Chapter Twenty-One

Aryana stood at the front of the chapel, hidden behind a pillar. Sofie and Vendela, the twins who did everything together including being the first in history to share the position of High Priestess, stood before the altar, hands folded before their waists. Who would have thought twins would obtain the position of High Priestess simultaneously?

Definitely strange times. So many things happened over the last few days, it would take her a week to record them all in the archives. She turned into a dragon in front of the Council. A spell was found to turn a dragon back into human form. The Watchers, irate over Viktor’s treatment, barricaded themselves into their village and threatened retaliation. What was next? A Halfling with non-typical coloring who proved to be powerless instead of powerful?

She glanced to Jamie, Thoren and Keara’s adoptive Halfling son. The last time a Halfling possessed his brown hair and gray eyes instead of the typical red hair and green eyes she had been the most powerful Draconi ever born.

At least in the tales.

Jamie bounced in place until Thoren clasped a hand on his leg and Keara whispered into his ear. So far the youngster only showed a penchant for over-activity and getting into trouble. Typical boy behavior.

Her gaze caught on Enar and Lily as they walked to sit next to Thoren and Keara. She overheard Lily was in the early stages of pregnancy, not yet noticeable to others, but judging by the glow on her face others would catch on soon enough.

On the other side of the chapel, hidden behind a pillar similar to hers stood Fafnir, waiting for their mating ceremony to start. Her mate. Her lover. Her friend.

How could she have thought the position of High Priestess to be more important than him? Thinking of Fafnir now, she could not imagine not spending the rest of her life without seeing his twinkling eyes each morning.

To think, at one time she preferred power over love.

What an idiot.

Sofie and Vendela would make a good High Priestess. Or High Priestesses. Unlike Ari, they liked crowds, liked mingling with people, and did not seem swayed by the power boost the position provided.

Where was Fafnir? Aryana peered across the chapel, searching the shadows for her mate, finding nothing but shadows. She sighed and turned back to the attendees.

Alviss sat on the front row next to Annaliese, wrinkles and hair hiding his expression. Ari pressed her lips together in an effort not to chuckle as she remembered the look on his face when Annaliese told him she refused to test for the position of High Priestess. She almost felt sorry for the old male.


Silence rolled over the crowd as Sofie and Vendela raised their hands. As they lowered them, they each stretched a hand to Aryana and Fafnir. Ari stepped from the shadows at the same time as Fafnir.

His lips turned up as his appreciative gaze raked her from head to feet. Then he winked.

Heat splashed into her cheeks, pooled lower, and she returned his wink. A dark blue tunic stretched across his broad shoulders and matched his snug-fitting trousers. Tingles raced across her skin, straight to her core, as she remembered his touch, his embrace.

Why had she ever wanted to live without him?

What a fool she’d been. Good thing she had been given a second chance.

Fafnir held out a hand for her. His warm palm encased hers like an extension of herself, his fingers wrapping around her palm, her heart. She squeezed his hand.

I love you.

I love you, too.


He nodded and they stepped forward, into their new life together.

A word about the author...

By day, Karilyn works in the research department of an oncology clinic. By night, she tells the stories of her imaginary friends. Karilyn and her most wonderful, ever patient husband share their home in the great state of Texas with a partially psycho dog and several colorful fish.