Serving the Middle Eastern and European communities, the Center is located thirty minutes from the holy city of Jerusalem and forty-five minutes from Tel Aviv International Airport. The Center is active for intensive programs of 21 Day+ cycle for two or three times a year as well as a base for ongoing Conscious Eating courses, Sacred Relationships workshops, and a base for Gabriel and Shanti to teach in Europe and the Middle East.

Program Highlights

The Tree of Life at the Dead Sea offers on-site Reversing Diabetes Naturally 21-Day+ Program with One-Year Follow-Up, as described in this book.

This whole-Person Rejuvenation is the ultimate healing vacation by the Dead Sea.

The powerful Tree of Life transformational workshops are offered, featuring:

Participants are welcome to join each of the above segments separately or take the whole twenty-one-day cycle as a profound, multilayer transformation that we call the Whole-Person Rejuvenation. From our experience, the magnitude of each step of the program is enhanced greatly when done in one sequence.

The Spiritual Resident Program is for those who wish to simply be in a retreat setting within a spiritual community. This program offers full accommodation with three organic live-food meals a day, and daily attendance to TriYoga classes, meditation, and Shaktipat meditation. A key part of this program is seva, or service, where you are invited to volunteer and serve in the kitchen, help our production crew, or serve in other ways.

This program is best suited for those who have already taken the Tree of Life’s workshops in the past, for those who travel on a modest budget, or for those who want an extended time to heal and meditate in an optimal setting. Spaces are limited and subject to vacancy.

We offer an Overview of Nearby Sites, tours for people coming to the ancient Holy Land that can be arranged. Visited sites include:

For further information, international air and road travel,
and registration, please call Ya’ara at +972-50-226-7596.
Or e-mail
Or see our website at