’s Gospel 44, 158, 165

4: 1–24 124–6

5: 1–16/27–32 126–9

7: 36–50 129–31

8. 43 1

9: 35 67

10: 25–30 123

11: 5–8 26

15: 11–32 132–4, 166–8

15: 20–24 95

18: 9–14 26

18: 22–23 111

parable of Lazarus and Dives 62

McFague, Sally 25, 26

Malpas, Peter 54

manifestation in epiphany 94

Marc’s story 75–6, 143

comments on interview process in 102, 103

confidence in the future in 96

crisis points in 82, 84–5, 87, 89, 91, 93

emotion expressed in 95–6, 99–100, 105–6, 108

humour in 91, 121

incoherence/order in 105–6

place of religion/spirituality in 91, 105, 116, 120, 121, 140, 142

possibilities for the future in 108, 109

marginalised people 9, 14, 58, 62–4, 63(n31), 140, 143

and the Church 10, 64, 68, 140–41, 142

and Jesus 62–3, 172–3

and parables 25

and religious faith 1

marital breakdown see relationship, breakdown of

market ideology 54–5, 57, 162

Mark’s Gospel 61

3: 23 26

4: 1–3 19

4: 13 26–7

4: 35 63

5: 19 155

7: 17 26

8: 27 61

12: 1 26

14: 54ff 61

home in 165

marriage problems see divorce; relationship issues

Mary Magdalene 155

Mary, Mother of Jesus 168–9

Matthew’s Gospel

5: 3 40

8: 20 164

11: 27 176

20: 1–16 25–6

23 171

25 9

mental health 55, 75, 84

middle-class people 11, 12, 64, 69

migrants/refugees 58–9

Milbank, John 30

military service 78

Milton Keynes 71

miracles 126–9

mission 64, 119–20, 158–9

mobility 59, 97, 98

modernity 7, 139

Moltmann, Jürgen 6

Moore, Basil 10, 13

Moral, But No Compass (Davis/Paulhus/Bradstock) 156

moral hazard 56, 64, 178

morality/ethics 8–9, 38, 40, 90, 110, 148

of imposing Christian story on homeless people 153–4

without religion 120

Morisy, Anne 158–9, 160–61, 177

Mormons 117

mortgage crisis (US, 2008) 49, 56–7

Moses 163

Munuswamy (leper) 62, 65

Myers, Ched 26–7, 50, 61, 61–3, 65, 141, 161, 177, 181

mystery 24, 26

narrative see story/storytelling

narrativist theology 7, 8–9, 19–21, 23–4

parables and 24–5

subjectivity and 22

Nathan (prophet) 149

National Assistance Act (1948) 51

New Labour 54, 156

New Testament 20, 164–9

Nolan, Albert 150–51, 152, 159, 160, 161, 173, 174, 178

non-persons 13

Nouwen, Henri 166–8

observer effect 41

obsessive compulsive disorder 75, 84

Occupy movement 50, 183–4

Old Testament 9, 20, 163–5, 165

One Thousand and One Nights 9

oppression/oppressed people 10–12, 24, 140

oral tradition 27

Orwell, George 50–51

Osbourne, Ozzy 134

other, the 7, 30, 39–40, 139

Oxford 70

pain 95–7, 116, 120

parables 8, 19, 24–7, 30, 49, 61, 114, 120, 152, 173

domestication of 30

Friend at Midnight 26

of the Garasene demoniac 155

of the Good Samaritan 62

home/homelessness in 166–9

Labourers in the Vineyard 25–6

of Lazarus and Dives 26, 62, 81

of the Lost Sheep/Lost Coin 166, 167

Pharisee and Toll Collector 26

of the Prodigal Son 95, 132–4, 166–8

of the Sower 26

subversive nature of 25

and theology of homelessness 152, 155, 163

Wicked Tenants 25(n20)

parents of homeless people 75, 76, 105–6

Passion, story of 22

PATH (Plymouth Access To Housing) 55

Paul, St 162

Paulhus, Elizabeth 156

peasant/agrarian societies 25–7

performance, scripture as 17

Pete the Rock (Christian cafe) 116, 140, 142

Peter and denial of Jesus 20, 61

Pete’s story 76–8, 143

coherence in 106–8

comments on interview process in 102, 104

crisis points in 84, 85–6, 88, 92

death/bereavement in 76, 78, 107–8

emotion expressed in 97, 99, 100, 106–8

feels ‘let down’ by God 88

humour in 92, 121

place of religion/spirituality in 78, 92, 106, 107, 111, 112–13, 115, 120–21

possibilities for the future in 108, 110

singing ability of 78, 107–8

pethidine 68, 83–4

Pharisees 26, 126, 129, 167, 172

Philippians 9–10

place, loss of/dislocation from 58–9, 142

place/space, theology of 6, 58–60, 123, 148, 153

Pleace, N. 52

Plymouth 52, 70, 183

Plymouth Access to Housing (PATH) 55

poetry/poets 35, 45, 65, 171, 176

police 71, 76, 77, 89, 96

Poor Law (1563, amended 1834) 51, 52

postmodernism 7, 38, 139–40, 146, 159–60, 161

Potter, Harry 28–9

poverty/poor people 50, 149, 156–7

as blameworthy 51, 162

Church and 6, 154, 158

constraints/lack of mobility of 59, 97, 98

excluded from Church/Bible-reading 64

and journey motif 63

as privileged condition 9–10, 153

as storytellers for God 5, 7, 9, 13, 24, 31, 140, 153

Power to the Powerlessness (Green) 157, 160–61

prayer 23, 112

pre-understanding 10

priority 10

prison 55, 71, 99

Church and 114

as crisis point 82, 93

Prodigal Son parable 95, 132–4, 166–8

prophets 9

Psalms 9, 163, 168

pseudonyms 40

queer theory/theology 140, 156–7, 159–60

quest narrative 39, 40

questionnaires see interviews/questionaires

Quilgars, D. 52

racism 150–51

Rapport, Nigel 34–5, 45, 104, 144

Rayan, Samuel 11–12, 63, 172, 174

reading/reader 8, 31

reciprocity 8, 41, 140, 146, 149, 174

refugees/migrants 58–9

rehabilitation programmes 1, 71–2, 98, 100, 112

relationship issues 67–8, 74, 75, 76–7, 79, 81, 121, 172

as crisis points 82–3, 84–6

see also divorce

religious conversion 1, 7, 14, 70

religious experience-as-event 36–7, 118

researcher/writer 5, 33–4, 40, 146–7, 148, 153, 181

and access to subjects 41–2

biography of 6, 7, 8, 38, 146–7

duties in making stories public 146–7, 154

ethics/honesty and 38, 90, 102

transformation and 41, 43–4

resettlement 143–4, 153

residential treatment centres 71–2, 98

residualisation 53–4

restitution narrative 39

Revelations 178

Rhodes, David 139, 155, 160–61, 165

Richard’s story 78

emotion expressed in 97

place of religion/spirituality in 114, 119, 121

possibilities for the future in 108, 110

Riches, John 44

Ricoeur, Paul 25

Right to Buy 54

Rough Sleepers Initiative (1990) 53

rough sleeping 53, 74–5, 97

Rowland, Christopher 158

Rowling, J.K. 28–9

Ruth, Book of 163

Sacks, Oliver 175, 176

sacrament 103, 117, 181

St Peter’s (Plymouth) 70

St Piran’s centre 41–3, 75, 79, 143, 144, 146

poems from 49, 65

St Stephen’s House (Oxford) 70

salvation 151

Salvation Army 55, 68, 77, 78, 98, 100, 115, 143

Samuel, Book of 149, 158, 164

Scheherazade 9

Screech, Michael 111

second sight 118–19

Segundo, Juan Luis 10, 11, 140, 174

self-harm 91, 172

Sermon on the Mount 177

sexuality, issues of 89, 172

see also child sexual abuse; homosexuality

Sheldrake, Philip 37–8, 45, 49, 60

Shelter 51

shoplifting 74, 90, 99, 108

silence 7, 40

Simon (homeless person) 1, 7, 181

Simon, Ulrich 21

sin/sinners 119, 121, 128–9, 150–51, 152, 157, 160

Sky is Red, The (Leech) 154–5, 157–8, 159, 160

Smalley, Lucy 175–6

Smith, Brett 6(n2), 145

social housing 51–5, 78, 161

limits on tenancy 53

social justice 64, 70, 141, 160, 161

Social Security Act (1986) 53

Social Services 82

sociology of religion 35

soup kitchens 44

South Africa 12, 13, 61, 150–51, 152, 160, 161, 173

South American theology see liberation theology

South West England 1, 40–45, 64, 75, 183

Sower, parable of 26, 26–7

Spider Palace, The (Hughes) 30

spirituality 36–8, 42, 45, 67, 69, 71, 81, 111–22, 140

and Church/Bible 111, 114–18, 159

and crisis points 89

humour/laughter and 111, 121–2

images of God 111, 112–14

personal theologies 111, 119–21, 145, 146, 148

single religious experiences 111, 118–19

Stiglitz, Joseph 57

Stivers, Laura 156–7, 159–60


Bible and see Bible-reading

Caroline’s see Caroline’s story

Charlie’s see Charlie’s story

and community 7, 14, 16–17, 31

and conversion 7, 14

dangers of 6

Danni’s see Danni’s story

David’s see David’s story

death and 9

fantasy literature 27–9

Fran’s see Fran’s story

Geoff’s see Geoff’s story

for God 5, 7, 9, 13, 24, 31, 140, 153

Jim’s see Jim’s story

Julie’s see Julie’s story

listener/reader of 8, 31

and loss 17, 58–9, 88, 142, 143

Marc’s see Marc’s story

and morality see morality/ethics

Pete’s see Pete’s story

as public expression 146–7

researcher/writer of see researcher/writer

Richard’s see Richard’s story

roles/agents in 7–8

theology of 7, 8–9, 19–21, 30–31, 49, 139, 140–42, 152, 181–2

therapeutic aspects of 29, 140

three narratives in 39–40

Tim’s see Tim’s story

transcriptions of see transcripts of stories

world-changing power of 30–31

Stuart, Elizabeth 35–6, 45

substance abuse see alcohol dependency; drug dependency

suffering 144–5, 147, 152

of Jesus 12(n20), 116, 120

virtuous 150–51

suicide, attempted 67, 76, 77, 96, 99, 100, 121

as crisis points 91–2

God/spirituality and 113, 115

Supporting People programme 55

survival 100–102

and love 99, 100–102

Swinburne, Richard 37

symbolism 152, 162–3, 171–2, 173, 174, 177, 179, 182

tent cities 160

tenure/tenancy 53–4, 63

Thatcherism 54, 70

‘The-anthropology’ 24


and biography/self 5, 6

Black 6, 10–11, 13

and context 49–50

of the cross 120, 159, 179

deductive/inductive 171

democratisation of 157

East End 155

of equality 6, 61–5

feminist 6, 123, 173

First/Third world 50

liberation see liberation theology

of place/space 6, 58–60, 123, 148, 153

practical 7, 31, 139, 147, 157, 171

queer 139–40, 156–7, 159–60

of story 7, 8, 19–21, 30–31, 49, 139, 140–42, 181–2

theology of homelessness 25, 59–60, 123, 139–69, 171–82

and apt liturgy 79–82, 159, 160, 177, 179–82

Bible and 152, 155, 163–9

Church and 152

ethics of 153–4

five themes of 151–2

and Holy Trinity 6, 150, 173–4, 175–82

New Labour and 156

personal experience and 152

queer theory and 139–40, 156–7, 159–60

symbolism of 152, 162–3, 171–2, 173, 174, 177, 179, 182

as theology of liberation 150, 151–3, 154, 158–9, 160–61, 182

and theory-practice dichotomy 145–6, 147, 149, 154, 154–60, 155, 161–2, 171

transformation and 152, 153, 160, 161, 177–8

urban regeneration and 155–6

and the Word 176, 177, 179, 180–81

therapeutic aspects of storytelling 29, 140

thieves/thieving 12, 15–16, 165, 171

Third World theology see liberation theology

Thomas’s Gospel 169

Tim’s story 79

crisis point in 82, 84

emotion expressed in 97, 98

place of religion/spirituality in 112, 115–16

possibilities for the future in 108, 143

Tolkein, J.R.R. 27–8

tranquillisers 67–8, 85, 92

transcripts of stories 15, 16

in public domain 146–7

transformation 30–31, 41, 43–4, 147, 148, 152, 153, 161, 177–8

community 160

travel motif 63, 168(n46)

Trible, Phyllis 123

Twelve Step Programme 29, 29(n34), 72, 93, 115

United States (USA) 6, 63(n31), 150, 152, 159–60

housing market/policy in 49, 56–7, 157, 161

UPA (Urban Priority Area) 1, 164(n35)

urban context of homelessness 1, 154–6, 160, 164

urban regeneration 54, 70, 155–6

URC (United Reformed Church) 74, 118

vagrancy, as crime 74, 87

valium 67–8, 92

values see morality

Victory hostel 73, 77, 84, 86, 90, 91, 143

positive/negative experiences in 75–6, 93, 97–8, 99, 102, 105, 106, 109

Vincent, John 50, 64, 65, 142, 158, 179

voluntary work 78

reciprocity in 146

Watership Down (Adams) 16–17

wealthy people 1, 11, 26, 111, 149, 153, 157, 159

welfare benefits 98

West, Gerald 44

Weston-super-Mare 72, 74

Wicked Tenants, parable of 25(n20)

Wikan, Unni 35, 144, 145

Williams, Rowan 161–2

Witvliet, Theo 12–13

women 27, 53–4, 64

Word, the 10–11, 22, 23, 176, 177, 179, 180–81

workhouse system 51

Wounded Storyteller, The (Frank) 39–40, 45

Wright, Terence 20, 141

Wright, Tom 25(n20), 149

YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) 73

Zipes, Jack 25, 27–30, 172