- Obama, Barack,
4, 5, 60, 89n, 281, 286, 287, 321, 459n, 483, 551n, 569, 652, 660, 669
- amassing wealth, 618, 618n
- EITC and, 348
- Iran deal, 375n
- JC and, 641, 656, 657, 657n, 664
- vision of, 333
- Obama, Malik, 573n
- Oberdorfer, Don, 648
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 348
- O’Connor, Carroll, 248
- O’Connor, Sandra Day, 315, 519n
- October, 1980 (Cave), 607n
- Ohio primary (1976), 246, 249
- Ohira, Masayoshi, 312
- Okun, Arthur, 555
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 626
- Olympic Games (Summer, 1980), boycott, xiin, 541–42, 544–48, 545n
- Omnibus Judgeship Act of 1978, 314
- Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 488, 509
- O’Neill, Eugene, 34
- O’Neill, Millie, 293, 346
- O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 293–94, 306, 329, 329n, 346, 349, 350, 495, 499, 581, 582
- Oral Roberts University, 269
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 2, 389, 448, 463, 466–67, 528
- Ormsby, Robert, 51
- Ortega, Daniel, 642
- Orwell, George, 100
- Osnos, Peter, 619, 623
- Pace, Stephen, 50, 51, 125–26
- Packer, George, 606
- Padgett, Dot, 233, 326
- Pakistan, 525, 526
- Palestine, Palestinians, 201, 646
- Camp David Accords and, 411, 415, 416, 452, 452n, 643, 644
- JC and creation of a homeland, 302, 641
- JC’s sympathies and, 7, 390, 644–45, 654–56
- Madrid Conference of 1991, 644
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 390, 391, 484, 516, 643–44
- Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (JC), 655, 655n
- Palestinian Authority, 644
- Palmer, Charlie, 322
- Panama, 373, 374, 380, 380n, 385
- Canal Zone, 372, 373
- JC’s speech in Spanish and, 384
- Noriega and, 380n, 386n, 642
- shah of Iran exiled in, 524, 558–59
- Panama Canal Treaties, x, xiin, 6, 8, 320, 334, 372–87, 374n, 386n
- Panetta, Leon, 350
- Paraguay, 363, 370
- Park Chung-hee, 366–67
- Parry, Robert, 608
- “Passionless Presidency” (Fallows), 333–34
- Pastor, Bob, 379
- “Pasture Gate, The” (JC), 41, 623
- Path Between the Seas (McCullough), 374, 374n
- Paulson, Pat, 239
- Paxton, Tom, 483
- Payne, Ronn, 325
- PBS, 581
- Moyers interviews JC, 259
- peace, x, 6, 24n, 89, 238, 245
- Camp David Accords, ix, 6–7, 81–82, 388–417
- Carter Center and, 635–39
- China policy, 418–27
- JC and the Elders, 663
- JC and the Gulf War, 642–43
- JC and Haiti, 649–51
- JC and North Korea, 646–49
- JC and Palestine, 643–44, 646, 654–57
- JC and Stepanek, 663–64
- JC on the American Civil War, 637
- Nobel Peace Prize, x, 61, 105, 653–54
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 372–87
- Tolstoy’s War and Peace, JC and, 43
- Peace Corps, 134–35
- “Peanuts” (JC), 47
- Peanut Warehousemen’s Association, 207
- Pell, Claiborne, 506
- Pennington, John, 118–19
- Pennington, Milo, 143
- Pennsylvania
- 1976 primary, 243–44, 248–49
- 1980 primary, 560, 572
- JC and Ford debating in, 270
- People magazine, 229
- People’s Party, 27
- Pepper, Claude, 310–11
- Percy, Charles, 379, 506
- Perdue, Faye, 619
- Peres, Shimon, 657
- Perot, Ross, 197
- Perry, James, 252
- Perry, William, 647
- Peru, 311, 370
- Peters, Charles, 461
- Peterson, Esther, 349
- Philippines, 366
- Phillips, Kevin, 280
- Pickett, George, 24
- Pierce, Nelson, 322
- Pinochet, Augusto, 363
- Plains, Ga., xi, 13, 14, 39, 50, 71, 95, 98, 107–9, 109n, 116, 117
- Carter family in, 25
- Carters and new health clinic (2018), 667
- Carter’s Warehouse and, 95–97, 292, 617
- “the gnat belt,” 14
- High School, 41–45, 64, 127
- JC and civil rights in, 104–16, 114
- JC and family in public housing, 95, 96
- JC as president, spending time in, 317
- JC builds house in, 115–16
- JC civic leadership in, 97–98
- JC in, postpresidency, 616
- JC in school, 39, 40, 41–45, 41n, 45n
- JC rents town’s “haunted house,” 98
- JC’s campaign headquarters, 217, 226, 246, 248, 253, 263, 279
- JC’s circle of friends in, 102–3
- JC’s election loss (1980) and, 594
- JC’s solar panels providing power, 667
- JC’s transition team in, 290
- JC writing about (1990s), 131
- Methodist Church, 62
- racism in, 7, 107–9, 113, 274–75, 641–42
- White Citizens’ Council, 114, 114n, 161
- Wise Sanitarium, 27, 28, 667
- Plains Baptist Church, 35, 40, 88, 110, 116, 202
- JC as deacon (first electoral victory), 116
- JC teaching Sunday school, 139, 359
- racism, segregation, and, 128–29, 275
- sermon by Pastor Harris, JC and, 142
- Soviet dissident Vins at, 359–60
- Plains Historic Inn, 624
- Playboy magazine, 266
- JC interview, 266–71, 271n
- Podhoretz, Norman, 538–39
- Poland, 359, 516, 601
- Pol Pot, 311, 367, 368
- Pope, Betty, 616, 624
- Pope, Bill, 158
- Pope, John, 102, 118, 128, 624
- Pope, Marjorie, 102
- populism
- JC and, 7, 135, 149, 156–57, 159, 160, 207, 248, 346, 347, 477, 571
- southern populists, 7, 26, 36, 151
- Talmadge and, 36
- Wallace and, 213
- Posner, Michael, 637
- Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 57
- Powell, Colin, 79, 634, 650
- Powell, Joseph L., Jr. “Jody,” 151–52, 164, 178, 180, 190, 288n, 472
- Iran hostage crisis and, 516, 519, 561
- on JC and the media, 297
- on JC’s character, 251
- JC’s election to presidency and, 278
- JC’s gubernatorial campaign and, 151–52
- JC’s Israel visit (1973) and, 200–201
- JC’s Playboy interview and, 266
- JC’s presidential race (1976) and, 222, 224, 227n, 234, 238, 263
- as JC’s press secretary, 152, 189–90, 331, 335, 344–45, 393, 459, 479, 561
- JC’s reelection race (1980), 593, 594
- JC’s Wisconsin “upset” and, 242
- “Killer Rabbit” story, 482, 483
- media and, 271, 323
- problems with Billy Carter, 318
- Precht, Henry, 509
- presidency
- children in the White House, 316, 317
- FDR on, as moral leadership, 468
- Graham and, 268
- inauguration as “donor event,” 293
- influence of character, ix
- JC and first deposition of a sitting president, 481
- JC and First Lady’s role, 309–12
- JC and first presidential address in Spanish, 384
- JC and first presidential address to a state government, 552
- JC and Truman as only presidents who didn’t golf in office, 103
- JC and the vice presidency, 289–90
- JC as Annapolis’s only president, 61
- JC as first president to visit sub-Saharan Africa, 365, 629
- JC as first president to write fiction, 623
- JC as longest-living president, 666
- JC as most devout president, 122
- JC as only US president who lived in public housing, 95
- JC’s election and firsts, 280, 285, 285n
- JC’s new inaugural tradition, 295–96
- JC’s summary of focus of, 581–82
- JC’s working lunch with Rosalynn and, 309–10
- “the permanent campaign” and, 460n
- presidents amassing wealth after leaving office, 618
- St. John’s Episcopal Church and, 294
- televised debates of candidates, 269–70
- as theater, 330
- underground bunkers, 533
- Presley, Elvis, 209, 209n
- Press, Frank, 202, 421
- Preston Baptist Church, Ga., 203
- Preventing Palestine (Anziska), 452n
- Price, Leontyne, 323
- Price, Nelson, 141, 203
- Proxmire, William, 295, 556
- Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 308
- Pullen, Frances K., 262
- Putin, Vladimir, 657
- Quinn, Sally, 218, 344
- Quitman County, Ga., 118
- Rabbit Is Rich (Updike), 1
- Rabhan, David, 150–51, 163–64, 164n, 167, 172, 563, 659–60
- Rabii, Amir Hossein, 447
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 390, 646
- “Rachel” (poem, JC), 33
- Rafshoon, Jerry, 27n, 135, 158, 159, 167, 189, 201, 202, 209, 262, 279, 445, 479, 486
- Cabinet resignations and, 473
- Camp David Accords and, 400, 408, 413, 416, 449
- Democratic Convention (1980) and, 581, 581n
- as JC advisor, 288n, 301, 305, 325, 325n, 330, 338, 384, 393, 459, 463, 464, 574, 579
- JC and his overcoat, 215, 294
- JC’s malaise speech and, 467, 470–71
- JC’s presidential ambitions, 198, 199, 210
- JC’s presidential race, 213, 220–21, 224, 226, 229, 230, 262, 264, 276
- JC’s reelection race, 572–73, 583, 585, 593, 594
- media and, 331
- populist ad by, 160
- Randolph, Eleanor, 35
- Rangel, Charlie, 228
- Rather, Dan, 579–80, 582
- Ratliff, Eloise “Teenie,” 45, 71
- Rawlings, Jerry, 631
- Reagan, Nancy, 315, 601
- Reagan, Ronald, xi, 2, 5, 23, 202, 272, 285n, 286, 296, 302n, 314, 315, 329, 329n, 330, 337, 339, 349, 367, 518, 543n, 584
- Al Smith Dinner, 589–90
- amassing wealth after leaving office, 618n
- “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” line, 591, 591n
- B-1 bomber and, 530
- Carter debate (Oct. 1980), 590–92, 590n
- China and, 419
- deregulation and, 492
- EITC and, 348
- global shift to the right and, 443
- Grenada invasion, 531, 568
- growing GOP coalition and, 280
- human rights and, 369–70
- inauguration of, 605–6
- inspector generals and, 351
- Iran-Contra scandal, 447n, 607
- Iran hostage crisis and, 588–89, 590, 592, 603, 605, 606–9, 607n
- “It’s Morning in America” ad, 555
- JC’s postpresidency and, 641–42
- JC’s solar roof panels removed, 3–4
- Koch and, 558n
- media and, 585–86
- mental health issues, 596
- Panama Canal Treaties, 376, 379–80, 386
- as president-elect, 600–601
- presidential race, 555, 557n, 580–81, 583–94
- presidential race and code words, 163, 163n, 584
- presidential win, 386, 469, 551, 594–95
- primary challenge by (1976), 261, 373
- Republican National Convention, 578
- reversals of JC’s policies, 3, 366
- running mate (1980), 578
- Soviet Union and, 541n, 547, 549
- supply-side economics and, 578
- vision of, 333
- Redwood National Park, 597
- Reed, Joseph Verner, Jr., 442, 505, 508–9, 588
- Reeves, Richard, 239–40
- Regan, Donald T., 3–4
- Reid, Jackie, 66
- Reinhold Niebuhr on Politics (Niebuhr), 140
- Republican Party
- 1936 National Convention, 46
- 1974 midterms, 211
- 1976 National Convention, 261
- 1976 party platform, 261
- 1976 presidential race, 228, 260, 261–64, 263n, 268–78, 419
- 1976 vice presidential pick, 261
- 1980 National Convention, 578
- 1980 presidential race, 555, 557n, 580–81, 583–94
- 1980 presidential win, 595
- 1980 Senate majority, 595
- Christian Right and, 241, 272, 586–87
- Committee on the Present Danger, 529
- Congressional majority and, 286
- electorate shifting right, 219–20
- “emerging Republican majority,” 280
- grain embargo, farmers, and, 540–41
- JC portrayed as weak on the Soviets, 529
- labor law reform opposition, 339
- modern conservative base, 386
- New Right, 376n
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 375, 376, 377, 381, 382–83, 384, 386
- power in the South, 163, 204, 262, 278, 280–81, 541
- tax cuts and, 347
- Restless Ones, The (film), 146
- Reston, James “Scotty,” 238, 561
- Revelations 3:20, 145
- Reynolds, Burt, 209
- Reynolds, Frank, 538, 539
- Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 365, 365n
- Richardson, Elliot, 210
- Rickover, Hyman, x, 78–91, 295, 345, 575, 575n
- question by, that changed JC’s life, 81–82
- “Why not the best?” and, x, 214–15
- Riley, Richard, 468
- Riverside Military Academy, 25
- Robb, Lynda Johnson, 445
- Roberts, Gene, 130–31
- Roberts, Oral, 268, 269
- Roberts, Sam, 243
- Robertson, Pat, 637
- Robeson, Paul, 34
- Robinson, Mary, 663
- Rockefeller, David, 200, 442, 477–78, 505–6
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 227, 261, 504, 505
- as vice president, 228, 290
- Rogers, Will, 146
- Rolling Stone magazine, 209, 271
- Romero, Óscar, 364
- Romney, George, 265, 274, 657n
- Romney, Mitt, 593
- Ronstadt, Linda, 293
- Roosevelt, Archie, Jr., 505
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 42, 70, 309, 311, 355
- Roosevelt, Elliott, 573n
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR), 8, 52, 89n, 216, 280, 288, 302n, 306, 319, 330, 535
- acceptance speech (1932), 258
- Agricultural Adjustment Act, 36
- Camp David and, 393
- Civil Conservation Corps, 303
- death of, 59
- fireside chats, 301
- First Hundred Days program, 36
- “the Little White House,” 265
- New Deal, 26, 36, 219, 248, 347, 356
- on the presidency as moral leadership, 468
- vice presidency and, 289
- Roosevelt, Kermit, 433, 505
- Roosevelt, Quentin, 317
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 26, 317, 348, 597
- “the man in the arena” speech, 53
- Panama Canal and, 372
- “Rosalynn” (JC), 65
- Rosen, Barry, 604
- Rosenthal, Abe, 229
- Rosenwald, Julius, 41n
- Ross, Dennis, 452n, 655n
- Rostenkowski, Dan, 497
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, 323
- Roswell Street Baptist Church, Marietta, Ga., 203
- Roth, Kenneth, 637
- Rowan, Bobby, 122–23, 133–34, 154, 168
- Roy, Stapleton, 420, 421
- Rubenstein, David, 288n
- Rubin, Jerry, 456–57
- Rubin, Robert, 220
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 530n, 578
- Rusher, Al, 58–59
- Rusk, Dean, 199–200, 205
- Russakoff, Dale, 573
- Russell, Richard B. “Dick,” 133, 161, 162, 169, 177, 179n
- Ruth, Babe, 209
- Ryan, Karin, 636, 637, 639
- Sadat, Anwar, 6, 24, 352, 390, 391, 391n, 392–95, 438, 559, 601, 636
- assassination of, 453
- Camp David Accords and, 396–417, 449, 451, 451n, 452
- JC’s friendship with, 390, 397
- shah of Iran and, 559, 588
- Sadat, Jehan, 452
- Safire, William, 340, 343, 394, 458
- St. Mark’s AME Church, Archery, Ga., 30–31
- Sakharov, Andrei, 357–58, 370, 541
- “Salt Peanuts” (song), 323
- Sanders, Bernie, 225, 652
- Sanders, Carl, 123, 130, 133, 149, 152, 154, 156–63, 213n, 248
- Sanford, Terry, 225
- Santa Monica Mountains national park, 597
- Sasakawa, Ryoichi, 628, 629
- Sasakawa Africa Association, 630
- Saturday Night Live (TV show), 261, 302
- skit on Mary Fitzpatrick, 317n
- Saudi Arabia, 384, 432, 485, 525
- Saunders, Harold, 556
- Schaefer, Thomas, 606
- Scharfenberg, Kirk, 554
- Scheer, Robert, 111, 266, 270, 271, 271n
- Schell, Orville, 425
- Schlafly, Phyllis, 552
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 241, 489
- Schlesinger, James (“Jim”), 252, 297, 323, 343, 381, 426, 474, 598
- as Energy Department head, 306
- Iran and, 439, 440, 442
- as JC advisor, 252–53
- Lance scandal and, 341, 342
- resignation of, 473
- Schley, Lexie, 108
- Schmeling, Max, 46
- Schmidt, Helmut, 442, 443n, 530, 534, 544, 546–47, 601
- Schneiders, Greg, 279, 332, 574
- Schram, Martin, 237
- Schroeder, Pat, 350
- Schultze, Charlie, 481
- Schumacher, E. F., 304
- Schweitzer, Albert, 266
- Schwerner, Michael, 584
- SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 124, 127–28, 169
- Scott, Bob, 58
- Scowcroft, Brent, 645, 647
- Seaboard Air Line Railroad, 15
- Secord, Richard, 447, 447n, 567–68
- Selma, Ala., 128
- Sevareid, Eric, 332–33
- Sewell, J. W., 114
- Shaheen, Jeanne, 222n
- shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi), 432–42, 444, 445, 448, 455, 504–5, 506, 522, 524, 558–59, 588
- blood cancer of, 435, 508–9
- death of, 588
- JC’s barring of, 504, 506, 507, 510
- JC’s decision to let in the US, 510
- Project Eagle and, 442, 505, 507, 508, 509, 588, 589
- secret police of, 433, 434, 434n, 436, 437
- US backers, 442, 504–7, 508, 509
- in US, 502, 504, 510–11, 523–24
- Shalit, Gene, 221
- Shalit, Gilad, 656
- Shapp, Milton, 225, 233
- Sharansky, Anatoly (Natan), 358–59, 359n, 645
- Sharon, Ariel, 411, 450
- Sheffield, Y. T., 113, 127
- Shelton, Hugh, 650
- Sherman, William Tecumseh, 55, 626
- Shields, Mark, 238
- Shipp, Bill, 157, 158, 162, 168, 189, 279
- Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 225
- Shriver, R. Sargent, 197, 225, 234
- Shrum, Bob, 244–45, 490, 553, 580, 582
- Sibley, Celestine, 189
- Sick, Gary, 438, 448, 608–9
- Sidey, Hugh, 309, 576, 578–79
- Siegel, Mark, 499
- Sierra Club of Georgia, 183
- Sihanouk, Norodum, 369
- Singer, Sam, 118, 120, 120n, 122
- Singlaub, John K., 367
- Singletary, Jack, 111
- Sitton, Claude, 126
- Sixty Minutes (TV show), 579–80
- Slappey, Willard (cousin), 34
- Smeal, Eleanor, 551
- Smith, Al, 240, 241
- Smith, Bailey, 587
- Smith, Edgar (father-in-law), 62, 63–64
- Smith, Emory, 146
- Smith, Frances Allethea Murray “Allie” (mother-in-law), 62, 63–64, 90, 250
- Smith, Fred, 492
- Smith, George L., 180–81, 186
- Smith, Hedrick, 303
- Smith, Ian, 365
- Smith, Jerry (brother-in-law), 62, 113, 322
- Smith, Lillian Allethea (sister-in-law), 62
- Smith, Murray (brother-in-law), 62
- Smith, Stephen, 552, 581n, 583
- Smith, Stephen, Jr., 499,
- Smith, Tim, 327, 578n
- Smith, Vern, 30
- Smithsonian Institution, 4
- Smythe, L. W., 68
- SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 124, 125–28
- social justice, 206–7, 206n, 208
- Social Security, 337, 490
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 358n, 515
- Somalia, 366
- Somoza, Anastasio, 363, 454
- Sonnenberg, Maurice, 519n
- Sorensen, Gillian, 291
- Sorensen, Theodore, 291–92
- South Africa, 365–66
- South Korea, xiin, 366–67, 486, 646, 647, 648
- Soviet Union
- Afghanistan and, 1, 369, 439, 448, 535–41, 544, 548, 569
- Africa and, 366, 529, 529n, 534
- Asia and, 368
- Begin in, 395
- China and, 419, 420, 421, 423–24
- demise of, 528–29, 537, 548, 549
- detente and, 6, 357, 358n, 359, 419, 529, 544, 548
- Eastern Europe and, 274, 548–49
- election interference, 273n
- Helsinki Accords and, 273–74, 356n, 357
- Iran and, 519
- JC and arms control, 358, 360
- JC and human rights concerns, 357–60, 358n, 359n, 370–71, 538, 655
- JC and Moscow Olympic Games boycotted, xiin, 541–42, 544–48, 545n
- JC and prisoner swap, 359
- JC’s opinion of, 538–39
- Jewish emigration from, 359
- Middle East and, 391, 439–40
- military buildup in, 528
- Russian Revolution, 441n
- SALT II, 386, 419, 421, 435, 474, 506, 531, 532, 541, 541n
- sanctions on, 546, 648
- START talks, 541n
- US grain embargo, 539–41, 548
- US policy, 5–6, 531, 547–49, 533–35
- Vienna summit (1979), 534–35
- Western music and, 370
- Spacek, Sissy, 317n, 322
- Spanish flu (1918), 27
- Spann, Gloria Carter (sister), 28–29, 37, 40, 42, 47, 87–88, 102, 118, 226, 250
- death of, 624–25
- son “Toadie,” 102, 102n
- Spann, Walter (brother-in-law), 102, 250, 624
- Spencer, Stuart, 590
- Speth, Gus, 600
- Spinks, Leon, 410
- Sports Illustrated, JC and Catoctin Park 10K Race, 486–87
- Springfield, Mass., 143–44
- Staggers, Harley, 496, 497
- Stahl, Lesley, 296, 574
- Stapleton, Robert, 141
- Stapleton, Ruth Carter (sister), 26, 29, 88, 141, 142, 240, 250, 269, 318
- as Christian evangelist and author, 29, 140, 140n, 250, 318
- death of, 624
- Rosalynn and, 63, 64, 65, 67–68
- Stein, Kenneth, 656
- Steinem, Gloria, 445
- Stennis, John, 381
- Stepanek, Mattie J. T., 663–64
- Stephanopoulos, George, 650
- Stevens, Ted, 599
- Stevenson, Adlai, 219
- Stevenson, Bryan, 29n
- Stewart, Gordon, 467–68
- Stewart, Jimmy, 285
- Stockdale, James, 54
- Stone, Richard, 379
- Strauss, Bob, 211, 248, 259, 273, 309, 326, 326n, 330, 331, 341, 345, 380, 486, 582
- inflation measures and, 477
- Strauss, Franz Josef, 546
- Stroessner, Alfredo, 363
- Stroud, Kandy, 251–52
- Stuart, James Ewell Brown “Jeb,” 24
- Stuckey, Jill, 643
- Sudan, 638–39
- Suharto, 366
- Suit, Hal, 163, 164
- Sullivan, William, 436, 437, 437n, 440, 441, 443–44, 447, 453–54
- Sumter County, Ga., 18, 37, 42, 48, 62, 101, 118, 125, 127, 187
- Carters and Wise families in, 50
- civil rights movement and, 114–15, 124–26, 125n, 128, 129
- Koinonia Farm in, 109–12
- Ku Klux Klan in, 110, 112
- lynching in, 29n
- racism in, 106–9, 128, 130
- sheriff Fred Chappell, 111, 115
- Sumter County School Board, 87, 97, 106–9, 109n, 187
- Superfund, 597, 601
- Syria, 390, 391, 641, 646, 657
- Golan Heights and, 389, 401, 402
- Szego, George, 2, 3
- Taft, Robert A., 376
- Taft, William Howard, 373
- Taiwan, 6, 72, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423
- Talmadge, Eugene, 36, 86
- Talmadge, Herman, 86, 168, 198, 199, 213n, 253, 380, 386
- Tanenbaum, Marc, 466, 467
- Taraki, Noor Muhammad, 536, 537
- Tarnoff, Peter, 645
- Tate, Dan, 383
- Taxi Driver (film), 589n
- taxes
- earned-income tax credit (EITC), 348
- reform, 13, 346–47
- tax rebate reneged on, 337
- windfall profits tax, 571
- Taylor, Charles, 636–37
- Taylor, Ken, 562
- Taylor, Lonnie, 45, 71
- Taylor, Zachary, 280
- Teal, Alison, 332
- Terry, Claude, 183, 186
- Terzi, Zehdi, 484
- Texas
- JC campaigning in, 270–73
- JC’s comments on LBJ and voters in, 270–71, 270n
- JC’s election results in, 278
- Texas A&M University, 664
- Thatcher, Margaret, 443n, 506, 534, 641
- Things Fall Apart (Achebe), 322
- Thomas, Dylan, 100–101, 622
- Thomas, Helen, 274–75
- Thompson, Hunter S., xii, 205, 206, 207, 208–9, 219, 238, 351
- Thompson, Rita, 616
- Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 86
- Thurmond, Strom, 272, 375, 492n
- “Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Ole Oak Tree” (song), 502n
- Times They Are A-Changin’ (Dylan), 153
- Tillich, Paul, 139, 141
- Time magazine, 359
- Carter staff portrayed as hicks, 323
- Deng as Man of the Year, 422
- “Dixie Whistles a Different Tune,” 195–96
- JC’s peace efforts and Haiti, 651
- Lance scandal and, 340
- Sidey on JC, 309, 576, 578–79
- Timerman, Jacobo, 363
- Timmerman, Edwin, 144
- Tito, Josip, 328, 361
- Tobacco Road (Caldwell), 35
- Tocqueville, Alexis de, 460
- Tolstoy, Leo, 43
- Tonight Show (TV show), 623
- Tony Orlando and Dawn, 502n
- Torrijos, Omar, 373, 375, 376, 377, 378, 380, 380n, 381–82, 384–85, 524, 558–59
- Torrijos Herrera, Moises, 380
- Tribe, Laurence, 578
- Trilateral Commission, 200
- Trudeau, Garry, 166, 558
- Truman, Harry, 8, 59, 70, 73, 241, 242, 253, 265, 278, 616, 618
- integration of the armed forces, 105, 355
- JC and “The Buck Stops Here” sign, 8, 265, 297
- Trump, Donald J., 178n, 197, 197n, 286, 292, 302n, 328n, 351, 351n, 376, 482, 628, 641, 648n, 665
- ANWR and, 598n
- federal judgeships and, 314
- “Jimmy Carter Lusts for a Trump Posting,” 664–65
- Trump, Ivanka, 573n
- Tucker-Foreman, Carol, 349
- Tunisia, 637
- Turner, Henry McNeal, 204
- Turner, Stansfield, 61, 568, 607n
- Turner, Ted, 628
- Turning Point (JC), 114n, 120n
- Tuscumbia, Ala., 584–85
- Tyson, Mike, 133
- Udall, Morris “Mo,” 213, 214, 225, 228, 233–35, 241, 242, 244, 248, 256, 457, 498, 598
- Udall, Stuart “Stu,” 242
- Ueberroth, Peter, 545n
- Uganda, 365
- Ullman, Al, 347–48
- United Auto Workers (UAW), 493, 495, 551
- United Nations (UN), 70, 355, 503
- Cambodia and, 368–69
- China’s invasion of Vietnam, 424
- Gulf War and, 642
- Iran hostage crisis and, 516, 521–22
- JC and vote against Israel, 555–56
- JC’s speech on global human rights (March, 1977), 361, 390
- Kirkpatrick as ambassador, 369n
- Resolution 242, 389, 403, 404, 405–6, 407
- Young as ambassador, 6, 364–65, 483, 484
- United States
- boxing matches, 46
- campaign financing and, 245, 245n
- country’s mood (1979), 456–57
- culture of the 1930s, 46
- dropping of the atomic bomb by, 59, 66
- electorate shifting right (1970s), 219–20
- energy use, 308
- FDR’s New Deal and, 26
- GDP, 308
- global reputation, 6
- the “Great Funk,” 457
- Iran and, 432, 448
- JC, election integrity, and voting by mail in, 634–35
- JC’s criticism of, 663
- JC’s election and national healing, 279, 294, 296–97
- Me Decade, 260, 456–57, 587
- populism in, 7, 26, 36, 135, 149, 156–57, 159, 160, 207, 248, 346, 347, 477, 571
- post-Watergate political crisis, 210, 240
- presidential race (1964), 127
- progressivism in, 26, 68, 225, 242, 488
- social angst (1970s), 287
- status as great power, 503
- upheaval of the 1970s, 166
- V-J day, 66
- war vs. peace and, 663
- Unity College, Me., 4
- University of Georgia, 106, 135, 163, 170, 199
- University of Georgia Law School, 170n, 205, 208
- JC’s Law Day speech (1974), 206–8, 351
- University of Notre Dame, JC speech (1977), 360
- Updike, John, 1
- urban policy, 556–57
- Uruguay, 370
- Ury, William, 399n
- US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 312
- US Congress
- Alaska Lands Bill, 598–99
- Chrysler Corporation rescue, 551
- Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 350
- Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, 307
- Clean Water Act of 1977, 308
- Community Reinvestment Act, 556
- Congressional Black Caucus, 227–28
- Democratic majority, Carter presidency, 5, 212, 285
- Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 350–51
- Federal Paperwork Reduction Act, 350
- Food Stamp Act of 1977, 349
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, 351n
- Hamilton Committee on October Surprise theories, 608–9
- health care reform and, 494, 496–98
- Inspector General Act of 1978, 350–51
- JC’s energy policies and, 303–4, 306–8
- JC’s environmental legislation, 597–99
- JC’s programs passed by, 581
- JC’s relationship with, 304–6, 327–29, 346–47, 375–85, 387
- labor law reform opposition, 339
- Motor Carrier Act, 492
- National Energy Act of 1978, 307
- Omnibus Judgeship Act of 1978, 314
- Panama Canal Treaties and, 375–85, 376n
- partisanship in (1970s), 220, 286
- patronage and “pork” and, 305
- Republican majority and, 286
- SALT II treaty, 535, 569
- Senate filibusters and, 5
- “Watergate Babies” in, 212, 286
- US Constitution, 160, 161
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- childhood nutrition programs, 480
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 349
- Food Stamp Act of 1977, 349, 596
- US grain embargo and, 540
- US Department of Defense, 291
- Brown as secretary, 291, 409, 447, 472, 531, 532, 533, 540, 544
- US Department of Education, 5, 571–72
- US Department of Energy, 5, 306
- US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), 572
- US Department of Justice, 351
- Bell as attorney general, 292, 292n
- Carter’s Warehouse investigation, 481–82
- Civiletti as attorney general, 314, 481–82
- JC and federal judgeships, 5, 313–14, 327
- US Department of Health and Human Services, 597
- US Department of State, 455
- Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 361
- US Holocaust Memorial Museum, 392, 392n
- US Military Academy (West Point), 57n, 59
- US Naval Academy (Annapolis)
- Bancroft Hall, 53, 58
- band at JC’s inauguration, Ga., 167
- “bilging” (flunking), 53
- The Blue Jacket’s Manual, 53
- class of 1947, 52, 61
- February Ring Dance, 66
- “the final test of a man” and, x, 53
- hazing at, 54–55
- integration of, 56–57, 57n
- JC as long-distance runner, 59
- JC as outsider at, 7, 52, 59–60
- JC attending, 51–61
- JC’s academic performance, 56, 58, 59
- JC’s defiance at, 55
- JC’s drive to be admitted to, 49–51
- JC’s graduation, 61
- JC’s military training and sea duty, 57–58
- JC’s religious faith and, 58, 138
- JC’s speech at (1978), 534
- JC’s values and, 53, 98
- Lucky Bag, the navy yearbook, 58
- memorizing “Invictus,” 53, 667
- punishments, 53–54
- student body, 52
- traditions, Plebe summer, 52
- World War II and, 52
- US Navy
- JC and nuclear reactor meltdown, xi, 84–86
- JC and Rickover, 78–91
- JC as outsider, 89
- JC being “fed up with navy life,” 68–69
- JC in Honolulu, 73
- JC in Naval Reactors Branch, 82–91
- JC in naval reserves, 90
- JC in Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps, 51
- JC in New London submarine program, 70–72
- JC nuclear physicist designation, 82–83
- JC on USS Mississippi, 68–69
- JC on USS Pomfret, 70–75
- JC on USS Wyoming (first assignment), 68
- JC rejected for Rhodes scholarship, 69–70
- JC’s absences from home and, 69
- JC’s decision to leave, 88–90
- JC’s finances and, 75
- JC’s fitness reports, 72, 84
- JC’s highest rank, 76
- JC’s lifelong navy habits, 70
- JC supervising USS K-1 construction, 75–76
- military restrictions on leave, 68
- nuclear navy and Rickover, 79
- USS K-1, 75–76, 77
- USS Mississippi, 68–69
- USS Nautilus, 79, 82
- USS New York, 57
- USS Nimitz, 564, 566
- USS Pomfret, 71–73
- USS Seawolf, 79, 82
- USS Sequoia (presidential yacht), 325
- US Supreme Court
- Baker v. Carr, 116
- Brown v. Board of Education, 105
- Citizens United case, 663
- first woman nominated, 315
- Gregg v. Georgia,, 207, 207n
- Plessy v. Ferguson, 105
- Roe v. Wade, 225, 236, 315
- ruling on Julian Bond, 124n
- USS Wyoming, 68
- US Treasury, Blumenthal heads, 291
- Vagelos, Roy, 632
- Valentine, Jean, 623
- Valeri, Donna, 221
- Vance, Cyrus, 200, 290, 291, 335, 361, 368–69, 381, 455, 556
- Camp David Accords and, 392, 400, 401, 405, 406, 408, 409, 412, 413, 415, 417
- China and, 419, 420
- Cuba and, 569
- disobeys an official order, 565
- grain embargo and, 540
- Hungary and, 531
- Iran and, 440–41, 443, 444, 503–4, 507, 510, 511
- Iran hostage crisis, 516, 517, 519, 522, 560, 563, 567
- resignation of, 563, 565, 567
- SALT II and, 435, 534
- Single Text technique and, 399
- Soviet Union and, 533–34
- Young and, 484–85
- vanden Heuvel, William, 212–13, 488–89
- Vaught, James, 563
- Veliotes, Nicholas, 508–9, 607, 607n
- Venezuela, 370n
- Vesco, Robert, 574
- Veterans Administration (VA), 297, 587
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 587
- Vietnam, 368, 368n, 423–24
- Vietnam War, 198, 256, 256n, 261, 290, 360, 432, 443, 503
- JC’s amnesty for draft dodgers, xiin, 255, 256, 296–97, 586
- resettling refugees, “boat people,” 311–12
- Viguerie, Richard, 386
- Villalon, Hector, 558–59
- Vins, Georgi, 359–60
- Vivian, C. T., 115
- Volcker, Paul, 5, 478–81, 554, 586, 595
- Vorster, John, 365
- Voting Rights Act of 1965, 106, 129–30
- Wagner, Carl, 496, 500
- Walden, Phil, 226
- Wałesa, Lech, 601
- Waldheim, Kurt, 522
- Walker, Jerry Jeff, 227, 227n
- Wallace, George, xii, 149, 152, 156, 158, 196, 229, 236–37, 241, 259, 280, 293
- JC and, 156, 168, 213, 234, 236–37, 241, 243, 246, 277, 278
- presidential ambitions, 197, 213, 238, 241
- Wallace, Henry, 68
- Wall Street Journal, 381
- Walters, Barbara, 292, 398, 400
- War and Peace (Tolstoy), 43
- Ward, Horace, 170, 170n
- Warm Springs, Ga., 265
- Warner, Jack, 606
- Warnke, Paul, 200, 529, 534
- Washington, George, 601
- Washington Monthly, 178, 461
- “Kennedy’s Women Problem/Women’s Kennedy Problem,” 552n
- “What Did You Do in the Class War, Daddy?,” 252n
- Washington Post
- “amaretto and cream” story, 344–45
- false Blair House bugging story, 616
- interview with JC’s sister Ruth, 240
- JC and Catoctin Park 10K Race, 487
- JC’s “Pinocchios” in, 230
- JC’s presidency coverage, 344–45
- JC’s presidential race and, 218, 221, 228–29
- JC’s reelection campaign and, 583
- “Killer Rabbit” story, 482
- opposition to JC’s consumer bill, 349, 350
- refuses JC’s request to delay an article, 335
- Scowcroft op-ed, 647
- Washington Star, 332, 582
- Watson, Jack, 135, 287, 288n, 330, 530, 557n
- Watson, Thomas (US envoy), 545
- Watson, Tom (populist), 7, 26–27, 36, 156
- Wayne, John, 293, 379–80, 380n
- Weaver, William, 378
- Weddington, Sarah, 314–15
- Weinberger, Caspar, 498
- Weiss, Howie, 57
- Weizman, Ezer, 392, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 403, 404–5, 407–8, 410, 452
- Weizman, Shaul, 452
- welfare reform, 346, 347–48
- Welles, Orson, 330
- Wesley, John, 146–47
- West, John C., 195
- West Central Georgia Area Planning and Development Commission, 132–33
- Wexler, Anne, 445
- Weyrich, Paul, 272
- “What Did You Do in the Class War, Daddy?” (Fallows), 252n
- Whatley, Andrew, 130
- What’s My Line? (TV show), 221
- whistle-blower protections, x, 350
- White, John, 490
- White, Theodore, 265, 471
- White Citizens’ Council, 110, 114, 161, 162
- Whitehead, Jim, 622
- White House
- atmosphere in, Carter White House, 321
- Carter family rituals, movies at, 322
- Carters entertaining in, 323
- JC’s frugality and, 324–26, 325n
- official china, 324
- overnight stay by Willie Nelson, 323–24
- radios, TVs in, 324
- redecorating, 324
- solar panels on roof of, 1–4
- Truman balcony, 322, 449
- White House Conference on Families, 586
- Whole Earth Catalog, 2
- Why Not the Best? (JC), x, 49, 50, 215, 215n, 239–40, 251
- Wicker, Tom, 335, 464
- Wiesel, Elie, 392n
- Wilkie, Curtis, 279, 584
- Wilkie, Wendell, 247
- Will, George, 506, 590, 590n
- William, J. B., Jr., 72, 78
- Williams, Brian, 664
- Williams, Hosea, 127–28
- Williams, John Bell, 584
- Williams, Miller, 622
- Williams, Roger, 122
- Williams, William A. H., 190
- Wills, Garry, 104
- Wilson, Edith, 309
- Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 27, 279, 285, 567
- Winthrop, John, 23
- Wirthlin, Richard, 469–70
- Wisconsin
- 1976 primary election, 242, 243
- 1980 primary election, 561
- Wise, Bowman, 50, 63
- Wise, Marguerite, 50, 66
- Wise, Phil, 224, 229, 236, 501
- Wise, Sam, 63
- Wise, Thad, 50, 63
- Wishard, B. T., 50
- Witcover, Jules, 218
- Withington, Frederic S., 68
- Wolfe, Tom, 260, 456, 587
- women
- A Call to Action (JC) and, 658–59
- ERA, 225, 552, 577, 586
- federal judgeships and, 5
- JC and Abzug, 432, 444–45
- JC and diversity of federal judges, 313–14
- JC’s appointments, hiring of, 313–15, 348–49, 361
- 1976 presidential campaign and, 225
- Rosalynn and equal pay issue, 310
- Rosalynn and JC’s hiring of, 312–13
- Women’s Air Corps Service Pilots (WASP), 313
- Women’s Wear Daily, 251
- Woodcock, Leonard, 420, 423
- Woodruff, Judy, 168, 302
- Woods, Charles E., 76
- Woodward, Bob, 335
- Woodward Academy, Atlanta, Ga., 645
- Wooten, James, 276
- World War I, 25, 49
- World War II, 50, 51, 58, 59, 60, 66, 79
- Wright, Lawrence, 405
- Wyszynski, Stefan, 359
- Yazdi, Ibrahim, 446, 454, 503–4, 508, 509–10, 513, 514, 515, 516
- Yearwood, Trisha, 668
- Yeats, William Butler, 613
- Yemen, 664
- Young, Andrew, 6, 110, 145, 169, 175, 197, 228, 243, 276, 375, 556, 661
- as Atlanta mayor, 626
- on JC’s inspiration, 637
- Jewish voters and, 484–86
- negative first impression of JC, 115
- PLO and, 484
- resignation of, 485
- as UN ambassador, 6, 364–65, 483, 484
- Yugoslavia, 328, 361
- Zahedi, Ardeshir, 439, 441, 504
- Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad, 525, 631
- Zimmermann, Warren, 446
- Zumwalt, Elmo, 539