Eagle Harbor Inn on Bainbridge Island, Washington, is filled with beautiful containers on every terrace.
Lavender Plants
Goodwin Creek Gardens
PO Box 83
Williams, OR 97544
(800) 846-7359
More than seventy varieties of lavender plants and seeds, plus lavender wands and other products.
High Country Gardens
2902 Rufina St.
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(800) 925-9387
Lavenders plus excellent selection of plants for dry climates and water-saving gardens.
Mountain Valley Growers
38325 Pepperweed Road
Squaw Valley, CA 93675
(559) 338-2775
Order organic plants from the web, wholesale or retail, but they discourage visitors. Many intriguing collections of herb plants, free newsletter.
Nichols Garden Nursery
1190 Old Salem Rd. NE
Albany, OR 97321-4580
(800) 422-3985
Fine catalog for plants and seeds.
Richters Herbs
357 Highway 47
Goodwood, ON L0C 1A0 Canada
(Toronto area)
(905) 640-6677
Catalog for seeds, plants of interesting herbs including plug packs of 12, when you want an herb in quantity for a hedge.
Sandy Mush Herb Nursery
316 Surrett Cove Rd.
Leicester, NC 28748-5517
(828) 683-2014
Send $5 for catalog. A dozen varieties of lavender, plus hundreds of other herbs including scented geraniums—a specialty.
Well-Sweep Herb Farm
205 Mt. Bethel Rd.
Port Murray, NJ 07865
(908) 852-5390
Extensive list of more than sixty hardy and tender varieties, catalog, tours, and lavender craft workshops. Schedule of classes listed online.
Lavender Seeds
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
(877) 564-6697
Nichols Garden Nursery (see page 133)
Renee’s Garden Seeds
6116 Highway 9
Felton, CA 95018
(888) 880-7228
Lavender Farms, Fairs, Festivals, and Special Days
This list is a continuation of those described in chapter 7, and is merely a sampling of all there is to offer in North America. Most of these farms sell dried lavender bundles, buds, oils, and bath and cosmetic products on-site and online.
Matanzas Creek Winery, Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 528-6464
Winery with extensive estate-grown lavender plantings, handmade lavender products, self-guided tours, educational lavender display garden.
Sonoma Lavender Festival, Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 523-4411
Wholesale lavender grower, only open to the public one weekend in June with tours, talks, demos, U-pick, plants, products, cooking, teatime, and more.
Cape Cod Lavender in Massachusetts is one of hundreds of picturesque farms where you can select plants, bunches and lavender products.
The Lavender Fields, Valley Center, CA
(888) 407-1489 or (760) 743-3210
A certified organic farm offers fresh and dried bundles, group tours, workshops, painting classes in the fields, walking the lavender labyrinth, live goats and llamas with shearing for weaving original tapestries. Best times: May and June.
Ali’i Kula Lavender, Maui, HI
(808) 878-3004
In season, daily farm tours, culinary luncheon, garden tea, wreath making demos, photo classes in lavender fields. Reserve in advance. Products and plants for sale.
Valley View Lavender Farm, Buhl, ID
(877) SMELLY1 or (208) 543-4283
Festival on the weekend following July 4th: lavender luncheon, U-Pick, oil distillation, local crafters, demos, and tours.
Cape Cod Lavender Farm, Harwich, MA
(508) 432-8397, check for hours
Amongst the fields of 14,000 lavender plants is an “Enchanted Garden” with a miniature stone castle, plants of the appropriate size, and secret fairy doors that lead wherever imagination takes you. A variety of lavender plants, dried bundles, bulk buds, and products are for sale.
Johnson Hill Farm, Buckland, MA
(413) 625-6439
Two-day festival in late June: workshops, self-guided tour, craft vendors, dove release, walk the lavender labyrinth.
New Mexico
El Rancho de Las Golondrinas, Santa Fe, NM
(505) 471-2261
El Rancho de Las Golondrinas (the ranch of the swallows) is a living history museum situated on 200 acres just south of Santa Fe, celebrating the contributions of Spanish colonial heritage in the New World. The lavender fair takes place on two days in late July. In addition to lavender fields, foods, and presentations, the other museum exhibits are also open.
Ohio Lavender Festival, Streetsboro, OH
(330) 626-3235
DayBreak Lavender Farm between Cleveland and Akron. This celebration of all things lavender includes a novel lavender cook-off with a high profile judge and enticing prizes.
In the background at Jardin du Soleil are the serious rows for harvest, while in the foreground a delightful jumble of plants is arranged around rusty junk.
Hood River Lavender, Odell, OR
(888) LAV-FARM
Lavender Daze Festival mid-July: U-pick certified organic lavender, plants and products, oil distillation, classes and demos, wine tasting, live animals, craft vendors, live music, and food.
West Virginia
La Paix Herb Farm, Alum Bridge, WV
(304) 269-7681
Fair in late June; workshops, demos, walks and talks, lavender cookie contest, live music, gourmet food.
Beach Lane Lavender Farm, River John,
Nova Scotia
(800) 294-9530
Two-day Victorian Lavender Festival in late July: U-pick certified organic lavender, tours, live classical music, sample foods, and products.
Whimsy abounds at Jardin du Soleil and at other farms where you might meet lavender fairies or walk a lavender labyrinth.
Happy Valley Lavender & Herb Farm
Victoria, Vancouver Island
(250) 474-5767
Visit farm and purchase plants, dried bundles, buds, and other products.