


About the Series

Guardians of the Word

Beyond the barrier lies the heart of deception, trapping the world in a repeating cycle of devastation, rebirth, and destruction. For countless cycles, knowledge is destroyed; the words of truth lost to future generations, until one young man – the First King of Cobalt – sacrifices his eternal soul to remain.

He brings lost knowledge forward in time to his ancestors, Dynan and Dain, who are telepathic twin brothers. But they are young and know nothing of who or what they truly are. Time isn’t given to them to learn, for the Gods are weakened and the demon prevails. Unless it is defeated once and for all, evil will remain to rule in domination and terror.

The Guardians of the Word is an 8-book epic fantasy saga that tells the story of Dynan and Dain Telaerin and their ancestor’s long struggle to rid the world of evil.

The Chronicles are Chosen, Myth, Telepath, Legend, Union, Seer, Adept, and King. The Chronicles are: Chosen, Myth, Telepath, Legend, Union, Adept, Seer, and King. Please continue reading for an excerpt from UNION, the Fifth Chronicle: